Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, November 21, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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You doubtless appreciate prompt, pains
taking attention to the details of your
This U where We can be of real serrice to you
We give particular attention
to the Business of Farmer
and Stockmen and cordially
invite them to make this
thetr Banking Home, We
have a room at your dispos
al where you can transact
your business with the ut
must privacy.
Condon National Bank...
We are now giving 5 per cent discount for cash on
all purchases of $1 and over. Until November
30th inclusive we will give 50 per cent off regular
prices of our delph-ware Vas,es.
The members of the Arlington School
District held meeting at l.ouy' Hall
Tuesday evening to consider the pro.
position of building a new schoolhouse.
Quite a large crowd attended and the
prospects for anew building are favor
able. It will be at least a six room brick or
concrete building, with the latest school
equipment, routing approximately
$20,000. and will be located near the
tennis courts.
For Sale.
Several firm Buff Orpington
and Blue Andalusian Cockerels
at $1.00 each.
35pd38 Mrs. E. II Hartman.
Notice is hereby given that
after November 30th the 0. K.
Barber Shop will be closed every
Randall & Sea'e, Proprietors.
Hollen & Sons are giving spec
ial prices and special on piano
coupons almost every day. It
will pay you to inquire.
Wm. Bolton left Tuesday
morning for Los Angeles. He
will spend a few weeks there
aid go on to St. Louis to visit
for sometime before going on to
Centerton, Arkansas where Ihe
will spend the winter. Before
leaving he subscribed for the
Farr Bros, will receive their
first carload of White River
Flour next week. This flour 13
made from Oregon hard wheat
and makes light and white bread.
A trial will convince that it is a
fine flour. It is milled in The
Dalles. Get a sack and see for
yourself that it is as advertised.
J. S. Burres bought 185 head
of cattle'last week at Stanfield
and shipped them to Arlington.
While driving them acress coun
try from that place to his heme
ranch he sold the entire lot to
Jack Gibson.
When selecting
insist on the four essentials,
Almost any good coat contains SOME of these.
Those sold at this store assure you of ALL in a
garment made from all-wool fabrics suitable for
this climate.
Don't forget our big sacrifice sale on men's up-to-the-minute,
ready-to-wear suits. Going fast.
The Ed. V. Price fabrics are always the best of the
high class but these are even better, if possible, than
usual. A large variety of beautiful fabrics in the
latest weaves. You know also that the tailoring of
the Ed. V. Price garments cannot be excelled.
Agent for Ed V. Price High Grade Clothes
The school has planted some
trees to improve the appearance
of the grounds. We know they
will be sure to grow. M r. Burns
says they will grow if proper
kinds are planted.
The different rooms are start
ing to standardize their work.
There is no paper on the floor
and the janitor has easier work.
We are using the following
system forstandardization: Gen
eral appearance ami ventilation,
floor, black boards, desks, clonk
room, conduct in classroom nhd
corridors, cleanliness, excused
from class during session,
punctuality, h'ghest average of
satisfactory prepress.
Miss Keizur thinks she hay
the best grade. The 3rd grade
is the best behaved grade in
We have been trying to find
the champion letter writer for
the past three weeks. During
that time Lea plover wrote
twenty eight letters. These
letters are written at home.
"The 5th urade has already
picked out its garden plots and
some have already spaded then
They are planning a I'otatce
club in the spring.
Miss Portwood has made htr
room the prettiest in the school.
We hope the patents will not
forget the entertainment wt
are giving for their benefit next
The 2nd grade program begins
at 1.15, the higher grades at
2.45 P. M.
Every pupil would like his or
her parents to come. The
pupils are planning to send a
gift to the Boys and Girls Aid
Society of Portland for Thanks
The new pupils are: 8Ui grade,
Orvin Tierney, John O'Ruurke
and Dan Rice. 7th grade, June
Lorbin, 3rd grade, Dasiy Bucha
nan, 2nd grade, John Couture
1st grade, John Kennedy. Aldia
Kennedy, Marie Couture.
Merville Moore
Cause for Alarm
Let of appetite or distress after
tint ymptom that should
not b disregarded.
It is not what you eat but what you
digest and assimilate that dot you
Rood. Borne of the strongest, health
lest persons are moderate eaters.
