Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, September 12, 1913, Image 1

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    Advertising is the yeast that 'raises your sates but like yeast it must contain the proper compounds
Th lrgitIlechei homeiln every,
iertlon of Gilliam County
Wheat-Club 69, Forty-Fold 70,
Bluestem 72. Barley $21
VOL. 21
Some months ago II. A. Tnies
' ten, at that time county judge,
aw fit to style liimxulf as the
"burglar alarm" becaune he had
refused to pay the Globe's bill
for services rendered as official
piper. At that time he was
asked through theso columns
where the'burglaialarm'wns and
why it failed to register when
the contract was let for a bridge
across the John Day. Thin quetu
tion was never answered. It
now transpires that there was a
good reason why that question
was not answered. This bri' e
deal was one of the greatest
fiascos ever pulled off in this J
county. In January one Eber
hard, who called himself the'
Atlas Construction Co., was
' Riven the contract by this county I
to erect a bridge across the John I
Day River. This contract was
signed by II. A. Thiosson and!
M. E. Weatherford, a county!
commissioner stil'. Eberhard es
tirmtod that the cost of the ma
terial for this bridge would be
14400 and he was given a war
rant for this amount on a road
due bill issued by Roadmaster
McCaleb. One half of this has
been repaid to Gilliam by Sher
man county. Eberhard was to
get $1200 more when the bndge
was completed which according
to the contract was to have been
done by April 1st. Prior to that
time Eberhard asked for an ex
tension on his contract and this
.was granted by Thiessen and
this released Eberliard's bonds
men from any liability in the
, The material for the bridge
has been shipped to the railroad
point nearest to the site but be
yond this nothing has been done.
All of this material, including
freight charges, amounts to
$2304 40 and still Eberhard was
given a warrant for $4100. for
material. This little experience
has cost Gilliam county $1000.
and Sherman 41000. although it
is Baid that Sherman can recov
er this from Gilliam. Eberhard
or the AUhs Construction Co,
cannot be found. The county
has 2300 worth of material for
which Thiessen and Weather
ford paid $4100. They were too
busy cutting down honest bills
to give anyattention to a little
item like a bridge across the
John Day. Mistakes like this at
$1000 per do not indicate anyj
ability or desire to safeguard
the interests of the taxpayers.
Cupid's Business Thriving
Four More Couples Joined
On Saturday evening. Sept. 6,
the wedding of Miss Susan
Steiwer to Lester Rinehart took
place at the Steiwer . home in
Fossil. Th ceremony was per
formed ly the Rev. Jones of
Condon who read the impressive
Congregational service. After
the ceremony refreshments were
served and the bride and bride
groom were then taken in an
auto to Arlington. They will
live at' Fossil after returning
from their honeymoon.
" France-Bunch
Wilbur K. France and Miss
Ella F. Bunch Were united in
marriage Wednesday morning
at the Oregon Hotel by Justice
Hollen. Both are well known
residents of the Rock Creek
neighborhood and they will live
Wallmao Dane wood
On September 7th Edward E.
Walt man and Miss Emily Lucina
Danewood were married at the
Summit Hotel in Condon, the
Rev. ft. M. Jones conducting
the marriage ceremony. The
future home of the happy young
couple will be in Lane county.
R. P. Jones and Carrie J.
Newman, two well known Gil
liam county people, were united
in marriage at Kalispel, Monta
na on Sept. 8, 1913.
IntawMlUv Hap
I Hi
F. Leo shipped one car of
cattle to Portland Monday.
Jus. Dunn left Monday
Rev. Jones went to Portland
Monday to spend the week with
his family.
Dr. Wilhelm reports the birth
of a 10 pound daughter to the
wifrt of E. J. McPherson of
Mikkalo on Sept. 10th.
Mr and Mrs. P. N. Bennett
left Saturday for Washington
where they expect to remain.
