THE CONDOM GLOBE PAGE 0 3D! l LUMBER LIVESTOCK Wo Can Save Money for You on Building Material, Fuel, Eto. ARLINGTON LUMBER COMP'Y This Is Tho Market for Your Livestock CHAIN FUEL IB Equal rights for women as far as the automobile is con csrnedarc made absolutely sure by the light and simple Ford. It's a woman's car uude so by its simplicity of operation. Note the number of women who are driving them. Our irreat factory has produce'! nna-tlv a quarter of a millon Mudol T'. Pricos: Kun-, about, ."0U; Touring Car, $5&0; Town Car, $760 -f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. For particular m-t "Ford Times" an Inter ening autom ibilu magazine, lt'a free from . " Dotroit faerory. Fori Motor Company. 1444 Michigan Ave., Chicago. L.L.Taylor, Condon The Wheatdale Stock Farm A Condon, Oregon. Parman Bros., Owners. JBreedora of Grade and Purebred Percherons, Poland t -China Hogs, Mammoth Bronze Turkeysand Scotch Collies. 4JAII slock Is guaranteed to be strictly high class. Pedigrees furnished with all ', ," ' purebred stock. All communications will ;' - receive prompt attention. The Wheatdale Stock Farm HEWITT & S General Blacksmithing ON We Make a Specialty of Horseshoeing Woodwork and carriage painting. All work fully guaranteed. Mayville Oregon W. S. Farr U. M. Farr E. C Farr -H FARR BROSTl- Meat Market : : Grocery : : Bakery Genera! News;- Arlington. Happenings The Oregon Kurmer a jiuUica tinn of the State Immigration CommiBHion, is juBt oil the vrvva arid copies will be Bupp'ird fr e to anyone interest! d. It is a careful resume of the agricultural situation in Oregon and contains a vast amount of va uable in formation for every farmer. Heartburn la a vmutorof indiireaton. Take a dose of HKRBINC in auch ciu, The pain diaappeara Instantly. The bowel operate apeedily and you fi cl fine, vloroua and cheerful. Price 60c. Sold by Graves ft Van Slype. 0. M. Moore and family have moved to Spray. ARLINGTON NEWS J. I'rown was at IaGrande on business last week, He re turned the Jast of this week. V. II. Reader merchant of Roosevelt transacted business in Arlington this week. Titer la Alware Mr -r fa Ik. CM. - A. J. Smith, a sheepman of Alderdale. was in Arlir gton this week. He says the grass is fine on his range. , Ered Weatherford of Olex was ; in town this week. . I Tub Man Who Neglects When hit condition polnta to kidney trouble takea an un wine ritk. back ache, pain and soreness over the kidneys, nervous or dixxy spells, poor sleep, aie all Symplons that will disappear witn the regular una of Folay Kidneg Pill. They put the kidneyi and bladder in a clean, strong and healthy condition. Red Cross Co. L. A. Ward has moved his family from Olex to this city and ia living in the house recently vacated by G. M. Moore, Wheeting in the lunga Indicates that phlegm is obstructing the air passages, BALLARD'S HOREHOUND 8YRUT loosens the phlegm so that it can be coughed up and ejecetcd. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle Sold by Craves & Van Slype. Don't forget the Carrier Dove basket social on December 12th. Guarding Against croup The best safeguard against croup is bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the house. P. H. Ginn, Middleton. Ca. writes: "My children are very susceptible to croup, easily catch cold. I give them Foley's Honey and Tar Compound nd in every instance they get prompt relief and are soon cured, we keep it at liomd and proven croup. Ked cross KAk J. Es Mulkey of Rock Creek has been continued as lostmast- er there under civil service. Albert Swaneon of the Blalock I country was in town th:'s week! on business mattery The plate health officer was up; from Portland last week. He gave a talk to the people and vaccinated several so Oat they could continue sicing to iciiool. j ( Alwin Jones of Shutler Flat made a business trip to The, Dalles last Saturday. ' ' ', i F. W. White of Willows tran sacted busin(f3 in Arlington this we.