' Parslsteney, Oonalstanoy, Inslstonoy When Properly Mjxedjfl ake Effeothw J!!!j!lJ?jafJL.- Jiyg YoM Thre Eemenis tn Your9? 1M Condon Globe Gilliam County With Cheap Land-, An Excellent Climate ami Good School SyaUra Thta County 0(Tor a Great Op portunity to All llomcaeekori If Always Ready and Willing to Answer Any Communication in Regard to Gilliam County and Will Furnish Information Gratis GILLIAM COUNTY'S LEADING HOME PAPER : VOL. 21 7 CONDON, OREGON FRIDAY, NOV. 21 191X N0.35 CIRCUIT COURT WILL CONVENE DECEMBER 1ST Docket for This Term Is Unusually Large; Many Criminal Cases; Jury List as Empaneled. Circuit court will convene in Condon on Monday, December 1st, with Judge D. H. Parker on the bench. The docket for this term is an unusually large one but many cases will probably be continued. dismissed and settled. Five or six criminal cases will come up at this session. Following is the jury list which has been drawn for the Decem ber term of court. R C Leghorn, J A Richmond, J S Boyer, Jake Larch, J N Brown, J N Nelson.J U Ashenfelter.John Billingsley, F M Crawford, Z A Ebbert, J T Fagan, E T Earns worth, C C ClarK, C L Owsley, Fred Bishop, J A Morgan, J T Nelson. Frank Rogers, Matthew Chambers, Leverett Ebi, K A Stinchfield. W R Roberts. C P Edwards, N M McKinney, J E Mulkey.Chaa Pcugh.John Brown F B Moore.I C Orwick. 0 E Fink J II Montague. The Globe wants ail the news. CONDENSED NEWS OF LOCAL INTEREST IntereUng Happening! About the People You Know. Otis Campbell went to Arling ton Tuesday to hunt geese, Merle Rippey of May ville went to Portland Monday to undergo an operation for appendicitis. W. L. Holloa won the fine Stevens shotgun that was raffled at Ernst's pastime. Jas. Cameron has returned from Bonrr.e, Ore cn where he crazed his sheep during the Bummer. County Superintendent Slur gill went to Arlington Tuesday on business connected with the schools there. Loren Kennedy returned Tues day evening from Wbitcomb, Wn. where he has been working with a surveying party. He will remain at home long enough to eat Thanksgiving dinner with the folks. ORPHANS TO EAT GEESE Quite a number of hunters from Portland wiH be in Arlington next week. They are doing this with two objects in view. Aside from the pleas ure they will have, they will do muph good as all geese killed will be given to the orphans home in Portland. PLENTY OF WORK THESE DAYS AT CLERK'S OFFICE County Clerk Laughrige is a busy man these days. Three terms of court coming close to gether with a new order of busi ness and the change to a uniform system make a great deal of ex tra work. However Mr. Laugh rige ia keeping all the work up in good shape. F. Wodtley shipped a car of cattle to Portland yesterday. SCOTCH CONCERTS WILL BE EXCELLENT The Scotch concerts which will be given in the American Thea tre in this city on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 28th and 29th, will be among the finest events of the year in Condon. Those who have heard Mrs. Rose Reed in her wonderful contralto solos and Jock Coleman in his comic specialties speak very highly of their ability. Pipe-Major Mac donald and several Highland dancers will also be here and in addition to the concerts a dance will be held each night. Satisfactory Service at Pott Office Postmaster McMorris reports that the parcels post business is increasing steadily. General satisfaction is being expressed with Mr. McMorris' work in the office, both in the handling of mails and the courtesy extended to all patrons. ENJOYABLE PARTY AT LITTLE HOME Many Guests Partake of Hospital ity; Music and Refreshments. Seventy-five guests gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little in Mikkalo last Saturday night and enjoyed themselves heartily until a late hcur. The rooms were beauti fully decorated with chrysan themums and autumn leaves, All enjoyed the music furnished by Mrs. D. