i W!2 Co., -"-- - tut: rn'inm! nnnr . I ills ,JiUUii JltJUlA the i,i;ASircvjEwjrpAf,s Published Ever? Friday by The Entered m second clam mail Batter at CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1913. Advertising Rates: ' Display Advertising Single Issue, 20 eenti per inch; tiro (saute, IS cnta par inch par issue, regular current advertising;, 12 1-8 cat par inch per issue. Local Advtrtiaing 10 cenu per Una for first insertion; 6 cent per Una each ad ditional insertion. Legal Advertising 10 cents per Una per issue. Subscription Rates:. OneY&a (In Advance) ... . . $1.50 Sn Months - - - - - - 1.00 The time is now rips for the lectins: samples of grains, grasses, display at the Tri-County Fair which is to beheld on October 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Not only this but it the farmers to make an arrangement with the Condon Business Men's Association to turn over to that organization samples of Gilliam county's products to be displayed at the various land shows next fall and winter. Several counties in the state are already active in this matter and it is safe ten or printed boosting can be as effective as a well staged display of the actual products of Gilliam county ranches, gardens and orchards. Europe has been laughing at and about Secretary Bryan's wineless dinner given to the diplomats. It is not the first time Europe has laughed at things American. It laughed at America's bourgeois army but finally had to the militiaman General Washington but had to sign treaties with him just the same. It laughed at the so-called farmerlike address of Franklin but it stopped its merriment when it found that be had outgeneraled their most astute diplomats. It laughed at the putting of a railsplitter in the presidency but it did not seem so funny when the railsplitter spoiled pire in Mexico. Europe has the America has always had the last self in this case. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS its forty -fifth school year strrcMacN i. ii. 'UtGREE COURSESiamaoyphasesof aaaicuLTunc. rNoiwccaiNo. homc ECONOMIC. MlNINO. FORiaTHV. COU SJEMCK. PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES in Aoricuu TURK. HOMC ECONOMICS. MECHANIC ARTS. FORESTRY. COMMERCE, PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES la manual training, agricnltnre, domestic science and art. MUSIC, including piano, string, hand instruments and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled . "THK ENRICHMENT OF RURAI. LlPE" and a Catalogue will be mailed free on application. Address H. M. Tbnmant, Registrar, -!-! to W) Corvallis, Oregon. BLANK Conveys no Poor Printing bad. ' " OUR PRINTING TELLS YOUR STORY AND TELLS IT CLEARLY The Globe's Job Work Is Worth INSPECTION. T. Eaitce. of gilliam cousrTy Glob Publkhlnj Company. tit poat efice at Coadoa, Oregea fanners to become Active in se vegetables, fruits, etc., for would also be a good thing for to say that no amount of writ surrender to it It laughed at the scheme for a European em laughing habit but somehow laugh and history will repeat it Darina and Credulity. Martin Frobisher'i adventures in search of the Northwest passage form a curious mixture of daring and credulty. Wjth the piratical instinct of the true Elizabethan, Frobisher was tempted to forego AOTiltratinn in nnoat nf' Tthflntoni Eofd. One of bis sailors had brought ome a piece of black pyrite, which the goldsmiths oi London declared to contain no cold, but which an Italian quack valued highly. The Italian's advice being preferred, Frobisher went out a second time to Greenland's icy mountains and brought home 200 tons of rubbish that much tarnished the credit of his latter days. Subscribe for the ' Globe. It gives all the news. PAPER message and is almost as 4 : GLOBULES By tLt Devil The nxt event is the Trir County Fair. Many farmers are getting rid of the weeds and the others should be made to follow suit If airboats become as popular as autos it may be necessary to roof the streets. California need not be aston ished in 1915 i if no Japanese comes to her party. "Money makes the mare go1 but the garage man says it only takes gasoline to make the auto spin. For the majority of symptoms of physical disorders, now in evidence, the devil ventures to suggest the blanket diagnosis vacationitis." ' One objection that the inter ests have to President Wilson is that he refuses to discuss any public question in whispers. A thief recently entered newspaper office ana stole $s says an exchange, This explodes the old saying that you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip. If you don't agree with the Globe, write out your views and send them in for publication. This paper welcomes communi- cations whether it endorses them or not. Read the advertisements. An Undleeevered Interior. 