' THE CONDON GLOBE. FRIDAY. 'AUG. 11. If 5 I 4 K9 THl.UTTUSTiCIIO tm a First National Bank CONDON, OREGON DIRECTORS: S. B. Barker, Jay Bowerfnan, CO. Purtwood, Wm. Wehrli, ROY A L TABLE BREAD Four Loaves for 25c. sou) at ; . , Price's Cash Grocery Store ..Keller's Located Above Price's Grocery Our Styles Are Up-to-date, q All Work Re ceives Prompt Attention And Is Done Neatly. YOURS FOR BUSINESS Geo. McKAY, Tailor Shop. . CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Lancaster Building Opposite The Graves & Van Slype Drug Store,. Condon, Oregon. Gilliam Farm For Sale. 1G0 acres of the best farm land in GiHiam County is offered for sale at the wonderfully low price of $14.00 per acre. Plenty of water on land and ia only five mile to Condon on good road. For lull particulars call oil address, P. L. Morrill, , Condon, Oregon. or Treasurer's Notice. All outstanding warrauta are payable upon presentation. In terest ceases after March 18 1911. J. A. McMqrris, Treasurer of GUIlnm county, Oregon Notice to Users of City Water. i: Notice 13 hereby given to each one using water from the city mains that they must pay their water rent before the eleventh of each month. Otherwise their water will be shutolT immediate ly and will not be turned on again until a penalty, of $1 is paid. Marshal Keeney will col ' lect no more water rents. 1 treasurer's Notice. All outstanding city warrants up to and including. No. 14G5 wilt ; be paid upon presentation at my office. Interest ceases after July 14 th, 1911. II. A. Hartshorn, : City Treasurer. THE LITTLEST GIRL Will receive the same cour teous treatment and tril lion t our market you would receive tf you called personally. Prices Un low it, quality considered. , CONDON MEAT CO. J. F. Reisacher, F. M. Pliter. , QUEEN Studio.. F. C. KELLER Professional Directory. LAWYERS T. A. Weinke Attorney a-at-Law Ofllct 111 Condon Nul l Bank Did. Condon, Oregon Geo. W. Parman ; Attornevat-Law '- .f U. 3. Commiatlonar i' C.rerul Attention afven to all butt hum cntriwlcl lu my car.. Condon, Oregon DOCTORS J. F. Wood, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Condon, Oregon L. L. Taylor, M.D.V. VETERINARY '. Physician and Surgeon ; Condon.' ' ' ' 1 ' Oregon . AUCTIONEERS Wayne Grider V AUCTIONEER Condpn, 4. Legal Advertisements Im Tm CouxTr CouitT or thi Stati or Orbqon rv Gilliam Couxnr In th matu-r of the estate of Benja- mln II. McKIttrlck, deceased. ' ' CITATION To all the heirs known and unknown of Benjamin M. McKlttirlck, decease ad to all persona Interested in the es tate of Benjamin M. McKIttrlck, de ceased; Cresting; By ordar of thla Court you ara here by eiUd and required to appear before the Judge of this Court at the court room thereof at Condon, Gilliam County State of Oregon on or before the 4th day of September, 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day and there to show eauae if any you have why an order should not be granted and made by thia Court licensing David Mason Ad miniatrator herein to sell the following real property belonging to said estate for the purpose of paying the funeral expenses and other debts and charges against aaid estate situate in Gilliam County, State of Oregon, to-wit: All of the West Aalf of the North east Quarter; the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty three 231 Township Two 2 North of Range Twenty-one (211 East of the Willamette Meridian in Oregon. Witness Hon. H. Ai Thiessen, Judge of the County Court of Gilliam County State Of Oregon with the seal of aaid Court affixed this 8rd day of August, 1911. H. A. Thiessen County Judge of Gilliam County, State of Oregon. Attest; Chas. H. Horner County Clerk of Gilliam County, Bute of Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR GILLIAM COUNTY David Cantwell, ' Plaintiff, VS W. L. Barker, and SUMMONS Annie L. Barker, hus band and wife, Defendants. To W. L. Barker and Annie L. Bar ker, husband and wife: In th nkmf of the state of Oregcr, You and each of you are hereby re quired and commanded to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff on file herein, on or before the 