Mabel A. Pittman wishes to
announce that the" opening of
her fine stock of fall millinery
will be held tomorrow and she
cordially invites all the ladies to
attend. The vely latest crea
tions in millinery will be on
hand for inspection.
Trade your farm or your stock or
anything of valu for a good
Hotel business in a thriving
town. Building ground and fur
nishings valued at about $6,500.
Must have some cash. Write,
phone or call on F. E. Edwards
& Companv, Condon, Ore. 21tf
ome Folks
Chroaoloty Their
IMn The Past Wnk.
Mrs. Wood and Jack left
Wednesday for Portland.
S. C Potter went to Vancou
ver Monday. With Mrs. Pettet
he exDects to leave there for
New York about Sept. 15th,
Miss Ruby Mayer returned to
Portland Saturday after visiting
relatives and friends here.
Mrs. J. F. Reisaober left Mon
day for Portland.
''Fred Baker returned Saturday
from Pendleton and is again run
ning the Knox auto 6tage.
Grant Robertson of Portland
visited here this week with his
brother, O. B. Robertson.
County Superintendent Stur
gill visited the Lonerock schools
the latter part of last week.
Dr. Wilhelm reports a girl
born Friday, Sept. 12, to Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Beardsley.
J. II. Delph and wife left on
Monday for their former home
in Missouri. They expect to
remain there.
G. II. Knox went to Portland
Monday to get repairs for his
A. S. Rice went to Gwendolen
John Knox went to Arlington
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
are at Pendleton.
Collie dog answering the name
of "Pat." Was licensed by the
City of Condon and the number
of the license tag on his collar is
87. f5 will be given for his re
turn or for information leading
to his recovery. Return to the
Globe. 25tf
Miss Julia Burns who has
taught in the Gilliam county
county schools for the past three
years has been engaged as the
teacher of the fifth grade at the
Lents school in Portland. She
left Wednesday accompanied by
her brother, Jas., who will re
turn in a few days.
. Wade & Wade Co. to John C.
Meyers 2 lots in Clem.
Emma Danewood to Thos. G.
Stull 2 lots in Clem.
Thos. G. Stull to Ora Cimmi
yotti 2 lots in Clem.
P.L. Ham and wife to Andrew
Neel 80 acres $400.
Interior Whse Co. to T. G.
Johnson part lot in Condon.
David Hardie and wife to
Adam Smith 20 acres $300.
Charley Bedsaul to R.G. Jones
1 lot in Lonerock f 1000.
- R. G. Robinson and wife to C.
D. Robinson 3 lots in Lonerock.
Patents were issued as follows:
United States to Harriet J. Neel
154.59 acres; to Andrew Neel
1C0 acres; to Fred M. Velle
169 94 acrei V ,
Congregational CWck
Services will be held in the
Congregational church ext Sun
day morning and evening.
Come. Sunday School " at
10 a m, preaching at 11 a m and
8.00 pm. Pastor R. M. Jones
will preach at both services.
Morning topic - "The Angels
Called to Worship the Babe."
All are welcome.
J. j. Portwood and son, Hal,
left Tuesday to take in the
Round up.
H. E Mikkalo was up from
Mikkalo Wednesday.
Hubert Magee is working in a
warehouse at Gwendolen.