'A magazine editor recently re turned a story to an aspiring con tnbutor. Immediately the latter wrote an indignant letter to him, saying that before sending her manuscript she hud slightly pasted together several of the inner nazes. When the story was returned to her it was in its original condition. She had always suspected editors of neglecting their duties : now she was sure of their carelessness, for her own story had not been read. To all this the much berated man made reply: Dear Madam At breakfast, when I And that an es Is bad. 1 do not bave to eat tea whole of It to make sur-t .' : Chicago Record-Herald. , Jarred the Professor. .When in 1883 Professor Freeman was examining Battle abbey he found himself dogged by a person, who, as he thought, somewhat otfl ciouslv obtruded his oners oi as sistance. After vainly trying to shake him off he broke forth with "I don't want your help. The Duke of Cleveland promised that I should not be interfered with by the gar deners. . "Exactly so," was the reply; hope they have obeyed my orders. I am the Duke of Cleveland. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease, ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces, Hall's catarrh cure is not a quack med. icine. It was prescribed by one of, the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces, The perfect combination of the two in. is what produces such wonderful re suits in curing xatarrh. Send for test imonials, free.l P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, Sold by all Druggists, 75c. i Take Hall's Family Pills, for con stipation. P. A. Efird, conejo, Calif., gives pointer for others , to profit by. have sold Foley's Honey and Tar com pound, also other lines of cough medi cine for a number of years, but never used anything but Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for myself or family as' I find it produces the best results, at ways cures severe colds and does not contain opiates. For sale by the Red Cross Co. FOLEY KIDNEY FILLS KH RHEUMATISM KIDNEfS AND BLAUutR int )) Other yffipr - '. wit LEGAL ADVERT ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the Honorable County Court of Gilliam county, Oregon, Administrator cf the Estate of William W. Reynold, de ceased. All persons havinK claims against the said estate are therefore hereby notified to present the same to the. undersigned at Gwendolen, Oregon, or to G. w. rarman, Attorney lor aid Administrator, at Condon, Oregon, within sis months from the date here of, the same being the date of the first publication of this notice. Said claims to be verified by law retired. Dated May 30, 1913. II. 3. Lynch, Administrator. G.W. Parman, Att'y for Administrator IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR GILLIAM COUNTY. ' . In the Matter of the Estate of Godfrey Schilling, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executrix of the estate of Godfrey Schilling, deceased, has filed her final report in said proceeding, and the above named Court has act Monday the Uth day of August, 1913. at the hour of 10 o'oclock in the forenoon of said day at the court room of the above entitled court, in the court house at Condon, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing said report and any objections thereto that may be offered, and all persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified to appear before the above named court at said time and place, and show cause If any they have, why aaid estate should not be finally settled, the Executrix discharged and the property distributed as by Will provided. Louise M. Schilling, G, W. Parman, Executrix. Attorney for Executrix. Date of first publication, July II, 1913. Date of last publication, August 8,1913. IN THE COUNTY COURT OFTHE STATE OF OREGON FOR GILLIAM COUNTY. In the matter of the estate Francis M. Rinehart, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un derslgned Executor of the estate of Francis M. Rinehart, deceased, has filed his final report in said proceeding, and the above entitled court baa set Monday, the Uth day of August, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'lock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of the above entitled court, in the court house at Condon, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing said report and ob- tantiAni that maw Ka rtfFarttA tharAtn ' j-.i ::...,...i !. ..!.!,.: sallu wiivjtBuiraiiiBvvu ait aniu va.ai are hereby notified to appear before the aboved named court at said time and plaoe, and show cause if any they have, why said estate should not be finally settled, the Executor discharged, and the property distributed as pro vided In the will Ellis W, Rinohart, G. W. Parman, Executor. Attorney for Executor. Date of First publication, July 11,1913. Date of last publication, August 8,1913. