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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1913)
t THE CONDON GLOBE. ( O C) o CI (I o o (1 CI CI eCDHOCSOHOCSOHOCSOHOSSOHOCSOHOCSC CI We will buy your T Wc will sell you n mi m ft II Wc will trade.... Bring in your Hogs a 1 rH"lHrlnr1)f r fc,W",','-,' CI lhn o n O o (J (I o CI C) O (I O ARLINGTON LUMBER COMFY CCDHOCSQHOSSOHOCSOHCCSOHOCSOnOCSCCO 7. X'-.. I11 11 -' '" 1 " 111 W Printer's ink won't make the tear go. There's only one reason why 200,000 new Fords can't possibly satisfy this sea son's demand. The car itself is right with a Tightness that is unmatched anywhere at any reasonable price. Our great factory hat produced nearly a quarter of millon Model T'.. Price.: Run about, $u2o; Touring Cur, $000: Town Car, H00--f. o. b. Detroit with ail equipment. For particular, tret "Ford Time" an inter esting automobile magazine. It, free from Detroit faerory. Kord Motor tympany, 1444 Michigan Ave., Chicago. L.L.Tsy lor, Condon The Wheatdale Stock Farm Condon, Oregon. Parman Bros., Owners. Breeders of Grade and Purebred Percherons, Poland ; China Hogs, Mammoth Bronze Turkeysand Scotch Collies. tjAII stock Is guaranteed to be strictly high class.' Pedlftrees furnished with all purebred stock. All communications will receive prompt attention. , The Wheatdale Stock Farm Hellolm Say, is Your Stationery Running' Low? If so, We Would Like to Figure With You For a New Supply. We Have Just Received a Lot of New Type and Paper. BEACH THOUGHTS Are in Season And with them come The suggestion of a trip to DELIGHTFUL ' NORTH BEACH By the Pacific Reached Va ' ' : ;-: SPEND SUMMER ftrA BY THE SEA To Portland O-W. R.& N. Columbia River Steamers Beyond You will always be glad you spc nt your summer at this splendid resort, where ivaves and trees combine to add pleasure to your - outing Let me tell you a bout it D. Tierncy, Agent, Condon, Oregon l!0:.IE COURSE 111 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE SEVENTH ARTICLE THE DAIRY HERD. Sy HENRY C. ALV0RD, C. E Former Cblcf of Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, Halted States Department of Agriculture, TOE pursuit of dairy farming de pends for It success upon cer tain fundamental conditions. First, tbe owner of tbo busi ness himself, or otherwise (be agent or manager wbo Uai tbo Immediate con trol and personal direction of tbe work, tnunt have a natural fondness for ani mals, prompting to generous and kind treatment, aa well aa good Judgment In election, breeding and care. It la not sufficient tbnt he abould be borate man or fond of cattle In general. For beat reaulta be abould bare a apodal liking for tbe dairy cow over aodabove II oilier animal. Second, tbe cattle must be good ef tbelr kind and of variety eulted to tbe work. Third, tbe farm abould be specially adapted to tbe branch of husbandry In view. A good dairy farm la pretty certain to bo good for general farming, but many good farm, in general are not suited to dairying. Tbe dairy farm abould be carefully selected, all tbe requirement of tbe business being welt considered. let many disadvantages so far aa tbe farm la concerned may be auccessfully overcome by tbe skillful dairyman, and dairying la some form la profitably conducted wltbout any farm, eo tbat tbla condition. Important as It Is. can not be regarded aa essential Fourth,, It la welt to atudy tbe cbaracter of tbe accessible markets and tbe means of communication. Location and tbe line t t t 1 !. ' : r - , r Photo by T.nncue experiment atatloa. of dairying to be followed may be largely controlled by tbe markets. In tome cases tbe markets form an es sential condition, but modern facilities for transportation make tbe location of the dairy farm with relation to Its markets comparatively unimportant Like almost all other occupations at tbe preaeut day, dairying has become divided Into several distinct and spe cial lines. Tbese differ maluly as to the form of product and the manner of disposing of It Milk or cream may be produced for delivery to consumers, and this delivery may be direct or In direct Tbe sa me products may be de livered to a factory for manufacture Into butter or cheese, or the milk prod uct of the herd may be worked up at home and there converted into butter or cheese. ' Tbe prudent dairyman should Brst consider which Hue of business be will pursue. In so doing be must have regard for all his circum stances tbe location, markets, farm. buildings, water and Ice supply, the la bor at bis command and his own pref erence end prospects for profit Some dnirvmen prefer a "general purpose cow," which Is a member of a specially developed milk producing family from one of the beef grades or grades of such stock. An animal is thus secured which has a large frame. ts easily kept In good flesh and fattens soon when not milking heavily. Sucb a one also has large calves, profitable for Teal or for growing as steers Even If such animals are not so pro ductive while In the dairy their meat making proclivities may make up for It There are two or three or the es tablished breeds of cattle which clr.'