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Babcock, Miss Agnes little, Will Christenson, Frank Lewis, W. A. West, Delicious refresh ments were served, Mrs. Little being assisted l y the Misses Hurt and Ebbert, and Mes- dames May Piper. Frank Lewis and D. Avery. Wm. Kupert of Pendleton was here Wednesday and purchased sixteen of ; Gilliam county's fine mules. He operates a large farm near Pendleton and bought the mules to be used there. NOMAD IS RICH FOR SHORT TIME ONLY Last week In Arlington a hobo and a sheephcrder imbibed a little too freely and arriving at the confidential stage, went down to the river bank to rumin ate on the general cussedness of the world. While there the sheeoherde again became thirsty and, giving the hobo his coat, told him to go up town and get another bottle of whiskey. In the coat was $165, , all of the sheep herder's money, andtbe hobo, knowing this, thought it a good time to make his getaway. He stole a boat, started cross the river and landed on an island, Thinking that it was the Washington shore, he pushed the boat back into the river, curled up under a sagebush and went to Bleep. When he awakened in the morning and found he was on an is land his thoughts may be imagined but his expressions might better be left un said. At any rate he had plenty of good cold water. The sheepherder discover ed the hobo across on the island, got another boat and went after him. When they got back to Arlington the sheepherder bought the hobo a ticket in one direction on the 0. W. R. & N. and tone for himself in the opposite direction. W. R. Tate shipped a carload of hogs Monday to the Portland market. There were eighty in the car. Ben Glenn shipped a carload of hogs Sunday to the Portland market. FARMERS PUTTING IN MUCH HOG FENCE WILL RAISE MANY HOGAT SMALL EXPENSE R. M. Roger has been buy. ng large amounts of the Pitts burgh Perfect hog fence from Iollen and Sons for use on his ranch in Ferry Canyon. Oscar Maley is putting in four miles of this hog fence on his place and intends to keep about 200 hogs each year. He will run them on his winter wheat until it is ready i to joint when they will be moved I CONDON SEES GREAT PLAY rhe Wolf" which was pre sented in the American Theatre Tuesday night by J no. J. Hoi- and was the best play which has been given in Condon for many years, me stage wa3 too small for some of the scenery but this was not noticed. The actors are j finished and realistic in their parts and the story presented so' true to life was exceedingly in- teresting. CUPID IS BUSY IN Frank Clark - Adeline Irvine Frank Clark and Miss Adeline Irvine were united in marriage at the Oregon Hotel in this citW ast Saturday evening, Novem ber 15th, Rev. R M. Jones of ficiating. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are residents of Arlington and will make their home there. Ned Howland was a Gwendolen passenger Wednesday morning. Arthur Foster went to Port land Wednesday where he ex pects to spend the winter. Edgar Donnelly left Tnesday morning for Portland to remain during the winter months. AMERICAN THEATRE, Friday and Saturday, - JOCK THE SCOTCH COMEDIAN is back again after a very successful vaudeville en gagement in San Francisco, and will present his new repertoire of SCOTCH CHARACTER SONGS He will be rs. Rose Portland's Brilliant Contralto Miss Roben, of Portland Piano Soloist and Accompanist Pipe-Major Macdonald Admission 75o - Reserved Seals, $1.00 Dance immediately afh r each Conceit - Gentlemen $1., Ladies Free Seats on sale (Jay o.f concert at Jackson's Confectionery to a rye pasture until the crop is harvested. Then he will turn them on the stubble to pick up all shattered grain. Mr. Rogers will have two miles of this fence in all and operate the tarce as Mr. Maley with the exception that his hog pasture will be of wheat instead of rye. He also will keep about 200 hogs IS BUSY ON SCHOOL FAIRS N. C. Maris, a prominent work er along educational line?, was in Condcn Monday evening to confer with Superinlendent joturgill in regard to the school lairs in uiuiam county nexi year. Mr. Maris is taking this work up early all over the state o that next year's school fairs will be very successful. He wil return soon to take up this work i . here. , GILLIAM COUNTY Roy Davis - Rulh High Roy Davis and Miss Ruth High pjt Gooseberry were married on Sunday,' Novembor 16th, at the home of Jack Flelt. Geo. Tatom Justice of the Peace, performed the ceremony. J. L. Brace of Olex was Condon Monday on business. in Mike Foley went Tuesday. to Gwendolen Kenneth Welshons went Olex Monday on business. to Jack Cougar of Arlington was here Saturday night to attend the basketball game. CONDON, OREGON November 28th and 29th ably assisted by Coursen-Reed and Highland Dancers JUNE GRAND JURY TO CONVENE EARLY The grand jury which served at the June term of circuit court will again be subpoenaed to con vene on November 28th. The grand jarors are H. Greenfield, D. Cantwell, L. L. Montague, J. G. IIoMos, Earl Myers, G. M. Blakely and IL C. Ochse. It is Judge Parker's idea that thu grand jury be subpoenaed to convene before circuit couitthat it may pass on the cases and make