Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, September 15, 1911, Image 3

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Will receive th same cour
teous treatment and ttton
tlun at our market ft you
would receive If you e tiled
personally. Price th low
est, quality eon Idared.
First National Bank
J. F. Reisacher,
F. M. Pliter.
1). Barker, Jay Bowerman,
C. 0. Portwood, Wm. Wehrli.
"Lest You Foget"
Wa handle complete line of fancy and staple groceries, cigars
and tobacco, No old itock aa wa are dally receiving fraah good.
Price's Cash Grocery Store
Your Friends.
Will Appreciate a Photograph of Yourself.
You Can Get Them Any Style at
Geo. McK AY, Tailor Shop.
Lancaster Building Opposite The Graves & Van
Slype Drug Store, Condon, Oregon. , :
Treasurer! Notice.
. All warrants issued prior to
,tV Ju'y 5. 1911 are will be paid upon
J presentation. No interest
J. A. McMorris
County Treasurer.
Treasurer's Notice.
All outstanding city warrants
up to and including: No. 1470 will
be paid upon presentation at my
office. Interest ceases after
July 14 th, 1911.
H. A. Hartshorn, v
City Treasurer.
i . - "I
An Unusual Proposition
Professional Directory.
T. A. Weinke
Attornys-at-Law s
OlflM In Condon Nat'l Bank Bldf.
Condon, '" Oregon
Geo. W. Parman
U. 8. Commlaalonar
i '
. . Cartful Attention ilr.n to .11 basl
n.w tulrn.Wtl la my curt.
Legal Advertisements
Isolated Tf act-Public Land Sal.
Dapftrtm.nt of th. InUrior
U. S. Land Office, Tha Dalles, Oregon,
August, 1911. '
Nolle la haraby given that, aa dlrae
tad by th commissioner of th General
Land Office, under provUIon of Act of
Congress approved June 27, 1908 (54
State., 617) w will offer at public tale,
to th bidder, at 10:06 o'clock
a. m. on th 4th oay of October, 1911,
at thla offlc th following described land
Lot 1 and 2 of Section 81 T. I S. R.
22 Eaat W. M., No. 079..
Any peraona claiming adversely the
above-deacrlbed land ara adviaed to die
their claim, or objection, on or before
the tlm designated for ial.
C. W. Moore, RcgiaUr.
(Isolated tract-Notcoal land.)
Public Land Sale.
Department of Tb Interior
U. S. Land Offlc, Th Dalle. Oregon
August 21, 1911.
Notlc 1 hereby given that, a direct
ad by th Commissioner of th Gen
eral Land Offlc, under proviaiona of
Act of Congreaa approved June 27, 1906
(34 StaU., 617) we will offer at public
ale, to th highest bidder, at 10:16
o'clock A. M. on th 18th day of Octo
br, at this offlc, tb following de
scribed land:
W 1-2, NWI-4, Se. 28, T. 1 N.
Rang 22 E. W. M. No. 07996.
Any peraona claiming adversely the I
above described land are advised to file
their claim or objeetlona on or before
th tlm designated for sal.
C. W. Moore, Register.
U. S. Land Offlc, Receiver. :
Another One Soon
Cupid Enjoys a
Lively Busines.
Connty Court Meets.
Arlington Lumber Co, Lumber
and Nails for . roads claimed
154 55 allowed $51 80
Condon Globe County Printing
claimed 25 15 allowed U2 75
The following bills were contin
ued' ... .
Condon Globe, printing delin
quent tax list $383.50
Dr. J W - Donnelly prescriptions
for poor $4 50
Baptist Church Services.
Prayer meeting Thursday
evening t.&30, .. Sunday School
at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday and
preaching at 11:00 a.m. Sunday.
Subject "A Proper Subject for
Baptism."- Promise meeting at
7:30 p.m. Preaching at 8:00 p.
m. Subject' "Gospel Baptism."
We are beginning on a series
of sermons on the doctrine tit
the Baptist for the benefit of the
members of our church and any
one who wishes to know what
we believe.
