THE CONDON (i 1,0 RE ei 1 ARLINGTON SUPPLEMENT TO THE CONDON GLOBE m E GUN HEDP The delegates returned from the convention at Kennewick o Monday and report a very interesting League session. At a special service in the church Monday evening they told what harp n d and how well they were treated while there. It is proposed .to hold a conventicn in this city next summer. L ECU 0 PLAN OR E I SUMMER A BUSINESS LUXURY (Jlf A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed a business necessity; and he who tries to get along without one is at a great dis advantage. ? It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of busi ness in order to open an account. Pro fessional men, farmers, stockmen, and al- so many women, are running check ac counts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the plan, come to us and we will get you started. ARLINGTON NATIONAL . BANK . mm 1 Li 3 fft? SO. CfS.. Here is a smoke with the real, genuine to bacco taste that beats all artificial tastes. Every grain of it is pure, clean tobacco. Tucked into a pipe, or rolled into a cigarette, it makes a delightful smoke. If you have not smoked t)uke's Mixture, made by Uggett & Myers at Durbam, N. C, try It now. In addition to one and a half ounces of fine virglnls nd North Carolina leaf, with each 5c sack of Duke's Mixture you now get a book of cigarette papers free and A Free Present Coupon These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable presents. There are shaving sets, jewelry, cut glass, base balls, tennis racquets, talking machines, furniture, cam eras, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member of the family each of them well I 0 23 'vATiQs. 11 ,. ImMk. US. MARTIN OF OLEK TO UNDERGO OPERATION Walter Wade of Olex was in town the first of the week, bring irjr in C. V. Ma t n, Mrs. Ma tin and Miss Gertrude Martin. They went on to Portland where Mrs. Martin will undergo an op eration. John flobertson.who is preach ing at Centerville, W'n., stopped off in Arlington a short time on his way home from Walla Walla where had been attending a con vention. You'll always see it in the Globe ' tfilZx- E! An g added j pleasure f for smokers of i P 1 4 worm saving the coupons for. '' Ail a special offer, dur ing March and April only, we will send our new illustrated cat a- logue of these presents FREE, Just send us your name and address on a postal. - Coutmt from Duki'i Mixture mar VA DeatsnrUd with tati from HORSE SHOE. J. T- iflMSLEV S NA TURAL LEAF, GRANGER 1 WIST, toummt from FOUR ROSES (IOc-ltn douh It coupon). PICK PLUG CUT. PIED MONT C ICARE1 TES. CLIX CIGARET1LS, and olktr lull or coupons Ulutd In M. I Premium Dept. THE HONOR OF tuc Din ciinufc" MIL (continued from pa& 8.) truwFo Vuhthblg showa for tho ttnpplueiM of Mellsae. What It ti to I-Juq uo lunu ever gueswHl or knew, for It was not until the lot spring nowa had gouo that tha people at Lac Bntn found what the foxoa and the wolves bad left of him far to the south. Fearlessly Jun plunged Into the white world of the lake. There was neither rock nor tree to guide htm, for every where was the heavy (host raiment of the Indian god. Day came, ouly a lit tle lighter than the night lie crossed the lake, his snowaboee sinking ankle deep at every step, and once each half hour be tired a single shot from his rifle. He heard shots to the south and knew that It was Ledoq, each report coming to him more faintly than the last until tbey had died away entirely. Across the lake he struck the forest again, and bis shouts echoed In futile Inquiry In Its weird depths. At noon Jan stopped and ate his lunch; then he went on, carrying his rifle slways upon his right shoulder, so that the steps of his right leg would be shortened and he would travel In a circle, as be believed Dlxou bad done. The storm thickened with the falling of night, and be burrowed himself a great hole In the soft snow and filled It with balsam boughs for a bed. When be awakened, hours later, be stood up and thrust out his head and found himself burled to the armpits. With the aid of his broad snowshoes