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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1911)
i THE CONDON GLODE SC: THE CONDON GLOBE THE OrriCIA.L fEWSTA.1EH Or C1LLIA.M COUfTy H. A. HiriWi Hilar. Published Etct7 Friday by The Glob Publishinc Company. Entered as second claai mail matter at the pout office at Condon, Oregon CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1911. Advertising Rales: Display Advertising - Single issue, 20 cents per inch; two issues, 15 cents per inch per issue, regular current advertising, 12 1-2 cents per inch per issue. Local Advertising - 10 cents per line for first insertion; 5 cents per line each ad ditional insertion., Legal Advertising - 10 cents per line per issue, . stationery in Gilliam County and can give you the correct size and style in ladies' and gents' cards. We will show you a proof while you wait. It's the educational opportun ity of your lifetime. Now that the presidential campaign is op. eninjr you will want to be posted. 1.50 pays for both the Globe and LaFoIlette's Weekly for oie year. Anyone wanting Christmas tree should leave orders with Wnu Dunlap. S4U36 One Year Six Months Subscription Rates: (In Advance) $1.50 1.00 1 DOUBT whether American students of social economics fully realize the extraordinary work that has been accomplished during the last decade and is now being accomplished in the slate of Wisconsin under the lead of Senator La Fallotte and the group of entirely paactical and at the same time zealously enthusiastic workers who have come into active control of the state mainly or largely because of the lead he has given them. We can now, at least in many cases, look for leadership to Wisconsin when we de sire, to try to solve the great social and industrial problems of the present and future. It is only in Wisconsin, so far as I know, that a really serious and thorough effort is being made to find out how to frame measures which shall give the people control over the big corporations without going into wild extravagances. After my visit I felt like congratulating Wisconsin upon what she had done and was doing, and felt much more like congratulating the country as a whole because it has in the state of Wisconsin a pioneer blaz ing the way along which we Americans must make our civic and industrial advance during the next few decades. Theodore Roose velt in the "Outlook." Local Items Mrs. Edward Dunn returned on Monday from Portland where she spent Sunday visiting with her son, John, who is attending school there. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker left on Tuesday morning for The Dalles. They may remain there during the winter. Chas. Baker takes his son's phce as stage driver. Manager Johnson of the Am erican Theatrf gave an excellent show Thanksgiving night to a trjwded house. The Fehrenbacher Orchestra gave a dance in the rink last evening. Treasurer's Notice. The Arlington National Bank, of which H. M. Cox is cashier, has placed an advertising con tract in Gilliam County's leading newspapsr. See their first ad on the last page of this paper. Wm.Bartlemay, of Early, Sher man county has ordered the next 52 copies of the Globe. The Globe Job Department has 25 different sizes of type in an assortment of the latest styles for the printing of ladies' and gentleman's cards. Cards for business houses will also receive our prompt attention. We carry the largest stock of commercial THE WARE THAT WEARS Guaranteed 15 Years It doesn't pay to buy cheap ware that soon peels, cracks, leaks, tarnishes, rusts or wears out. Even at a lower cost snch wear is the most expensive because it is dangerous to health and unreliable service doen't last. "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware is GUARANTEED for 15 years. There is practically no wear out to it and scientific-investigation proves it the most sanitary cooking ware made. Particles can't chip off and cause chronic troubles nor spoil the food. Germs do not breed on its smooth surface and odors can not be absorbed by it. You'll have better food and save trouble, time and fuel by using only "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware. Look for trade mark on every piece. FOK. SALE BJ GEO. W. BIGGS, Arlington. Wa rated! IB A Wheat Ranch Near Cordon in exchange for Splendid, Rich, t. tar Valley Land on electric car line, rii-i! to good town, one hour from Portland. Robert H. Tate . 319 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. v 3B All outstanding warrants up to and including "T" 6 are pay able on presentation. Interest ceases after Novem. 17th, 1911. All warrants drawn on the Road, School or High School Funds are cash. J. A. McMorris, County Treasurer. Treasurer' Notice. All outstanding city warrants up to and including No. 1574 will be paid upon presentation at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 17 th, 1911. II. A. Hartshorn, City Treasurer. FOR SALE Twenty-five head of angora goats. Call on or address John Madden, Lone Rock, Oregon. You ar- making a mistake ladies, if you fail to inspect Miss Fittman's stock of fall and winter styles of mil linery. Everything in this line is strictly up-to-date and you are missing something if you fail to look at her stock before buying. TAKE NOTICE-When you buy your groceries at the Con don Bakery if you will buy your meat at Farr Bros., you will be sure to get prompt delhery as we have our own wagon. WANTED A few more families to use the best milk and cream in Condon, we save you25centsa month on one quart a day. Get the habit of using Sniption Dairy milk and cream. Give us a trial. Stephens & Stice Props. Sniption Dairy Legal Advertisements commonly known as the Herd Law, filed in the office of the Secretary of State February 3, 1909 and subsequen tly approved by the voters of Gilliam County at the November election in 1910, I, E. C. Maley did on or about the 15th day of June, 1911, take up one dark bay mare, about 6 years old, branded C on left stifle, with collar marks, weighing about 850 pounds. Said animal will be sold by me on Monday the 4th day of December, 1911 unless redeemed prior to said data ac cording to the provisions of said . Herd Law. Said sale will be held at my ranch 11 1-2 miles west of Condon, at the Alville Grange Hall In Ferry Can yon. Date of drat Publication Novem ber 24. 