R. Y. Blalock.
A 320 acre farm, team of mules,
harness and wagon and bank ac
count of $50 to be given away.
If you will pay the market price
for the live stock now on the
ranch and a valuation for the im
provements, will make you a deed Condon,
to the place. Call on or address,
The Investment Society
of Oregon,
Mayville, Oregon. .
J. F. Wood, M. D.
Physician. & Surgeon
Congregational Church.
On the coming Sabbath Mrs.
Ferris will preach as the pas
tor will preach to the people on
Rock Creek and baptise a num immersion. The Sunday
evening service will be a contin
uation of "The Sky Pilot." The
special subject will b "Gwen
C. E. will be led ' by Florence
Barker. Myrtle Greenfield has
been elected C. E. organist until
the next annual meeting. The
members of the Daisy Club wi'l
act aa ushers during the next
month. The Ugo Igo Club made
plans at their last meeting for
the work of the coming year.
The usual bazaar will be held
and early in October an enter
tainment will be given. In the
future when any hostess chooses
to serve refreshments a ten cent
tee will be paid by the members
for the benefit of, the treasury.
The next meeting will be held on
Sept. 21 at the home of our
splendidly effective president,
Mrs. Weinke.
Laughrig e-Larsen.
A very pretty wedding was
solemnized on last Sunday morn
ing at 7o'clock at the home of Mr
and Mrs. A. Larson of Portland
when their daughter, Miss Ma
belle Larson was united in mar
riage to C. N. Laughrige of this
city. The wedding was a quiet
one, witnessed only, by the im
mediate relatives of the bride
and groom and a few intimate
Promptly at seven o'clock, to
the inspiring strains of Mendel
ssohn's wedding march played
py Mrs. H. A. Hartshorn, the
young couple, attended by J. E.
Schroeder of this city and Miss
Wayfe Hockett of Portland, took
their places beneath the. beautiful
wedding bell' and arch where
Rev. Bollinger, pastor of te
Highland Congregational church,
with an impressive yet simple
and exceedingly pretty ring cer
emony made them, husband and
wife. Congratulations followed.
after which an elegant wedding
breakfast was served. Mr. and
Mrs. Laughrige, accompanied by
almost all prssent, then went to
the docks where they embarked
on the Beaver for San Francisco.
The home was beautifully deco
rated for the occasion with Ore
gon grape and pink and white
asters and these colors were also
carried out in the refreshments.
The bride was becomingly dressed
in a traveling suit of blue and
the groom wore black serge.
Mrs. Laughrige formerly lived
in thiS city and is well known
here. She is a young lady of
many graces of mind and person,
entirely capable of filling her
new home with happiness and
will prove to be truly a helpmate
to the husband she has chosen.
Mr. Laughrige ha3 lived in this
city for several years and holds
the utmost respect of all who
know him. It is indeed a pleas
ure to be able to state that Mr.
and Mrs. Laughrige will make
their home in this city, having
rented the Edwards residence in
east Condon. . ,
Madden, Arthur 84. 11 ft 1
23 ft 22, 'T. 4 8..R. 22 E.
660 acre .................
Mal.y, Oscar Sec 14 'ft 23, T. ,
2 8. R. 19 E. 120 acre..'.."
Martaln, C. W. Sec. 12 T. '1
8. K. 22 E. 280 acre
Meager, Peter Condon Origi
nal, Conaon, lots 7, I, r, 10.
Good Trade Offered.
; Hotel and livery business val
ued at $1900 to trade fori wheat
land or for Portland property.
-t.-ij : r ;'J 11 V '
7 nas utiici UU9U1CB3. ; rui iiiiwaj
information call at or address, '( rfi
Condon, Oregon. Condon,
L. L Taylor, M.D.V. ;
Physician and Surgeon
Two of Gilliam County's most
estimable young people united
their lives on Wednesday, Sept
13. at five o'clock, when Mis3
Eddith Ward was united in mar
riage to James Knight The
wedding took place at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Ward. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. R. Y
Blalock, pastor of the Baptist
church in this city. Only a very
few were present and the happy
affair was quite a surprise to
many friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Knight are both well known and
highly respected in this city,
They will make their home in
this city or near vicinity. This
naDeris pleased' to join their
many friends m extending con
gratulations and best wishes. :
For Sale.
