THE CONDON GLOBE. To Our Friends and Neighbors You know us. You know wo would not that wc could not (ford to go back on our word. Nor can you afford to Ignore this moneyback-lf-not-aatlafled offer oo this splendid Usatlre. should have beea dispelled teaaaia to polaoe tbe arstova. Reedeehas, bUlouenea; aervuusi MM and other turaaeoUng Had tmrU out ills are enf.iiooa wbea the bowel fail to en daily M eelure lataaded, All may be avoided, tf jrow will aeoeut our ad do. Wa rtimeetlv believe we have tba mt liwl rmely avar wade lb BMMt lwut-U-Uke, tnoi par Itieiienlly twnennial leaative (ut relief (cum tl miaeriee and daniars arising liota oouaUiieUou. Wa wmildo't say thla If wa dlda't believe It In ha true. Wa wouldn't rk our reputation h ruakiug eueh did wa ul fast aura yuu would liud tinm true. Our faith la built both an th knowledge of what lUiall Orderlies aix niaiia of and on olaervaUoo of very ninny severe eaaaa io wiueh Ibey Lava pruvea Uteir merit. Try them at Our Risk If they do not abundantly prove their merit nih you alio If you am nut entirely aaUaftad with the in wa will n fund your money eod wa will Ho that oo your more eay-eo, yi don't ek you to riak (Many. Jea'l Dial fairf Jul Int tha bowels fall la properly doing their work ) let their a"iiin drlayad and Incomplete and lli entire lyitw and every cither urgau augers. Waalat that test Juat lika oaady. They are nothing and aaay la MtJoa. They do oot eauaa griping, naueaa, purg lft or eiceeeive lonnn.e.. J bay taad to tona and etraogthea inUetineJ aervea and mueole. They promptly relieve enasUpaUoo, and help to par menenUr overoooe it. Retail Ordarilat promote belle spirit aad bettor health, la all of tliaaa thinga they ara vaetly euperiof to old-faaliloiwd, harh aaJta and othar purgaUvee, which ara Dot only unpleeaant to take but which ueuaJly Irava tha bowrla la woreo eonditiua , thaa before. We particularly rerom mend Itetall Ordeiuee tot ebildrea, aged and delicate person. Retail Orderlies come la veet pocket tin boiee. 12 tablet. I0o it tablet. 3&e 80 teUeta, 60a. - CAUTION! Deaaa hear In mind that Raiatl Orderlle ara not aold by all dm ti. You fan buy Itetall Urderliaa only at Tba Retail Store. Vuu can buy lUsall Urderliea la tola ormimuolty only at out total CONDON GRAVES y VAN SLYPE The !fcal& Stort OREGON TW la a P.mll Store la nearly eeery Im ami ally la Ih Vailed Dutee, Oenxte and ll'iLin, I here a) a diltenrit Muil rurally tor nearly every onilner kumu Bl- awli eepwMlie 4wimI rur Ue oerUouier Ut hm vbtoa H f -invnHrl I ha koatl biorxM ara Ameiica'i tirwateat Drug Storwa i Globe Globe "Want" Ads Get the Mnnpv. Condon Dray & Transfer Line F. E. HEN NET, Proprietor Light and Heavy Hauling; Hauling; Trunkg and all Jolt work a apvcialty. CONDON, Phona No. 10X OREGON IT. nave nree sworn enemies the drunkard, the heavy drinker, and the man who crave rough, strong, high'proof whiskey. Cyrua Nabla mild pal V. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents V: ... jfefc. Porlland,Oregoa North eac h NOW IN FULL BLAST Why not plan your Summer Vacation at this wonderful resort, reached by rail to Portland via A TRIP DOWN THE COLUMBIA A REST BY THE OCEAN AND STEAMER TRIP down the Columbia via 0-W. R. & N. Steamers "T. J. Potter" .or "Hassalo", daily except "Sunday. Surf Bathing, Fishing Tents and cottages for rent Good Hotel accommodations. Excellent Restaurant service on boats. INFORM ATION FURNISHED ON APPLICATION TO D, Tierney, Agent, Condon, Oregon NOTHING DOING - - A GLOBE 'WANT AD' WILL DO IT. "IRESTER JOHN." Lagandg of an Ctualva Warrior af tha Twalfth Cantury. ' Tba fimoua If aomewbat phantom paraonasa I'reater Jobo. wbo (or two or tbrae eeuturlea occupied ao promt. oaot a placa la tba biatorie aooala of Europe and In the mloda of Europaana, waa, row tba nioat reliable accounte, a CbrlatlBD conqueror of enormoua power and great aplendor, wbo com blned tba character of prlrat and king and ruled over aat domlolona In tba orient In the middle agee. lie had. It waa related, aatabllabed a powerful etn (ilre eHurr In Aula or Africa, and won dorful atorWe wet told of hla victo rtea. bla rlchea and bla power. Ilia mode or warfiire. wblcb waa onlque and entirely eflTectlre, Indicate