colon fnr wmt premtuma. Tb mkntftnont if not bound to tM.iihftt a enrly u poeuiMe. Aoy article or atand Ht in tha
mv eaili itrvmtuuii if do no U avftilithU. huil'hnn or on tli grounds after the ciuaa of the exhibition will
No prise ribbon ean be ud to dwunto .lock. U mt h "sk ilj0 0'- J- M"-":vV'iV'"T
NnlnteHeronr with the iudM durina thrir ediudieatwi wW .rtruVr" Pin ,i iiwuon mum not i removed until tne
Class 8. Grade Belgian
1. II you have enlrtca to make, attend to them at once, and
when yotir etnek ami articlre Are enlerrd to it that they are
on time and in Iacw (or examination by the committee,
I. Take no rumor In rrpard tn the bumnesa of the fair. If
yuu do not know whnt to tin, inquire of thfwe who duty it U
to toil you. Omvhntf of the dinioititment ami trouhleat the
fair ie oeciiioud bv rvlvlnt on henrwiv. Attend to ynur huei-
n.e yuuravlf. H It ia U-m wniiii, yuu will know where the be allowvd to oompete lor a premium
Colt ahown with aulliona for aweriwtuke premiums are nnt
I If ynu are a autvrintrndent or committeeman, report at miuirod to be pure bred, nor necnuriiy the proiwrty of 'the
the eneretjiry'a oftim at 6 n'ckwk p. in. Trniitt your btiumwi exhibitor. i
before UnitiK anylhin elt. I he pu ' will tw bwor pleaMMH
1 allowed, and pmo. doing m U I.fll th. ridtt U tn- Tjllk,n T by 'n,ua"", 01 I"""" . wild.b femJ..'
6. One-year-old, male or fermUe..
... . . ... ... Mwyir-uiu. ,
AbbreviaUona in iiat: B. II. (blue ribbon); R. R. (red ribbon). .,","n ,imn"r mn? 01 -T'l- i?5! . hrT' Colt, nder nionths. . .
Class 9. Standard Burn T a otter
and the buiuea of the fuir will t'ii'iilW w'b trcutir sattifao-
4. fU"u the rulr. and by example, at liwut, aiat in enforcing
them; but don't forgi thnt miatrikm will oncur where tinm
en m In ol ieoplo are mgii(nlt. Mm bowd will endtvur to
da justice to all.
6. Road the programme. If the si iperin ton dents and coin
The fulr crnunds will be open for the reception of all articles
lirwt Ani m luifaipu llin is.ii,mi.inMilii.iil nf tint fnip utlll t hnv niKV
tniiiMMiiiKti nre miL alwnva rutdv at the hour, kopu vmir stock bealiiouod in cure of tlte aecrtrtarv: but in tiocwHC will surh nrti-
and articles e here you can oumumiid them at any timo. rlea im bmuglit into the mmla end planed on exhibition excupt
by and at the exixmee of the ownor or his nuthoriiiMi aKcnt.
uteJli may vc wn iirtxt by partlua wno nave msiie tncir em nc
ami have (wud their entnince fe within the time proscribed fir
mukinx pntrii. and animals nhiill not lo tokru by othr exhibi
tore into stH so nwrvrnl in the space stt Hrtrt for surh cltuu.
No aiiintal or article deemed unworthy almll be awurded a
premium, but if the unimal or article ia not worthy a tint pre
mium it mny be anrdcd the second premium.
iso iimnmi or article will he aiioweu to compete lor more man
on the grounds for exhibition purpoacs, tho same need not be
recoamsea by the AanoriAtion. i Stallion
r.imrtitnrs tn the arena must be circful to have the entry I. Mare
cant in a conspicuous plttee on the animal, that the committee 3. Mare, with foal by side
No animal which ham not Iteen owned and keot In either of may Ite facilitated tlivrebv in ma U tin awards. 4. Stallion, and st of 5 colts
the three cmmtite at leaat tKl days prior to the lime of entry i.aU The judrea will in no cni award a premium where there is ! Two--wir-old, male or female
no merit, and in cam there is but fit article or animal exhibited 5" -year-olu, male or lemaie
in a dtvthiou or claw, they will award only one premium in a VoU undw ra011"
diiaion-the hishest or second prrmium. as may lie proiter.
rrircs of admission: Adults, 50 cents; season, 11.00; children
5Sfe'Mi itA i t. , - i Mwuhfta;::;:::::::::::::::::
y Condon, Oregon
Or from ny of tho Diracton
15 0")
4 W
5 00
10 00
4 00
3 00
2 00
In CUm IS ench turn shall l tho properly for nt lwut M dnyi
prior to tiitry of th party exhibiting.
4 Of)
4 00
4 00
s oo
3 00
The enrl iiorviion of the ijroumli nml entire eihibitlnn.
