1; THB CONDON C.I)ftfi. Fill DAY, AUO. 25. L011 THE LITTLEST GIRL. THE LITTLEST GIRL Will receive the same cour teous treatment and atten tiun at our market a you would receive If you called personally. Prices tha low est, quality considered. CONDON MEAT CO. First National Bank CONDON, OR10GON ' DIRKCTOKS: S. li. Darker, Jay Dowerman, J. F. Reisacher, C. O. Portwood, Wm. Wehrli. P. M. Hiter. "Lest You Forget" We handla a complete lino of fancy and staple groceries, cigar and tobaccos. J No old muck as wv aro daily receiving fresh good. a(;knt van ROYAL TAHLK QUEEN WHITE CIjOVEK BUTTER Price's Cash Grocery Store mm ..Keller's Studio.. Located Above Price's Grocery Our Styles Are Up-to-date! q All Work Re ceives Prompt Attention And Is Done Neatly. YOURS FOR BUSINESS F. C KELLER Geo. McKAY, Tailor Shop. CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Lancaster Building Opposite The Graves & Van Slype Drug Store, Condon, Oregon. Gilliam Farm For Sale. flOO acres of the best, farm land Gilliam County is -ofTeied for "sale at the wonderfully low price of $14.00 per acre. Plenty of water on land and is only five mile to Condon on good road. For full particulars call on or address, P. L. Morrill, Condon, Oregon. 1 . Treasurer's Notice. All warrants issued prior to July 5, 1911 are will be paid upon presentation. No interest. i .; J.A.McMorris , County Treasurer. Notice to Users of City Water. Notice 13 hereby given to each one using water from the city mains that they must pay their water rent before the eleventh of each month. Otherwise their water will be shut off immediate ly and will not be turned on again until a penalty of $1 is paid. Marshal Keeney will col lect no more water rents. Professional Directory. lawyers T. A. Weinke Attorrteys-at-Law Olllc. In C'oii.ton Nut'! Rank Bid. Condon, Oregon Geo. W. Parman Attorney-at-Law i U. S. Commissioner Careful Attontlnr. iffvon to all tonal non enlrn.UM in my CKrc. Condon, Oregon DOCTORS! J. F.Wood, M. D.' Physician & Surgeon Treasurer's Notice. Wayne Grider ', outstanding city warrants up to tjrid includfng'No. 1467 will , be paid upon presentation at my office. Interest- ceases after July 14 th, 1911. 4 H. A. Hartshorn, V ;. . City Treasurer, ' Condon, Condon, L. L. Taylor, M.D.V, Oregon VETERINARY Physician and i Condon. Surgeon Orego'i AUCTIONEERS V AUCTIONEER Legal Advertisements Oregoi; In Tim County Court op thb State or Oreoon rot) Gilliam County In tha matter of the estate of Benja min M. McKlttrick, deceased. CITATION To all tha heir known and unknown of Benjamin M. McKittirick, deceased, aad to all persons interested in tha es tate of Benjamin M. McKlttrick, ue ceaaed; Creating;: , By order of thia Court you are here by cited and required to appear before the Judge of thia Court at the court room thereof at Condon, Gilliam County State of Oregon on or before the 4th day of September, 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day and there to ahow -auae if any you have why an order should not be gTanted and made by thia Court licensing David Maaon Ad minlatrator herein to sell the following real property belonging to aaid eatate for the purpose of paying tha funeral expenses and other debts and charges against aaid estate situate tn Gilliam County, State of Oregon, to-wit: All of the West Aalf of the