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. June 28th, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Marshall W. Welshons of Clem, Oregon, who, on September 4th, 1908, made Home stead Entry, No. 0923, for SE1-4NEI-4, E1-2SE1-4 Sec. 2 and NW1-4SW1-4 Section I, Township 2 South, Range 21 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before George W. Parman. U. S. commissioner, atH Condon, Oregon, on the 8th day of Aug ust, 1913. claimant names as witnesses: Henry Wilkins, W. H. Speece, Jacob Larch and chas. Wilkins all of clem, Oregon, H. Frank Woodcock, Register. W. S. Farr - G. M. Farr , E. C Farr -1 FARR BRO&1- Meat Market : : Grocery : : Bakery The Finest of Fresh and Cured Meats of all kinds always , in Stock Right Prices :: GLOBE - The Paper That Goes Home SlilGj Notice for PabllratUia. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land OitWe, The Dalles, Oregon. June 7th, 1913 Notice Is hereby given that John C, McEaihsrn, of Clem, Oregon, who on January 25, 1909, made Homestead No.0313 for Wl-2 NEM and Nl-2 SEW, of Sec. 9, Tp. 2 South, Range 19 Rant Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Fi nal three-year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before George W, .Parman, U. S. Commissioner his office at Condon, Oregon, on t Hth day of July, 1913. ' Claimant names as witnesses: James Larch, John Weimar, John Wolmar Jr., and V. B. Huber all of Clem, Oregon. C. W. Moors, Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore June 23, 1913 Notice (a hereby given that Sarah CFrance.of Rock Creek.Oregon.who.on Feb. Hth, 1910, made Homestead, No. 0GO00, for the Wl-2 NE1-4 and Wl-2 SE 1-4 of Section Ten (10), T. 1 N.rth, Range 20 East, Willamette Mer klian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above described. before George W. Parman, U. S. Com missloner at his office at Condon, Ore gon, on the 8th day of August 1913 Claimant names as witnesses: W Ham Head, James E, Stephens, Mat Chambers and Curtis Barker, all of Rock Creek, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR GIL , LIAM CCUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of William Looney, Deceased Natkt el Sale ei Real Eafcts Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the county court of Gilliam county, Oregon, made on the 9th day of July 1913, in the matter of Estate of William Looney.deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to con firmation by said court, the following described real estate in Gilliam county. Oregon, and bounded and described as follows: lots Three (3), Four (4), and Nine (9) of block Eleven (11) of Condon and Cornish's Addition to the town of Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon, aa the same appears of record in the office of the clerk of Gilliam county, Oregon Said sale will be made on Saturdi '.the 9th day of August, 1913, at 10 . . . . . A'MiAMk a n sat tha fanrit Hsi o'clock a. m, at the front door of the court house of Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon. The terms of said sale will be cash or one-half cash with the belai.ee se. cured by a first mortgage on the, pre- mlsessold.due in one year with 8 per cent intorest per annum from date of aale. Dated at Condon, Oregon this 9th day of July, 1913. JAS. D. BURNS, Administrator of the estate of William Looney, Deceased. 18 Ct , , r HORSE SALE Twenty head of well-broken work horses, from three to four years old and weighing from 1200 to 1500 pound. Sale wi be held at rortwood s Barn in Condon, Oregon on July 12th, starting promptly at two o'cloc p. m. Terms: Four months wit interest at 10 per cent, o per discount for cash. v Isaac Blann, Owner. Wayne Grider, Auctioneer, Don't overlook the fact that the Globe can give you clubbing rates on any magazine or news paper published. pJL RIl TheiFamous RED RIBBON Canned Goods j?i 4. r t u r -.1- Bread and Pastries Prompt Delivery AV1ir7J7AC eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee T. VPJIf? 9 A. WEINKE UWYII C4m KVI fcwt UM. Conthn, Ortyan, GEO. VV. PARMAN : AnOnMY-AT-UW U.l. Cunthn, Orryon. Dr. J. W. Donnelly Physician and Surgeon All calls promptly answered Offirea: First door north of Dunn Bros. CONDON, OREGON t J. F. WOOD, M. D. J PHYSICIAN I SURGEON in rWIMallM PORTLAND, OREGON. Drs.Mlller&Wllhelm : PHYSICIANS SURCEGNS rn R'l lua UMIm Condon, Oregon. Dr. Quy Penepacker DENTIST Ral'l I Condon, Ortgon. a DR. J. E.ANDERSON OSTEOPATH Cknak Cm ttMbttf THE DALLES, OREGON. : : : L.L.TAYLOR M.D.V. VETERINARY " S milCUS t SUkCEO Condon, Oregon. I Abstracts of: I ..Title.. I To Gilliam County Heal Property. . : . . C 11 HORNER; Condon, Oregon. WAYNE GRIDER J AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR J ' Will cry all sales. I 'CONDON . OREGON J GEORGE JANATA Merchant Tailor Suits made to order. Refitting, cleaning, pressing and repairing All work guaranteed Ladiges Bldg, Condon, Oregon. O.K. SHOP Up-to-date Ton sorial Parlors Randall & Seale ...PROPRIETORS... lit DoorNertk First Nstwul BsL POLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON rf Business Directory H A Directory of each City, Town and Vlllai., alvlnc dmrerlDtlva aksioh af each plan., location, papulation, talc graph, .hipping and banking golnt) alto Claaalll.d Directory, oomplUd t uu.inM ana proration. I rOI.K CO.. BKATTI.H