50 fine-wool lucks, 25 of them
beinir yearlings. Call on or ad
dress,' John Madden,
Lone Rock, Oregon.
It is high time that you were
gettfifrg a photo SKthe newaby.
We take especiafi&Uns .with rthe
babies at Keller's Studio." Bring
them in. " :
Another marrlag'e of interest
took place on Tnursday evening
at seven o'clock when Miss Eva
Robinson and Mark W. Crawford
were united in nuniase in the
Palace Hotel parlors , by . W. A.
Darling, Justice of the Peace.
The happy couple left this morn
ing for Walla Walla. Both are
residents of the Lone Rock vi
cinity and are well and favor
ably known.
j; i Another wedding'- of young
Condon people is scheduled for
the near future-
ftll block 2
Molflt Est T. J. Sec. 1 T 1'
8. 22 613 acre 2S.07
Mk, Wm. Sec. 32 t 8. R. 20
&. 1(0 acres 12.13
Miller, J. W. Trlitibl V
Brown' Add. Condon, . lot '
1, 2, 11. 12. bloc O...;.... '8.25
Moore, Marthr U Lancaster's '
Add. Condon, lot ( bloc. 63 2).08
Moorabead U. R. Smith's Plat .
Arlington, lot 1 ft 2, block
8 " 248
Morley, John Sec. 24 T. 3 S.
R. 21 E. ft Sec. 26 3 B. R. 21
' E. 80 acres 3.3S
Morphltt, James Lord Add.
Condon, lot t block 2 1.15
Mariner, W. J. Sec. 13, 2 N.-'--
R. 18 K. Sec.. 18 2 N. 1 E. ,.
Sec. 26 2 N. R. 18 E. Sec. 34 -
2 N. R. 13 E. Sec. 35 2 N..R. . ..
19 E. Sec 36, 2 N. It E. Sec .
31 3 N. R. 20 E. Sec. 2 2 N. 20
E. Sec. 4. 6, 8, , T. 2. K. R. .
20 E. Sec. It 2 S. R. 2i E.
3616 acre '257.20
Madden, New See. 5 T e 8 1
$. Sees. 11, 14 1. 3 S. R. 21 E.
240 acre ... 20.51
McDanlel, Edward Sec. 1 V. 6
S. R. 24 E. 160 acre 4.08
cEacbrn, J. C Lncater'a
Sub. Condon, lot 21 10.70
McDowell, H. Lancaster' Sub
Condon lot 118 z 60 ft. block
14 ............ .52
McEachrn ft Wllklns Welsh- .
ons, lots 6, 6, 7, 8, block 2
lots 3. 4, 6, 6, V 8, Wock .
lot 6, . 7, block -7. lot. -
1, 2, block 8, lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
block-, lot 8 block 12, lots '
1, 2,3, 4. 7, 8, block -13 :
lots 2, 5, 6, block 14, lou 1, . .,.
2, block 17. lou 1. 2. 3.- 8." ...
block 18, lot 1 block 22, all of
block 10 all or block 11
Nash, Peter Mover's Add. Con
don, lots 1. 2, block .,....
Neal, Mrs. H. J. Sec. .2 ft . 3
l 6 S. R. 24 E. 611 acres. . : .
Orwick. J. C Sees. 1. 30.. 29,'
ii, T. Z, . 8. K. 20 S. ft ec
3, 4. 6, T. 4 u. - n. 22 E.
I8w acre .......164.61
Parker ft Lilll Condon orlgi-
na., 30 It. N. side of lot 12
Mock 3 U
Parker, D. P. ln trust) Con
don original, - Cpndon. 4 ft
off North aide of block-11, 20
ft off id of lot 12 block 3
Parrlah, Arthur Wards Add.'
Condon, lou t, 6, 7; 8, block
Pauling, L. I. Condon Original
lot 3 block 3
Pentacost, P. J. Ward'a Add.