North- east Quarter; the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty three 23 Township Two 2 North of Range Twenty-one 21 East ot the Willamette Meridian In Oregon. Witnesa Hon. H. A: Thle-sen, Judge of the County Court of Gilliam County State of Oregon with the seal of aaid Court affixed this 3rd day of August, 1911. H. A. TllIESBEN ' County Judge of Gilliam County, State of Oregon. Attest: - Ciias. H. Horner County Clerk of Gilliam County, State of Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR C1LLIAL! COUNTV David Cantwell, Plaintiff, VB W. L. Barker, and. SUMMONS Annie L. Barker, lius band and wife, - Defendants. To W. L. Barker and Annie L. Bar ker, husband and wife: In the name of the state of Oregon. You and each of you are hereby re quired and commanded to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff on file herein, on or before the 14th day of September, 1911, and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, which is for a decree against the defendants W. L. Barker hd Annit L. Barker, hus band and wife, for specific performance of a certain verbal contract with Dav id Cantwell in the year 1907, under which tho plaintiff went into possession of Lots Five and Six in Block Thirty of Condon A Cornish's Addition, Condon, Oregon,; and immediately after going into possession the plaintiff erected val uable improvements thereon; and for a decree against said 'defendants, having the same force and effect as deed from aaid defendants to cover all of Lots Five and Six in Block Thirty of Condon & Cornish's Addition to Condon Oregon, according to the map or plat thereof on file with the Clerk of Gilliam County, Oregon, Thia summons is served upon you by publication hereof in the Condon Globe for a period of six consecutive weeks, seven issues, beginning with the issue dated July 28th and ending with the is sue dated September 8th, 1911; by or der of the honorable D. R. Parker, Judge of the Uth judicial district, made and entered on the 22nd day of July, 1911. T. A. WEINKE, v . Attorney for plaintiff. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR r GILLIAM COUNTY In the matter of the Estate of William ' Franklin settlemier, deceased. " Notice is hereby given that Sophron- la Settlemier, executrix of the estate of .William Franklin Settlemier.deceas- ed, having filed in the above entitled court her final account of the adminis tratis of said estate, and asking for her discharge of executrix of said es tate, the enoxoration of her bondsmen, and for a decree of distribution of said estate; and Monday the 28th day of August, 1911 at 10 o'clock a. m., at the at the court room ot said court in the city of Condon, Oregon, said county, has been appointed by the. said court as the time for the settlement and hear ing of first and final account, and . her discharge, as prayed for, at which kvimo and place any and all persons in terested in said estate may appear and file exceptions in writing to , Said, first and firjalvaccount and her .discharge, and cowestne same, t ! j , Sophronia Elvira Settlemier,' - .ri . j, Executrix for aaid estate. , T.'A. Weinke. Attorney, . . , , for Executrix. