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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1913)
. THE CONDON GLOBE ARLINGTON SUPPLEMENT TO THE CONDON GLOBE-"a REVIVALS ON AT THEMMURCH G. R. Mo;rhead is holding re vival meetings at the Methodist Episcopal church this week. The meetings will continue for some time. ARLINGTON YOUNG MAN HONORED AT COLLEGE C E. Montague of Arlington has just been elected treasurer of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege commercial club. "What's Yaur Nmr -Wht A guild of godparents to urt chil dren from Incongruous nm li belag augpested. The lit Canon Hardsler, author or book on Ruglish oatnea. told the etory of what writ probably tha must Miotic on ma ver taitoweU 0oo an unfortunate Infant A wo man bad her sod baptised What, for no other reason than to cause amuse ment In future years when, belli? ant ed hla name, ha ahottld reply "What" London Chronicle. Don't overlook the fact that the Globe can give you clubbing rates on any magazine or news paper published. Medical Not. "Hello. Jones: I bear yon were sick." "Yea: I was threatened with a ferer. but the dot-tor aucrveded In arresting u- "A.b. be arrested It for making limits, I suppose." HtwtuD Trau-aertpL Good Reason. "Whnt on earth made you buy that comfortable when we tin re mora now In the house than we need?" "I guess It was because I saw It marked down." "-Rxchang. It Is a (treat mistake to try to lire to morrow or even yesterday today. Crown now OMES TlRST For Downright Satisfaction You will find nothing to equal it. Refuse Substitutes-Learn to Say OWN FLOUR INTERIOR WAREHOUSE CO., Arlington Ore. A BUSINESS LUXURY A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed a yj business necessity; and he who tries to get.along without one is at a great dis advantage. I It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of busi ness in order to open an account, q Pro fessional men, farmers, stockmen, and al so many women, are running check ac counts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the plan, come to us and we will get you started. ARLINGTON NATIONAL . BANK . GEORGE S. SMITH Successor to Kerr, Gifford Warehouse Co. Your Business Respectfully Solicited. ARLINGTON, OREGON. A P. McNARY, Proprietor REASONABLE RATES The Grande Hotel STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. JWE SOLICIT TOUR PATRONACE.... Rival Contractors Figure on Installing of the Combination Light and Water System "COOKING A PILL" Call Arlington News Mrs. W. S. Farr and daughter, Hortense, were down from Con don a few days this week. Geo. Clough returned the first of the week from Hood River where he has a fine farm. The people wondered why a paper didn't come this wetk. Mrs. Jennie Benrdsley, who has been out at Clem for some time, was visiMngr Arlington rel atives this week. Mr9. Grace Harford of Wasco is the guest of her parents, J. M. McKinney and wif, this week. Look over the "Wont Column' on the editorial page. You may find just what you have been looking for. That la What Opium Smak.ra Hitting tha Pip." Tli nn I mil atnoLer In Ilia act of ainiiLliiit la ui Id ! I hi "rontlnff a lllll." Smoker of tobacco la seeing opium piHw intra liven misled luto iu mmcr lli n iha litrae IkiwI of Ilia ila la Riled nlih opium when really Ilia "pill" ta kI mill v iuinInI over a tin uncnlna lu ... . ... ttia cover of Hit bawl, Moating of Iba Aflmivtnn will nrnlmlilv nnvA l . . . . . .. t ... ..... i - i ihiwi pruauvc uense ruroea, wnicn ara new water and electric lighting drawn through th bowl and tba stow system in the near ruture. nop- . . T. ' ... - i I Neither due out plpa of opium pro resentativas of several companies ,..,,.. a i. .... uv w .iumii n full utiw vui iivh have been here looking over the u inexperienced amokar aa a large situation with a view of bidding 1"l"t W0"W onui . . . ,,. . . . , alcohol. Tha opium osera woo bara on the work of installing the two Uw, ,)lc,lirw, wretched oo bunks of plant. opium Uoua In uttar stupor hart been anturnieu who tua drug. Iiecllnlng on a bed, tba amokar place iiijoiu wuuin eony rwaco ana ugu In in n IVillint nil. hiirnltiff alnwtv and without aril odora or fume, ta used exclusively. The amokar la then ready to prepure hi "pill." Tha rpn-hnk. or dinner, a lona. nee. ilia abnpd Instrument, la put Into tba opium rerrptuciv ami lurnvo uowiy in tha blnt'k and sticky aubataara until a small quantity of opium adhere lo tba n . ... J nnlnt II I. then iilm ttd urr Hi. flniu. Misses ijora Anaerson