Condon, lot 1Z block 6
Roberts, W. K. Henshaw Add.
Lone riock, lots 6, ' 6, 7,
block 1 lou 3, 4, W 1-2 of lot
6 block 4 ,........;......
Portwood, Marcus Lord Add.
Condon, lot 7 block 93 . . ..
Pullen, Fred Sec. 34,. T. 5 -8.
R. 24 E. 120 acres
Ralston, L. C Olex lot 1 block
B E 1-2 of lot 2 block D. . . ..
Richardson, J. J. fiecMS. T
3. J. R. 21 E. 6 acre..V.. . v 3A
Roger, Robt Sec. 20, 28, T.
3 S. R. 22, E. 360 acre... 43.61
Rogers, Robt Waro' Add,
Condon, lot 7. block 1. ...... . ...42
Rogers, Jaret Sees. 20, 29 'T. . .
3 S. R. 22 E. 160 acres.. 16.59
Roger. E. C Sec. 26 T. I'll.' , i
H. 20 E. ft Sees. 19. 30 T. l
N. R. 21 E. 865 acrea. .'.!. 69J3
Roger, E. 42. Condon & Cor-- ,
niah'a let Add. lot 12 block
17 ..... '.......i.......... .110.46
Rogers, K. C Condon ft Cor
nish's East Add. loU 3. 4,
5, 6. block 41 ..J....:...'..
Rogers, E. c, Condon. ft'. Cor
nish's East Aou. lots , 6, 7,
8, block 45
Ruggles, Oscar N. Sec. 31 T.
1, & K. i k. 160 -acrea.. :-.
Rush, Wm. Sac 20 T. 2 S. R.
20 E. 160 acres .:.
Russell, Mr. U M. Sec. 15 T.
3 S. R. 21 E. 160 acres.,,..
RusselL Est Dave Sec 15 T.
3 S. R. 21- E. 320 acres.. .... 45.72
Ruedy, John Sees. 2. 12 T I N ,
K. zz K sis acres
Snover, B. N. Smith's plat Ar-;
lington, lots 11. 12 block 13
Savage, Heneretta Condon ft
Cornish s East Add. lots 9,
10 block 89 ' . .'. .
Sears, D. W. Sec. 86, T..SH.
h. 21 E..320 acres ........;
Shim, Clarence Sec. . 14 T.
1 W. R. 19 E. 80. acres..!.... ,
Simmons, Oscar Sees.1 34, 35
T. 1 N. R. 19 E. 360 acrea..
Skelley. Samantha Condon !
Cornish's East Add. Condon,
lot 13 block 36 ..........
Skelley, John Sec. 20 T. 1
S. R. 22 EL 480 acrea....... i
Smith ec al Deila Sec. 16, 23
T. 5 u. R. 19 E. 660 acres. 27.56
Smith Est Lee Sec. 12, T. 2
8. R. 20 E. loO acres.'...... 10.29
Smith, J L. Sees. 30, 81, 32,
T. 1, S. R. 22 E. 400 acres. . .
Smith, Delia Sec. 32, 'S3, T.
4, S. R. 23 K Sec. 4, T. 5 E.
R, 22 E. 720 acres.;......'..
Smith, W. J. Sec. 26 T. 4 S.
R. 21 ti. Sees. SO, 31. 32 T.
' 4 S. R. 22 E. 1560 acres....
Smyser, W. F. Sec' 24 T. 8
S. R. 22 E. 160 acres. .......
Speese, Mary Sec. 12 T.2 S.
R. 21 E. 160. acres. ,
Speese, W. H. Sec. 1 T 2 S.
R. 21 E, , 160 .acres. .-.;
Speese. W. H. SeciU.T. 2VS.
. R. 21 E. 40 acres. ?!?:'. r.,,
Speese, W. H. K.-$vTi S.
R. 21 E.'40 acres. .4.v.;...
Stinchfleld, E. A.-tlncMSid'
add. Mayville lots 1, 2, 3,-4,
block '4. ... . . . .V... .......
