THE COmfflN GLOftR, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1911 From Now On This Space Will be and Valuable To You. Watch it for Bargains. FREE Sweet Pea Seed from the Flower Farms of California ' Come b and ask for Pack age FREE Williams the "Jeweler and Expert Optician Condon's Leading Jeweler . Grow Flowers this Spring Prizes will be given for the boqnet con taining the greatest variety of colors, for the first flowers grown and also for the largest boqnet of blooms, grown fromthese seeds Ask for Sweet Pea Seeds Free at Graves & VanSlype Prescription Druggists... THE LITTLEST GIRL Will receive the same cour teous treatment and atten tion at our market as you would receive if you called personally. ' Prices the low est, quality considered. CONDON MEAT CO. ENTERTA!NF,VT BY CATHOLIC PUPILS , The annusl commencement ex ercises of the St. Thomas Aquin as Academy will be held in the Rink Opera house on Friday eve ninpr, May 26th. No trouble has been sjmred to make the enter tainment a success. A special feature of the program will be the "Gysies Festival," a humor ous operetta, introducing a Yan kee peddler. There will be a splendid drill by the girls in which they will display their dex terity in handling swords. The antii s of the boys in the "Frolic of the Frogs" will be sure to de light the audience. The musical director of the Chapel Car has promised to contribute toward the rrtusieal part of the program. Tickets may be oerained at GraT es & VanSIype's Drugstore. The Condon Cleaning, and Pressing Parlors now have, a phone, 3-iY. Thone your orders here and he will call for them Two dances were given in this city on Monday evening after the last performance of the cir cus, one by 11. C. Johnson in the American Theatre, for which the music was furnished by an or chestra from the circuis band, and one in the Rink Opera House by the Fehrenbacher Bros, who furnished their own music. nrr Ti 11 cilera SUMMIT HOTEL.. Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. Best home-cooked uieals in the Northwest - - t. H. STEPHENSON, Proprietor MRS. W. A. DARLING, Muifr Q Use the famous International Engines . and be convinced. They are no experim ent as they have been tested. 3 We have the agency for the Gaar-Scott, Rumely and Aultman Taylor Threshing .. outfits, which are second to none. J We have the Deering & Champion Mow ers and Rakes and extras for same. Headquarters for Sporting Supplies. J . If you want anything in our line, give us a chance to figure with you and we will save you money. Don't forget the place, for in doing so you will lose money. HOLLEN AND SONS General Hardware & Implements The fyllowing people from this county attended the 38th annual session of the Oregon State Grange which was held -at Cor vallis last week, closing Friday: Mrs. Susie Wells, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Miss Lizzie Palmer, Mr- and Mrs. J. F. Wade, Cliff Male, Mr. and Mrs. W. K Far rar. ; l An act of Congress approved on March 3, 1911, entitled !An act providing for the validation of certain homestead entries," reads as follows: ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed States of America in Congress as sembled, that all homestead entries which have been cancelled or relinquish ed, or are invalid solely because of the errodeous allowance of such entries af ter the withdrawal of lands for nation al forest purposes, may be reinstated or allowed to remain intact, but in the case of entries heretofore cancelled ap-, plications for reinstatement must be filed In the proper local land office prior to July first, nineteen hundred 'and twelve. ; ; Sec. 2. That in all cases where con- testa were initiated under the provis ions of the act of May fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, prior to the withdrawel of the land for national forest purposes, the qualified successful contestants may exercise their prefer ence right to enter the land within six months after the passage of this act. FOR MEN Unquestionably!! There is more to your clothes than stylc.but you'll have to admit that clothes without style would'nt appeal to you any more than bread without butter. Clot lues "When Buying Clothes" ivj- Give Due Consideration to the Matter of Design and Style, But be Guid ed In the Selection by the REPUTATION for QUALITY. randegee, ICincaid & Clothes Cos Are an Extremely Good Example of how STYLE and QUALITY can be Combined at a Comfortable PRICE. The S B. BARKER Co., Inc MILK Delivered anywhere . in the City Cream if Ordered Right Prices N. Howland REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. G. E. Quiggle & wife to R. M. Burley i Int. in 480 A. in T. 1 NR 22F $7000. ' U. S. to Chas. Wiegand 320 A. in T. 1 SU Zi) iu JP atent. . : A. D. Hopper & Others to C. A. Low and Others 3040 A. in T 5 SR 19E $50,000. C. A. Low & Others to Buck- horn Ranch Co. 3040 A. in T. 5 SR 19E $1. W. C. Brown & wife to Elsie L. Weed. 1 Lot Condon $1. ; Wm. Head & wife to A. J. Mc- Daniel Pump. Site & Right of Way, U. H. D. Fletcher & wife to S, B. Garden, 100 A. in T. 2 SR 22E $2250. : . . kVr44 OVEH 69 YEARS' ST n i iif uanaaii s iBarber ShopJ Rnt-Ciati Workmen. Bath Rooms in Connection. JOHN RANDALL, Proprietor. CD , , ,- r,,.:jo,.rriii:B30Cn!i:l::::ill'::a cao 0 TT o ti ti 0 .Jumpossiblel 10 Leave I THE Barber Shop Bath Rooms in ' , Connection. t Elmer Stevens, Proprietor. For A Few Days Longer Teeth Extracted And Filled Without Pain BY ' Trade Marks DraiGNS Copyright Ac. knwrmm lendlnv m. nketrh mid dMcrlDtlnn mnv quick lr aacortnin our free trfiathor an liivouilmi ' prohnhlf pftUjittnblo, Comniiinlfli. ltoiAtrlcllyriil(lcitilnl. HANDBOOK on Put cut aunt (ro. otdost euoiiRf for iiecurinffpateiiw. 1'fttoutj taken throuoli Jlunn Co. recotrt tpeeUU notice without c.)nntj, lutti Scientific American. A finndiomolf IlltiPtwited weektf, I.arffwt dr. ' culntUm of any K'ifcni.ttio Jmirmil. Torint, 3 a your i four montb,U Bold by all twwidnAler. rnUNN & Co 3tBro" New York itraucb ornco, m F BU Wublncloo, B. U -THE- SNIPTION DAIRY Located 4 aib oilkvctt CcsiIm. tnpmi U tmA Ilk, ctcm, baiter tsd batter- ' ilk. . Wto rctckii l.wi t 7 . B. Mcb mu. Will it lira twit Uj titer VUj, 10th. L Stepiwnt, A Proprietor 'ID NOW AT THE P AY Oregon Hotel Dm. Gray'i work in Condon bat proven to be not only pain let but practical at tome of the mott nervous and delicately constituted people of Condon bave had work done by them, therefore, Personal References are Unnecessary. GOLD CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK DONE The Doctors Can Extract , Tour Teeth Without Pain and Put New,' Permanent ones in Immediately. : ' A Few Days Longerat the Oregon Hotel g 3 GZ3Q