CONDON GLOBE, FRIDAY APRIL 7, 1911 r Monogram Restaurant Best Service in the City. Reasonable Rates B. L. Jarvis.Prop. EAST SIDE MAIN STREET 1 W.A. DARLING Ctirrit a Compu te Lint of WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH Eilimal'i huruiikfJ tii to t I alar tn,l M.iltttal. FOR SALE Three young, fullblooded, Mammoth Bronze Cobhlera. Call on or address, Lloyd Parman, Condon, Oregon. 40-43 A GREAT pChibbing Offer i Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal On Yew $1.50 C ndoa Globe One Year. $150 Total $3.00 SPECIAL RATE ON O Both Pape ri One Year ThaSeml-Weokly Oregon Journal Put.lMif. thr Uul Hint rnont mm tlclo tfinttiitiit iipw i( th wnrlil: nm MuMr mnrltol r'ifU. It ! , Eitl.llhMrti I'oitltina.wlit'rutlir mm. ft news mit lo u4 k worrwu! to dut for rorli It itUi n pMt ( iwil tiiHilnr hr iiif ('inn mi, hmm ntioitti'iniliiliiK Mfry ft'tco mid mH'r nnr iHMtili-t'Mi-li ve'k unit Uuot'ftM 1 1 if hUsuiKht IwlfO - The Globe Olvraall llio l.wnl ru'wmlul Imppvu ln sml should In lu every bom. III this rtollilly. V I h livn tmMr inK a itl-nalil oniniilitnlliiii .nd yon stive l bv Knillii( jrnur aiilincrtpMoii lu Till CLOBF.. . Wo i'ii ii also iftvf mir stiincrliMTS n r.mi.I Mithlliiti iiRur for Hi IMlW ami Hiiinliiy. or Nini'lnv Journal, In mil neultoii uitli THE GLOBE. Oregon" The Last Call of the West. Did You sec this beautiful ar ticle picturing Oregon in four colore in November SUNSET? OC ftAA I "I"1 pJ,UlU by Sunset Mag- azine on a aeries of articles auburbly Illustrated in four' colore picturing and describing the attrnstlona and resources of . The Wonderland of the Pacific We Will Bend you the next three Issues of SUNSET com mencing with the special Dec-, ember in which begins the beat aerial Novel of the year, "TV Sp.1I, " by C. N. & A. M. Wil liamson and a auburbly illus trated article in four colore on San Francisco - the Exposition City; and in addition we will Include a copy of the Novcm ' ber issue containing the beau ' tifuliy illustrated article on Oregon. All for 2Sc Stamps or Coin. SUNSETK.S .5X5 Magazine woo FOR SALE 20vertork Compel u to aell our vran inn rir r,ww Leu than Market I'rica D. A S.Wood Co., Hood River 1 Ml Traoiumr'. NotlCo). All outstanding warraut are payable upon presentatioo. In terest ceases after arch 18 1911. J. A. McMokhii, Treasurer ol (Jllllam eountr, Oregon ' Bus meets all trains for the Summit Hotel. Your patronage solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. We clean and press all kinds! of men's and ladies' clothes All work guaranteed. Cora Steven- son RETURN HOME THROUGH THE SUNNY SOUTH When you arrange your east ern trip be sure to include the Sunset Route through New Or leans, El Paso, Los Angeles and San Francisco for return. It in a splendid educational journey and at this time the year es pecially delightful because so warm and comfortable. Every mile is through the sunny south land -the rice and cotton fields of Louisiana imd Texas, the vast mirage m':sos of Ne w Mex ico and Arizona, now spread with bright urecn, the orange groves and semi -tropic charm of California, miles and miles along the oceon shore, and sev eral of the most interesting cities on the continent Ask your local agent about ft. mm Oregon ikd Union Pacific 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Throngb Pullman atandard and tour lit alee pins cart daily to- Omaha, Chi cago, Hpokana; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas city; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weeaiy to Chicago, reclining chair ears (aeau ire.) to Ui uast dally. LOW RATES! Tick eta to and from all part of the United tilatea, Canada and Europe, rer particulars can on or aaaraei D. TIERNEY, Agent a aaaaea I J. W. BURNS Box Ball Alleys . and '-'v:,. 