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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1913)
THE CONDON -GLOBE. SiCr.THE CONDON GLOBE TH& LEAVlfG StEWSTA.r&H Or GILLIAM COUJtTV H. k. HarisWe Mils. Pabllshed Et7 Friday by The Glob PublUhlnj Con pear. Entered u second daaa nail matter at tha port afflca at Condon, Orefoa CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APR. 25, 1913. Advertising Rates: Display Advertising - Single issue, 20 cent par inch; two issues, 115 canta par inch per issue, regular current advertising, IS 1-2 casta per inch per Issue. Local Advertising - 10 cents par Una for first insertion; S cents per line each ad ditional Insertion. Legal Advertising - 10 cents par line per issua. Subscription Rates: Onb Tear (In Advance) $1.50 Six Months - " ...... 1.00 IT IS SOMETIMES not easy for us to distinguish between our opinions and our prejudices. . This is a matter one should ever bear in mind. One thing is certain; prejudice is always inclined to make one dogmatic while an opinion formed on rational grounds does not make one sensitive to criticism. WASHINGTON and Adams appeared before joint sessions of the two houses of congress and delivered their annual messages in person. Jefferson, for some reason, abandoned the practice but President Wilson has restored the custom after a lapse of ever 100 years. How much better it is that the president should per sonally deliver his message than to leave it to some clerk who does not know what he is read ing about or does not care. THE Municipal News, Los Angeles' municipal weekly news paper, ha3 discontinued after only 32 weeks of publication and at a loss of $36,000 to the tax payers. Still there are many who think they can run a news paper better than the editors. THE direct election of United States senators is now assured for the wnole nation. Phone in the news. For Dyspepsia If you suffer Stomach Trouble, and you try our remedy, it won't coat you cent If it fails. To prove to you that indiawtior and dyspepsia ess be thoroughly re lieved and thai lUull Dyspepsia Tablets will do it, we will furnish tha medicine absolutely free if it fails to give you am Olfaction. Tha remarkable success of Rnsll Dyapepeia Tablets is due to tha tush degree of ecientifio akill used ia de vising their formula aa well as to the care exercised in their manufacture, whereby tha well-known properties of Bisroutn-Suboitrate and Pepsio have been properly combined with Carminatives and other agents. Bisrouth-Subnitrata and Pepsia are constantly employed and recog nised by tha entire medical profes aioo as invaluable in tha treatment of indigestion and dyspepsia. Their proper combination makes a remedy invaluable for stomach relief. We are so certain that there Is nothing so good for stomach ills as Reiall Dyspepsia Tablets that we urge you to try them at our risk. Three sises, 25 cents, 60 seats, and $1.00. You can bur Reiall Dyspepsia Tablets fa this community only at our sum: GRAVES & VAN SLYPE Condon 7h jfcstttfl Jasrs Otvgui. There Is a Retail Store ia nearly every town and eiiy in the 1'sited State. CanJi ani Gnat Britain. Tssre Is a different Reiall Remedy tor nearly erery ordinary human ill each eapecially dasiensa fat the particular ill for which it is reooauneaaed. Tie Reiall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stages E23 Millinery Bargains... 'Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Hats - - $2.00 Ladies' and Misses' Ready-to-wear Hats - .50 Boys' Hats -35 Infanta' Bonnets ... .35 Three Inch Silk and Velvet Ribbon, per yard - - - .15 Veils, Scarfs, Ornaments, Flowers, Gloves and Mourning Supplies MRS. STJTTOX Opeesite Ceadea National Bank BaiMieg. W. 8. Fair G. M. Farr E. C. Farr FARR BROS. Meat Market : : Grocery : : Bakery The Finest of T The Famous RED Fresh and Cured Meats Jk RIBBON Canned Goods of all kinds'always - fgg& Finest of Lunch Goods in Stock Vp? Bread and Pastries Right Prices :: Prompt Delivery the Printer's ink won't make car go. There's only one reason why 200,000 new Fords can't possibly satisfy this sea son's demand. The car itself is right with a lightness that is unmatched anywhere at any reasonable price. Our great factory has produced newly a quarter of a millon Model