Nothing will cause more trouble than
a disordered stomm-h, and many
people contract serious maladi
through disregard or abuse ol the
We urge all who suffer from Indi-
Cstion, or dyspepsia, to try Keuiil
ypI)si Tablets, with the under
standing that ro will refund the
money paid us without question ol
formality, if after u you are not
perfectly satisfied with results. ,
We recommend Reinll Dyspepsia
Tablets to customers every day, and
have yet to hear of one who has out
teen benefited. Wo believe them to
be without equal. They give prompt
relief, aiding to neutralize acidity,
stimulate flow of gastrio juice,
strencthen the dilutive orgnns, and
thus promote perfect nutrition and
correct unheulthy symptoms. Thre
sijes, 25 cents, 60 cents, and 1.
You can buy Rcxall Dyspepsia Tablet
Id this outrun unity only at Oil stora:
Condon Th pxati Star Oregon
There li a Tlex&I! Store In nearly every town
and city In thm United butt. CnJ and
Creat Britain. There la
I ff Special!! I
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill
each especially designed for the particular 1U
for which it ia recommended,
Thm SUudJ Stmt ar Amarlca'a Graataat,
Drug Stora A
December 8th to 13th, 1913
This will bo a notable event in the
educational history of Oregon.
Farmers' Co-operation will be the
leading topic of a stimulating series of
lectures. The week will bo crowded
with discussions, and demonstrations in
everything that makes for the welfareof
the farmer and home-maker.
Winter Short Course
January 5 to 30, 1914 .
The College has spared no effort to
make this the most complete short
course in its history. A very wide
range of courses will be offered in
General Agriculture, Horticulture,
Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry
Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domestic
Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry,
and Music. Numerous lectures and dis
cussions on FARMERS' CO-OI'ERA-riON,
at home and abroad, will be a
leading feature. Make this a pleasant
and profitable winter outing. No tui
tion. Accommodations reasonable.
Reduced rates on all railroads. For
further information address
H. M. TENNANT, Registrar,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Farmers' Business Courses by Cor
respondence without tuition. 'I'd 33
Have you teen our line up of lloutii g Stove, cut k StoVr, Rang
Stove and Uasuline Stoves? If not it would pay you to visit u and look
thorn over. If you wish to help your favorlt contestant win Ilia piano
wo would say that commencing with Momluy, Nov. 24, and continuing fur
one week, w are going to giv five time vulue in Piano Certificate on
any Stove In our store. Rumombur thi last tin week only. Think it
over. Come In and aee our line-up and wo know we can please you. We
aIo have' daily special which contestant rpecilly should watch and
profit accordingly. Standing of contestant for week ending Nov. 19 i
No 259 $5015,70
291... 5392.25
286 5105.05
2C5. G53GC5
285 6352.00
270 5005.00
280 5399. 05
290 ; 5-154.75
289 1107.55
287 414G.OO
251 4387.75
2U5 442G.85
293.... 4289.90
219.. ..4215.15
252 4395.55
292 . .'. 4550.95
250 4395.65
r Be Careful in Selecting Your
Otherwise you are not likely to set the Crush that just
nft'e ts your particular needs. No two persons have
teeth just alike. You need a
Urush that "fits your mouth"
in size and shape and degree of bristle stillness. Select
the brush exactly suited to your needs, with a satis
faction or money-back guarantee frcm amcrg the big
Variety of Styles-KIenzo Margucrctcand Pearl
only at
The oJLL Store
Graves & Van Slype
For Thanksgiving and Ohrtetmas
.i .
Untrimmed felt hats COc Itcady-to wear hats T.'c Wide velvet ribbon
por yard 10c Ostrich plumes COc boys' winter cap 65c Children'
velvet hat 60c 4'.'-inch chiffon per yd GOc Kn ittcd toque 40c Silk
ticarfg C5c Neck bows 10c Kid mitten 85c j Fancy silks ard satins,
bhaded plumes, velvets, molines, feathers, tieils, gltVcs, mitter.s,
notions and monrning goods at reduced prices, j
Opposite Condon National Bank Bldp.
M-smmvnm aWM
Pendleton, Dec. 5th-6th
Low Round-Trip Fares.'
From AH Stations in Oregon On the
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co
Sale Dates
Dec. 1 to 6
Final '
Re turn limit
! Dec.' 8th
$1,000.00 In Cash Prices
To be given for fhe best Exhibit of Corn grown during 1913 ttt ih e country
tributary to the O-W. K.' & N.
Every Corn Grower should euter his preducts In this control Every
Farmer should attend these shows which are the first of the kin d e, ver giv
en by a Railroad in the Northwest for (he benefit of the ceonlel an I com-
ii-i: Ti.. . l - ... 1 I
inuuiuea hi wig uw h.ji'b. ahk. rariicuiafB or any U-W. It, & N.