THE CONDON Ct)BB. FRIDAY. JUNE K 1911 5 C'H 7 3KI THE LITTLEST CUtt' First National Bank CONDON, OREGON " DIRECTORS: " S. B. Barker, Jay Bowerman, J. F. Reisacher, CO. Fortwood, Wm. Wehrli, F. H. Pliter. INVESTMENT SO CIETY PROSPECTUS (Continued from first page.) tha John Day river, or the poaslbflitis In the better farming and handling of ' tha immvnso holtling in Gilliam and Wheeler county wheat and (took forma. ) ARTESIAN WELLS. An artesian well haa recently been truek within tha town limit of May villa, This ta a new and powerful factor to be reckoned with In tha growth and development of thia already much fa vored district. Lying almost at the foot of the Blue Mountains, thia country la especially favored in the way of timber supply and U' located ao that artesian water may be aucceaaf ully sought for at many placet. ' All successful farmers and stock men are In the market to buy and do so from time to ' time, thus constantly adding to the large holding. These holdings can be and. must be Bold and mmm in a iisjiih ii ngpi " WEBSTER'S . , NEW r INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dio tlnnsn in manv nm. IjConUiaa the pith and enaenee oi an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowL. dgo. An Encyclopedia in a ingle book. The OnTy Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 8700 Fages. 6000 Illustration. Coat nearly half a million dollar. Let U8 tell you about thia moat " remarkable tingle volume. Write for sample paaaa, full par- nsulara, ate. Kama. this paper and we will Bend free Fookst Hap aACHsniasiCe. BprtnBnld, HsM.f l ilia san s si i - 5JSE83E8SS I. & M w AV.'A INTERIOR WAREHOUSE COMPANY... BAIF0UR, CUTHRII ft CO.. Maaawn ; t . ' r ' ". - ' ' General Warehouse Business. ' Wool Storage and Bailing. ' Dealer in Grain and Grain Bags. We Make a Specialty of High Grade Lumber. jl . Sc. Ut"STt Mas.7 " Main Street, Condon, Oregon Dur Bread is Our 10c Loaves sell 3 for 25c.They are not 5c Loaves sold for 10c nor 4 for 25c. You get the same amount of bread for 10c here as you get in any other town in Oregon. Home Bakery & Grocery THE LITTLEST GIRL Will rtclv th am cour teous treatment and atUn tlon at ur market at you would rocelva If yoif eallad personally. Prices tha low cat, quality considered. CONDON MEAT CO. divkled among many thrifty diversify ing farmers. All Investments in the past have doubled or even better by a reasonable effort to improve. It la well known that Die chances and opportunities for advancementof values for tha future are greater than the past Very many public works, as well aa private endeavor, should be under taken at once, but there seemed to be tie Individual or society willing or able to take tha Initiative and aUrt the work. The Investment Society of Ore gon la filling thia long needed want and not only payl splendid dividends to its stockholders but materially adds to the upbuilding of the community Everyone knows that the farm here re too large and that the owners can not do justice to them on account of the immense amount of Work which should be done 'early. Then it la more farmer which thia country needs, and so it becomes a work of thia Society to aid In inducing immigration to come here, for as the country grows ao will' The Investment Society of Oregon. 1 We, aa Individuals, can do little In 1 the way of making telling investments and aiding immigration, but aa a body and a community of interest we can accomplish wondera. It ia now proven: beyond any doubt that co-operation is the only possible way of building up a new and atruggling, half-tested, fron tier country and the only way of accom plishing big things by a community. IS LAND A GOOD INVESTMENT T LOOK TOWARD THE FUTURE. , Within the last forty years the popu lation of the "United States ha in creased from about 25,000,000 to about 100,000,000. If you look back over the history of the country you will find we have doubled our population every twenty-five to fifty year, and there is no reason why thia doubling should not go on in" the future. The old world throw upon our shore annually a mil lion people and if you atop to think it will be a part of the experience of our children to aee thia country aa populous as China la today. Then in fifty year it will take approximately 2,6O0,O0O,0C0 bushels of wheat to feed our people ta well as they are ' being fed today. Where will the bread come from?. 'Our lands are occupied and there la but one remedy, and that ia to farm better. - In fifty yean it will be necessary for every acre in the United States, and perhaps in the world, to do it Very beat to feed the people.