14th day of September, 1911, and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, which is for a decree against the defendants W. L. Barker and Annie L. Barker, hus- band and wife, for speckle performance of a certain verbal contract with Dav id Cantwell In the year 1907, under which the plaintiff went into possession of Lots Five and Six in Block Thirty of Condon & Cornish's Addition, Condon, Oregon, ; ana immediately after fc'oing into possession the plaintiff erected val uable improvements thereon; and for a decree against said defendants, having the same force and effect aa a deed from said defendants to cover all of Lot five and Six in Block Thirty of Condon & Cornish's Addition to Condon Oregon, according to the map or plat thereof on file with the Clerk of Gilliam County, Oregon. This summons is served upon you by publication hereof in the Condon Globe for a period of six consecutive weeks, seven issues, beginning with the issue dated July 28th and ending with the is sue dated September 8th, 1911; by or der of the honorable D. R. Parker, Judge of the Hth judicial district, made and entered on the 22nd day of July, 1911. T. A. WEINKE, Attorney for plaintiff. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR , . GILLIAM COUNTY In the matter of the Estate of William Franklin 'settlemier, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Sophron- ia Settletnier, executrix of ' the estate of William Franklin Settlemier.deceas- ed, having filed in the above entitled court her final account of the adminis tration of said estate, and asking for her discharge of executrix of said es tate, the enoxoration of her bondsmen, and for a decree of distribution of said eBtate; and Monday the 28th day of August, 1911 at 10 o'clock a. m., at the at the court room of said court in the ity of Condon,' Oregon, said county, has been appointed by the said court as the time for the settlement and hear ing of first and final account, and her discharge, as prayed for, at . which time and place any and all persons in terested in said estate may appear and file exception! in writing ,to Bald first and final -account ' anti her discharge, and contest th)& Bame, V "' ' Sophronia Ejvira Settlemier, ' . Executrix for said estate. T. A; Weinke. Attorney . - - '''.' '.' for Executrix, j T HP A T lWrU B.f StL ITEMS Geo. FoSBil we-k. Stevenson drove the stage a few trips this Miss Bessie Lafferty is working at the post office. ' ine summit Hotel serve chicken dinners every Sunday They aru the best in the city. P. N. Bennett is ths new laun derer at the Condon Stenm Laun dry and is a specialist on all kinds of starched work Mr. Shaw, the proprietor of the laundry, is now able to handle all kinds of work. In the August Woman's Home Companion, on "the Doctor's page," the author talks with great good sense abonlhome san itation in summer. Following is some good advice about the ice box. . "It seems scarcely necessary to say here that a dirty, ill-kept ice-box is grave danger to health Of course, the modern porcelain or glass-lined cabinets are most desirable and very easy kept clen. , Unfortunately, these are, as yet, not for the majority, However, a sanitary ice-box 18 possible to every housewife who demands it. Be careful not to spill food on the shelves; cover closely all eatables to be put away insist upon clean ice; scrub and scald the interior of the ice box with strong soda-water once week, completing the operation by pouring down the drain a sol ution of Piatt's Chlorides, an odorless disinfectant. An ice box drain should never be close ly connected with the general sewerge system, unless this has been done in a perfectly sanitary way, by a responsible plumber. To save the constant emptying of the wast water, a rubber tube may be- fitted over th small dram-pipe in the bottom of the ice-box. and led out of doors through a small hole in the floor and other necessary . outlets, be mg finally carried away as sur face-water." ATTENTION Any good,industrious,honeBt, farmer having an outfit and wish ingtotake up a good farming proposition in central Alberta will