Everybody In Gilliam County Should Read Gilliam County's Official" --Newspaper; Do You? Nothing Doing is the First Result of Doing Mf Nothing. Do It Now. GLOBE ADS WILL DO IT You can-shorten your search for it - if "it"; is findable. How? Try a, GLOBE WANT AD VOL 22 CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 1, 1911. N0.22 Delinquent Tax list This advertised lmt of delin quent taxes for tho year 1910 is in pursuance of an act of the State Legislature, which ia em bodied in Chapter 275 of the Geaeral Lawi of the 1911 Seiiion The taxes on the following de ' scribed real property became de linquent on April 4, 1911 and are subject to a penalty of 10 per cent and interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum until they shall have been paid. Any day after the expiration of six months after the taxes charged against the following real property are delinquent the Sheriff is authorized, upon de mand of any person making ap plication, to issue to them a cer tificate of delinquency upon pay ment of the taxes, penalty, int erest and cost of advertising. Certificates of delinquency shall bear interest from the date of issuance until redeemed at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. Adams, J Q - Smith's Plat Arlington.lot 7 blk 19 Adlard, Est M - sec 15 1 3 s r 20 e 160 acres Allen, F II - Ward' add Condon lots 5 6 78 blk 13 A 0 U W Hall Smith's plat Arlington lots 7 8 blk 18 : Apple, It R - sec 31 1 1 s r 21 e 160 acres , . Arlington Investment Co sees 2 11 13 tl s r 20 e 480 acres Armstrong, C F - sec 11 4 s r 20 e 480 acres Armstrong, RE- sec 10 t 4 b r 20 e 320 acres Barker & Shelton sees 26 27 28 t3 s r 19 e 320 a Bash, Frank sec 1 1 1 n r 19 e 160 acres Bayliss, JN-sec3t4sr ' 21 e 4.5 acres Bee3on,' Frank - sec 5 1 G s r 22 e 160 acres Beall, Clara - sees 8 9 1 2 a r 19 e 160 acres ' Berg, Mrs. S E'- sec 15 1 4 srl9e 160 acres Blonchet, Ada sec 5 1 6 s r23e 160 acres Blonchet, Leo - sec 31 1 5 s r 23 e and sec 5 1 6 s r v 23 e 174 acres Boyer, N A sec 6 1 2 n r 19 e 120 acres I Boyer, J S - Condon-Cornish's east add lot 11 blk 41 Brown, Lucinda Denny's " add Arlington lots 8 9 10 11 12 blk 10. Brown, John sees 1 and 12 1 4 s r 18 e and sees 6 ,7andl8t4srl9 e 631 acres Brown, John sec 30 1 3 n r 21 e 312.88 acres Brown, Fred stillwell ad May ville lots 6 7 blk 5 and lot 4 blk 4 Brown, Neubern sec 8 t 2 n r 19 e 280 acres Brandon, T a - sees 11 and 14 1 2 s r 19 e 100 acres Bunch & Sons sec 21 t 2 n r 19 e 160 acres Barker, w L - sec 29 1 3 s ' r 21 e 160 acres Barker, WL -sec 82 t 3 s, r 21 e 160 acres Barker, w L - Condon & Cornish's 2nd add lots 5 6 10 blk 30 Barkes, w.vL - Lancaster's '. add i fcondon Idtsl, i 3 4 bik,76 , V j : , v Cortwright, BE Condon & Cornish's 2nd lots 3-4 blk 30. .. . .- ... .. $ .14 10.18 2.10 4.76 23.60 40.12 30.33 22.52 21.67 11.70 1.10 14.76 5.90 4.59 6.98 4.95 1.54 18.90 2.80 42.43 9.44 . .98 13.18 14.60 84.97 21.80 31.24 11.02 4.12 4.20 4.08 5.98 10.80 7.56 43.13 17.85 5.76 13.65 6.37 1.44 64 03 10.50 10.45 9.45 19.53 1.95 .49- 2.68 10.50 Cox, WmC. sees 24-25 1 5 s r 24 e 160 acres Campbell, Mable - sec 3 t n r 21 e 160 acres Camine, R A sec 1 1 n r 22 e 160 acres ''amine, R A Trimble & Brown's add Condon lots 3 4 9 10 block A Casen, PF-sec58t4 sr 20 e 520 acres Case, Est Elma - west add Condon lots 1 2 blk 47 Chilcote, J M sec 11 1 1 n r 22 e 120 acres Carnes, A B - Lords add Condon lots 5 6 7 8 blk 103 . ' -Clark, Oliver - sec 20 t 3 n r 21 e 28 acres Collins. A R - Denny's add Arlington lots 9 10 11 blk 6 and lots 13 14 15 16 17 blk 10 V Colman, James Henshaws add Lone Rock lot 5 blk 4 Comini, Loui sees 27 28 33 1 3 s r 20 e 640 acres . Comini, Loui Condon & Cornish's add Condon lots 1 2 11 12 blk 37 Condon Park asso. sec 10 1 4 & r 21 e 22 acres Crane, u T - sec 10 1 5 s r 20 e 160 acres , Crane, J F - sec 15 1 5 s r 20 e 160 acres Crawford, J N sec 6 1 2 n r 20 e 160 acres Crimp, Stanley - sec 1 t 2 n r 19 e 40 acres Davis, A L sec 30 1 1 s r 19 e 120 acres Darling, chas - smith's plat Arlington lots 15 16 blk 2 Douglas, Fred H - sec 34 t 1 s r 22 e and sees 1 11 12 1 2 s r 22 e 1120 acres 66.92 Duntin, Margaret - Dennys add Arlington lots 21 22 blk 6 Durham, A J 4 M sec 26 1 3 n r 21 