Class 1. CivDcacvn
Two-voftr-old. nude or female.
6. Ctne--eArKld, male or female
6. Colt, under 9 months
Clam 11. 'Coach
I. Slallion M 00
3. Mara 4 09
3. Mare, with foal by side . . . 5 00
4. Stallion, and lot of 5 win 10 00
6. Tro-yearrld, male or female. 4 00
d. One-year-old, male or female 3 00
7. Colt, under months i 00
Cuss 12. Gradi Coach
1. Mare 4 00
S. Mare, with foal by side 5 00
3. tieldint.,
4. Two-year-old, male or female 4 00
4 00
pote. tmU...nm; 0 j Ihesatnecla-.
ntiniwu infill mi' inir ij..,f if i. , . i ,l . .,:
If it ia ascertained that an animal la entered in a diiaion or
Ftrat Jretwaf
Sin article or nliimul ahull Iw wlthll
tho olow of tho fair, by aiaiciul ponuit of the oxoculive ..." , " ' " " ., i,i... ;. i. .i,r.i... r .1.. S. Mare, with foal lv side
OomitlitteO. .,.,.rii,leml.,nt In ii.v.lial nrl. If hv mUlake. to mrm-t: Stallion, and et of i Colla
otherwise, thoniiiiuiiluwureiiu'tructed mil loawardapremiiiiii. 1 wo-year-ild, male or fumalo....
No stork will lie permitted lo enter the arena unleas umler the ,"r'""v
halter, and In care of a groom. Cattle exhibited in pens exempt -lt, under months
The anneriiitenilenu shall have tihartra of tho aevernl donart-
menu. They shall sea that all artlolia on extiitniinn are care
fully preserved, and perform sueh oilier diltiea as tho executive "" ,'.;," 1
oumniittee shall decide. arnlifl fn'
....IIS 00
4 Oil
.... SOU
.... 10 (
.... 4 00
.... son
.... 300
Class 1. Gradc Clvdmdali
kt.. I- I r . nr I- M.,t. II
i- 7:.,. i i: . 'i. .ii .,!.i'.-.. 1. Mnre 4 Oft "O eniiueu lo any premiums mr oreeouia .ii.-r. nit itwuin y - -: ... . , , : , ; 1U1
bNlKU'.r. enterwl fur sale und nut for premiums, shall pay 10 cents for eai'h ''h foal by side 5 00
hir,l ....lrar.1 . (wWllW.... 4 00
.-i u-ll 1.. ia un. t fl. nMmtn In .1,. .la.. In All rlr ill Learns til he slinwn in harnees and hitched to wnaon.
which the entry Is made. Children under 10 years of age malt- No sweepstakes allowed w here there is no coinietltln.
i i. .1.. -I....... r... .l.u.n. almll lia frmt. Kn The entrance fee must, in all cases tie forewarded with the entry.
tries may be made by mail or otherwise to tho secretary, Chaa. Mo entry will lie accepted unless this is done, and should be sent
H Horner, Condon, rui, not later limn o'clock r. M. of by poatotnee order, postal nolo, express order, or in hills in roRis- R,;
Tuesday Heptember 30, 1013. tored letter, and not in pnstiwe stamps. All stock entries must " "anion .. .
, , no niaue tieiore in r. ai. on tne urst nay oi tne miron oianKsui
A . 1. I. In.MndiwI n linve lliA vnririns ilennrtments nf the r,x- .1.. al... ....... . lu. All,ul n. .! i,,l kv
hibitlon fully opened to tho publio at the time specified, ethilii- ,h mhibitor and must lie sent to tho seeretary on or before the - Stallion, and not of S colta . .