returns so that when court convenes there will be no delay and in that way save both time and money for the taxpayers. Weed Buys Parman's Law Library J. D. Weed, who recently pass ed the state car examination, has purchased G. W. Parman'f law library. There are 474 vol umes in this library and when Mr. Weed starts practice ic will be with a first class office equip ment. ARLINGTON WINS BASKETBALL GAME Local Team Is Defeated by Score of 35 to 19; Line-Dp. The Gilliam County high school basketball team met the Arling ton high 8Chcol team in the skat intrrink last Saturday night and wag defeated by the score of 35 to 19. In spite of the score the game was hotly contested and interesting to the spectators from start to finish. The first half was close but the Arlington team secured its lead iu the last half, -being decidedly more accu rate in locating the baskets. Following is the line up. Stephens c Claud Wristen g Irby g Wilson f Clyde Wristen f Schott Brown Sharp Duthie Kennedy Snell A return game will be played in Arlington tomorrow night. Wilson was Arlington's star play er. Ralph Erwin, coach of the visitors, refereedthe game. SUNDAY SEVICES AT CONDON CHURCHES Congregational Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. Di vine service at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Pastor R. M. Jones will preach both morning and evening Special music m the evening. Mornina theme-The Conver sion of Children. Junior Endeavor at 3:00 p. m. All are welcome to the services. There will be a religious ser vice Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 27th. TURKEY SHOOT AT BLAL0CK . There is to be a turkey Bhoot at Bla- lock tomorrow under the direction of R.R.Harford. A bronco busting con test will be held at 2.30. Long John, I horse owned by Wash McKinney, will be ridden. There will be two dances in the evening, one at the dryer and one at the hotel. The M. E. church at Olex has been newly papered and painted and services will be held there on November 23rd by Rev. G. R. Moorhead. Get Your Thanksgiving Turkey One dozen Mammoth Bronze turkeys for sale. Fine, fat, voiinc fowls just right for Thanksgiving dinner. Call on, Y ortland Wednesday morning by or address, II. F. Downer, Con-, the Farmers' Union Warehouse don. . -Co. ' STREET WORK TOBE FINISHED NEXT SUMMER Contractors Must Furnish Bond as Surety that the Work Will Be Completed; Other Council News. The city council held a f pecial session Tuesday night to listen to City Engineer Mrris report on the street paving. All coun cilmen were present except Campbell. It was decided that work on the pavement should be stopped until next spring, that the bonds be turned over to Heinecke Bros, and that the work done so far be accepted, provid ing that Heinecke Bros, give the city a bond in the amount of 13000. that the paving will be finished according to specifica tions in the spring cr not later than August 1st, This will be an advantage because it. will give the pavement a thorough trial during the winter and should there be any flaws they will show up and be fixed when the "work is completed next year. C. N. Laughrige was sworn in as councilman and appointed as a member of the street com mittee. The council adjourned subject to the mayor's call. FOR LOCAL SCHOOL Can Get Pig From Portland Stock Yards by Keeping Record. Every city and country .school in Oregon and Washington that wants a pig can have one with the compliments of the Portland Union Stock Yards. The only condition attaching to the gift pigs will be a requirement that each school accepting one keep an accurate record of the kind, quantity and cost of the food that is given it. This will be for the purpose of determining the cost of feeding and preparing a pig for market. It is expected that the pigs will be sold when they reach a marketable size. The stock yards will buy them back at the market price and the schools can use the money as they choose; Stockyards officials expect the'boys and girls of the various schools to compete for the distinction of making the most money out of their pork stock. WEEK'S DEALS IN DfRT Dora J. Ranous to Arthur Madden. 240 acres, $3700. Nita Nadden et vir to Dora J. Ranous, 2 lots in Condon, $1100. Frank Bennett went to land yesterday. Port- WHEAT CITY SHIPS GRAIN DURING THE PAST WEEK, The Arlington Lumber Co. shipped a car of wheat "Tuesday to Portland. A car of barldy was shipped Saturday by the P. C. E. Co. The I. W. Co. shipped a car of wheat Sunday. A car of wheat was sKipped to