e 320 acres Dysart, Mary - sec 36 1 2 s r 20 e 120 acres Ebbert, w 1 - sees 14 22 23 24 25 t3sr21eandsecs 19 30 t 3 s r 22 e 649 a' 103.05 Ebbert, Lunicy - sec 26 1 3 8 r 21 e 160 acres . Ebbert, Mrs b - ward's' ad Condon lots 7 8 blk 17 Ebbert, J W sec 26 t 3 8, r 2 e 160 acres Ellis,1 11 F Bees 12 13 1 3 s r 21 e 360 acres Fletcher, W I - Denny's ad Arlington lots 6 7 blk 11 Fink, Maraget - sec. 13 t 1 n ir 20 e 160 acres Fitzwater, J R - sec 9 1 4 a r 19 e 160 acres Feltner, Riley - Dunn's add Condon lots A B D blk 3 Fagan, chas R - sec 21 1 1 s r 19 e 160 acres Farmers union warehouse Co no 2 clem 40x120 - Ferson, James - sec 2 1 5 s r 24 e 40 acres Foss, Hettie -;Henshaw's. add Lone Rock lots 2 8 and west half lot 7 blk 4 Giles, RS-sees 8 9 10,15 16 17 18 20 21 22 1 2 n 21 e 2880 acres Gaunt, Hester - Denny's ad Arlington lots 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 blk A Geisler, T J sec 13 1 3 s r 22 e 320 acres George, FT- smith's plat Arlington lot 1 and north I tfalflot2blk3 ft'i -Gibbins, wm - sees 25.; 26 1 5 s r 20 e 160 acres1" 5.18 5.12 1.50 3.92 11.34 28.73 45.80 1 .28 7.92 17.23 .82 14.19 5.77 1.87 4.46 84.48 9.59 43.13 7.77 Wm. Hawes and son Fred left on Monday morning for Portland where they will remain through out the winter. Fred will attend business college in that city. Mrs. Ed Schottof. Rock Creek spent Sunday in this city. Carl Balding left on Monday morning for his home at Monta villa after spending the summer months in this vicinity. H. A. Thiessen went to Gwen dolen on Monday. Miss Fay Price returned the lat ter part of last week from an ex tended trip to Portland, Seattle, Vancover, B. C, and other cities. Guy Chapman of Mayville was in this city on last Saturday. M. R. Hicks returned last Sat urday from his vacation and is again filling his position as mail clerk on the local run. Geo. C. Evans of May villi tran sacted business in this city on Saturday of last week. a Your Interest In Confections and Tobaccos is also Our Interest. We are just starting, yet we take pleasure In tolling you that we expect a share of your patronage and in return wo will sell you thi best for your money. Hazen & Son n I. O. O. F. Building Condon, - Oregon. 11.34 (Continued on page 2) THATAJONY OVERCOAT, mr. Swell Dresse w - MH. SWELL VHESSEH.- Ii THE COOLEVEflfGS TO COME. 'fOT OTLy WILL OfE Or .OUTt TOfy TO T COATS LOOK. WELL HA fGIfG rHOM yOUH SHOULVEHS "BUT tT WILL K.EET orFtTHAT . CHILL. THE EAULIEK. yOU SUy yOUH CLOTHES THE LOfGEH you HAVE THE USE Or THEM. FAWRiC.riT.rtflSH.STyLE.TIlICES-THESE A HE THE riVE THIGS TO LOOK. OUT rO'R-OiE ron each rijsrcETt Aen youn thumv. IT IS A ItUTy yOU OWE yOUHSELr TOCOME TO OU"R STOUE AfH S.tE W.HA T GOOD CLOTHES WE CAi SHOW yOU. ' ..Lester Wade.. LEADING CLOTHIER , and FURNISHER . CONDON, OREGON Drill Artesian We! Edward Montague of Mon tague. Oregon was in this city the latter part of last week vis iting with his cousin, Sheriff Montague.- j Mil , I . Ill-Ill ll I , . F. C. .Keller has taken the studio formerly run by McMorris and Keller and is , preparing to put out some of the bent work that has ever been done in this city. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. J. W. Burns left last Saturday morning for Portland. , Mrs. Ed. Sheldon and daught er, Isabel, left on Saturday last for their home at Traer, Iowa, after visiting for several weeks with relatives and friends in this city. Mrs. H. A. Hartshorn went to Arlington on Saturday last and spehd Sunday with relatives in that city. - ' Mr. arfd Mrs. A. , B.f Britton left on Tuesday morning to re turn to their home in Arkansas after visiting for Bome time with the Wm. Davis family at Lone Rock, close relatives whom they had not seen for thirty years. Miss Laura Van Horn passed through this city on Tuesday morning on her return1 Itf Port land after visiting for some time with relatives and friendairt Fos sil- .' ' - Jas. Kiser returned on Tues day, to his home at Washouga!, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Clark and little daughter, Earla.. left on Tuesday morning for a few days vacation in Portland and other coast cities. " . : Knapp's Pastime . Mr. and Mrs. . Alex Marshall went to Portland on Tuesday for a few