4: Cigar Store r .' . ' Cozy Club Room in Connection i Main Street, Conin. ; The Condon- Cleaning qnd Pressing PARLORS - Ladies and GenU Repairing a Specialty. Clothes Called for and Delivered. Clarence Laurel, Prop. ' Opposite Dunn Bros. Meep mmams mSlltSBS$4 jtSKSSEBSSBSBSBSBSBSS ROSEBERRY NO. GO-I1 t Registered in American f Shire Horse Associa-L" tion. J Siie: The Baron V, No. 132ft. ( Dam: Mayflower, No. 1315. . MM II 2&& ma JUST IN A Large Stock of Sheep Shears, of The Best Make. If You Have Not Already Bought Your Supply for the Season Call on Us. Prices Right. rSEeasSMaifiaisBiejiifll orting Goods.. ROSEBERRY is a dark bay Stallion and weighs 1800. Will stand the season of 1911 at my Ranch in LOST VALLEY. v TERMS: For single serrice $5.00 and $8.00 for season. Insurance $12.50; insure more to be with foal. Free Pasture for all mares that are bred and rate of $2 a month for mares that are not bred. A. A. ANDERSON, Owner, Lost Valley A Full Line Spauldlng Base Ball Bats, Gloves, Mitts and Balls Just In. Also a Complete Stock of Fish Ing Tackle. Give us a Call Soon. i II 11 (Mien 1 p. 11 I o - I & Sons J j SUMMIT HOTEL.. I Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. Best home-cooked meals in the Northwest. f. H. STEPHENSON, PrafrM KK1 W. A. DAKUNG, Hsruger Timothy Ranch 160 Acres. 60 acres Timothy, 80 acrea more in cultiv ation, 30 acres more easily cleared. Black Loam soil, 2-room house, 2 good log hay barns, spring and creek, Prica 16G0O, Mortgage $2000. : Fruit Land 160 Acrea, 40 acres cultivated, 60 or 70 acres fruit land, 25 acrea creek bottom, 2-room bouse, email barn, 70 acres fenced, spring water, Price $4200. Mortgage 11200. ,' ' " ' Irrigated Tract 10 Acrea. 3-4 miie from Hayden Lake, all cleared,' 5 acrea fruit 3 years old, in good condition, black loam soil witc some gravel, fenced, Price $4200, Mortgage SHOO. . . ' ,, . . Timothy Ranch , 163 Acrea. 40 acrea cleared, fruit, timothy land, black loam, house, barn and other buildings, water, a stock ranch with plento of range. Price $10,000, one mile from Rosd Lake on Couer d' Alene River. Fruit Land . 10 Acres. AU cleared, 7 acres in fruit, 3 and 2 years old, in good condition, black loam, 2-room house, small barn and chicken house, part-fenced, 1 3-4 mile to school, Price $3800, No mortgage. T Fruit Land 5 Acres. In Hood River County, black soil, level land, on 0-W.R.& N.Co, water right, all land cleared, price $1000, mortgage of $150 at 8 per cent for two years. The above described property is listed among our . property -for trade and if you are intereafied wo will glad to have you favor ua with a call or to write us. JOHN JACKSON CONDON'S LEADING CONFECTIONER CIUARS, CAXniS, TOJQACCOS XEXT TO l'OBT meat SEED CATALOG! READY TO MAILS Ttw lewfint Sm1 Catabc of tlx We-! LillACulo. Yoar 1911 crap 4epml ad GOOD Med kihI far this Ctahw ud get the best. Write bow to tbe CHAS. H LILLY CO, Seattle, Wo. WWW W .V i 1 t 1 4J tZ i See TA. Weinke, Condon v National Bank Bldg. CONDON! OREGON. H 1 know what yon want I have what you need-th. brat quality SASH AND DOORS. I keep them In utoclrfor quirk delivery. I liave but one pr:co and sell for euh only. 4 1 have my tn factory. It coat, me mnch less to make my goods and less to sell thenrbecause I and sell in large qtiantiee. S These prices are taken from my catalog copy of which I will gladly mall on request: -Front Doon,doUe thick ghua $2.23 np Fancy Front Door., rtr Bn - $5.00 up frcroM panel Doora, for paln'Jng SI. 23 8-eroM panel Doors, for Uiio m tl.JO NewGrafrnianDoor.rorlangalows 91.CO Ulsht Windows, check rail 78c up 4-lisht Barn Saw ..... 4.?c op Cupboard Doors, with plain gtam tl.00 K. D.Door Franea 75c, Frfs SOe H Do not fail to rand mo your list of ma terials for pTioss and freight charges. J Ask for Catalog no. . COLONIST FARES . ei an W ftans sm Is Ore tos. Wukisttas s Bn Merit . ill Pm.ll eur HAitCU II t AMI . . lMaerer tas Oregon-Wastlngton Railroad & Navigation Co. ; mi Cesascrissa, TU Ortrsa SVartthn." Una ricilk tmi Ckicate asd North- iFEOal CHICACO.t ST. LOUIS OMAHA KANSAS CUT ST. PAUL f' $33. N 32.04 2S.M 75. t . aaa trasi oBwr dhai wnsnsssinli am. You Can Prepay Fares. r i jTW CrfssM Fsits arsWaillMaJ saw sat if fee em nktm. sr kwa4i in rks - eatt mkmm res euirt la Wiag Is tan at.1. pi eaa ntsaHl awnras si the hue with pmt Meal ifiH. us as eraw W . Setrt valuklwruatdlssttr aesros. .. tUTi. . .! QLcl the worla bow al ear vast sa isleaa- id Kiearces mi aapertaitk. flCaU en Ihs udcrsigitd (or food iutnctinpciatulKat ter (e scad emit or tin im A nddrenc tt that Is wkosi y.a weald like to hi re rack utter seal. WM.McMURRAY General Passenger Agent : 0RTUHD, 08EC0M . . .V.. -V..- V . j ..: V ! Sfl; 'V J PRICES r (- . . . : Home; Bakery & Grocery : eeaaae9e? I