ana . . : . . ,, , ... , of ilia lump. and. turning tha dipper. Zella Kinsley came to Arlington ,n mokt.T run and cuuka tba iiiir Wednesday to attend the Sunday until it t rvmir for tha pi. . .. Tli.. (Inn L. d ,l.M.d. In. .1.. uv .ui,. n- in itini iiimni iuiu opetiliiu of Ilia bowl. Milch, held above tba liimn. alowlr beulu M prodian opium runiea. whU-b ara drnwu In bjr the xinnkur ttiroiich the atein at hla )le. Tba "pill" Inula only from thirty to forty aerunthi. and to eujor nnotbcr aiuoke the mime pn.Htrntloua have to be relented. -New York Trltnina. Condon People k I ami Attend S. S. Convention School convention, Day Lamoreaux of Portland, brother of R. S. Lamoreaux, came up the middle of this week to make a several days visit. The Globe gives all the news. GOOD AND BAD MILKING." Thing! ta Observe and Other to Avoid In Har.dling Cow. Verr early I b?c:iu to milk. One ea- eon wheu only about twetre I and uiy brother, two renra joiuicer. enniod y-T one season niilkhik' cows for u neighbor at a peony a cow. tint I do not Claim to know all about tullking even now. A few things 1 hnve learned, however, t'erbiipa tbey may be helpful to some one else, soys the writer of a letter to tlm In-n Homestead. One la it la a good plno not to let one's fincer nails crow too loug. Most rows nre verv sensitive on this subject Often when you see a cow step around uuenslly tba only reason is mat me nails of tba milker are cutting Into ber teats. Right In the same line with tbla Is the habit some men bave of setting tbelr finger ends against tbe Bide of the teat wbeu pressing tbe milk out Tbis hurts some cows too. Let tbe if & Bu JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD. Author of "The Dancer Trail" Copnrkjbt, .011, bo tba Bobbs Merrill Co An Eae.otien. "Money, after nil, menua nollilng but trouble.1 "Still. It la the onlr kind or trouble wblcb It la hard to borrow." THE TUCE-l- WEEK EDITION OF THE NEW YORK WORLD ARUNGTONWINS ANOTHER GAME FROMLEXINGTON The basket ball game on FrU day night between Lexington and the Arlington town team at Arlington resulted In the ttcore of IB to 1C in favor of the latter. bmrectors hold regular session A director's meeting of the Arlington National liank was held here Tuesday, V. T. Hurl burt comine down from Condon and Lester Wndo Btpping over on his way homo from a trip to Fortlund. First Issue of Independent on Thursday Earl Snell, who has been work inor in Condon for sometime, has accepted a position on The Inde pendent, the new paper office here. The first isiue will maks its appearance next Thursday. I- '4 v " .-33 -J 14, &! 'i il9!? Photograph b; Hampton Normal and Ag ricultural Institute. "MIHINQ HM8." finirers be as flat against tbe side of the teat as possible. It Is Just as easy to milk that wav as any and far more mrrppnhlp tn the COW. Krniw men have a way of Jerking down on tbe tents of the cow they are tnin.inir srerv tlmo tbev brine out a utronm. This is not at all necessary In fact the best milker will be the one who holds his hands the most nearly In tbe same position relative to tbe teat nnii nppsses stead lr and rbytnmicaiiy on tbe tent .Nothing is gained by Jerk in Rather, the cow Is mode uncom fortnble. and perhaps ber bag may be iiprninnentlv deformed. nn nf the filthiest habits of a man ever contracted Is that of wetting the imi. if Iia cow he Is milking with milk Iwifore he beclns. This, he fan- i ni mnkes the process of milking eas ler. I have seen the bands or miiscrs a-hinit fnlrlT reeked with the discolored milk os It oozed between their fingers. The man who does this is not a fit band for work. More or leBS of tbe roul llrpua will get Into the pall and help to make tbe milk Insanitary. Borne 'cows do milk bard, but almost always there will be some man who Is strong enough In tbe bauds to milk tbem without resort ing to any such uncleanly bnblt as this. Finally, three words ought always to be In tbe mind of every milker-care fulness, cleanliness and kindness. (Continued from page 3.) cried out aotiblticlT the words wblcb h rtlrl not understand. "Ad' when I An1 becm an' kill heera I will come back to you, my angel Mull" he whispered. "And then yon wilt luf Jan Thoreao for letting mil the blood of a mtsslnnerr He nut her back Into the little bed kissed ber again and turned to the door. For a few momenta Jan stood with his back to Melissa and bla eyes opon the cnrnlval almnt a great Ore. Aa be looked Ihe third caribou was pnlled down from Ita spit and tba multltode of doga rushed in upon the