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract-Public Land Sate. Department of the Interior -" U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August 9, 1911. Notice is hereby given that, as direc ted by tha commissioner of tha General Land Office, under provision of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 617) we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 10:05 o'clock a. m. on the 4th day of October, 191 1, at this office the following described land Lots 1 and 2 of Section 31 T. I S. R. 22 Eaat W. M No. 07926. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file tholr claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. W. MoottE, Register, DELINQUENT TAX LIST ATTENTION Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Gilliam County will bold a special examination of applicants for temporary county certificates, in Condon on September 7th and 8th. Following is the law regarding is suing fame. A temporary county certificate may be issued by the County Superintendent in esse of necessity, valid only in the county where issued until the next reg ular public examination held by the countjTtruperintendent for auch county, to a holder of a certificate valid in any other state, when the applicant for the same shall present satisfactory testi monials of good character and success as teacher; but no permit shall be is sued to any person not holding a valid certificate aa herein set forth, except on a written examination equivalent to that required for a one-year State cer tificate except in Oregon school law. Only one temporary certificate shall be Issued to any applicant within the state within a period of three years and issu ance of aame shall be immediately re ported to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. C. Sturgha' County Superintendent FRACTURES ARM Carl Anderson of Pine Ridge had the misfortune to break his arm on last Sunday morning while after horses. The horse he was riding stepped into a badger hole and turned completely over. Carl threw himself from the saddle and in trying to save himself from a nasty fall broke his right wrist Dr. Wood set thefacture and at the present the break is healing nicely. , Injured In Runaway. Miss Nell Cooney was severely injured the latter part of last week when the team she was driving became unmanageable and ran away near the yards of the Arlington Lumber Co. When the team crossed the railroad tracks the tongue came down and broke, one end striking Miss Cooney in the face" and ' cutting it quite badly. FOUND!! A bunch of keys on ring. Ow ner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. 26.fi 6.2! ' 22.51 22.(0 26.07 5.25 29.08 2.38 3.81 20.51 4.08 10.70 .62 6.61 .84 County Takes Charge. The five Olinghonse children, four boys and one girl aged from four to eleven years, have peen taken in charge by the county and placed in the St. Thomas Aquinas Academy, temporarily at least. - Their father Frank Olinghouse, while working in the harvest fields, left the children on the Fagan ranch in lower Ajax and it is reported that their only food,, for some tim6 has been soaked rice although it is claimed that there was other food in the house. At any rate the children say that they could not make the fire burn and so necessarily sub sisted on cold foods. E. Curran, who is at present editing a paper . at Washougal, Wn., has been in this city a few days this week; JN. Jrarns worth shipped a car of .horses' and mules from the local