. ..mK.wI 1I...1 arrlvine wftjir ..tie iluti and hoiira .i.... i . A. 1 wo-vear-old. male or female
named will not lie allowed to compete. Further informatinn Evory article must be entered under one of tho headings in ,n10'',"V,ldj n,ttle nr 'm1'- j J
on this point will lie found under rules for each department, y,, n-uiar list. ' under a months J DO
i a A u ... ika ...unin. Anv will lu. tltn eln.ii,. hfiiir ftir
nlrioi In all cases the right is rosorved to reject, or accept conill- ..v. Class) 4. Gkad Shire
Kxhlhltnrs will lake not ice thnt It Is absolutely necessary that fondly, any entry or Pplitioii at any time, at the discretion I. Mare
entries lie made on or before the dates mentioneil, in order to ol the Hoard of Oirectors. f.xlillntors mun at all time give tne ; "
S. One-year-old, male or female
K I itl i.iub. U m.iit,l..
J7 60 '
i 00 Class 13. Dhait Horses
3 60 1. F.iirht-horse draft iir mule toam
S 00 3. Six-horse draft or mule team
8 110 3. Four-horse draft toam, horses only
I 30 4. Two-horse draft team
1 00 3. Single horse driven to buKvy.
g. Team of horses driven to buggy
1 00
10 OO
3 00
6 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
. Two-year-old. male or female.,
8. One-year-old, male or female
6. Colt, under 9 months.
Class 3. Shirs
a Mara
S. Mare, with fil hy side. . .
4 01)
3 00
3 00
IS 00
4 00
5 00
10 00
4 00
Class 14. Sadplh Horses
. Saddle horse, over 141 hands high 4 00
. Saddle horse, ridden by lady 4 00
afford siillicient time to examine the entry papers, forward the necessary peiannal attention to whatever they have on exhibl- TwvwuMild male tit : fwiiido
a7JSS i? ZXZ!&2Z2Z3i . - -. entire charge of the same. i OrMj male or female.-.' .' ! ! ! 1 1 ! ! ! !
All enreUkersof live stock (except poultry) shall havo a season -. UI'"cr V montns
4 00
5 00
4 00
4 00
3 00
i 00
i 80 I.
t no 3.
3 on
I 60 Class 15. Swerpstaees
1 00 1 Sucklint colU without regard to blood, under
9 months J 00
t. Yearling, without retard to blood 3 00
T 50 3. Two-year-old, without reirard to blood 4 00
2 00 4. Marc, without reitnrd to blnod..... '. 5 00
3 80 5. Stallion, without reunrd to blood 5 00
( 00 0. Gelding, xithout meant to blood 5 00
! 00 7. Stallion aud get of 5 oults (00
1 50
1 00 Class 1. Mules '
1. Mule colt :. 3 00
3. Mule, I year old 8 00
3 00 3. Mule, 8 years old 4 00
for the correction of errors and omissions, and to prepare the
Kxhibition Catalog.
No one will lie allowed to seo the entries until nftor awards ticket Issued to them free on an order from theownerol tho stock Ci.w 5V
have been made. and approval of the president. , 1. Stallion
All contest confined to Oilliam, Pherman and Morrow eoun- All Imxes, wrapping and other psoHng material of exhibitors 8. Mare ;
'l'l,u Hi,n iwn nnmmltine nwirvM the riaht to sive nrcmi- must lie cleared awav bv them, and everything be in proper 3. Mam, with foal by side. . .
.in,. . .... ... .... . , ' . ..i.:i.:.: . e,ai:An .....1 ...II .I.- m tvt
Ulna to ileserviltg exhibits outside Ol tills territory wnero tuere nraer oeiure upeuiux oi vauiukiuii, ", so w .v w
0. One-year-old. male or femalo S 00
MWCWXANKOUS. 7. Colt,under . month.
