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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1913)
THE CONDON (.LORR 1 ARLINGTON SUPPLEMENT TO THE CONDON GLOBE ti 1 LATEST ITEMS ARLINGTON Earl Snell who has been work ing here in the Independent of fice left for Condon Friday where he (roes to take a position in Barker's gereral merchandise store. T. C Mobley and wife were in Arlington last Friday visiting friends and Mis3 Lulah who has been attending school here this winter returned with them. J. A. Ries of Olex was in Arl ington this week. Mr. Ries just returned from Maryland where he sold a carload of horses FOLEY KIDNEY PUIS FOR RHEUMATISM KIO'SYS AND BlAOOtft A BUSINESS LUXURY A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed a business necessity; and he who tries to get along without one is at a great dis advantage. 3 It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of busi ness in order to open an account. Q Pro fessional men, farmers, stockmen, and al so many women, are running check ac counts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the i . P'an come to us and we will get you I started. ARLINGTON BANK I Scrubbing Unnecessary Enamel your wa'ls and woodwork and secure a finish that is hard and smooth, non-absorbent and sanitary. Enameled surfaces do . not require scrubbing'. An occasional wiping with a damp cloth will keep them looking clean and fresh. ACME QUALITY fcNAMELS-NEAL'S are easilv applied. They cost no more than ordinary paint and save you time, worry and trouble. Our "Home Decorating" booklet tells you how you . can "do it yourself" at trifling cost. , Ask for afje3 copy. . DUNN BROTHERS, Inc. Condon, ' Oregon . Lmtfx columns of the Condoh Globe Chas. F. Kayser of Goldendale was in town on Wednesday on b isiness. He is one o( the main stockholders tn Brooks & Ca's bank at Goldendale, C. M. Wherry of the Dot ter ritory was in Arlington this week on business matters. W. P. Reed of Cecil was in town Monday on his way to the valley to attend to some business. Mrs. A. . Phillipi and eon of Early were in Arlington this week visiting friends. Mr. Wra. Head and wife, cf Ro?k Creek wcra in Arlington Friday. night to attend the grad uating exercises. Guyle Shurte, who has been teaching school for sonr.e time, is here visiting relatives and friends. NATIONAL ave you Eggs, or Poultry H for Breeding Purposes For Sale? Hundreds of people in Gilliam county are interested in poultry raising: and will purchase' eggs or breeding stock. You can reach them through the advertising l STARTED ON GEHENT ' WALKS 111 ARLINGTON, RESERVOIR . AND ELECTRIC LIT PLANT NEXT Arlington is booming now and work has commenced on the cc- ment walks. Work will also soon A HINDU I00C." "7 H Strang Hiatory Cautod Mm. Car. ' not t Order It Dtatroyad. When Mtu. Caruot, widow of Sadl Curuot. died and lr will wai read a cIiium lu It t'Musfd ctmsltlernbla cutn uioiiL Tlila waa to the afftict that a certain mall Hindu Idol carved from t hard aton wblt-b would b fuuud I lmunit ber iropmjr niuxt b taken out ! lud vruabvd until completely destroy ed. Many marveled at thia appareutly al ) Hilar request for tha Idol aeemed I uaruilena. ugly little, thing-, but ber in ttructlons were carried out to the let ter. The Idol hud beD presented to Sadl Carnot year beror be bud ever thoiiKbt of the preatdeuoy of France by I frleud who bad brought It from In dia, ljiter he learned that there waa legend attached to It which aaaerted that whosoever would retain tt In bla poaseaalon would rise to tb fulleat height of power In his chosen profe tlon. but die of atab wound when at (be tenlth of bis career. M. Carnot traced the hUtory of the Idol and found that for 000 years the rulers wbo had possessed It had all died either In battle or by assassination from stab wounds. Yet be laughed at the story, called the facta adduced by his search a mere chain of coincidence and retained the IdoL lie died by a dagger In the hands of an assassin; hence Mme, Carnot's strange: request. LURE OF THE MISTS. Curious Exparianc In th Clouds In an Aeroplane, It was at Manchester. Aeroplanes were sweeping the skies In the circuit of Britain race. Vedrlues bad landed. I and Impatient at the rulea that made I blin wait ten minutes before taking up 'the race, went about Jabbering tn ! Krencn. One or (be officials asked him what kind of a trip be bad had. Ved I rine's answer was to hold up his bands ; expressively. lie was quiet for many seconds, then be said: "I was blanketed Id clouds so that I could not see ten meters before me. Below me was nothing but rolling mist that gradually took on all funcifnl tbapes and colors. 