- Where, then, is the price of this good land going, not in fifty years, but In the next few year or even month.' The purchase, of land should be the very beat investment of all. Let ua take our ahar'e now before it is impossible. ADVERTISING CAMPAICN. Full Weight Ii FATHERS J Use the famous International Engines and bo eonvinced. They are no experim ent as they have been tested. CJ We have the agency for the Gaar-Scott, Kumelyand Aultman Taylor Threshing outfits, which are second to none. q We have the Deering & Champion Mow . ers and Rakes and extras for same. IJ Headquarters for Sporting Supplies. J If you want anything in our line, give us : it chance to figure with you and we will save you money. Don't forget the place, ; for in doing so you will lose money. HOLLEN AND SONS General Hardware & Implements nlKAIlV AllVKKiMiNU UitlC4 YOU atHAUV CtaioMKU ANU kiJUUV DIVlNtM The Society will take individually each district of the territory within its scope of operation and advertise the same along conservative but effective lines. First, by a write-up of the district, setting forth its advantages, draw backs, and future possibilities. Second, by sending men into the farming dis trict of the Middle State on lecture tours, illustrated by atereoptiron views of the various district in the Society's territory. Third, by appointing corre spondent to local papers and giving detailed publicity to the operations of the Society. Attention. ; All those knowing themselves to be subscribers to the Congre gational church and not having uaid will kindly pay the same as soon as possible to . G. V Parman, Treas. National Educational , Association. San Francisco, July 8 11 . For parties desiring to attend the above meeting a special round trip rate of one and one-third fare haa been made by the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Co. from all points on its lines in Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. Tickets on sale June 22, July 1 and 6, with going limit July 10 and final return limit Sept. 15, 1911. Stop overs allowed at Portland and south thereof within going and return limits. Choice of routes via stea mer from Portland at slightly reduced rates. For more detail information; fares, etc call on any local agents of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. Treasurers Notice. All outstanding warrauts are payable upon presentation. In terest ceases after March 18 1911. J. A.,McMonnis, Treasurer oi Gilliam coontv. Oregon RAISES the DOUGH Better than other powders- producing light, dainty, whole some cakes and pastries . CRESCENT BAKING POWDER is . high grade and moderata in price 25c lb. tin at grocers. CnkmI Mfg. C.,SttU ! n ll xs m m it 1 WM. DUNLAP . .. ' Expert Blacksmith, v fJSecond-Hand Buggis, and , . . Wagon, Plow and Harrows For Sale. ; .'. 1 ,. Call and tee him for Price. , . : Upper Main , Street, . CONDON, OREGON. Diamond WGranulated Salt Purest and Strongest, Packed In 5c, 10c and 25c Sacks. Table Salt Runs Freely, Price's Cash Business Locals The Summit Hotel serves chicken dinners every Sunday. They are the best in the city. The O. K. Barber Shop, most up-to- date shop, skillful work men, sanitary. The Hotel Oregon has the most up-to-date service of any hotel in the county Unsurpass ed dining service . The Sunday dinner at the Ore gon Hotel is ' becoming more popular each week ' Eat your Sunday dinner at the Hotel Oregon FOR SALE -33 horse Shan tona Hitch for combine. Has been used only short time and i3 in good condition. ' ; W. I. Ebbert, Condon, Ore. You are cordially invited to call at our market and inspect our new; cold storage plant which is now in running order. Satisfy yourselves that we have the facilities for serving you with the best to be had. Farr Ero3. SPECIAL BARGAINS AS LONG AS STOCK LASTS 15,000 ft. 8x4 Drr a O. Gutter I u, long and sburt teojrtba, per ft So 100.000 ft. Quarter Round, -tnrh, inr. kiln, dried Br, per 100 rt....Ma Vloarlii. No. 1 and S tA.ndmrd. 4 and 8 ft. fourth, per M $11.00 E SOME REGULAR CATALOG PRICES Croaa Panel Duore, Srat quality, bright. 14 elfe, now , 1.S0 Cottaim Front Doon..3.M, tt.46 a S.S Art Front noon i.M up M Window Trim, eeta, K. D. SO M. Iiiald Door Frames, K. I). .. ;"f Sd Ua Yaa Uat for Eatiaaliaa SEND FOR CATALOG No. for Shakers 15c Packages, Grocery Store ROSEBERRY - no. sail Registered In American Shire Horse Associa tion. Sue: The Baron V, No. 1320. Dam: BlayflWer, No. 1315. ROSEBERRY is a dark bay Stallion and weighs 1800. Will stand the season of 1911 at my Ranch in LOST VALLEY. TERMS: For single service $5.00 and $8.00 for season. Insurance $12.50; insure more to be with foal. Free Pasture for all mares that are bred and rate of $2 a month for mares that are not bred. A. A. ANDERSON, Owner, Lost Valley S!ggSg!BgB,S,"n'aaaaaneaaa The Wheatdale Stock! Farm Condon, Oregon. 1 ; r 1 -"V f r ; " . . ..,.. - 41 " j V . , k " - .. ; " Your Laundry... Can be handled promptly and satisfactorily by Condon Steam Laundry Wm. Shaw & Son H.J.SIMMONS: Abstracts of Title Foe Gilliam County CONDON, OREGON. Lumber & Wood For Sale. Thirtymile Saw Mill If any extension of credit is desired, arrangements must be made through Condon Office -of Arlington Lumber Company. Condon Pine Lumber Co. 1(S : WeiWfll: Contract 16-inch Pine Wood to be delivered anywhere in City limits for $9.00 per be deliv ered - between new and ; vharvest.";l -"A -- ''t - ARLINGlbN LUMBER CO. Parman Bros., Owners. Breeders of Grade and Purebred Percherons, Poland China Hogs, Mammoth BronzeTurkeys and Scotch Collies. JAII stock Is guaranteed to be strictly high class. Pedigrees furnished with all purebred stock. All communications will re ceive prompt attention. Proprietors"! J. W. BURNS Box Ball Alleys . and -. Cigar Store Coty Club Room in Connection' J Main Street, Condn. m7 ' jn WOSJiJ a I! E4 Mfc3