.m to possess combined qualities for meat and milk. , On the other nana, many dairymen (Including the writer) prefer cattle of the distinct class or type es pecially adapted to dairy purposes alone. This class Includes various fam Hies and breeds, all having the marked characteristics which distinguish the milk producer. Owners of such cows expect them to be so profitable as milk ers that their beef producing quality and tbe final disposition of their ear cMHses may be entirely Ignored, and the calves, except bo far s wanted to raine for tbe ditry, ire gtveo little con- ! sldirstlon. Wb!h of tbpe lines of policy should be pamued every dulry uian mut d?)ermtie fr hlmwjlf. i Horn, dairy cntlSe ar noted for the quantity it milk tliey produce, otbrs j fur tbe tilth quulity or rU'btie. of their milk, which means they are good but ter producers.' Home combine quantity and quality. There are cows of active bnblts whirl! forage well on a wide range 6t scanty pasture and will profitably work tip the coarser kinds of food in winter. There are others which bava proved tbelr capacity for making good returns when more cloncly confined and subjected to high feeding. Some cows giv a great flow of milk for a comparatively short season,. and others are noted for an even, steady yield of milk the year through. As a rule, tbe different dairy characteristics named pertain to different breeds, eo that every dairyman is likely to find some one breed of dairy cattle better enlted to his wants than any other, Tbere Is no special cbeesemaklng cow. Tbe tewt butter cow Is slso the best for baese. This fact has been demon strated beyond dispute. Tber tre two very different way of forming a dairy herd and of maintain ing it size and quality. It may be done by buying or by breeding, and these two methods may be combined. Tbe purchasing plan Is practiced to considerable extent by those wbo produce milk for town and city supply. In a few cases It bas been known to tie successful where- the work of tbe herd was to make butter. Applied In Its extreme form, cows are bought wben matured and at tbelr prime. Judged almost exclusively by tbelr milk yield, are highly fed. so as to keep steadily gaining in flesb, and are sold, usually to the butcher, aa soon as they cease to be profitable as milk ers. Tbe bull may be of any kind so long as be get tbe cows In calf, as tbe calves are of value only as caus ing "fresh" cows and are disposed of as soon aa possible. The first modifi cation of this system is to keep extra good cows for several seasons and the next to raise heifers from some of tbe best milkers to replenish tbe berd. This way of making np a berd and keeping good Its number requires abundant capital and rare Judgment In buying and In selling. It cannot be recommended to ono lacking experi ence, and even tbe shrewd buyer runs great risk of Introducing disease. Tbe other extreme Is to begin with a few well selected animals aa a foun dation and gradually build up the berd to tbe size desired by Judicious breed ing and natural Increase. This method takes time, and time which may be money, but It Is by far tbe safer and mora satisfactory in its results. A desirable combination In starting Is to buy tbe number of cows desired nd good animals of tbe sort determin ed Jn advance. If one's means will permit include a few superior cows and a. first class bull at any rate. Let the cows selected be such as bsve bad two calves and perhaps three, so tbat Uiey may be Judged by tbelr own de velopment and yet be young enough to Improve and be In full profit for some years. With a berd thus formed be gin at once the work of improvement by breeding and selection. Sell prompt ly any cow which proves unsatisfac tory and replace ber by the best In crease of tbe herd, or purchase occa sionally en animal which will raise the average quality. ;, A dairyman can hardly be advised to buy at once a full stock of pure bred cattle of any breed if bis sole ob ject and dependence for profit Is to be tbe dairy product of the berd. Such a venture will necessitate large Invest ment and should Include the breeding nt registered animals, for sale at re munerative prices, as