do well to communicate with J.H.Watts,548 Fourth Street,Ed monton, Alberta. , If the right man should need a little financial aid for the first year, I would be pleased to assist him somewhat Write immediately to the above address. The Hotel Oregon has the most up-to-date service of any hotel in the county Unsurpass ed dining service Counter Diplomacy. "I think you will like this gooCs, madam," urged a salesman in a Euclid avenue shop. "It is just the thing for stout, middle aged lady.' "Sir!" squealed the customer tn a rage. The clerk saw his faux pas and recovered himself quickly. Pardon me," he smiled, "I mistook you for the young lady who was In. here yesterday looking for something for her grandmother. Now that I look at you again, I see that this was an older person. Now, If you are buying tot yourself , we have something over nere mat" . 71S1DEAVE. "fetyapeCf.and affpurpogf. Phone ITlain 6434 POPE PIUS X tr v ' . " 'jr""""' V ' V ", ,s j Pope ' Plus X, ' whose .health, ac cording to reports from Rome, Is very poor, and hie condition Is giving grave concern. WOMAN IN CHAIN GANG Prisoner Required to Don Bloomers ' and Work on Street lola, Kan. Iola city officials with the'; exception of Municipal Judge ffmeltzer, are up In arms because a woman has been sentenced to don a pair of bloomers and join' the street tang from the city jail. Judge Smelt ser sentenced Mrs. Ella Reese to the street gang and ordered that the city officials provide her with bloomers. "Mrs. Reese," said Judge Smeltzer, "Is lust as guilty as men companions arretted with her. They are working on the streets and she must do so. It Is no punishment to allow her to go to Jail and live at the expense of the cHy. Mrs. Reese was sentenced to work on the streets, and this court's orders must.be carried out" Leconte la Proclaimed President Port An Prince, Haytl. The first division of the revolutionary army en tered the capital Sunday and Imme diately proclaimed General Cincin natus Leconte chief executive. Gen eral Leconte's "election the presi dency seems assured. The city re mains calm. . COURT ORDER ENDS - DESHOINER STRIKE Des Moines. The Des Moines city street car atrike, with 600 men out foUowed by riot lasting all day, cam to. an abrupt end when District Judge Degraff issued a, mandatory writ of injunction at the- request of the city of - Des -. Moines, directing General 'Manager J. R. Karrlgan of the com pany.; to at -once reinstate Conductor Hiatt,. whose discharge started the strike; and ateo.oitderlng members of the street car merfs union, to return to work. : The strik&'of the Des Moines street car men was .directed against Gen eral Manager ) Harrlgan. of the - car company, who refused to arbitrate an agreement i of Unreel years' ago and discharged Conductor Hiatt for Insub ordination.' ' .' , ... i : International!. Organizer; Fay f the Carmen's Union announced that the union would obey the mandate issued by Judge 'Degraff and tbeWn have' returned to worb v O. N. G. at Maneuvers. Columbia Beach, Ore. Twelve hun dred men, ' making Up practtcaUy, all of - the Oregon National Guard, are under canvas In three big camps at Columbia Beach and , Fort '' Stevens . The troops will ' remain in the field for ten daya for coast .'defense ma neuvers and field Instructions. THE MARKETS.', ' " ' Portland. 1 ' "Wheat Track prices: ; Club, 76c," bluestem, 81c; red Russian, 74c. Barlejr Feed. $24.50 pter ton. ' Oats No.ri White, JJ4 per ton. Hay Timothy, valleyj. 116; alfalfa, in 4 - Butter Creamery, 28c- Eggs Ranch, 27c. ? Hops 1910 crop, 29cy 1909 20c;. contracts, 30c. '' Wool Eastern . Owson, 9lc; Willamette VaUey, 16 17c. , Mohair Choice, 37;. ' Seattle. "' Wheat Bluestem, ?i2c; Club 77c;! red Russian, 76a. , : :. Barley 126 per ton.. "' J- ; ; Oats 125. per ton. j, ,i j ; Eggs 30c. r ; ' ; Hay Timothy, Jlfi pernomi alfalfa. 