THE CONDON GLOBE PAGE 3 1 OCOH0CSOH0CSOH0CSOH0CSOH0CSOH0CSOOO ... rl o 0 o a o o o o g Wc will buy your T? TV g We will sell you rj H g We will trade.... li livU o Bring in your Hogs ML U o ocooooococoicooocoooocco ARLINGTON LUMBER CONIP'Y OOOilOCSOHOCSOHOCSOHOCSOHOCSOHOCSOOO I Equal rights for womenas far as the automobile is con cerncd arc made absolutely sure by the light and simple Ford. It's a woman's car made so by its simplicity of operation. Note the number of women who are driving them. Our itretit factory has produced neaaly quarter of a millim Modul Prices: Hun- about, $500; Touring Cur, $550: Town Car, $750 f. o. b. Detroit with nil equipment. For particular get "Ford Times" -an inter esting an loin jIiiIo magazine. It's free from Detroit facrury. Forii Motor Company. 1444 Michigan Ave.. Chicago. L.L. Taylor, Condon The Wheatdale Stock Farm Condon, Oregon. Parman Bros., Owners. Breeders of Crado and Purebred Percherona, Poland China Hogs, Mammoth Bronzo Turkeysand Scotch Collies. JAII 6tock Is guaranteed to be strictly high class. PedlKroes furnished with all purebred etock. All communications will receive prompt attention. The Wheatdale Stock Farm HEWITT & SON General Blacksmithing .. We Make a Specialty of Horseshoeing . Woodwork and carriage painting. All work fully guaranteed. Mayville Oregon W . S. Farr G. M. Farr E. C. Fair - FARR BROS, - Meat Market u Grocery Bakery The Finest of f The Famous RED Fresh and Cured Meats RIBBON Canned Goods of all kindi ) always Mgj Finest of Lunch Goods in Stock- Ks?? Ureaa ana rasiries Right Prices :: Prompt Delivery BEBBESEBHBIW fiEBSO I POOL BILLIARDS FARMERS' PASTIME Guy Cliamm is! , Proprietor A Respectable Amu semcnt Hall where you can spend yc ur idle moments LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS CONFECTIONERY Condon Dray &. transfer Line r. E. 15ENNE r, F ropnetor Light end Heavy Haulii ig A ulnK Trunks and .all Job work , a Bpa, ialty. uuinuwin, Phone i No. to General News; Arlington Happenings J. J. Portwood left Monday for Canyon City, having been sub poenaed as a witness in a cattle stealing case. Dert Knox left Monday Portland. for Mrs. Kenneth Welshons went to Clem Monday. Lester Wade went to Willow Creek Monday in his auto. I. A. Henderson and wife of Fossil were here Monday on their way to Ashland. D. S. Harris of Olex was in Condon Saturday. Arthur Bosquet and Dan Ward went to Pendleton Saturday. W. C. Brown went to Portland Sunday on business. Quick Htlf I Backset ui Rktsautiui The man or woman who want quirk help from backache and 'rheumatism, will find it in Foleya Kidney Pills. They act so quickly and with such good effect that weak, Inactive kidneys that do not keep the blood clean and free of impu rities, are toned up and strenKhened to healthy vigorous action. Good results follow their use promptly. For sale by the Red Cross drug store. Mrs. Cato Johns left Sunday for La Grande where they will make their future home. Regulate the bowels when they fail to move properly. HERBINE is an admirable bowel regulator. It helps the liver and stomach and restores a fine feeling of strength and buoyancy. Price 60c. Sold by Graves & Van blype T. A. Weinke was a business visitor in Arlington Saturday and Sunday. Frank Wilson of Fossil was taken to Portland Wednesday morning to undergo an operation for appendicitis. George Knox accompanied him. Mrs. Ralph Erwin of Arling ton was in this city Saturday night to attend the basketball game. J. II. Downinar was. up from 'ortland th latter part of last week looking after business in terests He returned, to Port land Sunday. Jas. McKay of Trail Fork will spend the winter in Scotland. He expects to start about December st and return about April 1st via the Panama Cana1. Fossil is to have a water supply of three hundred thouf ar.d gal- Ions for prctecticn epaii it f re. Francis V, Galloway, an attor ney of The Dalles, was here the atter part of last week on legal business. CIGARS W. E. Burko, the new