yards on Thursday, con signed to Bakersfield, Calif. , J. Thomas, who was,,, formerly engaged here aa( a sheep herder for several years ' was shot' and killed at Baker City Wednesday night Full particulars have net beenlearned. ' - . Madden, Arthur Sec. 11 14 23 22, T. 4 8. R. 22 E. 660 acres Msley, Oscar See. 14 23, T. IB. B. 19 E. 120 acres-..,. Martain, C. W. Bee. 12 T..2 8. R. 22 E. 2K acre. Meager, PeterCondon Origi nal, conaon, lots 7, 8, , 10 All block 2 Mofflt Est. T. J. Sec. 1 T 1 8. ... 22 tJ. 612 acres Meek, Wm. Sec. 32 3 8. R. 20 tu. 180 acres -. .. 12.83 Miller, ' J. W. Trimble ft Brown's Add. Condon, lots 1, 2, 11. 12, bloca O.. Moore. Martha L. Lancaster's Add. Condon, lot 6 bloc- 53 Moorebead G. R. Smith's Plat Arlington, lots 1ft 2. block 38 Morley, John Sec. 24 T. S S. R. 21 E. ft Sec. 25 3 S. R. 21 E. 80 acres ' Morpbltt, James Lord's , Add. Condon, lot 8 block 93 1.15 Mariner, W. J. Sees. 13, 2 N. R. 18 3. See. 18 2 N. 19 E. Sec. 26 N. R. 19 E. Sec. 34 2 N. K. 19 E. Sec. 35 2 N. R. 18 E. Sec 36, 2 N. 19 E. Sec. 31 3 N. R. 20 E. Bee. S 2 N. 20 E. Sec. 4, 6, 8, 9, T. 2 N. R. 20 E. Sec. 16 2 8. R. 2i E. 3616 acres 257.20 Madden, New Sec. 6 T o S 1 K. Bees. 11, 14 I. 2 8. R. 21 E. 240 acra .. McDanlel, Edward Sec. 1 V. 6 8. R. 24 E. 160 acres.....'. -.cEachrn, J. C Lancaster' 8ub. Condon, lot 21........ McDowell, H. Lancaster's Sub . Condon lot 118 x 60 tu block 14 , McEachrn ft Wilkin Welsh on s, lots 6, 6, 7, 8. block 2 lots 3. 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, block 6, lots 6, 6, 7, block 7, lota 1, 2, block 8, lota 1. 2. 3, 4. ' block 9, lot 8 block 12, lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, block 13, Iota 2, 6, 6, block 14, lota 1, 2. block 17, lota 1, 2, 3, 8, dock 18, lot 1 block 22, all at .block 10 all of block 11.... Nash, Peter Moyer'a Add. Con don, lots 1, 2, block 6 Neal, Mrs. H. J. Sec. 2 ft 3 i 6 8. R. 24 E. 611 acres.... 23.67 Orwlck, J. C Sees. 19, 30, 29, 32, T. 2, S. R. 20 E. ft bee. 3, 4, 6, T. 4 u. (i. 22 E. 184 J acres 164.61 Parker ft Llllle Condon origi ns., 30 Tt. N. side ot lot 12 Mock 3 Parker, D. P. (In trust) Con don original, Condon, 4 ft off North aide of block 11, 20 ft off side of lot 12 block 3 Parriab, Arthur Ward's Add. Condon, lots 6, 6, 7, 8, block 10 Pauling, L. I. Condon Original lot 3 block 3 Pentacost, P. J. Ward's Add. Condon, lot 12 block 6, Roberta, W. R. Henshaw Add. Lone Rock, lots 6, 6, 7. block 1 lota 3, 4. W 12 ot lot 6 block 4 Portwoed, Marcus Lord's. Add. Condon, lot T block 93 .... Pullen, Fred Sec. 34, T. 5 S. R. 24 E. 120 acres.....:... Rslston, L. C Olex lot 1 block B E 1-2 of lot 2 block D.... Richardson, J. J. Sec 16, T 3, W. R. 21 E. 6 acres.. w... Roger, Robt Sees. 20, 28, T. 3 8. R. 22, E. 360 acres Rogers, Robt. Wara' Add, Condon, tot 7, block 18...... Rogers, Jaret beca. 20, 29 T. 3 8. R. 22 E. 160 acres. t... Rogers, E. . 8ec.' 26 T. 1 N. h. 20 E. ft Sees. 19, 30 T. 1 N. R. 21 E. 865 acres....1... Rogers, E. C Condon ft Cor nish's 1st Add. lot 12 block 17 ! 110.46 Rogers, E'.; C Condon ft Cor- , nlsh's East Add. lots 3, 4, 6. 6. block 41 Rogers, E. a. Condon ft Cor nish's East- Aou. lots , 6, 7, 8, block 45 Ruggles, Oscar N. Sec. 31 T. 1, S. R. 19 E. 160 acres Rush, Wm. Sec. 20 T. 2 S. R. 20 E. 160 acres Russell, Mrs. L. M. Sec 15 T. 3 S. R. 21 E. 160 acres..... 