CONDON GRAIN MARKETS TODAY: WHEAT; CLUB 73, f ORTY-FOLD 73, BLUESTEM 85; BARLEY $20.00 Six Hundred Subscriber in Gilliam County. The Leading Newspaper of Gilliam County. VOL 24 CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913. NO. 8 0-W. R. & N. SURVEYORS START SURVEY OF CONDON BRANCH R. R. EXTENSION ' . ENGINEERS TO MAKE REPORT ON COST OF LINET0F0SS1L Crew Arrived in Town Yeiterday and Start Survey in Morning Headed toward the Wheeler County Seat Surveyors of the Oregon Washington Railroad & Naviga tion Co. arrived in Condon yes terday to begin tl.e survey of the railroad extension from Con don to Fossil. The crew in look ing over the country along the proposed route and tomorrow work will start from this city. This survey is to determine the cost of the work and upon the reports of the engineers will rest the probability of the con struction of the tone. It is un derstood, however, that if the expense will not be too great the line will be built to Fossil. The officials of the O-W. R. & N. Co. consider the proposed Condon extension ns one of the most important projects- in the development o Oregon and if conditions justify they will au thorize early construction work. This survey, however, is the first step toward actual con struction. STRUCK FINE FLOW OF WATER ON THE HERROLD RANCH H. II. Wilburn completed a well on the David Herrold place below Mikkalo this week. A strong flow of water was ob tained at the depth of 110 feet The well shows the indication of an artesian flow says Mr. Wil burn. Follow the crowds Stephenson sale! to the The Globe will print any kind of posters, for shows, dances and and sales. The attractive . kind at lowest prices. MAYVILLE LOCALS Mayville, May 15, (Special) Miss Grace Chandler closed a very successful four-months' term of school at Badger on Fri day and retnrned to her home in Portland on Tuesday. The dance given here Satur day evening was largely attend ed and all report a splendid time. Wm. Read and family of Cor- vallis are visiting the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ed wards. Miss Maggie Stockdale visited at the F. A. Stinchfield home on Sunday. Mrs. William Wallace, who has been very sick, is rapidly recov ering. Mrs. Laura McConnell has been taking her place at the hotel, Misses Lctha Thomas and Maggie Stockdale were visitors at the John McConnel home on Tuesday. , R. E. Graham and wife were the guests of F. B. Moore the first of the week. C. A. Waterhouse preached to a crowded house Sunday fore noon and afternoon. ; lntarwtliMr Haa tr mm Mm Ccaalf f'tktt a, HnM C Mr HUf.. ITEMS Jos. Kirschner went to Willow Creek Tuesday. Alex Hardie went to The Dalles Tuesday on business. Mihs Beatrice Snell of Arling ton visited relatives here the latter part of last week. Mrs. J. T. Fagan of Clem and Miss Florence Prevost attended the high school play here Sat urday night Come and look! No charge. Stephenson sale May 17. Open Sunday, Mrs. J. I. Munden returned on Saturday from Washington where she has been for the past three weeks taking care of her mother during her fatal illness. Spokane man has 940,000 mort gage on property In that city which he wishes to trade for wheat land in Gilliam county. Mortgage stands for 20 years and bears interest at 6 per cent making an annuual income of $2400. tall at the Globe office. MORE NEEDLESS EXPENSE FOR THE TAXPAYERS The corridor of the county jail is to be lined with steel to keep the bold, bad men, incarcerated therein, from burrowing through to free dom. For this the taxpayers of this county are to pay 950. The county court so orders. While we are put ting in improvements why not put a ferry across Thir tymile and install a burglar alarm sytem to prevent any one stealing the cement walk at the high school? There is just as much com mon sense in these as in lining the jail corridor. There are now two cells in the jail in which to con fine prisoners and there is no chance of anyone getting out of these. .When the prisoners are allowed the freedom of the corridor for their necessary exercise it is supposed thai the officers are watching them or at least .know just what they are doing. Taxes were high this year, next year they will be higher, too high to have any of the taxpayer's money wasted in useless expend itures. Also there was no formal call for bids on this job, another poor business policy to which the county court seems to be addicted. Still there were four bids entered as follows: Jamie son & Marshall, 650; W. B. Kinsley, 781.46; Norris