bo drew himself out until be stood knee deep In the surface. lie lifted his pack. As he swung It before him, one arm thrust through a strap, he gave a startled cry. Half of one side of the pack was eaten away! A thin trickle of flour ran through his lingers upon the snow. lie pulled out a gnawed pound of bacon, a little tea and that was all. Frantically be ripped the rent wider In his Bearch, and wben be stood np bis wild face staring Into the chaos about him, be held only the bit of bacon In his band. In It were the Imprints of tiny teeth sharp little razor edged teeth that told him what bad bappeu ed. While ho bad slept a mink bud robbed bim of bis food! With one of bis shoes he begun dig ging furiously In the sudw. He tore Uls balsam bed to pieces. Somewhere somewhere not very far away tho little animal must have cached Us theft. He dug down nntll be came to tho frozen earth. For an hour be worked and found nothing. Then he stopped. Over a small Are be melted snow for tea and broiled a slice of the bacon, which be ate with the few biscuit crumbs he found In the pack. Every particle of flour that be could And be scraped up with his knife and put Into one of the deep pockets of bis caribou coat After that he set out in the direction In which be thought he would And Lac Bain. Still be shouted for Dixon and fired an occasional shot from his rifle. By noon he should have struck the lake. Noon came and passed; the gloom o" a second night fell upon blm. He built himself a fire and ate two-thirds of what remained of the bacon. The handful of flour In bis pocket be did not disturb. It was still night when be broke his rest and struggled on. His first fears were gone. In place of them there rilled him now a grim sort of pleasure. A second time he was battling with death for Mellxse. And this, after all, was not a very hard fight for him. Wben he ate the Inst bit of his bacon be made up bis mind wbnt he would do when the end came. In the stock of bis rifle he would scratch a few last words to Mellsse. He even ar ranged the words In his brain fodr of them "Mellsse, I love you." He re peated them to himself as be stagger ed on, and that night beside the fire he bnllt he began by carving her name. "Tomorrow," he said softly, "I will do the rest" He was growing very hungry, bnt he did not touch the flour.' For six hours he slept and tben drank bis fill of hot tea. "We will travel until day, Jan Tbo reau," he Informed himself, "and then, If nothing turns up, we will build our last camp and eat the flour. It will be the last of ns, for there will be no meat above this snow for days." Ills snowshoes were an Impediment now, and be left them behind along with one of his two blankets, which bad grown to be like lead upon his shoulders, ne counted bis cartridges ten of them. One of these be fired Into the air. Was that an echo he heard? A sudden thrill shot through him. He strained his ears to catch a repeti tion of the sound. In a moment it came again clearly no echo this time. The shot came from Just over the mountain. (To be continued.) FREE DELIVERY BV PARCEL POST UIU UilUlfU All purchases to the amount of $5 or over, except china, housefurnishings and large articles, weight not to ex ceed eleven pounds will be delivered free of charge by parcel post prepaid. A. S. HOLLEN (Bl SONS CONDON. OREGON. MEREST! NEWS OF WEEK BRIEFLY TOLD Personals about People You Know Gathered by the Wide Awake Arlington Reporter of the Condon Globe Geo. A. Ytirnell, a rancher of the Bicklcton country, was here the first of the weik on business. Lester Wade, F. T. HurlburN J. E. Reynolds and Otis Camp bell came down to Arlington from Condon WeJrcsday in the Wade automobile, Mrs. Sarah D. Carlisle of Hood River spent several days her visiting and looking after prop erty interests, Alf Weatherford Jr., has pur chased a new Ford auto from L. L Taylor of Condon. Mr. Wea therford lives out on the Jot n Day. Mrs. Claud Clark and Mrs. A. B. Robertson went to The Dalles last week, Mrs. Clark goinR down to get some glasses and to have her eyes treated. Sam Vanvactor