Strickland Est. n, F Sees. 4,
r 9, 17 T. . 2 S. vR.22 EaS60 '
liacret 1 Jd. . . py 23.33
Strickland': Est '. H. F. Sec, .
'19 T. 2.iS'. R. 22iB.166;'a,cresN 11.48
Stringer, Louisa Sec 29 - "J
6 S. R. 20 E. 160 acres...... 6.82
. 6.68
: 29.20
' 2.10
. 3.21
t !
. 6.19
Strlsirer, 'Anna M. Lancas
ter's Sub," Condon block I
Swan son, J. A. Sec. 4 T. 2 N.
Rf 19 E. 160 acre
Shurt, C. W. Bee. 22 T. 2 N.
R. 21 E. 180 acre
Shane. C. W. 8mlths Plat, ,
Arlington, lot 9, 10, 11, 12,
block 4
8hurt. C. W. Stnltbs Plat
Arlington, lot 8 and th S.
i of lot 7 block 13
Shurt, Lena Snell Smith'
PUt Arlington, Mot , 4, 7,
block 4
8tanly, A. B. Original Towa-
slte. Lone Rock, lot 3, block
2, lou 6, 7. U block 2, lot
1, block lot 1, 8, bloc 10
lot 1, 2, 7, block I
Smith, I. M. Henshaw' add.
Lone Rock, let part of 5,
6. 7, 8, block; 2.,
Spauldlng, Mrs. ' 8. Ortflnal
Townsite Lob Rock, lot
3. 4. block I.....:..,
Suward, Geo. Sec. 13 T. 6
8. R. 21 E. . 24 ,T. 6 8. R.
21 E. Bee. 17, 18, 9 T. 6 8.
R. 22 E. 480 acri
Teague, Henry---Sec. 24 i. 1
8. R. 20 E. 160 acres
Tannas, H. C. Lord Add.
Condon lot 11, 12, block 95
Thomas, J. P. Olea, lot 11
block A
Thomas Edelman Original
Townsite, Mayville 70 ft off
lot 4 block 2
Thomas ft Edelmsn Phoebe
eltlacbfleld Add. lot 2 bit
l '....V
Wad, L. Manas Add. Con
don, lot blocs S!'.. ........
Thompson, Mr. M. P. See.
16 T. 4 8. R. 22 E. 220 acre
Trask, Lou I Original Town-
site, Mayville, lot 1, 2, block
Teft, Joe Sw. 4 T. 3 N. B. 20
K. ito acre.
Unknown Condon Original
Condon, lot. 4,i6, block 7,
Lancaster Add,, tot 9 block
Unknown Sec. 12 t. 2 S. R.
21 E. 8ec. 7 T. ,2 9. R. 22 E.
. 160 acre
Unknown Original ' Townait
Lone Rock, 8.1 ot lot 5 block
4 .'......V.
Vandervlugt, W.' I.--Secs. 11,
12, 13, T. 3 S. R. ;20 E. 200
acre , . . . .'
Vining, B. Welshon's lot 7
block 18 L
Wade Sherman Sec. 7 T. 2
8. R. 21 E. 160 acres 23.(4
Walker, John Sec. 31 V. 8 S.
R. 20 E. and Sec' 32 T. 18.
R. 20 E, 400 acre 47.5i
Walker, Horace Sees. 24, 25
T. 3 S. R. 19 E. 320 acre.... 83.15
Wallli, Harvy Sec', 10, 11 T.
2 8. R. 20 E. 160 acre, 4.20
Phillips, J. W. Sees. 9, 10, 16.
T. 1 8. R. 22 E. 840 acres. . 48.48
Porter, C. O. Sec. 23 I.H.
R. 18 E. 160 acres 2.C5
Ralston, timer See. 33 T. 1
S. R. 19 E. 160 acres '10.85
Richmond, W. W.-r-8ec 22 T.