Safe & Lock Co. of Port land, $950; and Mosler Safe Co. of Portland, 1050. There were two bids below the price at which the con tract was given. Still the contract was given to a Portland firm, which has never paid a cent of taxes in thi3 county, in prefer ence to the local , bidders. It is anything but good busi ness. . LOCAL S MISS TIME DAMS GILLIAM COUNTY POPULARITY CONTEST, MISS DOROTHY ROGERS SECOND Glooe's Subscribers Number Over 1103 at Remit of Great Contest Miu Dams Receives Grand Prize 'of $100.09 in Gold, Miss Rogers $40.00 in Gold-Beautiful Gold Rinf Presented Miss Marie Summers, Third in. Contest, as an Appreciation of Her Splendid Work Miss Tillie Dams, Condon -- 306,550 Miss Dorothy Rogers, ;,,, - 245,100 Miss Marie Summers, " - -239,500 Judges das. D. Burns, A. S. Hollen, Geo. O. Dukek This was the standing of the contestants when the Globe's Popularity Contest was brought to a close this morning and the judges, after going over the sub set iptions and counting the votes awarded the first prize to Miss Tillie Dams, and the second to OLEX NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK Olex, May 15, (Special Corres pondence to the Condon Globe) James Boyce was a Condon visitor on Monday. Carl Gregory left for Wheeler county the first of the week. . Miss Lulah Mobley spent Sat urday and Sunday at her . home on Rock Creek. W. S. Wade left Tuesday for a few days visit to Portland. Ralph Strode and wife were Arlington visitors on Friday last. Gertrude Martin returned on Monday from Portland, J. B. Wiseman of Rock Creek waa a business visitor Saturday. J. H. Wood of Arlington was an Olex visitor on Saturday. G. W. Marvel returned last week from a visit to his daugh ter, Mrs. Atkinson of Ashland. Fred McKinney of Rock Creek was in town on Friday last. Lester Wade and F. T. Hurl burt passed through town on Tuesday. S. M. Wood was a business visitor Monday and Tuesday. . S. C. Dodson of Clem wa3 in town Monday, Prince Lucai left Wednesday morning for Spokane. Mrs. J. A. Randall of Condon came down Monday and is visit ing at the home of H. D. Randall. DEEDS FILED THE LAST WEEK Flora C. Joy and others to Edward Dunn 150 acres, $2500. Joe Blosser to T. E. Edwards 160 acres. Homer B. McDaniel to J. G. Lawler 160 acres. W. Lord and others to Fanny McEachern lot in Condon $150. NOTICE The Sunday School of Mikkalo will give an ice cream social at the school house Satur day night, May 24th. A good program will be presented by the school. Everyone invited. WINS FIRST IN Miss Dorothy Rogers. Although no third prize was offered it was decided, in view of the good work accomplished by Miss Marie Summers, to give her 'a prize also. As a result of the contest the Globe now has over 1100 subscribers on the list GOOSEBERRY PEOPLE BUSY Gooseberry, May 14, (Special) Most of the farmers are busy plowing these days. The wheat is very backward owing to the cold weather this spring. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jackson was gladdened by the arrival of a boy born on Sat urday evening; mother and baby doing fine. After being under the careful treatment of Dr. Twitchell of Portland for several weeks, Mrs. (J. f , Warner of Gooseberry re turned home this week. She made many friends while there who hated to lose her but Port land's loss is our gain. Henry Moore of Rock Creek visited at the home of C. F. Warner Sunday. Everybody is in the chicken business in this section and Con don will soon be overrun with frys. WILL ATTEND 1.0. O F. GRAND LODGE AT MEDFORD J as. Cooke went to Portland Saturday to remain a week be fore going on to Medford to at tend Grand Lodge of the I. O.O. F. W. A. Darling will also attend as a delegate from the local lodge. ROCK LOSES TO ARLINGTON CUBS Arlington, May 15, (Special) -The ball game last Sunday be tween the Rock Creek juniors and the Arlington cubs on the Arlington diamond was won by the cubs by the score of 9 and 31. Are you coming to the P. H. Stephenson sale? if you need anything, you can get it cheap. The Globe gives all the news. F. E. EDWARDS & CO.' REAL ESTATE FIRM READY FOR BUSINESS "We wish to announce that the Real Estate firm of F. E. Edwards & Co. is now ready for businea. The office on the ground floor of the First National Bank building is jiot completly furnished, but enough so that business can be transacted with out further delay, and in the meantime "fitting up" for a complete Real Estate. Insurance and Grain buying office will pro ceed with alacrity. The partnership is