an Intimate acqunlutance wllb ei pitmlvea and rouibuatlblea. lie poa aejp an army of Ufa aired copper oldlera mounted on brazen boraea. wbb'b were chanted with exploalee matertala, proJwtllM and polaouotia Kit a. Tbla fortnldable arrny wne mar haled to tba front and aptit forth Ita deadly fumea and dnngeroua projec tllea with horrid rrectlveneaa. making havoc In tbe rank a of the enemy. The flrnt mention of thla extraordi nary man. wbo appear and dlaapneara from biatorie annala at long Interrala, occur In tbe Chronicle of Otto. Blab op of Prlcaengen. who narratee I'rea ler Jobo'a conqueat of tbe Perslana at Egbatnna, In the eitreme orient. In tbe year lWS.-Bonton Herald. CREATING NEW STATES. but, Work That Cangraaa May Oo, Onea Dene, Cannot Undo. Several time It baa been pronoaed to make two atatea out of tbe atata of New York. In fact, reaoluUona bare beeo Introduced In tha atata leclbln tore once or twice, but bave died In committee. Tbe purpoae baa been to Include all of tba preaent atata aoutb of Wratrbivter county In a new atate to be railed (lo one I nut a nee) the atate of Manhattan. North of tba Bronx dlxtrkt tbe name of New York waa atlll to be retained. Tbe eurroundlng lalauda of tbe aoutb all tboaa of Long laland aound. Long Island complete and all of the countlea comprtalng New York city wera to be embraced within the new atate of Manhattan. Tbe creation of a new stale confer a rlirht thnt cannot later be abrogated and In this reanect Is unique In the establtabment of political arena. After tbe people of tbe district In question bare decided by rote that tbe carry tng oat of a new atate la d paired, con greaa paaaea upon tbe application. Up to thla point congreaa la supreme. Once, however, consresa agreea to tbe new atate creation and tbe new atate becomes an established fact then .no power of the republic can undo what baa been don by legislative act No repeal can revoke the privileges of a law abiding sovereign atata New York Sua Ouch! One of those dear lady friends of onra wno take particular Interest In other people'a affairs sot on a car ana eat oown beside quiet looking man wboee face waa badly pitted. "Why. you Door man!" aha ex claimed. "How you tuuat have anf fercdl How long ago did you have the smallpox T" "Madam," waa tbe seriously spoken reply, "what evidently draw voup at tention are not pita or smallpox. had these put on by a beauty spe cialist to keep my face from skidding when I eat watermelon." Chicago Tribune. , i w SUMMER COLDS rapidly redact L and iHneu it easily contracted, but Scoff Emuhion will promptly relieve the cold and upbuild your ttreiigth to prevent sickness. eeoTT a BOWNB BLOOM FICLO. N, J, Il ia IK. For Tired Feet TRY SOFT SPOTS at the Shoe Shop FOLEY SIDNEY jrijigfd Backache, Rheumatism. Kidneys aad 0 Bladder. i raff Ell? 5 M m . U " M " Li. L .M"llll"J.lI.i J,l.!JUaLJLJiiJi '1 J li, jjm fTrrrr!""'' " 1 " p" r mm mm pi mfj?" " "' " wi y f mmwYi u I! f he Best Is Always Cheapest... rni Therefore you will save money by buying at ...Dunn Brothers... Our New Style Books of Fall and Winter Samples and Styles are here as well as a swell line of Ready -Made Garment.. Come in a n d see the new Donegals the classiest Suits for Fall and Winter. Condon's Big Department Store if largest, Best and Most Complete Line of Dry Goods in All Depart ments Ever Shown in This City, Consisting of New Styles and Colors in Dress Goods, Poplins, Ginghams, Prints, Outing Flannels, Dimities, Calicos, TableDamask, Muslins, etc. Our large stock of Shoes for Men and Women has recently been re-enforced by the latest styles in all departments. We are making a specialty of Harvest Supplies Goods Delivered anywhere in the City Immediately iHi l 1 i y PD,,,Tl We Believe in Advertising That is why we are us ing this space to call attention to our JOB PRINTING Depart ment. We are glad to show samples and quote prices and perhaps we can offer suggestions that will be valuable to you. If you are unde cided on some point we may be able to give you just what you need... You have read thia advertisement. If yon had an ad in thia apace others would be reading it. : o The Condon Globe .V r i i i :1 li RED CROSS DRUG CO. ocas)