116 per ton. . ; , i ' MIDDLE NAMES. fhey Used te Be Illegal AeeWina U Old Enalith Law. Middle - names, bard a it it to tredit ia this generation, were once illegal. The old English law was very definite as to tbo naming of children and, according to Coke, "a man cannot hare two names of baptism." "It is requisite," this law goes on, "that the purchaser be named by the name of hit baptism and hit surname, and that special beed be taken to the name of bap tism." - ., Royal penonages hate alwayt been allowed to have more thss s fiven name, bat t late at 2600, it is taid, there were only four persons in all England who had two given names. In 1620 the Mayflower tail ed for America, and there was not a man or woman npon it who bad middle name. Even a century and a half ago double names were very uncommon. The English used to dodge the lav at timet by ingeniously compound ing names. Thus on old parish reg isters in England there it occasion ally teen tuch combinations at Fan natabilia, which it Fanny and Sibyl joined together, and Annameriar, made up of Anna and Maria. Maria ia one of the earliest middle namet of record for boyt. It wat given ia honor of the Virgin Mary. At much at they dared, beginning along ia the eighteenth century, parents evaded the "one name law." ). Bat even at late at 100 yean ago custom wat against the middle name. If the namet of the Vignert of the Declaration of Independence be looked over it will be found that only three of them had middle names. The first five presidents of the United States had only one name each George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Jamet Madison and James Monroe. Before Grant, eighteenth of the line, there were only three doable named executives- John Qnincy Adams, William Henry Harrison and Jamet Knox Polk When middle namet got going and became the fashion, the law having dropped into disuse, parents went to work combining namet for their offspring enthusiastically. One custom wat done away with in Eng land in consequence of this, the plan of naming the eldest ton for -the estate, particularly when he suc ceeds to that estate through hit mother. Thia old idea, ia still fol lowed to some-extent in thia cans try by the mother' t maiden name being given to, the eldest ton. It identifies the boy when he grows to manhood and so hat a positive val ue. Harper'a.sv ' . .. Force' of Habit - . I -j In the furniture department of a big store chiffoniers with a patent drawer that could be opened with out palling it out were on exhibi tion. All day long the clerk packed and unpacked the drawers of that chiffonier,' showing how easy it was to etow away gloves, veils, blouses and men's shirts and collars. Dar ing one of the demonstration the manager of the department stopped to watch him. . "Why don't you distribute things a little more evenly?" 'he asked. "Why do you devote the four to; drawers to women's ' appaxel an- chuck everything belonging to men in the bottom drawer?" "I guess," said the clerk, "I did it from force of habit. Ton have been married for fifteen years, and I forgot there was any place except the bottom'drawer for a man to put his clothes." New .York Sun. v : - , -v . First Type Printed Book. ' . The first book printed with type, according to Pettigrew, was the Latin Bible published by John Gu tenberg at Layence, about 1455, but Haydn is inclined to assign a some what dater date to this, making the book of Psalms, , by Faust and Bchoeffer, printed on Aug. 14, 1457, the first book. V ' The Gutenberg book is called the Mazarin Bible, having first been found in the library of Cardinal Mazarin. There are only twenty copies of this first edition known to exist, and the workmanship in type, ink and paper far exceeds that of any of the iXubsequont editions for 200 years. Exchange. . ,.w.a . Tale of a Bird. . A little four-year-old boy living In, a country town disturbed and tcxk somo eggs from under a sitting hen belonging to a neighbor. . The neigi'tbor complained to the boy's motlnr, who later called her- boy to her and began to reprove him when he broke in with the question, "Who told you - : ' The.mother said: "A little bird told ad,.' Now,, tell me,' how many eggs didyouke?" ,1 The little-boy stammering). said: "Well, well! Why didn't the bird tell1 you tho whole of It?" Stray Stories. ' ' Oregon ... - a.-: 4 .... ,,.A ...i