a part of the mislneas. Well bred and well selected grade cows of the line of blood de sired seem to be tbe most profitable animals for tbe practical dairyman or at least tbe best to begin with. If en terprtslng and progressive the owner will hardly be content with grades only, lie may begin with only bis bull pure bred. Presently be will want a registered cow to match, then one or two more. Tbe bull Is constantly referred to as "the head" of the berd, and that trite saying. "The bull Is half the herd,' abould never be forgotten. Tbe grade dam may be selected and largely re tted upon to give size, form, constltu tion and capacity of production to ber heifer call Its dairy quality, the In bred power to Increase the richness of Bilk, Is derived from the pure bred sire. One cow may prove a poor dam or fall to breed and still give profit in milk. Such a loss la comparatively trivial and tbe fault easily corrected. But If tbe bull falls or proves a poor sire the entire increase of a year may be lost In getting a bull get the best, or at least approach that standard as nearly as possible. A common error among dairymen Is to use Immature bulls end to dispose of good. ones before their merit as sires has been fairly proved. Hull calves are cheap, and young bulls ave considered much easier to handle. But It Is good advice to the buyer to purchase a bull of some ace. whose progeny proves bis value as a breeder, rather than a .calf of exceptional pedi gree, and to the owner, having a sire of proved excellence, to beep hira and ae him for years or as long as be shows himself potent and prepotent Of course the question of too close In breeding Is not forgotten and must not be overlooked by the breeder. The writer Is a thorough believer in the use of mature bulls of known value as sires. . : The chief objection made to bulls of some age ts tbat they are likely to be tclous and dangerous. But the great majority of bulls of all the dairy breeds ean be bandied without serious tro-jble If properly reared and managed. LIFE I SO 6HORT. Uf. I. so nort and thcr'. o much SB W. dir. not wi tht 41m for tU1 own b rmor. Uumn yearn for in1 :. wont of widom. !: ' Word, that Drip !! weary tiert And putnt to fca vn abov. to let's wsteit our lip, iny comred. May Met day okmw vim in (nought That am. on. la mora cnmit4 Tbrouirit tb work our word, nave wrought. Uf. hi mi short end thr'. o much to On W. niut 0 toduotrloua ed lo our duty irufc W muil build a eharacf c , That ato.ll stand tor ays, !, , i W mult mm tna bumca rse ttiur for our stay. So let' watcb tbm mloutM. comrade, V ', Lm 11. dm our tlm. ati w.ll . Thus, tlwujrh llf is ry almrt, I W can nia. aacii monwnt tU. KURIOS FROM (CORRESPONDENTS Q. Are all eggs infertile tbat test clear after being under Incubation for three days or more? A. So. Horn germs do not develop. Q. I have been unable to get fertile eggn for several years from my pea fowl snd nave been wondering bow It would do to mste them to the wtilte. Wbut do you tblnk of It? To what a; do HuTxk live? A. We nave never beard of colored and white peafowl muting. Tbey are antagonistic to an other color. Here birds of a feather must be bred togetber. Peacocks some times lire over a century. J. Can a ben be sick and yet 1st? A Ye, for a short or longer period. according to wbst tbe disease ts. VTitb an affliction Uke cholera or pneumonia ben stoM laying quick. With roup that run the course from cold to catarrh to roup we have known bens to lay two weeks after tbe first symptoms. We bsve known bens with chronic diarrhea to lay for a month and have seen bens lay wbile tbe abdominal cavity was so fnll of tumors that both tbe oviduct and Intestines could no longer perform tbeir functions. J. How old should geeae be to pro duce strong goslings? Is a pondtnecesv sary? A. Two years. Wbile geese may be raised without a pond, they do better wben tbey nave swinaming facilities. Q. Is It true tbat an egg Is-equal to pound of sirloin steak In nutritive value. A Six big .eggs are. but if it came to a choice most fellows would yell for tbe steak. Catlsr than C pan kin;; Spanking will not cure chi'ilrpn of wettinsr the bed, because it is not a habit but a dangerous dis ease. TheC.II. ItswanDrugCo., Dept. lioC, Chicago, 111., have discovered a tstrictly hanrilesa remedy for this distressing dis ease and to makekr.own its merits they will send a fQc package se curely wrapped and prepaid Ab solutely Free to any reader of he Condon Globe. This remedy also cures frequent desire to uri nate end inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. i3 an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the