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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1911)
THE CONDON GLOBE SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR GILLIAM COUNTY OREGON Number acres tillable Innd. 2W39 $3706130.00 Number acres non tillable, 3029CG 022315.00 Improvements on deeded land 208355.00 Value of town lots, 143365.00 Valuo of Improvements on town lots 2J15C5.00 Value of Improvements on land not deeded 8500.00 Value of manufacturing machinery, 32575.00 Value of merchandise. 171715.00 Value of farming Implements 157055.00 Money 49505.00 Notes and account, 139370.00 Shares of stock. 1025 125000.00 Household furniture 52825.00 Number mules and horses, 6471 425885.00 Number cattle, 2384 .54980.00 Number sheep. 74213 , 211900.00 Hogs, 1C1C 11340.00 Dogs, 332 , 2005,00 16450445.00 Railroads, rolling stock, telegraph and telephone lines are not included in above list. THE LITTLEST GIRL. THE LITTLEST GIRL Wilt receive the me cour teous treatment and atten tion at our market you would receive if you called personally. Price the low eat, quality considered. CONDON MEAT CO. First National Bank CONDON, OREGON DIRECTORS j . S. B.' Barker, Jay Bowerman, J. F. Reisacher, C. 0. Portwood, Wm. Wehrli, F. M. Pliter. iBBBBKnBBBBBBaBBBBl T" k 17..1I I!. n. HU tell jam CONDON BAKERY .W J. D. ESTE3, Proprietor A FuU Lb. Bert GROCERIES AlwyiaSTOCK SHORT ORDERS ALL HOURS MAIN STREET, CONDON Geo. McKAY, Tailor Shop. CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Lancaster Building: Opposite The Graves & Van Slype Drug Store, Condon, Oregon. LaEollette's Magazine and Condon Globe 1 year : SI.50 ' You can read what Ssnator LaFollete, the fearless champion of people's rights, the leader of the progressive Republicans, thinks and says, for .Absolutely Nothing. A stirring and momentus campaign is opening. Be posted, get the rec ord of your Congressman through LaFollette a Magazine, and see if he is representing your interests. Regular Price of LaFollette's Weekly is $1.60, Regular price of the Globe $1.60. Our Special offer, Both, $1.60. Fail;.':.., Fashions Y STOCK OF FALLHATS was carefully selected M -Mm -fnm iVin mnot iin.f ra-rlnt a , tl VIII y V Mf W lines of millinery. They are guaranteed to please you. Mabel Pittman, - Milliner DOOLEY. HQRSEBUYER COMING E. W. Dooley, the horsebuyer will be in this city on Monday and Tuesday, November Cth and j 7th. He wishes to buy 100 head of horses, 3 to 8 years old, gen tle and well broken, with plenty of bone and good conformation, weighing from 1100 pounds up. lie will also buy a few yearlings and two-year olds. Bring in your stock if you wish to sell. DEALS Tn DIRT A II Ruedy et ux to W P Reed 318 A in Tl NR 22 E f 1 I V Boatman to W P Reed quitclaim to same U S to Wm Fehrenbacher ICO A in T2 SR 22 E Patent G W Martin et ux to G Marvel 3 lots in Arlington $200 Clara Price and husband to P L Ham 4 lots in Condon 150 Wm Smith et ux to W G Smith eta!1320AinT2SR19E $1 NOTICE I hereby give notice to the public that I will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by any one including my wife, un less they have a written order from me, save and except such firms as have been instructed within the past few days to allow my wife to contract a limited amount each month during the pendancy of a suit for divorce filtd by me against my wife. Condon, Ore., Nov. 2nd 1911. Charles H. Williams An evening class will be com menced at St. Thomas Academy for the accommodation of young ladies desiring instructions in short-hand. Any lady wishing to join the class is requested to call at the Academy before Nov, 1st., ' FORE SALE Three stacks of good Call on I. A. Hoskins. straw. 30J34 For Sale or Rent. Two good pianos have been left with me for sale or rent Will Bell on easy terms. Call on or address, W. A. Darling, Condon, Oregon. Announcement. Mrs. Summers wishes to an nounce that her fall and winter stock of millinery is complete in the prevailing styles. You are cordially invited to call and inspect them. You aw making a mistake ladies, if you fail . to inspect Miss Pittman's stock of fall and winter styles of mil linery. Everything in this line is strictly up-to-date and you are missing something if you fail to look at her stock before buying. fin F Barber Shop Up-to-date Ton sorial Parlors Stephens&Randall ...PROPRIETORS... lit Door North Firtt Nation il Bank W. A. DARLING Carries a Complete Line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH Estimates furnished on Jobs as to J.atvr and Material, 1 f ""Call on the.... i ; I - 1 1 I G S rave w o lime oooo Co O 000 Has just inaugurated a real estate campaign which will eclipse any movement of the kind ever started in eastern Oregon. The Company ha, for some time past been in touch with col onization companies in the east in an effort to secure settlers for farm lands in this and other counties of eastern Or egon. The Company already has a large list of Gilliam County lands but wants more. These lands will be put on the market at once with the proper advertising. If you wish to sell your property, list it at once and get it in the first list to be mailed.... 1