THE CONDON GLOBE. a ARLINGTON SUPPLEMENT TO THE CONDON GLOBE h NINE IIS FROM NGTOf 11 The ball frame at Arlington on Sunday between the Arlington Juniors and th? lone Juniors ended in a defeat for the Arlinjr ton boys with the score of 9 to 1. However, the Arlington boys in tend to clean up the Ion i test :'n a return jrame to be played in about two weeVs. F. T. Hurlburt and Chas. H. Horner of Condon were in Ar lington Sunday coming down in the Hurlburt auto to attend to a little business. i ARL A BUSINESS LUXURY A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed a business necessity; and he who tries to get along without one is at a great dis advantage. f It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of busi- ness in order to open an account, t Pro fessional men, farmers, stockmen, and al so many women, are running check ac counts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the plan, come to us and we will get you started. ARLINGTON . BANK . i i gJJ "i'wiTiiiri m ftmm Here is a smoke with the real, genuine to bacco taste that beats all artificial tastes. Every grain of it is pure, clean tobacco. Tuc ked into a pipe, or rolled into a cigarette, it makes a delightful smoke. If you have not smoked Duke's Mizture, made by Uggeft & Myers at Durham, N. C, try it now. In addition to one and a half ounces of fine Virginia and North Carolina leaf, with each 5c sack of Duke't Mixture you now get a book of cigarette papers free and A Free Present Coupon These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable presents. There are shaving sets, jewelry, cut glass, base balls, tennis racquets, talking machines, furniture, cam eras, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member of the family each of them well T IS IN OPERATION The shearing plar.t started up Wednesday morning on Wilbur France's sheep and will run here in Arlington for several as there is quite a number of sheep to be sheared. Owing to the cold weather ohearing has been some what delayed. H. A. Thiessen of Condon was in Arlington Wednesday. C. T. White of Willows spent a couple of days in town the lat ter part of last week. NATIONAL An added I pleasure for smokers of 2 i I WA I PLAN II worth saving the coupons for. As a special offer, dur ing March and April I only, tve will send our new illustrated cata logue of these presents FREE. Just send as your name and address on a postal. VA Covnni from fhtkf't Mixlurt mat btanor ltd with tart from HORSE SHOE, J. T IINSLEY'S NA TURAL LEAF. GRANGER 1 WIST, amoo-t from FOUR ROSES (lOc-lin dimtiUampon), HCK PLUG CUT. PIED. MONT CIGARETTES. CUX CIGARETTES, mnd olktr J or umtons tuuta or us. Premium Dept. ST. LOUIS. Ma if tfflfc Bu JAMES OLIVER CUR WOOD. Author of -The Danaer Trail Copgrigbt, .01. tg rba Bobo Merrill Co (Continued from page 3.) hare klllcxTtitui. Jean!" Jeau looked Into Dixon' eyes. "He Is uot dead," he said, rising and golug to her aide. "Coiue. my dear, ruu borne to Iowaka. 1 will not kill nim." Her slender form shook with agonised aobs as b led her to tuo turn tu tuo trail "Ruu home to Io waka," he repented gently. 'l will not kill him. Mellsse." lie went back to Dixon and rubbed snow over the ninu's face. "My God. but it was near to it:" bo exclaimed, as there came a flicker of "I will not kill him, Melissa." life into the eyes. "A little more and be would have been with the mu sloner!" He dragged the Englishman to the aide of the trail and set bin back to a tree. When be saw thut fallen foe man's breath was coming more strong ly be followed slowly after Mellsse. Unobserved, be went into the store and washed the blood from his face, chuckling with huge satisfaction when be looked at himself in the little glass which bung over the washbasin. "Ah, my sweet Iowaka, but wonld yon guess now that Jean de Gravols htd receired two clouts on the side of the bead that almost sent him into the blessed hereafter? I would not have had you see It for all the gold In this world." A little later he went to the cabin. Iowaka and the children were at Crolsset's, and be sat down to smoke a pipe. Scarce hnd be begun sending up blue clouds of