T'a. Priees: Run about, $525; Touring Car, $600: Town Car, $800--f. o. b.' Detroit with all equipment. ' For particulars get "Ford Times" an inter- eating automobile magazine. It's free from ' Detroit facrory. Ford Motor Company, 1444 Michigan Ave., Chicago. L. L. lay lor, lo- GLOBULES Sf&X Wises tl (t(MW Other- Devil Wise PATTING 'em on the back has been a stock in trade of some politicians. What will they do with the women voters? AN optimist is one who makes lemonade out of the lemons that, are handed to him. IT is now claimed that a de ficiency of $70,000,000 in revenue receipts will be caused by the downward tariff revision. THE man who has to be con verted every year must be a trial to the Lord's patience. THE. residence property in Condon has been pretty thoroly cleaned although some of the rubbish has not been hauled to the dumping ground yet. Some of the rear alleys however are still indescribably filthy. The business houses should be com pelleri to clean these places at once for it is just such places that breed millions of flies and in other ways menace the public safety. The man who is not willing to voluntarily clean up all such places should be com pelled to do so without any hesi tation on the part of the author ities. Better than Spanking Spanking will not cure children of wetting the bed, because it is not a habit but a dangerous dis ease. The C.H. Rowan Drug Co,, Dept. 1456, Chicago, III., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing dis ease and to makeknown its merits they will send a 50c package se curely wrapped and prepaid Ab solutely Free to any reader of The Condon Globe This remedy also cures frequent desire to uri nate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted mem bers of your family, then tell yofir neighbors and friends about thjs remedy. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR GILLIAM COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of J. l ' Greiner, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned by the order of the County Court of Gilliam County, Oregon, duly made and entered nf record, has been duly appointed administratrix of the above entitled estate. All persona having claims against aald cuts to are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to tho - umlcraignod, Mrs. Susan Greiner, at Condon, Ore gon, within Six Months from the first publication of this notice. Dated at Condon, Oregon, this 9th day of April 1913. First Publication April 11. 1913. MRS. SUSAN GKF.INKR. Administratrix. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Gilliam. II. Rostad, riaintitf, va. Agnes M. Kimball SUMMONS. and Emory J. llaaate. Defendants. To Agnes M. Kimball: In the Name of the State of Oregon; You are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or be fore tha 16th day of May, A. IX 1913. which is six weeks after Uie 4th day of April, 1913, the date for the first publication of this summons and if you fail to so appear and answer the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for In hia complaint to-wit: Fot a decree foreclosing that certain mortgage for the sum of $7500.00. dated November 18th, 1910, given by Agnes M. Kimball to Emory J. Haaaze, and which mortgage covers the following described real estate in Gilliam County, Oregon, to-wit: The South half (Sl-2) of Section Eight (8); the South half (Sl-2), the Northeast quarter (NEl-4) and the East half (El-2)of the Northwest quar ter (NW1-4) of Section Nine (9), The Weit Half (Wl-2) of the Northeast quarter NEl-4 of Section ten (10) and the West Half Wl-2 of the Southwest Quarter (SW1-4) of Section ten 10. The Northeast Quarter (NE 1-4) of the Northwest quarter (NW1-4) and the North Half (Nl-'.'Jof the North east quarter (NEl-4) and the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter SE 1-4 of the NEl-4of Section fifteenl.rJ. All of Section sixteen (1G). The South east quarter -SE1-4-, the East half -E 1-2- of the Southwest quarter-SWl-4-; the Northwest quarter ot the South west quarter -NVY 1-4 of SVV 1-4- and the North Half -N 1-2-of Section Seven teen -17-; the East half of the North east quarter -El-2 of the NE 1-4- and the East half -El-2- of the Southeast AttVBHTlSIfO . T.A.WEINKE : quarter -SE1-4- of Section 18; the