1911. Last Publication Dec. 1st, 1911. E. C, Maley. , . NOTIJE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon November 9th, 1911 Notice is hereby given that Henry C Ochse, of Lone Rock, Oregon, who, on March 9th, 1909, made Homestead, No. 04615, for El -2 NEI-4, See. 32 SE1-4 SE1-4, Sec. 29 and SW1-4 SW1-4, See. 28, Township 6 South, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final commut ation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before George W. Parman, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Condon, Oregon, on the 18th day of December, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: David Hardie, of Trail Fork, Oregon, George Hardie of Trail Fork, Oregon, Augus ta Neel of Lone Rock, Gregon and Jay Crenshaw of Lone Rock, Oregon. C. W. Moore, Register. NOTICE OF RESIGNATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OE THE STATE OF OREGON FOR GILLIAM COUNTY in the matter of Estate of Grant Wade, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed in the- above entitled Court her resignation as administra trix to the above entitled estate, to gether with her final report as such administratrix and that said Court has set said resignation and report-for con sideration and hearing on Wednesday the 3rd day of January, 1912, at the hour oi 10 o clock in the forenoon at the Court-room of the above entitled court , in condon, Oregon. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to be present at said time and place with such objec tions to the allowance of said report and the acceptance of said resignatipn as they may have. Dated December 1st, 1911. Bell Wade Administratrix of the estate of Grant Wade, Deceased. Date of first publication, Dec. 1st, 1911. NOTICE OF TAKING UP A DARK BAY MARE UNDER GILLIAM COUNTY HERD LAW Notice is hereby given that under and pursuant to the provisions of Chap ter 71 Laws of 1909 as enacted by the Legislature of the State of Oregon, Authentic and Taiuable inforaaliaa ooui Draeaiol, lutchrat, nut taeding and homing poultry ti contained to the late edition of U lr' Poultry Bookjut pnaU. Send tor copy, frea. U. CU. H. LiBr Co.. Sunt. vt44 over es a- 'EXPER'E EARS' ENCE ' vmm Trade Marks A Arono tending a akefrh and description mar flitldfclr ucertAlii our opinion frea whether an li.vouimn la probably patent nhle. Communlm tl'msRtrlcilrp'niildeiitliil. HANDBOOK onPatcuu unt fro. Oldest mumic.r for securing patents. i mwiw wmmsii mruugn nunn at w tpeciat nodes, wit hoot cbtirge, ta the Scientific America.,. A Mndaon.olr IHnstratM weekly, T,srrst cir culation of nny rrieiiUUe Joiirnnl. Terms. 13 ft nitr; imir rmmius, l Boia Ujrall newsdealers. & to 3e,Br". New York Onico. &6 St, WaaWoaton, SHERIFF SALE Notice is hereby given that an ex ecution and order of sale was issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Gilliam County, on the 30th day of October, 1911, upon a decree therin rendered on the 28th day of October, 1911, in favor of Gilliam Coun ty Milling Co., a corporation plaintiff and against w. L. Barker and Co., a corporation, R. L. Sabin and W. C. Brown defendant which execution and said order of sale is to me directed and commanding me to sell the property hereinafter described, for the purpose of satisfying the Judgment of the plaintiff in said cause for the sum of Eleven Hundred and No-100 Dollars with interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum from the 10th day of June 1910 and $120.00 attorney fees and the cobU and disbursments of said suit taxed at $16.75 (Sixteen and 75-100 Dollars.) Therefore, in compliance with said execution and order of sale, I will on Tuesday the 12th day of December, 1911, at the hour of 2 o clock p.m. at the Court House door in Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, for the pnrpose of satisfying the judg ment and decree above mentioned, the following described real property to- wit: Lots, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 105 of Lord's addition to the city of Condon, Oregon, according to the map or plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the county clerk of Gilliam county, Oregon. Dated this 2nd, day of October, 1911 Elmer Montague Sheriff of Gilliam opunty, Oregon By J. D. weed, Deputy Professional Directory. LAWYERS T. A. Weinke Attornays-at-Law Oflice In Condon Nat'l Bank Bide. Condon, Oregon Geo. W. Parman Attorney-at-Law U. S. Commissioner Careful Attention given to ill traai neaa entnuld In my care. Condon, Oregon DOCTORS J. F. Wood, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Condon, Oregon L. L. Taylor, M.D.V. VETERINARY Physician and Surgeon Condon. Oregon AUCTIONEERS Wayne Grider AUCTIONEER CONDON NATIONAL v RANK. : Capital, $50,000 .....DIRECTORS Geo. Dukck, President A. Grcincr, V. President F. T. Hurlburt, Cashier E. J. Clough Wm. Wehrli THE CONDON STEAM LAUNDRY Our last add brought 18 steady customers (or Rough Dry washings. Now we wish to announce that wo wiinh and pros or dry clean end press Gent's suits and overcoats; I.h.Iivh' hiiUm; skirts, silk, lure or flannel waists, coats and jackets. Also tlo fancy. Ironing of nil kinds. Kirst class work - price reasonable ami right. Try us and be convinced. KEMIIER THE NAME BENNET, THE LAUNDRY MAN Jamieson & Marshall SANITARY PLUMBERS CONDON, OKKCON. Agents Sampson Windmills Agents Fairbanks Morse Casoline Engines See ns before buying elsewhere Estimates Given on all kinds of Water Systems Condon Dray & Transfer Line F. E. HENNET, Proprietor Light and Heavy Hauling-Ilmilini; Trunks and till Job work a specialty. CONDON, Phone No. 10X OKEGON Jackson & Miller ffitt Confectionery, Tobaccos, Fruits and Nuts, Papers and Magazines. Winter Clothing.. fl Our selections in this line can't be beaten. For gentlemen, something of the latest style of fit and fabric can be selected from our ready - made clothing or from our fall and winter samples of Lamm & Co., made - to--measure Clothes. QAll sizes sheep lined coats. CONDON" DUNN BROS., OREGON 1 I afftsj St ucli Condon,