abandoned nrraimi of the other two. He cnught bis breath qnlckly aa a loud shout and the walling yelp of a hurt dog rose for an Instant above all other sounds. Only one thing was vnntlns to complete another picture in his hrnln-a scene which had burned Itself Into bis life forever and which ha rmve to debt back aa b stooa .tsrlnff from the doorway. He half xnpctpd it to come tbe shrill scream nf hnvtsh voice, an Instant s auuen quiet, then the low throated thunder of Imrwndlna venneance and the Oght With marvelous quickness ms eicn- mi mind reconstructed the scene be- fnr him Into the scene that had been. Hp heard the scream again, which bad huon hla voice, saw as If in a dream the frenzied rush of men and tbe flash nf knlres. and then from where be lay. tnimnled and h eed ng n the snow. me king, lean tenm of swift huskies that hud rnrrliKl In mad flight the one whose life those knives sought Wlllinms had been there: ha bad seen the tight-hi knife Dan nnsneo with the others In Its demnnd for life. And yet he .Inn Thorenti-hnd not been recognized by the fnctor out there heslde the rnrlhoti ronstl tie hurried toward tha Ore.- Half way across the open" n'e stopped, 'from out of tha forest opposite Cummins' cabin there trailed slowly a team of logs. In the shadows of the spruce, hidden from the reveler, tbe team halted. Jnn beard the low volcea of men. and a flirure detached Itself from the eloom. walklnz slowly and In the manner of oue neur to exhaustion la tbe direction of tbe carnival. (To be continued.) Practically Pally at the Price Weekly. of Nbtlce If your teeth need attention, give me a call and I will fix them at a reasonable price. E. A. FOSNER, DENTIST, 46 2t Arlington, Oregon. No other Newspaper In the World Glvca so Much at o Low a Price. This Is a time of irrcat event and you will want the new accurately and promptly. The Pcmocrats, for the first time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branchaa of Congreas. The politi cal news ia sure to be of the most ab sorbing Interest. There is a erent war In the Old World, and vou may read of the ex tinction of the vast Turkish Empire In Europe, just as a few yeara ago you read how Snuin lost her last foot of toil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New V orld. The World long since established a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford ita Thrice-a-Week edition, which comes every other day, except Suuday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a-Weck World also abounds in other strong feature, serial Btories, humor, markets, car toons; in fact everything thut is to be found in a first-cluss daily. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular aubscription price ia only $1.00 per year, and thia pays for 156 papera. We offer this gnequallcd newspaper and the Condon Globe together for one year for $1.65. The regular price of the two papers is $2.50. I if SEEDS BUClftEE-S SEU4 SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER: M4 1. t.tU Nmt ll..l. A ItUI WIU 1 ...t ,uip rir. anatil riuatitlfta)r. DHt rMWf !nrl uwM'rtJtt-M 1 tk A.. I T-rml. f inlaftMlHl ! IMn, Ull Ul uiiari"i crMn in cents . W m, I I. .. .-.1... .I), HI. kl. atrruj i" "" . i i H. W. BucklM,1"" "yJlVioVn"..L a j -"" T a. Send Now r farr.- CATALOG I Copy I . . ; If. I mm . The CHAS.H. LILLY CO. SmiiU Salon In an UDroar. Some years ago the Sponlsh cabinet rlmlilPil tn take legal proceedings ngnlnxt certnln members of Parliament who were suspected of misusing put)- Hi. monev. The opposition resoiveu at nil costs to prevent this, and for forty hours on end they kept op a most iimii'rltiir unronr. Tbev cheered and iini.t.xi nnd snne litanies in chorus. The effect of the Intter performance ro pttriiordltuirv. One deputy would inmllv Intone u verse, nil bis friends chnnted the response, and bo they went rr nonriv two diivs nxA nights un til a truce was proclaimed. rearsou Weekly. Cnllnuuail Instruction. Mudge This watch baa been stopped for two or three days, jeweicr lim ine see It There Is nothing thu mntter mini ir pi cent that It has not been wound. Mudge-I thought raaj be that km It I remember vou toldi me to wind it iid lust before I went to bed, REACHED MM? , A -Aim:. m THE LAND OF PALMS A PLEASURE. TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ASK AMY AGENT OF THE O-WRSN TO HELP OUTLINE YOUR TRIP --fcr t-i ... m)j up. S K W3r Jf fwrT sr. f r i - in US EXCELLENT CUISINE ARLINGTON, OREGON. and 1 haven't been to bed or three I Send us the news. nights.