1 cangbt myself wanting to descend, to drop suddenly into It and see what It was like. To escape this feeling I flew higher and higher, until, venturing to look down igaln, I saw wonderful lights and nuudows that never before bod been re vealed to me from the sky. I saw a Ireamy city, a wonderful mirage, and I believe I would bnve forgotten every, thing but those exquisite colorings, re eased my levers, and" (He laughed. "But I was fortunate, for I became ilck-as sick as a dog awtry np in the elouds'-Edward Lyell Fox tn Har per'a Weekly. Good material Is from the German. half the work. A RIOT OF BLOOM SEVENTH ROSE FESTIVAL Portland, Oregon, LOW ROUND TRIP Fares from all O-W. R. & N. stations to Portland and Return VIA TICKETS ON SALE A Carnival of Fun, Beauty and Wholesome Enjoyment Bring the folks and witness the gorgeous event. Full particulars cheerfully furnished upon application. Don't Miss It. D. Tierney, Agent, Condon, - Oregon begin on the new reservoir and the electric lights will boon be installed. " AN INSOLENT WRITER." H Pound H Couldn't Dietal to a Typical John Bull. That sprouting Scotch t, th Earl uf lvn, who rebuked a alilp uvwa r orter who apprtxtcbed lilui by dwlur lug that "no Kfiitlviiiuii ever vak to another without tin Introduction; It alinply hin t done," ta an old friend of James KiuikU hw.vvr, the Australian iioreltxt-tluit K l)jer doexn't nctu ally know the Karl of l.evon, hut he knows hla sweetly HrlUxli sort, "I ought to." aald Dwyer. "I was broke lu Loudon and I learned to know th true Hrltou. Once I an swered an Mdverttxunient for literary secretary. To nink certain that my letter would be read 1 wired th ad vertiser as follows: "Do not engage a literary secretary until you liav read my letter of ap plication.' That letter was gem. I thought I would land th place with It Sure. 1 was certain of It when a lurK. aquar letter directed me to apieiir at a nam ed add reus at given hour. It was a four penny bus ride, but I didn't car. My fortune was opeolug out befor m. I squandered th foiirience without a miserly thought A pompous butler ushered me Into a. black onk library, where the original stuffed motlol ot John Hull sat at table. I sat down meekly and waited to be apoken to. Hlum! lie hit the desk with bis clinched band. "You cannot dictate to an English man,' said this old luuifu, " 'No. sir.' I wild. ! tell you.' he shouted, 'you csnoot dictate to an Eogllsbnianr " "Certainly not I said. -Hut you tried to." he said. 'Ton sent in this Impertinent telegram. No Englishman would have doue that It waa an American trick.' "I tried to soothe hltu. for I wanted that Job. Hut be got hotter and hotter, finally he told me outright that he hnd hired n young man wbo ouce bud work ed for a lord. " "I have sent for yon.' said be, 'and you should he grateful to me tn order to feocb yon a proper respect for the traditions of England and for the Brit ish fing." "Von old fossil.' said I, 'If I had a British flag here I'd tear It In two and choke you to deatb with It'" Chicago New. Justice. "All right." fumed Jiblcta, hand ing over $10. "I'll pay. but let nie say to your honor tlmt it is rank injustice. Why, look at the dam age to my car from your rotten roads the mud's an inch thick on every bit of that machine." "Thet's where the justice comes in," smiled the local Solomon. "At $4 n loud it'll cost us about $10 re storin' Jho mud your old machine has been a-gntherin up outen our hisUFavi." Harper's. ANNUAL June 9 to 14 Inc. June 8-9 11 and 13 Final limit June 16 WOOL BOUGHT BY H. D. White of liotwevelt was in town last week and sold his woj to a local buyer. J. F. Johnson of Cleveland, Wash., waa in town this week and nold his wool to the Arling ton Lbr. Co. BRIEF LOCAL NEWS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Ralph Strode of 0!ex wai in town last week. Mrs. Ralph Harford of Wasco is here visiting relatives and friend?. F. R Witchey and wife of Early were in Arlington on last Friday. Rend the advertise ments . A. P. McNARY, Prcrrktor The Grande Hotel STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. qWE . scucrr tour patronac?.... EXCELLENT CUISINE' II. II. WILD URN WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER NATISIWOTION (;1!AIIAN'Ti:i:i CONDON - - OliHCSON when you lire of rough, strong high proof whiskey Cyr Nora bottled at drinking strength W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents V Portland, Oregon NOTHING DOINC - A GLOBE 'WANT AD' WILL DO IT. fl Wt Do BUIuarr Work and 8avc Duty Work Shlpud loAny Tart of lh Country B All Work Doh br ElortrlcllJ , H I The Dalles Marble and Granite Works I L. C0MINI, Proprietor. j U Designer, Manufacturer, Importer I I Branch House at Condon .,: Patronize Home Industry Pi'ii!-.lnJ INTERESTING NEWS OF WEEK BRIEFLY TOLD Personals about People You Know Cathired ky the Wida AwiU Arlington Reporter of (he Condon Globe Mrs. J. E. Mulkey, Rock Creek. spent Friday and Saturday with Relatives here. J. E. Reynolds of Troutlake was here this week look inn for more cattle. Chas. Wester nassed throuuh Arlington lust week on his w ay to Clem to visit old friends. Ho used to live there and still owi 8 a place at Clem. REASONABLE RATES ARLINGTON, OREGON. ayflHsWMsaHVBtaHa Q I