CONDON GLOBE. FRIDAY JULY 14. 1911 II ! Williams the Jeweler and Expert Optician Condon's Leading Jeweler f the beautiful iceless fountain has arrived and is in operation. We In vit3 you to come, in- spect the machine, and enjoy the Matchless Soda DeliciousIceCream and all our refresh ing Summer Drinks. McDonald's Salt Lake Chocalates... Victor Concert Each Day Selections from Car uso, Vesellas, Italian Band, Grand Opera, etc. q Everything fjryour comfort at the big Drug Store. Graves & VanSlype Prescription Druggists... CONDON, - OREGON iMWMtlKC HP- rmliic lrM IK. LOCAL sse ITEMS f Jaa Switzer of Walla Walla transacted business in this city lasc Saturday. J. H. HeynoKis, the cattle buy er, was in- this city on Saturday last. 11. J. C. Nunenberger, J. C. Mckenr, Otto 1'eeby and C. W. Bearear of Moro arrived in thii city on Monday evening on business. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wade of Olex were in (his city on Tues day. Mrs. Frank Welshons of Clem arrived in this city Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Howell of Wasco were in this city this week. E. B. Stanley of acted business in Tuesday. fossil trans this city on ur- carnnart oi tins city is among the latest subscribers to the Globe. ' ALL OF ONE NAME. Th.y Had to Ta taoh of Iho Many Tom H tarda. rorlinpa no community more csre fully and frequently sot forth It er ratic fancy tbau did Iho early m'ttler of Narragantett, It. !., of whom W. II. Weodvn tell lu "Karly ltliode lalund." There were ao mauy of ouo nnme that tho tn-urer must have descriptive rvn lent he b loat In a concordant multitude. Mr. tllko cite thirty two Tom Uaaarda living nt one tliu and thua Illustrate a few: College Tom, because he hnd Iwn at college. Redfurd Tom waa hit aon and lived at New lledford. Hurley Tom, becauite he toaited how much luirley he ruined from an acre; Virginia Tom. Imh'hiioo he married a wife there; Lit tle Neck Tom. from the farm of that nnme; Nailer Tom, the blacksmith; Kiddle I load Tom, an obvious resem blance; I'Utol Tom, wounded by an exKwton of that arm: Young IMittol Tom. hla aon; Short Stephen' Tom, I ha father lew, against Long Stephen' Tom, the father tall; Tailor Tom need no explanation. The Georges were not ao numerous, but they were distinguished lleiu-h nird George, of little legs; Shoestring George, an opponent of buckle; Wig George, lr. George and Governor George. A LIFE FOR A LIFE. Professional Directory. LAWYERS T. A. Weinke Attornoy-at-Law Vlllc In Cninton Nail Haul tu. Condon, Business Locals Tha Summit chicken dinners They art) the best in the The Hotel serves every Sundnt. city. L 11. Itutlcr Attornay-at-Law Will rattr hi all ,lir Court. Ultlra In M rir.l NI'J lank Rld Hotel Oregon has the most up-to-date service of any Oregon ; noiei in l" county unsurpass - led dining service -' ' The Sunday dinner at the Ore gon Hotel is becoming more popular each week Condon, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Morse of Spray were in this city on Tuesday. Miss Bertha Hadley of Spray was in this city on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Smith Wasco arrived in this city Monday evening. J. II. Griffith is working in Chas. H. William's jewelry store. He was formerly em ployed by the lied Cross Co. Mrs. Chas. H. Horner return ed on Wednesday evening from a visit with relatives and friends j in Safcm. MILK Delivered anywhere . in the City Cream if Ordered Right Prices N. Howland -THE SNIPTION DAIRY Located 4 BBllea wothwtit el Coadoo. Prepared ta faraisk Ilk, crtaa, butter and butter Bilk. Wafoa readies tow at 7 a.m. each aarninf . Will de liver twice day after IrLy, 10th. L. Stephens, Proprietor Raises the H Dough H Better! fM3M k Grocor , ; - 4 W. A. DARLING Carries a Complete Line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH Estimates furnished on Jobs as to i.attor ana Material. wanna- W. W. Kordham left this morn ing for Kennewick, Wn., after holding special services in tne Latter Day Saints church for a week. Mrs. 0. II Springer accompan 1 1 l-i.l , . ieu oy ner nuie son, arrived in this city on Monday evening to visit with her father, N. F. L, Van Slype. She is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wood. Cheerful New Guinea Custom Whlsh Caut Frequent Murder. Kverywbcre In New Guinea the traveler la continually brought face to face with death, and the tint Ire are devoid of the ltghtet pity or reiect for the dead or dying, although after a death they will ofteu trail and mourn for a coualderable time. Murder Is an everyday occurrence, and nothing could be worse than the morals of the native. In fact, they hare none. They thieve and He with a persistence and cunulng which are aurprlslug. The Papuan have a cheerful .cua tom which demand a life for a life. Should any one die at the flint opor tuulty they kill ome one they nro not very particular whom to make up for It. "While we were at Iluuibold bay." iiys Professor Pratt In the Wide World Magazine, "a Malay died of dropsy. He wn the flint .Malay who had ever come to that part, and the Pni'tutni greatly respected hlin. "Very well.' they aald. 