composed of P. H. Stephenson and F. E. Edwards, and they respectfully invite your patronage. Any business that comes under the head of Buying, Selling or Trad ing of Real Estate or Business chances or, Investments, Fire Insurance or Loans, will te done for you on a strictly legitimate commission basis. The company is going to work for Condon and Gilliam County, and in addition all the district of which Condon is the metropolis. For the upbuilding of the towns and for the increasa in values of town property and land which is so evidently deserved. You can assist us in this by dropping into the office when in town or, by mailing us the name of some one back east or in Ca nada who you think would be in terested in this country. We will send them dependable liter ature about Gilliam county and. in addition, will write them a good descriptive letter at your dictation if you wish and will include any personal remarks you may care to send. We wish to call your attention to the fact that we still have those good lots to sell at Warren1 ton-Astoria, the mouth of the Columbia river. It is assured as a seaport and no better spe culation exists on Earth today than this. We all know how easy it is to look backward then. why .not look ahead Ten years or Fifteen years even? That's the way those before us made their wealth. , A few dol lars down and an easy monthly payment will do the work.. You cannot lose and you have every possible chance of making "Big Money. Both members of this firm own property there and it is not for sale. Call at the office and let us tell you about it. We have the "Phoenix" and the "German Americaa" Fire Insurance accounts. They paid $6,000,000.00 loses in the San Francisco fire without a murmur. We will write your insurance in these companies and, you will know that you are insured. We have growing grain Insurance that takes care of your grain in sacks and in the warehouse, also Automobile insurance and, we hope to have HAIL insurance all in the same two companies. Get in touch with us by letter or phone. We are on the' ground floor of the First National Bank building and -our phone number is 33. Respectfully yours, F. E. EDWARDS & CO. NORTH END GETS ; PLENTY OF MOISTURE ' Arlington, .May 15, Special The rains of the past week has been making everyone in this end of the county- smile as it looks like a big crop this year. LISTOF JURORS FOR JUNE TERM CIRCUIT COURT Following is the list of jurors chosen for the June term of the circuit court: David Cantwell,, E. B. Schomp, J. B. Lester, J no. Dysart, B. F. Greiner, James Larch, F. A. Bennett Louis E. Fowler, H. Greenfield, P. J. Mulkey, William Gross, H.C. Ochse, J. N. Pointdexter, F. C. Greiner, Jay Crenshaw, S. B. Couture, Chas. R. I wan, A. L. Huff.IL F. Ellis, L L.Montague, B. A. Hollen, F. E. Bennett. J. C. Holebos, EmmettCooney.Bert Cooner, J. D. Burns, EarJ Myers, Polk McPhersori.Sam McGilvray, George Parsons, and G. M. Blakely. MAYVILLE FAIR PEOPLE TO MEET MONDAY ON FAIR BUSINESS The directors of the Mayville Fair will meet on Monday, May 19th, at 10 o'clock to decide on discontinuing the fair and to dispose of ah business in a legal manner, .They will also decide at that time whether or not they will join with the Tri-Connty Fair. :: , STORK PAYS SEVERAL VISITS TO THIS COUNTY Dr. Donnelly reports that : the stork called on May 10th at the home of John Hetzler and left a fine baby girl. Dr. Miller reports a ; boy born yesterday to the wife of Jas. Knight. LADIES AID SHOW THURSDAY NETS $42 ' The Ladies Aid of the Cong, church cleared $42 at the enter tainment last night. The Aid wishes to thank Mr. Johnson,, who donated his services and the use of his picture machfne, and . also to thank all of those who took part in the program. " LATEST HAPPENINGS FROM ARLINGTON Arlington, May 14, Special John Zwald of the Blalock country left Monday for his old home in Pennsylvania to visit his parents. This is his first visit home in seven years and he ex pects to return in about a month. Edgar Irby, Theo Christensen, Miss Esther Cox and Miss Lulah Mobley made a trip out to Olex Sunday to visit at the Mobley ranch and returned the same evening. Mrs. C. J. Ames left for Col fax, Wn., the last week to be at the bedside of her mother who is quite ill. As this issue goes to press her mother is improving. Jesse Dms of Willow Creek made a couple of trips to Arling ton this week and hauled out some lumber to improve house. Walter Pope was in the from Cecil Morday. Subscribe for the Globe. his city