THE CONDON CLOP.E, FRIDAY. JULY 14. 1911 I. '-V.I TUX LITTLEST GIRL. THE LITTLEST GIRL Will receive the lame cour teous treatment and atten tion at our market m you would receive if you failed personally. Prlre the low est, quality eonaldered. CONDON MEAT CO. Treasurer's Notice. All outstanding warrauts are payable upon , presentation. In terest ceaBes after March 18 1911. ' . . A. McMokkii, Treainrer of Gilliam county, Oregon : H. J. SIMMONS : First National Bank CONDON, OREGON DIRECTORS: S. ti. Barker, Jay Bowerman, J. F. Relsacher, C. 0. Portwood, Wm. Wehrli, F. M. Pliter. BI a Cereals For Hot Weather. Shredded Wheat Corn Flakes Grapenuts Puffed Rice Puffed Wheat SOLD AT Price's Cash Grocery Store IF JkIRm..E..S J Use the famous International Engines and be convinced. They are no experim ent as they have been tested. I We have the agency for the Gaar-Scott, Rumely and Aultman Taylor Threshing outfits, which are second to none. We have the Deering & Champion Mow ers and Rakes and extras for same, q Headquarters for Sporting Supplies. J If you want anything In our line, give us h chance to figure with you and we will save you money. Don't forget the place, for in doing so you will lose money. HOLLEN AND SONS General Hardware & Implements AtwtracU of Title For Gilliam County I CONDON, OREGON. I mwmm New ftltlTERllAnOHAL DlCnOIIARY THE KERKIAH WtBSTtKf H Is WW CBZA. TION, eoverin every field o the world's thought, eetioa end enltnre. The only maw nnsbridced dleUonary la nsay reaia, , Ru..u It defines orer 400,000 fl ' betore appeared between two severe, eroo Pttam. oooe li , IubUmUobm. Betanaa K Is the only dictionary with the new divided pace. A "Stroke of Oenius." BetsMS " I ln eneyalopedia In a atngle Toluma. IWante I ' aossptsd by the Courts, Sshools and Press as the eae eajtrejne am- tkortly. Becatlt. b who knows Wlna Seesess. Let ns UU yon about this sew work. CtC.liatUUICOrtlrhUM.BMa jv i SPECIAL BARGAINS AS LONQ AS STOCK LASTS 1S.000 tt. Si-4 Trr O. O. UattertDj, lour and abort ktiffttan. p.r ft so 100 urn) fl. Quartir Hound, M-lnck. rlrtr. kiln drlnl Sr. per 100 ft... ,10a Plaarlnr. No. I and 1 atandard, 4 and 0 ft. Vntlb.. p.r M 111.00 SOME REGULAR CATALOG PRICES tVcruu Pawl Poora, Brat quality, brliiit, 14 aim. now l.M Cottar front Doora..9.U, ft US Art f ront IMora. . SB.UW up Window Trim, atta, K. D. SO InaMe rwor Framn, K. P .It Saad Ua Your Ua tar EathaatiM SEND FOR CATALOG No. 5 "It Could Not Suit Me Better If it Had Been Built to Order for Me" This i3 a common expression where the Royal Standard Typewriter is Used. Court Reporters, Telegraph Operators and Expert Stenographers in all lines of business find in the Royal those "built-to-orderM qualities that represent to them the ideal writing tfjJEf machine. You will say the same when you POO 0't iiuvc uamuc Hreuniinuio .arty, L'.y.. ITa-'-.? RO Y A STANDARD ...TYPEWRITER... Simple, Strong, Quiet, Portable, Light Running, Standard Keyboard, Visible Writer, Heavy Manlfolder, Right Priced. Guaranteed. .. 'Reliable, v "On the Job" Royal Sales are increasing more rapidly than the sales of any other typewriter, because "EVERY ROYAL SOLD SELLS ANOTHER" ROYAL TYPEWRITER. C0 ; Royal Typewriter Building . ; . :v-r' '-,NeYork;'N:T.,': A Branch in Each Principal City KILLING A MUTINY Dramatic Incident In the Early History of Our Navy. THE PLOT ON THE OLD ESSEX Commodore Porter Oet Wind of the Csnapiraey Just ss It Wss Ripe, and His Prompt and Dreetie Aetion Cow ed the Crew and Savsd the Ship. Tbwe has never bwn a fleet mutiny or a squadron mutiny in tbe United States navy. Tbe roost notorious rase In the naval history of tbis country was the conspiracy to mutiny on tbe brig of war Bomers, which waa dlscov ered before It came to a bead and re sulted In tbe execution at aea of Philip Rpencer, midshipman, son of tbe then secretary of war, and one petty officer and one seaman. Another famous case waa tbe one In which Commodore Porter acted with such vigor and promptitude that he completely crushed the rebellious spirit that bad manifested Itself and saved bis ship. When Commodore Porter waa In com mand of the Eshex In tbe early history of our navy there was an attempted mutiny on board. Here Is an account of how It was suppressed which Is vouched for as authentic: "While the Kasex was lying at the Marquesas Is lands, recruiflng and refreshing ber crew from one of tbe long and arduous cruises In the Pacific, Commodore Por ter was Informed through a servant of one of tbe officers that a mutiny had been planned and waa on the eve of consummation; that It was tbe Inten tion' of the mutineers to rise upon the officers, take possession of tbe ship and after having remained as long as tbey found agreeable at tbe island to botst tbe Mack flag and 'cruise on their own account.' "Having satisfied himself of tbe truth of tbt Information, Commodore Porter ascended to the quarterdeck and or dered all tbe crew to be summoned