2 N. R. 20 E. 160 acres
Robison, H. A. Lancaster'
Sub. Condon, block
Rodkr. 8. , K. Smith' - Plat,
Arlington, 'ots 5, 6,'. block 19
Shelton, Mary E. Sec. 11, 14
T. i S. R. 20 i. 360. acre.
Welshons, Geo. Seer 9 T. 2
S. R. 21 E. -160 seres
Welshons . Geo. W elshon's
lou 4. 6. block 18.'
West; ,H. K. Sees. 20, 29 T. 3
8. R. 21 E. 920 acres 109.37
Wester. A.' M. Sec.' 28 T. 2 3.
R. 21 E. 160 acres.....
Whitman, E. J. Sees. 24, 2
T. 4 3. K. Z1 E. 120 acres
Whyte Est. Joseph Sec 36 T.
4 S. R, 22 E. and Sec. 1 r. T
S. R. 22 E. Sec. 1 T. 6 8. R.
22 E. Sec' '3 T. 4 S. R. 23 E.
and Sec. .6 T, 6 3. R. 23 B.
947 acre '.
Whyte. Est. Joseph Trimble
ft .Brown Add.' Condon, lots
1, 12. block S.v1..
Wllklns, Henry-MSeo. 35 T. 1
8. R. 21 E. Sec. I T. 8 S. R.
21, E. Sees 3, 10, 11, 15, T.
2 S. R.- 21 E. 148j acre
Vvilllams, J. M. Sees. 2, 3, T.
5 S. R. 23 Hj 320 acres......
Wilson. Fred Condon. Origin
al, N. i ot lot 4. and 6 ft S.
side of lot 3 block 4, and
Gondon and Cornish' 2nd
'Add. Condon, lbtt 6, 6, 7, 8,
block 24 ...... V.
Wlpruit, W. I. Sec.' 36 T. S.
R. 22 E. 160 acres..
Withers. Marlnda Sec 3 T.
6 b. R, 81 E. 160 .acres 17.73
Warren, Chas.-S9C 32 T. 3 N.
r. is K.' so acres
Wilson, Wi Hugh Sees. 24, 25
T. 5 S. R. 21 E160 acre...
Wasson. J. J, Sec 36 T. 2 S.
R. 19 E.. see. l- T. s a. n.
19 E., Sees. 6, .2 T. 3 S. R.
'20 E. 1297 acres,
Wasson. Mary-ec 36 T. 3
8. R. 19 K. 320 acre
May, F. G. Sec-10 T, 4 8. R.
21 R 1 acr...
N. P. R. R. Co: Sec 13 T. 3
N. R, 17 E. 40 acres..
Wain, Luella Condon ft Cor
niah'a E. Add. k 7 block 41 -Ward.
Mattie M. Sees. 32, S3
T. 1 S. R. 22 E. ft Sec 6 T. .
i 2 .S.i R. 21 E. 400 acres. v
Ward. U U. Sec '6,T. 2.8, R.
I 22vE. 40 acres...
Ward, J. M. Sec 11 1'. 1 S. R.
I 22 E. 80 . acre-. .-.
Vaton, W. F, Sec. 1 T. 3 8.
1 R, 21 E. 330 acre - .
Weintersteln, Oldra D. Dn-
ny a Add. Arlington, tots i .
to 18, block 2 and lots 5, 6,
19, 20, 21, 22rf 23 aad S. oi
lot 4, block 61.
Wells Est.' J. R. Secs.23, 24,
t s s. k. zu ana sc i
I T. 4 SLR. 1 E. 640 acres..
SVelshons,' Ida Sec. 9 T. 2 S.
j R. 21 1 E. 160" acres
Lots 1, 2,43, 4 block 2, al. ot
4 block 3, all of block 4, au or.
block 5, lot 1,.2, block 6, ;ots
- 8, 4,? 5, 6, 7, 1," 8. block 8, :
lots .5, 6, 1, 8, -block 9, lots ;
1, 4 5, 6, 7, Moc 12, all
, of block 21. , all of block ,
:i9.'all of block 20.......... C20
' Dated 4t tiindon, Gilliam County,
Oregon ' tfiis! day of August A.
D. 1911.
i t
atoMfl of GlUiam County.
! Sthtet of Oregon.