South east quarter of Section twenty -SE 1-4 of Sec. 20-, the North half -Nl-2- of the Northwest quarter -NW1-4-; the North half of the Northeast quarter -Nl-2 of NE 1-4-, the Southeast quar ter -SE1-4- of the Northeast quarter -NEl-4- and the Northeast quarter 'NEl-4-of the Southeast quarter -SK 1-4- of Section twenty-one --1-; tin North Ialf of the Northwest Quarter Nl-2 of the NW1-4- and the North Half of the Northeast quarter -Nl-2 of NEl-4 of Section twenty-two -22- all In Township two -2-, North, Range twenty-one East of the Willamette Meridian containing 8100 acres, more or lesa. Which said mortgage and the prop erty described therein are fully art forth In the complaint filed In this suit; for a decree correcting and reforming said mortgage so that the property In Section Tun -10- described therein shall read and be described as follows: The West Half -Wl-2- or the North east Quarter -NEl-4- and the West Half -Wl-2-uf the Southeast Quarter SE 1-4-, Section Ten -10, in Township Two -2- North, Range Twenty-one 21 East, Willamette Meridian, Instead of The West Half I Wl-2 of tha North east Quarter NEl-4 and the West Half -Wl-2- of the Southwest Quar ter - SWl-4 - same section, township and range, and that said mortgage b' so reformed before foreclosure; that pliilntilT have judgment against the defendant Agnes M. Kimball for the sum of $7500. IX) and interest at aix per cent per annum from November 18th, 1910, and for the further sum of 1760.00 t aa attorneys fees, and for such other and further relief aa may be deemed by the court proper. I This summons is published by order - of the Honorable 1). It. I'arker, Judge of the above entitled court and said or der was made and entered upon the 31st dsy of March, A. D. 1913, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 4th day of April, A. I). 1913. R. V. PETERS, Attorney for I'taintifT. Date of first publication, April 4, 1913. Date of last publication. May IS, 1913. a e e a ' e e . vunuun, Cesses Nefl lass lie. Oregon. Z GEO. W. PARMAN iTTnoticv-iT-i list e U. I Careiel sHseHae Cine el tmkm teMaihs siav en Z Condtn, t Oregon. Z How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactiona and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMRCE, Toledo, Ohio. Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Have You Any Idea of the Completeness of Our Stock? CINCINNATI J Dunn Brothers Condon's Department Store BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT Where you can get the best selections of Made-io-Order Clothing Largest, Best and Most Complete Line of Dry Goods in All Depart ments Ever Shown in This City, Consisting of New Styles and Colors in Dress Goodsj Poplins, Ginghams, Prints, Outing Flannels, Dimities, Calicps, Table Damask, Muslins, etc. Always Buy the Famous Diamond W Canned Goods Just Received Full line of latest style Ladies Shoes including White Nubuck, Tans, etc., in Oxfords, Pumps & High Our GROCERIES are always the best ; Dr. J. W. Donnelly " I'hyslclan and Surgeon a All calls (irumptly answered 2 e OltU'ca: First door north of Dunn Uroe. I CONDON, OREGON Z am J. F. WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURCEON J II Ml.. laWlat tl Mais !M Z Z PORTLAND, OREGON. Z : Drs.Miller&Wilhelm PHYSICIANS 1 SURCEONS I fire) Hall last lelUlsl e Oregon. Z Z Tun (un, e : Dr. Guy Pencpackor DENTIST e e e Z Cesses Nal'l has lelUlst Condon, Oregon. Z Z DR. J.E.ANDERSON i OSTEOPATH Ores Cam s lex kit J Z THE DALLES, 0HEG0N. Z Z L.L.TAYLOR M.D.V. J VETERINARY Z rHTJICIAH a JUSCIOH Z Condon, Oregon. Z I Abstracts of I ! ..Title.. I ; To Gilliam County Real ; Property : C. H. HORNER, ; Condon, Oregon. Z ee,a,a a ttsaa . - - - - 1 Moore Bros, f "Up-to-date Dray Line Condon Ore. Phone 17A I All kinds of light and heavy X hauling. Our specialty is X to give you satisfaction. aaaaV O.K. SHOP Up-to-date Ton sorial Parlors "eeesBSBSsssBassBSBssBSBj Randall & Seale ... PROPRIETORS... lit Dsor Nertb. First Nstiossl Bask POLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each City, Town and VlllSSS. Slvlne dnmrtnllv aliilnh each place, location, population, tele. srapn, snipping- ana banking- points also Classified Directory, compiled by vu.iness ana . proisssion, . v . R. Ia POLK CO- Bkattmc M 3 1