smoke when the door opened and Mellsse came in. "Hello, my dear," he cried gnyly, laughing at her with a wave of his pipe. In an Instant she hnd flung the shawl from her bend and was upon her knees at bis feet, her white face turn ed up to him pleadingly, ber breath falling upon him In panting, sobbing excitement "Jean, Jean?' she whispered, stretch ing up ber hands to bis face. "Please tell me that you will never tell Jan please tell me that you never will, Jean never, never, never!" "I will say nothing, Mellsse." For a sobbing breath she dropped her head upon his knees. Then sud denly she drew down bis face and kissed him. "Thank you, Jean, for what you have doner "Whew!" gasped Jean when she bnd gone. "Wbnt If Iownko had been here tbenr The day following the Ggbt In the forest Dixon found Jean de Gravols alone and came up to blm. "Gravols, will you shake bands with me?" he said. "I wnnt to thank you for what you did to me yesterday. I deserved It I have asked Miss Mellsse to forgive me and I want to shake hands with you." Jean was thunderstruck. He had never met this kind of man. "What the deuce!" be ejaculated, wben he had come to bis senses. "Yes, I will shake bands." I For several days after this Jean could see that Mellsse mnde an effort to evade him. She did not visit Iowa ka wben be was in the cabin. Neither did she nnd Dixon go ngnln Into the forest The young English man spent more of his time at the store, and just before the trappers began coming In be went on a three days' sledge trip with Crolssct The chnnge delighted Jean. The first time be met Mellsse after fie fight his eyes flashed, pleasure. 7N. INTEREST NG NEWS OF WEEK BRIEFLY TOLD Personals about People You Know Gathered by the Wide Awake Arlington Reporter ol the Condon Globe Blalock will play ball in Ar lington next Sunday. F. M. Crew? was in town the middle of the week on business5. William Irvine of this city re turned on Tuesday from Baker City where he has been on busi ness for a few days. C. E. Comstock and brother of Sixprong were in town the first of the week on business. Mr. Comstock is interested in their telephone over there. Mrs. Ethel Divelbiss and Miss Cecil Shurte of California, for mer residents of this city, are in town visiting friends ard rel atives for a few days. Walter Wade and wife of Olex were in Arlington luestiay on business. Mr. Wade looks much better since his recreation at the springs. E. 0. Tobey of Shuttler Flat has sold his large ranch. It is reported that the comsideration was $30 per ace. "Jnn will surely bp coming home soon, he greeted her. "What the birds tell him what happened out there oo the trail r She flushed scarlet. "Perhaps the same birds will tell n what hn Impjiened down on the Nel son limine trull. Jefin." she retorted. lVmf! .Inn Thorenu doesn't give the snnp of his smnll Anger for the Mac- Wlgh glrir Jean replied, warm in de fense of hi friend. "She is pretty." laughed Mellsse. "and ( havo Just learned thnt Is why men like to like them. I mean." Jenn strutted before her tike a pea cock. "Am I pretty, Mellsse?" "Nn-o-o-o" "Tbcu why" he shrugged "bis" shoul ders suggestively "In the cabin" "IlevuuMe you were brave. Jean. I love bruve men." "Ton wen- glad that I puinmelcd the st ranger. Hieulr" Melisxe did not answer, but he caught n laughing spurkle In (be cor ner of her eye iih she left lihn. "Come home. Juu Thorenu," he hum med softly ns he went to the store. "Come home, come home, come borne, for the little Mellsse has grown Into a wouiunand Is learning to use her eyes." Among the first of the I nippers to come in with his furs was MncVelgh. tie brought word Hint Jun had gone Kin ill to upend (he unniiiil holldny nt Nelson House, niul Cummins told Me llsse wheiue the message cntiie. lie did not observe the slight change that came lulu her fare anil weut on: "1 don't nnderstiiud this In Jan. He Is needed here for the carnival. Did you know that he was going to Nelson House'" Mellsse shook her lieml. "MaeVelgh wiys they have mode him an offer to go down there as chief man," continued the factor. "It Is strange thut lie bus sent no explanation to me." It