aSlicted mem bers of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about ihis remedy. If seven doctors had told you, a they didC. E. Blanchard of La Grange, Calif., that yon bad but a short time to live on account of kidney trouble. what would you do? He says: "I took Foley Kidney PiUs and they completely cured me and I cannot Speak too high ly of them." Cost lesa than the doc tors but accomplish more. For sale by the Red Cross Drug Co. FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. A beu'a egg contains 90 per cent wa ter, and wbat a big profit tbere is In this water wben eggs sell from 20 to 00 cents a dozen, and yet some pont trymen are too slow snd lazy to give their bens enougb water to tiriuk Wouldn't tbe milkman Jump at auebva chance? An evening feed of good, sound-yel low corn ix a heating, satisfying, last ing meal for tbe bens on a cold night Try It yourself by eating more mush and milk and corn "pone and also thus reduce tbe high cost of living. The postofBce department insists that eggs munt be marked et?gs As the United States district court at Phil adelphia bas decreed sn egg la an egg, even though it contains a chick, until that chick gets out tbe shipper of nay- mow antiques may tag them "eggs' wltbout breaking tbe lew or busting bis elastic conscience. Eggs that are frozen and then thaw ed always change In appearance and a customer Is apt to suspect yon -of sell- big ancient or preserved eggs. Gsther ing thorn often on cold days saves trou ble snd gives you a chance to pick np any eggs dropped on the .floor and to inspect the flock for algnji of .winter ailments. . Those egg speculator -who borrow ed money to store efs to sell at fabu lous price to tbe public during the winter forgot there are two sure things the men can't control the women and tbe weather. Well, yes, they did go np against It, dldn t tbey? Basted ts no name. ' , ' Wben you get those birds home from the show put them lu a roomy, com fortahle place and give them a chance to stretch. Don't turn them out once, feed them good nourishing food and keep them by themselves. , They need a rest. Besides, they are? now strangers to the rest of the flock and are apt to get henpecked, and then. too. they may have some disease germs in tbelr feathers brought home as. sou venlrs. " N As a preliminary test of wfcat tbe parcel post would do to eggs a carton containing one dozen was sent as "merchandise" to Postmaster General Hitchcock at Washington from OlUa homa City, a distance of 1.500 miles. The eggs were knocked around in tbe ordinary mail, but arrived in fine con dition. .Missouri's poultry product for 1910 was over nair a millon dollar mora than the gold and atlver produced the same year In Colorado, California and Arizona. Let our poultry pessimists put that In tbeir pipe and smoke It Tbe Crystal palace show. London. had an entry of 100 turkeys. S3 Bronze and 4T White Holland. Man y of the aristocracy breed and show the big bird. In this country turkeys are seen at but few shows. Some ass icfaOons do not encourage fielr exhibition.. con sidering them too difficult to -coop and care for. . . j : Never use a lamp that lenkif for beat ing Incubator or brooder "A friend showed us bis Incubator In operation In the room where a family of three slept Underneath the lump was a basin to catch the leakl ng oil. The probable results of snch (rimlnal care lessness are too dreadf nl to contem plate. Friend, use a gi jod clean lamp and handle it with care i FasMoa fdiliisery Rat. M.J. te Oriar Old Hats Mad. Or , Fcatbra Tadrf Straw. DytJ lJ Kabel A. Pittsan TVTnnrn Tfcrns i XIAUUa V Ai.UU. J Up-to-date I Dray Line t Condon Ore. J Phone 17A 1 All kinds of light and heavy hauling. Our specialty is to give you satisfaction. W. A. DARLING Carries a Complete Line of WALL PAPER, PAKiTS OILS AND YAOSH Estimates furnished oh fit s te Labor and Material. May 28 :. to , , September 30 you can get Low Fare ROUND TRIP TICKETS from all 0 W. K. & N. STATIONS to Principal Cities in the East via . Final Setnrn Limit Oct. 31 -Chios. W Dwrer 55, NawYsrk , W8.50 Omaha 60. Philadelphia IHS-M Boatoa US- ' St. Paul S0.00 Minneapolia SO. Equally Low Round Trip Fares to .Practically All Other Points East, LetMellelp Outline Vcur Trip ' .D. Tierney, Agent O-W. R. & N. In Cattuk Sunrxr Prevented CUTTER'S BLACK LEG VACCINE falifaruia stavonte, tbe mont suc- 1 1 f. 1 cesslul. easiest used and lowi-st iiA priced . Iiabl. .vaccm. niaiie. Powtir. mrmtf or in i i. iiiua ft iffotire Black Lei Booklet. I 1 i THE CUTTER LABORATORY. S 1 ! ' ilKRKSLKY. CAL. 'F ; fymirdrutrKist does not atockosr i Jt racemes, order direct rom u.