'we mnst shoot a Maluy with our bow and ar row to pay for hi death.' And soon- er or later ome Innocent person would he killed to square the account, when everybody-except. presumably, the victim's friend would be witUOed." Geo. W. Parman Attornsy-at-Law U. S. Commlaalonor Careful Ail.ntior la In all bail hm Mitituiil iu hi j ear. Condon, Oregon DOCTORS J. F. Wood, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Condon, Oregon L. L. Taylor, M.D.V. VETERINARY Physician and Surgeon Condon. Oregon AUCTIONEERS Wayne Grider AUCTIONEER Condon, Oregon NEWSPAPER The Condon Globe The Official Paper for Gilliam County. ( Condon National Bank Bldg. Eat your Sunday dinner at the Hotel Oregon Bus meets all trains for the Summit Hotel. Your patronage solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Many farmers are putting themselves to an unnecessary expense by feeding their Block rolled barley nt $30 per ton when they can purchase and feed tho finest beardless barley hay at $25 per ton. The latter will last longer and is just as good or better feed and may be purch ased from the Arlington Lumber Co. in this city. STRAYED A mouse-colored mule, three years old, branded on left hip with circle with X inside of the circlo. A suitable reward will be given for knowledge concen- ing his whereabouts or for hi return to Jos. Dunn, Oregon. Ma- Condon,- Babbitt Metal For Sale We have about 100 pounds of the finest of babbitt metal for sale cheap. It will come in handy in babbitting your header or combine, for rurtner par ticulars call on or address, The Condon Globe. AMERICAN FENCE Is Best by Test for sale Brr INTERIOR' WAREHOUSE . COMPANY CONDON, OB EGON 0.K Barber Shop Up-to-date Ton sorial Parlors Stephens & Randall ...PROPRIETORS... lit Deor North First National Bank Attention. All those knowing themselves to be subscribers to the Congre gational church and not havim? uaid will kindly pay the same as soon aspossible to G. W. Parman, Treas. If your house is in need of painting, staining, varnishing, papering or interior decorating it will pay you to see Claude Lawson. Ali work is guarante ed and a trial will convince you that his is the best. Attention. We have a customer for a 5000-acre sheep ranch. Must have enough farm land to raise feed for at leant two fair sized bands of sheep. Anyone having this kind of a ranch for sale address The Investment Society of Ohegon Mayville, Oregon. Notice to Users of City Water. Notice i3 hereby given to each one using water from the city mains that they must pay their water rent before the eleventh of each month. Otherwise their water will be shut off immediate ly and will not be turned on again unui a penalty oi si is paid. Marshal Keeney will col lect no more water rents. A DisguiMd Teaat. At one time tbe officers under Lord Howe refused to drink bis health at their nies. for, though splendid ad rulrul, he was not popular In tbe butt on account of a certain sbjrnen i and want of tact with tho about him. Tlie chaplain, who was a protesre of lils lordsblp, waa mortified at thin and determined that the officers should rlrlnk to Lord Howe. When called uou for a toast one day ho said. "Well, gentlemen. I can think of nothing1 bet ter at this moment than to ask you to firink the flret two words of the Third Psalm, for a Scriptural toast for one may bo taken from one of my cloth." The toast was drunk. Not ouo of tbe officers indicated by word or look that be was Ignorant of the words alluded to. On referring to the Bible It waa found that the Third Tsalm begins, "Lord, how are they Increased?' Worth Hr Weight In ButUr. Curious customs still prevail with regard to marlrnire. In son parts of Uganda the custom Is to offer sit needles and a pack of India rubber for a wife. Some of the Kaffirs sacrifice oxen. Tho Tartars of Turkestan clve the weight of the prospective wife In butter. In Kamchatka, the nrlce va ries from one to ten reindeer. Borne suvages require a certain amount of labor. Among tbe aborigines It Is said the current rate foe a wife is a box of matches, whichprompted a Paris contemporary to speculate whether on of the French government boxes would be accepted. Showcases (or Sale. Floor cases or counter cases in good condition. Call on W. H Knapp. Light en a Chirk 8ubjot. Caller There's ofie question I should like to have answered. When a thought flashes across tuj Intellect dnmi ft et. feet any molecuar changes In the cel lular or muscular tissues composing the material subctance of the cerebral mass, or does t operate merely In the realm of tlie spiritual ego, thereby leaving no trce subject to detection or classification In the domain of sub stantiality? 'Informatiba Editor (turn ing again to hi desk)-Tere Is no pre mium on the e'oin.-Chicago Tribune. Swill 8t Credential. Mrs. De Butt (making) out a list of Invited guests for dinner) Can you think of any others? Mrs. Von Setter-Therte to Mrs. Knm bac. "I bad thought of her, but she did not try to smuggle." PhUadelphU Ledger. On Exception. i Nearsighted Old Mun I . ma .... break the record? Aeronaut No. but T thing else. Judge, , , Mrs. B.-Is she a Meffy of the Tint clad cottage? Mrs. Mlv. . vrnh. of the rubber plant hat.L Harper's unwr. , ' Thoughts never M.o.v Aiv. t a. -:-Do You Know-:-1 Howlittle Varnish I It Will Take to give your Floor one coat? Measure tha num ber of Square feet, and if you use CH1NAMEL VARNISH, firare on only one pint for each 100 squire feet. We hava it, Qtar or Colored. S B. BARKER Co., Inc. The Pioneer Paint Store WM. DUNLAP Expert Blacksmith. Second-Hind Buffis, and Wagons, Plows and Harrows For Sale. Call and see him for Prices. Upper Main Street, CONDON, OREGON. SUMMIT HOTEL. Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. Best home-cooked meals in the Northwest. P. H. STEPHENSON, Pr.prl.tor CONDON, OREGON. r J. V. SHAWi Light and Heavy Hauling Ice Delivered in Larjre and Small QuantitiesMoving Houstf-M ritViP hold goods a. specialty. . W Satisfaction Guaranteed words that lackbUghts.-j(oubrt. r