Class t. Grade Percherom
1. Mare
No person shall be allowed lo sell or sive awav articles on the 3. Mare, with foal by side
which will be the same as the above, and containing the name of the coinmeneeiuent of the same without permission of the execu- 4. Two-year-old, male or female
the extllDltor, which win ue ueiu w meiiuiy oaiuuivs wuu. i)ve ooiuluittue, o. tine-year-old, male or lunuue
No exhibitor will he allowed to place or attach any prise rib- uiiilla ami nans fnr horses and cattle fmn to amount owned bv
bona on articles or animals. Any one doiug so will forfeit all the society.
claims to premiums. The Assooiatlon will ive intendlni exhibitors the prlvileae of i 0..111 -
All exhibition stock ahsll be reo.ulred to psrado when and where, ptrttjng up their own buildings, subject to the supervision of Mare.!'.'.'.!'.'.'.'.';".. !'..'..
' requested by the executive committee. v the btiuding committee, exhibitors agreeing to remove said 3' Mare, 'with'fo:ii bj.'s'd'erf. !.'!.'!
No article in any nf the divisions shall be entered in the name buildings when required by the committee, and acquiring no 4' Ptulli'on, and get of S colts'!.',
of any one, except the one by whom made or prepared. right or title to the land on which they are built. j. Two-year-old, male or femalo.
Colors donntina awards will be as follows: Dluo ribbon, first Food for snlo on the grounds, , J. One-yoar-old, male or female.
. premium; red ribbon, second premium. Also cards of same At tho close of tue.oxliibition the exhdjitors must romove the 7. Colt, under 9 mouths
3 50
8 00
3 00
1 5')
1 00
4. Mule, 3 years old 8 00
Class 17. -Arses
I. Jack
8. jenny
3. Jack, and get of 5 colts
Premiums Class 80. Jerset
Firat tfecoW t. Bull, over 3 years old
4 00 3 00 3. Bull, over 1 year old
, 6 00 3 SO 3. Bull, under 1 year old
. 4 00 2 00 4. Cow, I years old or over
, 4 00 3 00 5. Cow, 3 years old and under 3
.3 00 I 80 6. Heifer, 1 year and under 3 years... .. ....
. 2 00 1 00 7 Heifer, under 1 year old
. low and call
10 00
I 00
4 01)
3 00
8 00
3 00 .
7 80 Class 21. Gradc Beet Breed
2 00 1. Cow, 3 years old or over
2 80 3. Cow, 3 years old and under 3 years
8 00 3. Heifer, I year old and under 3
2 00 4. Heifer, under 1 year old
1 SO i. Cow and calf
1 04 Class 22. Grade Dairt Breed
I. Cow. 3 years old or over
8. Cow, 2 years old and under 3 years
3. Heifer, 1 year old and under 2
4. Heifer, under i year old
5. Cow and calf
2 00
3 80
2 00
2 00
1 80
1 00
f 00
4 00
2 80
2 00
1 80
I or,
1 00
2 80
1 80
I 09
I so
1 80
1 38
1 00
1 80
Class 83. SweefbtaZes
I. Bull, beef breed..'.
8. Cow. brf breed
7 50 3. Cow, 3-year-old, beef breed
2 00 Cow, yearling, beef breed
2 80 Cow, ealf, beef breed
5 00 - Bull, dairy breed . . .
2 go 7. Cow, dairy breed
I 50 8. Cow, 2-year-old, dairy breed
1 00 t'ow, yearling, dairy breed
10. Cow. calf, dairv breed
11. .Champion fat steer or heifor, any age or breed,
2 00
2 80
8 00
3 00
1 SO
1 00
Class 24. Lincoln
2 80.
2 00
1 SO
1 00
3 00
2 SO
2 00
1 80
3 00
5 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
8 00
3 on
3 00
3 on
2 00
5 00
8 00
4 00
3 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
ia no contest for such.
On the entry of each animal or article a card will he furnished
to each exhibitor, spncllyiiig the class and number nf the entry;
said card to remain attached to such animal or article during the
exhibition, except poultry, which shall he attached to the pens.
