' t THE CONDON GLOBE H - 3gg I fwasii ffffe afafme$ So are great. vortunes The pyramid of Egypt that were built many centuries ago are atiiJ standing The wnyie worM looks at tnem with admiration. They were built one atone at a time. If the first atone had not beenproperrpJaoeii the pyramids would not be there todar. So it is -with fortunes. Start right. Do VOUR banking with US. Condon National Bank fe? :s to II. II. Wilbui-n was here a days this week. He expects move his family here this month. - George Parman left this morn ing on a business trip toPcrtland andNewberg. , Don't overlook the fact that the Globe can give you clubbing rates on any magazine 'or news paper published.. '; Coming! Another of those big feat ures at the Ameri can Saturday night Fashion Millinery H.U 1UU ( OrsW OM bu Hte Owr Ftkm Thlt4 Straws Mabel A. Pittman MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY SENT BY PARCEL POS WE TEST YOUR EYES FREE OF CHARGE When we say test, we mean test We don't hang card on the wall and guess, or let you guess at the glass you need. " We know what you need. Blue eyes are the weakest, brown eyes are the strongest. Prominent eyes are most frequently near sighted. EYE HEADACHE Our large business is the result of not merely trying to sell glass es. We advise a third of the people we examine not to wear them. Headaches come from poor eyes and 99 other causes. We can tell whether or not your headache is due to eyestrain and will. Don't monkey with your eyes. See our Specialist Ne Charge. RED CROSS DRUG COMPANY, Condon, Ore. " For the convenience ; of our customers who are not able to come in. simply call up on the phone or drop 4is a card and by the NEXT MAIL you will get your purchase. We shall be as careful in filling your order as though you were here in person A. S. HOLLEN A SONS CONDON. OREGON Seed Now F CATALOG ' L MJ CHAS.H. LILLY CO. Seattle For D iscriminating 1 E M The newest LONDON model --"SANFORD"---QThe best presentation of the immensely pop ular cut-away shape, Has the elegance and beauty of symmetry always found in The IDE SILVER COLLARS q LINOCORD BUTTONHOLES q The all-year collars for which the demand is strong and persistent. Always Carried la Oar Big Stock The PACKARD Shoes, Best Possible Value ' $4 to $5 CONDON OREGON LESTER WADE Exclusive Agentfor Ed V. Price High Grade Clothes Lost, Strayed or Stolen Sorrel mare with white face and white feet, wire cut on the neclv, weighs between 900 and U50 pounds, branded with a shaded B on left 8tifl. Ons bay colt and one black mule colt, both unbranded. Suitable reward for any information leading to their recovery or will pay $5 per head to anyone bringing them to my ranch five mi es northwest of Lone Rock. 4 pd NAT SCOTT For Sale or Trade Full blood Jersey Ball, 3 years old. Took first prize every year at the Mayville Fair. Call on 2tf J. C. WEBB, Mayville. FOR SALE Edison Thono-1 graph, . with extra attachment, fine condition. Will sell or trade. 2tf I. A. HOSKIN, Condon Watklns Remedies I am now the agent for Wat- kins Remedies in Gilliam and Morrow counties. Anyone de siring any of these can get them by calling at the Star Hotel, or addressing 2tf JOHN TONKINS.AuentCondon FOR SALE OR TRADE- One Kentucky Drill, practically new. Hasl6 8inglfl dies. Inquire of 2tf I. A. HOSKIN. Condon LOST Large red trail hound, has piece torn out of one ear. To anyone giving me Information as to its where abouts I will give a liberal reward, ltf B. K. SEARCY. Condon, Or. FOR SALE The kind that lay, S. C. Brown Leghorns Choice Egg for hatching S3 per setting. l-4t MRS. J. D. WEED, Condon, Or. COAL FOR SALE We have coal on hand to sup ply all demand. Best quality at the right prices. Call at the Farmers Union Warehouse. 46tf How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lust 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMRCE, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pillb for con stipation. FOJ2 THE DOORS AND WINDOWS m.iM Mi WE CARRY EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN BUILDERS HARDWARE. TROM THE WIRE SCREEN ON THE FRONT DOOR TO THE OUTSIDE KNOB ON THE KITCHEN DOOR YOUR HOUSE OR BUILDING ir PROPERLY -HARD- WARED" WILL BE MUCH MORE HANDSOME THAN IT I YOU GIVE NO CARE TO THE -TRIMMINGS" YOU USE. i I WHEN ITS ANYTHING IN HARDWARE WE HAVE IT. !a. S. HOLLEN & SONS! 1 1 Coming! rr H Condon is keeping pace in the Drug Business -Graves & Van Slype will now have the great REXALL,? We are striving to supply all your . wants in the DRUG line and we highly appreciate your liberal patronage. Graves & Van Slype Leading Druggists. rc z I RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Spring and Summer Dry Goods From Our Complete Stock Just Received Largest, Best and Most Complete Line of Dry Goods in All Depart ments Ever Shown in This City, Consisting of New Styles and Colors in Dress Goods, Poplins, Ginghams, Prints, Outing Flannels, Dimities, Calicos, Table Damask, Muslins, etc. Spring and Summer Clothing Lamm & Co's New Style Book is Here and . Shows More Exclusive Styles even than isual which means that we offer the BEST in Tailored Garments. Also a Full Line of Fine Ready-made Clothing in Stock: Dunn Brothers Condon's Big and Complete Department Store