-k. ; W. P. West of Rock Creek was here last week. j G. A. Henkel, Sam Lang, Er- nest Taylor and Will Sprague went up to Condon Wednesday to attend court. GEORGETOWN, TEXAS. J. A. K'mbro, says: For several years pat Foley's Honey and Tar Compound has been my houtehhld remedy for all eought, colds, , and lung troubles, it has Riven per manent aelief in a number of rases of obstinate coughs and coldL" Contains no opiateu. Refuse substitutes. . Red Cross Co. Miss Faith Hurt of Olex was in town this week visiting with relatives. A BUSINESS LUXURY y (TIT A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed a jj business necessity; and he who tries to get along without one is at a great dis advantage. j It is not required that a P2!!80-? should have a large bulk of busi ness in order to open an account. Q Pro fessional men, farmers, stockmen, and al so many women, are running check ac- ' counts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the plan, come to us and we will get you started. ARLINGTON NATIONAL . BANK . Childrea take Ballard's aorehound SYRUP willinirlv bprntiHe it t nstr niro. I ' There isn't a better remedy anywhere for childreu'a coughs, hoarencss and 1 bronchitis. It's a good medicine ar.d . easy to take. Price 25c' 50c and $1.00 ! per bottle. Sold by Graves & Van ! Slype. . I The Best Place to Eat Just around the corner from the depot. Peo ple coming in on the Condon branch have plenty of time to get their dinner here before the local leaves for Portland. Short Orders a Specialty Tony Civita, Arlington r f.JLH '' 1 DeeD-seated coukos that resist ordin ary remedies require both external add internal treatment. If you buy a dollar bottleof BALLARD S HOREI10UNDS 8YRUP you get the two remedies you need for the price of one. There is a herrick s RED PEPPER POROUS PLASTER tor the chest, free with each bottle. Sold by Graves ft Van Slype. Chas.- Dodge returned Monday to Portland after visiting friends in this city a few days. Not Bkyonr Help At 87 Sleeg-disturbing bladder weakness, atiffneBS in joints, weak, inactive kidney action and rheumatic pains, are all evidence of kidneyjirouble. Mrs. Mary A. Dean, 46 E. Walnut St., , Trauton, Mass. writes: "1 have passed my 87th birthday, and thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Foley Kidney Pills have proved most beneficial in my case." Red Cross Co. The Finest of jp The Famous RED Fresh and Cured Meats RIBBON Canned Goods of all kinds always Finest of Lunch Goods in Slock V&'f Bread and Pastries Right Prices POOL Prompt Delivery IMPtM'ftW-VT M1- M-a-MKft- BILLIARDS FARMERS' PASTIME Guy Chamness, Proprietor A Ro3pectable'Amusement Hall where you can spend your idle moments LUNCHES "AT ALL HOURS CONFECTIONERY CIGARS Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Lillie of Mayville went to Portland Mon day. Swcllinira of the flesh ctuifivd by in flammation, cold, fractures of the bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheumatism can be relccved by applying ballakd's snow liniment. It should be well ruhhpd In over the carta affected. Its groat healing and penetrating power . . it; 1 eases tne .pain, reducing swelling aim restores natural conditions- Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 por bottle. Sold by Grave8& Van Slype. F. L. Laughrige returned to Arlington Monday. Condon Dray & Transfer Line r. E. HENNET, 1'roprletor Light and Heavy Hauling Hauling Trunks and For wet weather , dry clothes n(f comfort wear Tower's Fish Brand REFLEX SLICKER It it ell you went, or on tel. in a touch and ready aervice coal. Thoroughly watnrproor and arooj at every point !Svtfc Farr Bros, have just re ceived their first car of 17: . $3. AA B your 'WW. detler'a Satisfaction Coaraeteed A. J. Tower Co. This Flour is made from Ore gon hard wheat and makes, light and wholesome bread. A trial will convince that it is a fine Flour. It is milled at The Dalles. Get a sack and see fon yourself it is as advertised. Wasco Warehouse It v. - . illing GO. The Dalles, Or. all Jub'wM'k a specialty. BOSTON byihUj2Ji IJSfS-..c! obws CONDON, Phone No. 10X OREGON