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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1913)
CONDON GRAIN MARKETS TODAY: WHEAT; CLUB 73, fORTY-FOLD 73, BLUESTEM 85; BARLEY $20.06 .... H. Six Hundred Subscribers in Gilliam County. The Leading Newspaper of Gilliam County. VOL 24 CONDON, OUEitCN, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1913. NO. 5 ARLINGTON BOND ISSUE CARRIES BY 30V0TES Electric Light Plant To Be In stalled ia near FutureOnly 55 Voted Against Much Needed Improvement Arlington, Apr. 23, (Special) -At the city election on Monday the 21st to decide whether the city should be bonded for $0003 to install electric lights and alto to put in a plant, the question was carried by a mujority of 30 votes. There were 85 votes cast in favor of bonding, 53 against. The plant is to be installed in the near future. LOCAL TALENT MAKE BIG HIT IN 'RANCHMAN' The show, "The Ranchman," presented by the Athletic Club Tuesday night has been pro nounced by many as the best local talent production ever staged in Condon. The charac ter were well suited to the roles and handled them well. The costumes were also fine. The seat sale was large, total receipts being $96. INTERESTING SCHOOL NEWS OFTHE COUNTY Mrs. E. J. Everett U teaching the Spring term of school at Gwendolen. School at Hay Creek haclofed for the year. Miss Pcrcie Gow was the teacher of this school. Four weeks more of school in Condon. The next regular eighth grade examination will be held May 8th and 9th. FINE HOGS SENT TO MARKET BY LOCALPEOPLE Frank Golden shipped a car of fine porkers Monday to Portland, lie had 83 in the car and they were especially well fed and smooth,' averaging 225 pounds. The Arlington Lumber Co. shipped a car ot hogs Wednes day to Portland. There were 90 in the car and they averaged ' approximately 200 pounds. I your subscription paid up? The steering knuckle on D. R. Parker's car became dislocated Sunday while the Judge and his wife with a party of friends were on their way to Fossil. Fortun ately they were not running fast and no harm was done. The Globe gives all the news. MAYVILLE ODD i FELLOWS AR 1 GIVENSURPRISE Mayville, April 23, (Special) The Rebecca ladies pave a Sur prise supper to the Odd Fellows on Saturday evening. A very enjoyable evening was spent Misses Maggie Stockdale and Letha Thomas, and Messrs. L A. Edelman and C. A. Gibbs were visiting at the F. A. Stinchfield home Sunday. '. The Harry & Berdie Lewis Show was in Mayville Monday and Tuesday and gave our people a fine show. Mrs. Mary, Shaw spent Wed nesday at the J. D. Shaw home. Clif Beeson and Fin Thomas, Jr., attended the ball game in Fossil Sunday and did not return until the wee small hour of the morning. J. F. Thomas and wife visited at the Fred Brown borne Wed nesday. RANK FIRST PAST -MONTH IN SCHOOL The following named pupils of Condon ranked first last month. 8th grade, Pearl Shannon and Gladys McMorris; 7th- grade, Esther Noble; 6th, Mabel May and Lola Keizur; 5th grade, Elton Clarke; 4th, Nora Harrison; 3rd, Pearl Orwick; Flossie Brooks; 1st, Letha Baker. GILLIAM POPULARITY CONTEST FREE - $140 IN GOLD - FREE The Condon Globe is going to award to the two most popular girls or ladies in the county the sums of $100 in gold and $40 in gold. The competition for these prizes starts immediately and will continue up to and including May 15. Votes will be allowed on all payments for subscriptions to the Condon Globe. NOMINATE YOUR FA VORITE . Fill out the Nomination Coupon printed below with the name of the lady, married or single, whom you would rather see xin. Ihe names of the nominators will not be divulged without their consent Your nominating her will count her 1000 votes . Do it at once as the contest starts right away and she should have an early start VOTES To and including Tuesday, April 29th, votes will be issued as follows: New sub. Old Sub. lyear $I.G0 2000 J000 2 years' 3.00 6000 2500 8 years 4.50 8000 4000 6 years 7.50 16000 8000 10 years 15.00 ..40000 20000 NOMINATION COUPON Condon Globe: riease enter the name of m as a candidate in the Gilliam Popularity Con test. Name Good for 1000 votes. Only one counted for any candidate. . FREE - $140 IN GOLD -- FREE START IN TODAY WIN YOUR SHARE TJie Condon Globe Will Give ; Away $140.00 in Gold in the County Two Valuable Awards to be Given as Prizes in Gilliam Popularity Contest Starts Immediately Nominate Tour Favorite Today. In another column of this is sue you will find the initial an nouncement of the Gilliam Popu larity Contest In this contest will be awarded prizes such as have ever before been offered to the girls and ladies of the county. Never before, and pos sibly again, will such-an opportu nity be presented. To the one who receives the greatest number of votes during the contest will be awarded the First Prize of $100.00 inGold. To the one receiving the second greatest number of votes will be awarded $40.00 in Gold. It was after considerable deliberation that it was decided to give the prizes in cash. A cash prize is always worth the. value attributed to it it must be. If you win the $100.00 in Gold you can get what ever you want with it or with the other prize either. The contest starts immediately and lasts but three weeks. The 15th day of May is the day that nds it all. At that time the prizes will be awarded to .the winners. If you want to be one of those winners, right now is the time to start Don't wait until some of the others have secured a lead on you but start right away and be the one your self, to get that head start. $100.00 or 43. 