manager of Wade & Wade Co's. store at 0!ex, transacted business in Condon the first of this week- The changeable weather of early fall brings on coughs and colds that have a weakening effect on the system, and mav hecomn chronic. Use Foley's llon- cv and Tar Compound. It has a very soothing effect on the irritated and in flamed air passages, and will help very quickly. It is a well known family medicine that rives results. For sale by the Red Cross drug store. D. R. Parker went to Arling ton Saturday. Riih a nnrp throat with BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. One or two ap- nlications will cure it completely Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle Sold by Graves & Van Slype's. Wm. Shea went to Gwendolen Sunday to start work for Ned I lowland. Henrv A. Johnston, a business man of L'Anse. Mich., writes: For years, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs and colds has been our family m dicine. We (rive it to our children, lil. It nn acenllnt nf it Ille&Sant miiu iinu iv v.. ..t - - i taste. It is a safe cure for coughs and colds." it contains no opiates. For sale by the Red Cross Co, Emmet Smith went to Hepp ner Sunday. Irregular bowel movements lead to chronic constipation and a constipated habit tills the system with impurities. HERBINE i a great bowel regulator. It nitrifies the svstem. vitalzes the blood and puts the digestive organs -in fine vigorous condition, Price 50c. Sold by Graves & Van Slype. Henry Wilkins was up from Clem the first of the week. Put a porous plaster on the chest ard taWa a pood couch svrup internully if you would treat a severe case of sore lungs properly. Get the dollar size BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYKur. With each bottle there is a free HER- RICK'S RED PEPPER POROUS PLASTER f oi the chest. Sold by Graves & VanSlype. Sheriff Montague spent sever al days the first of the week on business in the northern part of the county. B. L. Wilson of Clem was in Condon Tuesday gettirg some dental work done. Mrs. Geo. Welshons left the first of the week for Canyon City. having been subpoenaed as a witness in a cattle stealing case there. T. T. Liilie shipped a carload of hogs to Portland Tuesday. He had eighty eight that averaged i80 pounds each. J. A. Randall went to Arling ton Tuesday to see his brother-in- law. Frank Stricklin, who passed through there on his way from Filer. Idaho to Los Angeles where he will spend the winter. Mrs. H. A. Hartshorn went to Arlington Sunday to meet her mother and brother, Mrs. T. N. Brown and son, Lym3n, of Al bert Lea, Minn. ARLINGTON NEWS , M. and Mrs. G. W. Town are here visiting at the Low home. Mrs. Malcolm Irvine of North Powder is here visiting relatives and friends. II. C. Lewis of Spokane was here this week looking after his interests. He has traded off his place near Cecil better known as the Frank Marvel place. J. A. Berney of Troutdale was in Arlington last week. Jim Luginbuhl of Roosevelt was in Arlington this week doing some trading. One of the McEntire Bros. sheepmen of Cecil, was in town this week doing some trading. Geo. S. Smith returned this week from his trip up in Montana and he claims to have killed one deer while there. Mrs. H. M. Cox and two daughters returned Saturday from an extendad trip in theval ley visiting relatives and friends. Clyde Rutherford of Chehalis bought the L. C. Montague place on Shuttler Flat last week and has taken possession, G. R. Moorhead went cut to Rock Creek last Sunday after noon and held services. Mrs Jennie Beardsley wlo has been at Clem for some time has returned to Arlington to spend the winter. AFTER SICKNESS OB ins s 'Tin .