aft. Waiting uutll tbe last man bad come from below, he Informed them that he understood that a mutiny waa on foot and that be had summoned tbcm for the purpose of Inquiring Into Its truth. Those men who are In favor of stand ing by the ship and ber officers,' said tbe commodore, 'will go over to tbe starboard side; those who are against them will remain where they are.' The crew to a man moved over to the star board side. The ship was still as the grave. Fixing his eyes on them stead ily and sternly for a few moments, the commodore said, 'Robert White, step out' The man obeyed, atanding pale and agitated, guilt stamped on every lineament of his countenance, in front of his comrades. "The commodore looked at htm a moment, then, aelzlng a cutless from tbe nearest rack, said in a suppressed voice, but In tones so deep that tbey rang like a knell upon tbe ears of the guilty among the crew: 'Villain! You are the ringleader of this mutiny! Jump overboard!' The man dropped on his knees, Imploring for mercy, say ing that he could not swim. 'Then drown, you scoundrel!' said the com modore, springing toward him to cut blin down. 'Overboard InstantlyT And tbe man jumped over the side of the ship1. He then turned to the trem bling crew and addressed them with much feellAg, the tears standing upon bis bronzed cheek as be spoke. He asked tbetu what he had done that his ship should be disgraced by a mutiny. He asked whether te bad ever dis honored the flag, whether he had ever treated them with other than kindness, whether they had ever been wanting for nnytbing to their comfort that dis cipline and tbe rules of the service would allow and that It was In his power to give. "At the close of bis address he said: 'Men, before I came on deck I laid a train to the magaxlne, and I would hare blown all on board Into eternity before my ship should have been dis graced by a successful mutiny. I never would have survived the dis honor of my ship. Go to your duty.' The men were much affected by the commodore's address and immediately returned to their duty, showing every algn of contrition. "But mark the sequel of this mutiny nd let those who, in tbe calm se curity of their firesides, are so severe upon the course of conduct pursued by officers lu such critical situations see how much innocent blood would have been saved if White had been cut down Instantly or hanged at the yard arm. As he went overboard be suc ceeded In reaching a cauoe floating at a little distance and paddled ashore. Some few months afterward, when Lieutenant Gamble of tbe marines was at the Islands, In charge of one of the large prizes, short handed and In distressthis same White, at the head of a party of natives, attacked the ship, killed two of the officers and a number of men, and it was with great difficulty that she was prevented from falling into their bauds." New York Post, . ....... : Nora Was Wise. "Nora," censured the houso butler, "if you must break the missus' va,ses, why don't you break tbe cheap ones Instead of those expensive imported ones?" - , "Oh, no," laughed Nora, with a gay flourish of her feather duster. "If I broke the cheap ones she would take thetfl out of my wages." Chicago news. . t. Be wiser than other people if v you ROSEBERRY NO. SOU Registered in American 'fl Shire Horselssocia-Ca tion. Sire: The Baron V, No. 1320. Dam: Mayflower, No. 1315. R0SEBERRY is a dark bay Stallion and weighs 1800. Will stand the season of 1911 at my Ranch in LOST VALLEY. TERMS: For single service $5.00 and $8.00 for season. Insurance $12,50; insure more to be with foal. Free Pasture for all mares that are bred and rate of $2 a month for mares that are not bred. A. A. ANDERSON, Owner, . Lost Valley iBzKgJ .w' hTk'" The Wheatdale Stock Farm Condon, Oregon. Parman Bros., Owners. (Breeders of Grade and Purebred Percherons, Poland China Hogs, Mammoth Bronze Turkeysand Scotch Collies. fJAII stock is guaranteed to be strictly high class: Pedigrees furnished with all purebred stock. All communications will 1 receive prompt attention. i The Wheatdale Stock Farm Lumber & Wood For Sale. Thirtymile Saw Mill TERMS: Strictly Cash. ... " T If any extension of credit is desired, arrangements must be made through Condon . Office of Arlington Lumber Company. Condon Pine Lumber Co. INTERIOR WAREHOUSE COMPANY. ALFOUI. CUTHME ft CO, Mawaaa General Warekoute Business. Wool Storage and BAilinf,. Dealers in Grain and Grain Bags. We Make a Specialty of Hig Grade Lumber. Set Ui--T Mwwy . V Main Street, . Condon, Oregon Our Bread is Full Weight Our 10c Loaves sell 3 for 25c.They are not 5c Loaves sold for 10c nor 4 for 25c. You get the same amount of bread for 10c here as you get in any other town in Oregon. Home Bakery & Grocery Pime Wood We Wffl Contract 16-inch Pine Wood to be d elivered anywhere in City LirAits for $9.00 per cord,to bo deliv ered between nc V and harvest. -- j ARLINGTON LUMBER! CO. can. but do not tell them so. Chester field