22.64 Russell, Est Dave Sec. 15 T. 3 S. R. 21' E. 320 acres .. Rwedy, John Sec. 2, 12 T 1 N R. 22 E 313 acres Snover. B. N. Smith' plat Ar-( linxton. lots 11. 12 block 13 Savage, Heherettal Condon ft Cornish a East Add. lots , 10 block S9 ..... Sears, D. W.--Sec. 36, T. 8 N. K. 21 E. 320 acre' . . . . Shim, Clarences-Sec. 14 T. I N. R. 19 E. 80 acres....... Simmons, Oscar Sees. .34, 35 T. 1 N. R. 19 E. 360 acres.. Skelley, Samantha Condon ft Cornish's East Add. Condon, lot 12 block 36 : . .'. . :". . . . Skelley, John Sec. 20 T. 1 8. R. 22 E. 480 acres Smith et al Delia Sec. 16, 23 T. 5 it. R. 19 E. 560 acres. . .27.56 Smith Est. Lee Sec. 18, , T. 2 S. R. 20 E. 160 acres....... .10.2!) Smith, J L. Sees. 30, 31, 32, T. 1, S. R. 22 E. 400 acres. . . &.4o Smith, Delia Sec. 32, 33, T. 4, S. R. 22 1 Sec 4, T. & E. ; R. 22 E. 720 acrea. Smith, W. J. Sec. 26 T. 4 8. .R. 21 Jsl. Sees. '30, 31. 32 T. 13, R. 22 E. 1560 acrea.... Smyser, W. F. Sec 24 T, 3 5. R, 22 E. 160 acres........ Speeae, Mary Sec. 12. T. 2 S. R. 21 E. 169 acres 25.20 27.30 3.07 2.10 4.20 2.84 157 3.06 2.58 .24 43.61 ' -2 16.59 69.33 4.72 5.25 ...3.21 10.51 45.72 6.08 J.70 22.06 .6.12 3.25 24.32 " 6.19 16.02 51.20 94.34 19.38 Speese, W.. H. Sec. a ,T. , 2 S. R. 21 E. 160 acres.. Speese, W. H. Sec'. 11 T; 2 S. R. 21 E.-40 acres. .'......... Speese, W. H. oc 12 T. 2 S. ' R. 21 E. 40 acres..........;. Stinchfleld, E. A. Sttnchfleld's add. Mayville lots-1, 2, 3, 4. block,4 Strickland Est.'F. Sees. 4, I 9, 17T.I2 S.f'R., 22 B.v 860 acre ......... ............... Strickland Est. H. . P. Sec i 19 T. 2. S. R. 22 E. 160 -acres Stringer, Louisa Sec. 29 T. - 6 S. R. ' 20 E, 160 acres ..... . Stringer. Anna M. Lanes , tor's Hut. Condon block M 12.10 2 Nr 23.11 3.50 31.19 4.33- 25.02 15.19 4.20 1.05 5 .30 9.76 2.52 10.84 .12 18.96 .10.29 9.56 4.36 ,2.70 23.33 11.48 6.8: Swanson, J. A. Sec. 4 T, R. 19 E. 160 acres Short. C. W. Sec. 22 T. 2 N. R. 21 E. 160 acres Shurte. C, W. Smltb Mat, Arlington, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, block 4 flburte, C. W. Smith Plat Arlington, lot t and tb 8. i of lot 7 block 13 Shurte, Lena Snell Smith's Plat Arlington, lot 6. 6, 7, .block 4 10.8J Stanley, A. B. Original Town alte. Lone Rock, lot 2, block 2, lot 6, 7, In block 3, lot 1, block 9 lot 7, S. bloc 10 lot 1, 2, 7, 8, block 6 Smith, 1. M. Henshaw' add. Lone Rock, lots part of 6, 6, 7, 8, block 2 8paulding, Mrs. 8. Original Townslte Lone Rock, lot 3, 4, block 4:...i Steward, Geo. Seci 13 T. I 8. R. 21 E. tec. 24 T. 5 8. R. 21 E. 8ecs. 17, 18. 19 T. S 8. R. 22 E. 480 acre . Teague, Henry Sec. 24 'i; X 8. R. 20 E. 160 acre Tenna. H. C Lords . Add. Condon lots 11, 12. block 95 Thomas, J. P. Olex, lot 11 block A........ Thomas ft Edelmaa Original Townslte, MayvUle 70 ft off ' lot 4 block 2...... .' Thomas ft Edelman Phoebe fltlncbflelds Add. lot 2 blk. -1 2.59 Wade, L. Mann's Add. Con don, lot ( block 6. 27.30 Thompson, Mrs. 14. P. Sec. 16 T.4 8.R. 22 E, 320 acre 34.16 Trask, Louis Original Town- site, Mayville, lot L 2, block Teft,'ioe8ec. 4',T.nVb1'20 E. 160 acres Unknown Condon" " Original Condon, lot -4, 5, block 7, Lancaster Add. tot 9 block 61 Unknown Sec. 12 T. 2 8. R. 21 E. Sec. 7 f . 