days. Geo. McKay of Wheeler County was in this city on Tuesday morn ing on his way to Portland. i 1 1 1 R. P. Traceyleft on (Tuesday morning for The Dalles and Port land. Mr. Tracey is looking for a location for a newspaper. He recently looked over the field in Arington but decided that, he could do better elsewhere. ,." . A stock company ii being or ganized at Montague for the pur pose of drilling for artesian wat er. The stockholders of the company are the farmers of . the Montague and Eightmile neigh borhoods.5 A drilling machine, with which it is possible to go down 1800 feet has been secured and it is- prodable that T. Womel- dorf of this city will be engaged to handle the machine. There are several artesian wells at Castle Rock, almost directly ac ross the river from the Montague country, also one on Butter Creek, and the residents' of Montague confidently expect to strike artes ian at less than the depth of 1000 feet Operations - will start on theAsher Montague place and several other wells will be sunk. The primary objec of securing artesian water is i f or irrigation purposes. Although the soil in that section of the county is of the best, the late dry years have discouraged the farmers, espec ially the homesteaders and Hew settlers, but it is hoped that w,ith the advent of artesian water the land may be made highly product ive regardless of dry seasons.) , Rents Big Sheep Ranch . v. 1 ; The Gordon Shown sheep ranch on Shoo-Fly has been rented - by Ed. McDanielB of Grants Pas?, the deal having been made by the Investment .Society. Mr. Mc Daniels also took an option to buy within a yesr and has put up 500 as forfeit on the option. He also rents with the place about 1500 head of sheep together with other live stock. The Shown ranch with outlying range consists of about 10,000 acres, 60 in alfalfa, about 250 more being tillable and the balance is range land. It is a first class sheep ranch. ' CONDON Wc carry tne largest line of cigars, obaceos and confectionery. We are agents for the famous Bur t'.e Bros, fancy chocolates. Come in and try them, q This week spt j-ialon Merry Widow Kiss r es. Come n boys, q Our bowling alU if. pool and billiard table8 are in the best of condition, q Prir.es g (ven for the highest scores every Saturday and Sunday on tho bo W'ling aliey. Get a prlze.. YOURPATRONAG ESOLICITED A photograph, if it is a. good one, makes a nice birthday gift for ones friends. .'T. .C, Keller makes good ones only. f - ... Asher Montague of Montague was in this city the. latter part of last week on business connect ed with the organization of the artesian well company at that place. The flour mill at Mayville is filling orders every day and is running at its full capacity. : Geo. Jamieson left on Tuesday morning for a few days business visit in Portland." ' . ' An Unusual Proposition A 320 acre farm, team o mules, harness and wagon and bank ac count of $50 to be given away. If you will pay the market price for the live stock now on the ranch and a valuation for the im provements, will make you a deed to the place. Call on or address, " The Investment Society op oregon, Mayville, Oregon: Irv Wilkes of Spray passed through this . city ; on Tues day morning on his way to Port land. VI ; P. N.' Bennett, th new laund ryman, is living in the Rollins residence in northwest Condon, recently vacated by Mrs. B. B. Brooks. 1 .Don't forget that the Ameri xan Theatre Sjjojvs complete cnange 01 pictures every satur- dar and Sunday mints. : a nice ' S .. place to spend a pleasant hour. Show Starts 8 p. m. Mr.; and Mrs. a H. Wilson left on Wednesday morning: for Montague where Mr. Wilson will teach school during the coming eight months. :.; .r v The I. O. O. F. Lodge has in stalled a new fire escape on its building. It is a substantial platform built across to the back stairway of the Riesacher build ing. J. W. Shearer did' the work. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reisacher returned on Saturday evening from a week's stay in Portland. H. S. Neel shipped two. cars of cattle on Wednesday to the Portland market W. H. Searcy left on Wednes day morningMPendleton.j R. Wj Cooke and F, W. Burns left on Tuesday for Portland and Astoria. ;., .' . . " a