was a week after the big corlhou roast before .Ian returned to Lac Knin. Mellsse saw him drive In from the Churchill trail, but while her heart fluttered excitedly she steeled herself to meet him with ut least an equal show of the culm Indifference with which he hud left her six weeks be fore. The coolness of his leave taking still rankled bitterly In ber bosom. Ills hair and beard hud grown, covering the smooth cheeks which ho hud al ways kept closely shaved. Ills eyet glowed with dull pleasure as she stona walling for him. but there was none of the old flash and Are In them. There was a strangeness in his manner, an uneasiness in the shifting of bis eyes. "Jnnr she said. Her voice trembled; her lips quiv ered. There was the old glorious pleading In ber eyes, and before It .Inn bowed his unkempt head and crushed her bands tightly In bis own. For a bulf mlnuto there was silence, and In that bulf minute there came a century between them. At lust Jon spoke. "I'm glad to see you again, Mellsse. It has seemed like a very long time!" lie lifted his eyes. Before them the girl Involuntarily shrunk back and Jun freed ber bunds. Jn them she saw none of the old love glow, nothing of their old comradeship. "You will come to supper, Jan?" "Surely, Mellsse, If you ore prepared," (To be continued.) SPENT! SUMMER AT TOME J E. Reynolds and family and A. J. Cod and family and Mr. Coe's mother left the first of the week for Troutlake where they will live this summer and take care of the old Uulor -hotel. Mr. Reynolds has a lot of land in that section. Malcom Irvine, a physician of North PowJar, arrive i in Ar lington Tuesday to attend his sister, Miss Madeline Irvine who is very i!l with pneumonia. At this writing' she is improving slowly. W. W. Weatherford, a pros- perous iarmer 01 me Ulex sec tion, was in Arlington list week on business. The Globe gives all the news. A. P. McNARY, Proprietor The Grande Hotel STRICTLT FUST CUSS. 4JWI SOLICIT tOUt rATRONACE.... EXCELLENT CUISINE COLONIST FARES WESTBOUND March 15 to April 15, 1013 SEND FOR THE FOLKS WHILE THE FARES ARE LOW The Low Fires apply from the following and minr otker point La tie Eat, to any station oi the 0-W. R. & N. ia Idaho, Oregoa nj Washington Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Huiralo, N. Y. Charleston, S.C, Detroit, Mich. FortWorth.Tex $51.70 54.75 65.15 47.50 53.90 43.50 LouiiYitte. Ey. Memphis, Tsnn. Milwaukee, Wis. Montgomery, Ala. Muskogee, Okla. New York City New Orleans St. Paul, Minn. . 40.75 Minneapolis 30.00 Chicago PREPAID ORDER8 Ticket3 will be delivered without extra charge to anybody atany point where Colonist fares apply, upon deposit with any O-W. R. & N. Agent of the amount. For full Particulars drop a card to D. TIERNEY, Agent, O-W. R. IM CONDON, OR. Globe "Want" Ads Get the Money. When rough, high-proof, strong whiskey begins to tell on you when your nerves and stomach commence "calling for help" try a little Cyrus Noble. It is mild in character aged in wood in charred barrels blended and re-aged in steam-heated warehouses. This gives it that palatable, enjoyable flavor peculiar to it its mellowness its richness. Sold by first-class dealers all over the world. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO., . General Agents, Portland, Ore. BLALOCK WIII5 FROM ROCK GREEK it The baseball game at Blalock Sunday between Rock Creek and Blalock was won by the latter by the score of 14 to 1. Urn Vadah Smith, who has been visiting in Arlington and Olex several days returned home to LaGrande last Friday. Miis Laura Ilendrick, who has been visiting with her Bister, Mrs. Claud Clark, of Arlington, for several weeks returned on last Wednesday to her home at Ilickleton. T. C. Mobley made a trip to Arlington Monday morning to j bring in Miss Lulah to school after spend Sunday at the ranch near Olex with her parents.- Phone in the news. REASONABLE RATES ARLINGTON, OREGON. iwmU $42.85 42.50 S6.70 50.15 S6.20 55.00 48.05 50.00 Oklahoma City $35.25 Philadelphia, Pa. 54.76 Pittsburg, Pa. 47.00 St. Louis, Mo. 37.00 Denver, Colo. 80.00 Omaha, Neb. 30.00 Kansas City, Mo. 30.00 Leavenworth, Kan. 80.00 $38.t0