2 8. R. 22 E. 160 acre Unknown Original - Townslte Lone Rock, S. ot lot 6 block 4 '. Vandervlugt, W. 1 Sees. 11, 12, 13. T. 3 8. R.; 20 E. 200 ere ..a 20.00 Vinlng, B. Welshdn's lot 7 block 18 08 Wade Sherman "-Sec 7 T. 2 S. R. 21 E. 160 acres 23.64 Walker, John Sec' 31 T. 3 8. R. 20 E. and Sec. 32 T. 3 8. R. 20 E. 400 acrea 4 7.5 J Walker, Horace Sees. 24, 25 T. 3 S. R. 19 E. 320 acrea Wallls, Harvy Seca. 10, 11 T. 2 8. R, 20 E. 160 acres 4.80 Phillips, J. W. Sees. 9, 10, 16, T. 1 8. R. 22 840 acres.. Porter, C. O. Sec. 23 T. 3 N. R. 18 E. 160 acres Ralston. Elmer Sec. 33 T. 1 fS. R. 19 E. 160 acres lO.Sa Richmond, W. W; Sec 22 T. 2 N. R. 20 E. 160 acres Robison, H. A. Lancaster's Sub. Condon, block 2.10 Rodky, s. K. smiths nat. Arlington, lots 6. 6. block 19 Shetton, Mary E Sec. It, 14 T. 3 8. it. 20 h. 360 acre.,. Welshons, Geo. Sec 9T. 2 8. R. 21 E. 160 acrea........ Welahona - Geo-Welshon'e lots 4. 6. block -18 West, H. K. Sees. 20, 29 T. 2 a. r. zi e. 820 acres Wester, A. M. Sec. 28 T. 2 3. R. 21 EJ60 -acra. . .- Whitman, E. J. Sees." 24. 2" T. 4 8. R. 21 E. 120 acres Whyte Est' Joseph--Bee 36 T. 4 8. R. 22 E. ana sec i r. & S. R. 22 E. Sec. XT. 6 8. R. 22 E. Sec -Si T. 4 S. R. 23 E. and Sec. ,6 T,. 5 f R. 23 E. 9ti acres .. . . .v. Whyte,' Est Joseph Trimble ft Brown Add.. Condon, iota. 1. .12. block 3. V.... ....... . Wilkins. Henry Sec. 85 ?T. I t S. R. 21 E. Sec. I T. 2 S. R. . 21, E. Sees 3,' 10, 11, 15. T. 2 8..R. 21 E. 148. acre...'. .250.33 Vyilliams,J. M.seca. 2, 3, T. .5 S. R. 23, ii.320: acres. .,!.. Wilson, Fred Condon, Origin al, N. i of lot .4, and 5 ftJS. side of lot 3 -block 4, and Condon v and Corntsh'a 2nd Add." Condon, lots 5, 6, 7. 8, . mocK a -,, Wlnrnlt W" r, Sec. 36 T. 3 S. R. 22 E. 160 acres ,. . . 2.04 Withers. Marlrida--Sec .2 T. . 6 t. R. 21 E.160 cres....:. 1.3 Warren, Cbas. Sec 32 T. 1 N. R. 18 E.-80 'acres.. '...;.'.; Wilson, W. Hugh Sees. 24, 25 T. 5 S. R 21 E. 160 acres... Wasson, J.J.-r-Sec- 36 T. -2 8. ' R. 19 E., Sec. 1 T. 3 s.,k. 19 E., Sees.' 6, 20 T. 3 S. R. 20 E. 1297 acres..' 112.89 Wasson, Mary iSec 36 T, 2 S. R. 19 E.320 acrea....... May, P. G. Sec.. 10 T. 4 S. R. 21 E. 1 acre;. ...... N. P. R. R. Co. Sec. 13 T. 3. . N. R. 17 E. 40 acres r Waln, Loellaondon ft Cor nlsh'a E. Add. lot 7 DIOCK si Ward, Mattie M, Sees. 32, 33 T. 1 S. R. 22 E.'4fc sec a i. 2 S. R. 21 E. 400 acres . ! Ward, L.,U.-rSec'.45,T. 2 S..R. 22 E. 40 acres.... Ward, J. M. Sec 11 T. I S. R. 22 E. 80 acres.... Watson, W. P.Secr. 1 T. 3 S. R. 21 E. 320 acres ; Weinterstein,, Clara D. Den- ny Add. Arlington, lots i to 18, block 2 and lots 5, 6. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and S. t ot ' lot 4. block 6. : .'. 2.17, Wells Est'. J. R. Secs.2S; 24, v ' T. 3 S. R. 20 E. and Sec 1 T. 4 S. R. 21 E. 640 acres 119.98 Welshons;' Ida Sec. 9 T. 2 -S. R. 21 E. 160 acres..;....... Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, block 2, ah ot block 3, all of .block 4, all of block 5, lot 1, 2, block 6, lots ,. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 8. block 8, lota 5, 6, 7, 8, block 9. lots . 1, 4, 5, 6. 7, block ' 12. all of block 21. all of block '19. alUofAto 20.......... Dated (kt CgaAn. Gilliam .County, Oregon, UhIs?10U day ot August, A. D, 1911.'4 - ELMER MONTAGUE. Sheriff ef Gilliam County, ' ' State "of Oregon, ' 33.13 48.48 2.63 9.76 25.41 27.64 24 109.37 2.40 16.06 46.79, S.13 23.84 .55.23 1.02 I.7S 5.31 1.92 .51 2.10 21.97 3.16 5.93 17.51 5.20 S'