T hese cards will nnt have tho exhibitor s unme on them, but
there will be furnished to exhibitors another card lor eaen entry,
15 m
4 00
5 00
4 00
5 00
4 no
4 00
3 on
7 50
3 00
3 80
5 on
a 00
1 50
1 00
.10 00
,. 5 00
.. 10 no
'Note. All draft teams to bo shown in harness hitched to
wagon. All grade stock of the same breed shall follow the
Class 18. Shorthorn
I. Ram, 8 years old or over ,
8. Ram, 1 year and under 8 years old
3. Rum, lamb ,
4. Kwe, 3 years old or over.
5. Ewe, 1 year and under 2 years old
0. Ewe, lamb..
7. Fleece of wool
Class 25- Merino
1. Ram, 2 years old or over
2 00 2. Ram, 1 year and under 2 years old
2 00 3. Ram, lamb
4. Ewe, 2 years old or over
5. Ewe, 1 year and under 2 years old
6. Ewe, lamb
.... 7. Fleece of wool : ;
.... Class 20. Shromuiiri
1. Ram, 8 years old or over
" ' - 8. Ram, 1 year and under 2 yoars old
( ' 3. Rani, lamb
4. Ewe, 2 years old or over
5. Ewe, 1 year and under 8 years old
, . Ewe, lamb
J 7. Fleece of wool
I J Class 27. Cotswold .
1. Ram, 8 years old or over
2. Ram, 1 year and under 2 years old
5 no 3. Ram, lamb
ia I. Ewe. 8 vears old or over
1 no 5. Ewe, I year and under 2 years old
r w f 1 u
v. j-.wv, inmu
7. Fleece of wool
1. Bull, over 3 years old. .
2. Bull, over 1 vearold...
3. Bull, under 1 year old
FirH SZecottd
Class 28
1. Three best mutton lambs
First.. Sere1
.13 00 $1 SO
. 3 00 1 00
. 1 00 80
. 2 80 1 SS
. 2 00 1 00
. 1 00 80
. 1 00 .50
. 3 00 1 50
. 8 00 1 00
. 1 00 50
. 3 SO 1 28
, a oo i oo
. 1 00 80
. 1 00 80
. 3 00 1 so.
. a oo i oft
. 1 00 60
.8 50 1 25
.. 2 00 1 00
. l on so
.. I 00 so
.. 3 00 I Ml
. . 2 00 1 00
.. 1 on 50
. . 2 Sn I 28
3 nn 1 on
.. 1 so
.. 1 00 80
.. 5 00 I 80
,.310 00
8 00
5 00
2 00 4. Cow, 3 years old or over 4 00
18 on
4 (10
2 80
Class 29
Colt, uuder mouths 2 00
Class 7. Belgian
V 'V '
15 00
; 4 oo
, 6 00
4 00
" 3 00
2 00
2 80 8. Cow, 2 yearaold and undcrS...
2 00 . Heifer, 1 year and under 2 yoars. . ,
8 00 7. Heifer, under 1 year old
I 80 S. Cow and ealf
1 00
Class 19. HsrefoiId
I. Bull, over 2 years old
7 50 8. Bull, over 1 year old
. ( 1X1 3. Bull, under I year old . ,, : . N:
'; i 50 4. Cow, 3 years old or over
4(10 5, Cow, 8 yearaold and under 3..
2 no 8. Heifer, 1 year and under 2 years,.-
1 50 7. Heifer, under 1 year oid
I 00 4. Cow and calf
3 CO
3 00
3 00
10 00
. 800
, 500
4 00
3 00
. 3 00
. 3 00
. 600
J 1. Pure bred goats..
1 00
2 80
. Class SO. BEREsniRE
First Second
.13 00 II 80
5 go I. Boar, I year old or over
4 00 2. Boar, under 1 year old..
g 50 Sow, tyearoldorovor
g 00 i- 'So", under 1 year f
1 80 3Vw, n'1 'it f Pk ' - ;
I oo t. 'narrow, under Isear. v
3 so v Continued on Page 2
First Second
.84 00
3 00
3 80
. 2 00
6 no
. 2 00
82 00
1 25
1 on
3 oo
1 oo