- - I 3g It is a pathetic mistake fn ncceht drum or alco holic mixtures when nature craves nourishment to repair the wasted body end restore the vigor of health. For forty years the beet phy sicians have relied on the whole some predigested nourishment in Scott's Emulsion which is totally free from alcohol or opiates. Scott's Emulsion sharpens the appetite renews blood nourishes nerves strengthens bones and restores the courage of health to make life bright Scott's Emnhion sett is actios the very forces that promote bcakk; it is pore, rich strength. w-so A BUSINESS LUXURY Stop coughing! you rack the lungs and worry the body. BALLAKl) a HOREHOUND SYRUP ahecks irrita tion, heals the lungs ana restoren comfortable breathing. Price 25 and 50c and $1.00 per bottle Sold by Graves & Van Slype's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Breslin left Sunday for Heppner where they will remain at least during the winter. The Globe will follow them to keep them.' informed of Gilliam county news. D1 A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed a Hi business necessity; and he who tries to get along without one is at a great dis advantage. I It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of busi- ness in order to open an account. S Pro fessional men, farmers, stockmen, and al so many women, are running check ac counts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the plan, come to us and we will get yon started. ARLINGTON NATIONAL .BANK. must You Be Bald? What have you done to atop your hair from falling? Have you tried Rexall "9 J" Hair Tonic? If not, wo want you to try It at our risk. If vou have dandruff: if your hair is falling out and your scalp is not tea i filas i-ot OREGON Geo. Blake of Portland was in Condon Monday attending to business interests. He went to Arlington Tuesday to hunt geese, Han-KDiiif Wo'mca ntti Held and Strength The work of a home-keeping woman makes a constant call in her strength Hnd vitality, and sickness comes thru her kidneys and bladder oftener than she knows. Foley Kidney Pills will in vigorate and restore her, and weak back, nervousness, aching joints and irregular bladder action will all disap pear when Foley Kidney Pills are used. For sale by the Red Cross Drug Co. ... .Kin., il t'nn ii.A Rnull i wm i. mi... , i . -.. II.. Tnnin nff til HirMY- tions for thirty days, and at the end OI miu iwm yuu wo uut satisfied -with the results and will tell us so, we will immediately hand back your money. We won't ask you to question you. We will take your mere word and return your mouey. Doesn't it stand to reason that Rexall '-03" Hair Touio must be a minhty good remedy and have given great satisfaction to our customers if we endorse it like this? We know of no similar remedy that is as good. It is because of what Ueiall "93" Hair Tonio has done for others that we back it with our own money. Why euffor scalp and hair trouble or be bald, when Rexall "93" Hair Tonio will remove dandruff, make your scalp comfortablo and healthy, promote hair growth and tend to ' prevent baldness when we will pay for the trcatmeut should it foil to please you? I We don't oblignto you to any thing. Vou simply huy the treat ment; use it, aud if not pleased, come hack to us empty-handed und we will hand back what you paid us. Two "uses. 50c, and $1.00 a bottle. , You can buy Rexall "93" Ha;r Tenia In ifiis eommuuity ouiy at our store: GRAVES & VAN SLYPE. Condon Th 2k2? iun Oregon The Best Place to Eat Just around the corner from the depot. Peo ple coming in on the Condon branch have ' plenty of timeto get their dinner here before the local leaves for Portland. Short Orders a Specialty Tony Civita, Arlington There to a Retail Stow in nearly every town and city In the United States, Canada and tireat Britain. There is a different KexaU Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill each especially designed for the particular Ul for which it is reeommendod. The Rexall Store are America' Creates. f f Drug Stone f; R I Branch House at Condon B All Kindt ef Marble aid Granite W DeStatuarr Work and 'BaTel Duty .Work Shirred toAny r.rtef tt Ccnntrjr AH'.Work Don br Electricity The Dalles Marble and Granite Works L. C0MINI, Proprietor. Designer, Manufacturer, Importer : Patronize Home Industry Monument Work Specialty