03 is well worth ARLINGTON BALL PLAYERS LOSE TO IONE AND ROCK CR'K the time and efforts of any girl or lady in the county. It is worth your time, for the next three weeks. Make up your mind that you are going to be the one 'to carry off that 1100.00 and then stick to it until you do it That is one of the things that count big in any line of endeavor in this world, "stictuttiveness," it will pull you through a winner every time. But don't fail to start right away. With only three weeks altogether you. dont want to overlook any opportuni ties. Start in to win. Do it now! Votes The schedule showing the votes to be allowed on payments . for subscriptions to the Globe during the first few days of the contest will be found on this page. This schedule will be discontinued after next Tuesday and one sub stituted in which less votes are allowed on subscriptions. An other cat in the number of votes allowed on subscriptions will be made every few days during the contest At no time will the votes ever be increased nor will there be any "Bonus" offers. As a consequence, the wise can didate is going to get in every possible subscription j ust as fast as possible so as to secure the greatest possiblenumberof vote3. MAYVILLE AND CONDONPEOPLE ARE JIARRIED At 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon Rev. A. .11. rmith pronounced the ceremony which united in holy matrimony the lives of El mer E. Hamrick and Miss Bessie Austin, two of Condon's finest young people. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parent?, Mr. and Mrs. , N. E. Austin. . Mr. and Mrs. H. C. ohnson acted as best man and bridesmaid. Only the family and very few close friends were present Immediately after the ceremony those present partook of a bounteous wedding supper prepared by the bride's mother. he table and room were prettily decorated with chrysanthemums and sweet peas. The bride was very pretty in a gown of white silk and the bride groom was attired in the conven tional style Mr. and Mrs. Ham rick left Monday morning to vi sit in Portland, Forest .Grove, Gaston, and other western Ore gon cities for a short honeymoon after which they will return to live in Condon. Ulyses T. Crane and Olive A. Eads were- united in marriage Monday, April 14th, in the Ore gon hotel parlor in Condon by Justice of the Peace Hollen. Both have been residents of the May ville section and will continue to make their home there on Mr. Crane's ranch. LONEROCK PLANS TO GIVE SCHOOL FAIR m a JLonerocK is planning . for a school fair this fall. Prize3 to Arlington, April 24, Special ; the amount of 175 or $100 will be The ball game Sunday between offered. Arlington first team and lone on the lone diamond resulted in the score of 14 to 4 in favor of lone. The Arlington cubs played ball at Rock Creek Sunday and were defeated by the Rock Creek sec ond team by the score of 17 to 3. Intoreatinr Hap pcniMtfa tram the LOCAL 5 LITEMS Picked p Tkm bt f our Sua1., SUNDAY SERVICES AT CONDON CHURCHES Congregational Church Services will be held in the Congregational church next Sun day morning and evening. Come, Sunday School at 10 a m, preaching at 11 a m and 7.30 pm. Special music in evening. Pastor R. M. Jones will occupy the pulpit morning and evening. Junior Endeavor at 3:00. Let all the children come. Nazarene Church , Beginning the 25th inst. and continuing till May 6th, Evange list J. B. Mc, from Texas, will hold Revival meetings in the Nazarene Church. Services at 8 o'clock each evening and at 11 and 3 on Sundays, hveryone 13 invited to attend these services. A. H. Smith, pastor. Spokane man has $40,000 mort gage on property in that city which he wishes to trade for wheat land in Gilliam county. Mortgage stands for 20 years and bears interest at 6 per cent making an annuual income of $2400. Call at the Globe office. F. T. Hurlburt made a trip in his auto to his Cline Falls ranch on the Deschutes the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilburn arrived in Condon the first of the week and will make their home here. W. C. Eddon went to The Dalles Wednesday to help his son, Ralph, with a bunch of Jersey catlex I L. M. Charles, who has been working in Dunlap's blacksmith shop, left Monday with ' Mrs. Charles for San Diego, Cal. Mrs. At Larsen returned on Monday to her Portland home after a week or two at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. N, Laughrige. All stockholders are requested to attend the annual tweeting o the stockholders of the Invest ment Society of Oregon at May ville on May 29th. . W. G. Keys. Ladies; Why not have a beau tiful compaction? If you wi use our Peach Bloom Face Cream you will be surprised at your beauty. Price 50 cents ajar. Helliwell Mail Order Co. !4609-67th St, Portland, Or. It ARLINGTON NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK Arlington, April 24, Special J. A. Riles of Olex was trans acting business in Arlington the rst of the week. Rockcreek boys will play ball with the Arlington first team next Sunday on the - Arlington diamond. E. Rexford and wife of Texas are here visiting the former's sister, Mrs. John Berthold. They are on their honeymoon. j. A. Smith, a sheepman from . theSixprong country was here Monday for the first time ' since . he was injured six weeks ago. P. J. Mahoney of Heppner was here Wednesday. Mrs. Zepha Hamblen returned Tuesday from Goldendale where she had been called by the ill ness of a sister, who is better. Archie Fletcher was here from The Dalles the first of the week. J. H. Ashenfelter of Olex was here Monday. - I. M. Wagner was here the first of the week from Mikkalo. R. F. Munroe was here from Olex the first of the week. Arlington news continued on page four. CONDON WINS FROM FOSSIL, OTHER GAMES The ball game at Fossil last Sunday was a slow uninteresting exhibition. Quite a number at tended from Condon. The final score is reported as 11 to 14 but it is doubtful if the scorekeeper marked all of the players who crossed the plate. At any rate Condon won. Fossil will play here next Sunday. Goldendale will be here for two games May ; 3rd and 4th. The Dalles will be here on May 30-31 and June 1 for three games. A dance will be given a week from Saturday night to help defray the expenses of the Goldendale team.