and Mr. Spen cer and their families were in Arlington Sunday, coming down in Vanvactor's car to visit at the Anise's home. . W. W. Weatherford was in Arlington the last of the week and reported that the wheat on his Olex farm loiks quite jrood. J. F. Mu'.key, the merchant of Rock Creek, was in Arlington Saturday on business J. E. Reyndds was over from Troutlake the last ot the week. Wilbur France of Rock Creek can be seen sporting around these days in his new Ford auto. He comes to town everyday now and says it is not near as far to town. Joe Starr, proscuting attorney, was in this end of the county the first of lhi3 week on business. Try the classified column, if you have anything to sell or ex change, or if you have lost any article. You will get results. Send Now fZ 1 for Free Copy CHAS.H. Sutlla The Royal Master-Model Beats Them All. 19 - Distinctive Features -19 II. A. Hartshorn, Local Agent. SEEDS jr - r HUUBKE'S 3ELII9 3UWWCCU I SPECIAL OFFER: Made to frvlld Kw DnafiifM. A trial will DiEKe you our peruutueiii) ciuwmor. Prtie Collection ! rie""j' II l fln ; T.rl, t niMHLil ; Mm, be " , tlMj Ut frint-t.w.H.f hlb S TanttM IB kit. I .1. . L'-.-L-I. I,. DII.Htf . . Write to-day J Mention thl PpeA SEND 10 CENTS J lantraciire. miu ait aboni ttu H. W. Buckl lnittrvctlre, liaantlrul Kw4 nd Plant Hook lf.l.tUw,"I'",SKSW 1 CATALOG f T Th. 1913 x': t LILLY CO. I It BRIEF LOCAL NEWS OF SPECIAL INTEREST J. M. Reed and wife of Cecil was in town last Saturday on business and shaking hands with their many friends. W, L McCaleb, county road ennprvianr una in t ti i mi-H nf the county the first of the week on business and also looking after the roads west of here over in the Quinton county. J. E. Burdett and family left on Saturday for McMinnville where he haa joined a law .firm in thit city. All of his friends will be pie asad to hear that he is getting itlong nicely there. Don't overlook the fact that the Globe can give you clubbing rates on any magazine or news paper published. A. P. McNARY, Proprietor The Grande Hotel STXICTLT FUST CUSS. qWE SOLICIT TOUR f ATR0NACE.... EXCELLENT CUISINE Condon Dray V. K. BEN Upland lli-nvy Hauling Hauling Trunks ami nil Job work a specialty. CONDON. I'hone COLONIST FARES WESTBOUND March 15 to April 15, 1013 SEND FOR THE FOLKS WHILE THE FARES ARE LOW The Low Fares apply from tb following and many other points ia the Eas, to any station on the 0-W. R. & N. in Idaho, Oregon and Washington Atlanta, Ga. SCI. 70 Baltimore, Md. C4.75 Boston, Mi, 65.15 Buiralo, N. Y. 47.60 Charlettton, S.C. 63.90 Detroit, Mich. 43.60 Fort Worth, Tex. 40.76 Minneapolis 30.00 Louisville. Memphis, Tenn. Milwaukee, Wis. Montgomery, Ala. Muskogee, Okla. New York City New Orleans St. Paul, Minn. Chicago PREPAID ORDERS Tickets will be delivered without extra charge to anybody at any point where Colonist fares apply, upon deposit with any O-W. R. & N. Agent of the amount. For full Particulars drop a card to D. TIERNEY, Agent, O-W. R. N., CONDON, OR. Wt D. BUtu.rr Work and 8.T. Dulr All Work Dom The Dalles Marble and Granite Works '- L. C0MINI, Proprietor. Designer, Manufacturer, Importer Branch House at Condon SREEP LOST BY HEAVY RAINS A few sheep were lost in this section the first of the wtek, the heavy rain coming right after shearing being responsilU for damage. woolselIsTrom 13 T0J7 CENTS. Several wool sales were made here this week, the price being from 13 to 17 cents. Sam Sinclair, a sheepman from ucroae the river, was in town tho first of the week. REASONABLE RATES ARLINGTON, ORECON. & Transfer Line NET, Proprietor No. IOX OREGON Ky. $42.86 42.E0 86.70 60.16 36.20 66.00 48.06 S0.00 Oklahoma City 136.26 Philadelphia, Pa. PitUturg, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. Denver, Colo. Omaha, Neb. 64.76 47.00 87.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 Kansas City, Mo. Leavenworth, Kan. 30.00 S38.IK) Work Shlpwd toAnr Fart.f th Country hf El.ctrlcllr . Patronize Home Industry 181 2 ST. LOUIS. MO. & All Kind, of M.rM and Granite , Monti m.nt Work a Specialty Phone in the news. . n: r vr -: