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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1911)
THE CONDON GLOBE, FRIDAY, MAKOH 31.ltl.l From Now On This Space Will be and Valuable To You. Watch it for . Bargains. Williams the Jeweler - -Shu f Expert Optician Condon's Leading Jeweler Condon Meat Co. WHOLESALE & RETAIL , ; We Keep a Fresh, Clean Stock on Hand. CIf You Have Any Beef, Veal or Hogs For Sale, Come in. Chas.Harrison, Prop. Condon.Ore. THE S. B. Barker Co. Invite the Ladies to Inspect Their Spring Shoing of New Dress Goods Condon; Formaldehyde! is the best. large Assortment of Highest Grade Combina tion Fonntaia Syringes and Hot Water Bottles at re duced prices. CToiIet Articles, Soap, Bath and Complexion Pow ers, Perfumes, etc. Graves & VanSlype Oregon. IwW tit. ! m tk. CwuMF Ftoftwl tt.ff.M4 Taw. kt Mowton ml mat . ITEMS "Behind the scenes at Salem," a 78 pajre book published by Carl Smith and II. P. Edward, was received at the Clobe office this morning. It is a synopsis of the 20th legislative session with some inside facts gathered by these two legislative corns- pendents. The price of the book is sixty cents and every tax pay of Oregon should claim one for his library. ? The members of the Wheat City Band are requested to meet at the Athletic Club this even ing at 8 p,m. shrrp, for segular practice. W. R. Sisson, leader. Mrs. Walter Wade of Olex is in the city. Mr. anq Mrs. H. F. Shanks of Arlington visited at the Murry D. Shanks home here over Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhardt arriv ed from Dubuque, Iowa and are living in the S. B. Barker house opposite the American theatre. A lot of broding sows, pigs and shoats, fyom the Hunt ranch will be sold at public auction at the Condon Livery barn, Saturday, April 8 at 2 p.m. This is a good opportunity to buy nrst-cass stock hegs at your own price. Harold Hunt Preaching services will be held at the Baptist Church both morning and evening Sunday. You are invited to attend. Nothing but first class work done at Cora Stevenson's Pana- torium. Ladies' and mens' clothes cleaned and Dressed. FORSALE OR RENT Almost new Bnnkerhoff Piano. Inquire at tni3 office. Buckhora News Notes. Howard Haley has moved ' to the Gaff ney ranch about two miles from past location. Mr. Pemberton, who ' owns a line fruit and vegetable farm on Tnirty mile, was in this territory last week with a load of. his choicest apples. It is reported that Jav Mnv field may possibly take charge of the fJour mill in Mayville. A better man for the place could not possibly nave been found. J. F. Crane was the recipient or several boxes of fish from the valley. Thev came . from his father who is a resident of Milwaukee. Monahan and Murtha's sheep men, some twelve or fifteen strong, celebrated St. Patrick's Day in Condon. They report a splendid time. It is currently reported among the near by ranchers that pros pects were never better than the present for an excellent wheat crop. The school meeting which was held Saturday, Mar. 18th re sulted in a tax of 5 mills being passed. The minutes being read, the question was read and balloted upon, being passed un animously after which they ad-; journed. , Mrs. John ' Crane has been seriously ill the past week' from a hemorrhage. At present writing she is considerably better, being able to be up and around. . ' School was dismissed four days last week on account of C. H. Wilson, teacher, suffer ing from a severe attack of the lagrippe. " Mr. Ben Kenaston was taken to Portland by Dr. Wood Mon day to be operated on for a gathering in his head situated upon one of the gland3 of the ear. This is an extremely del icate operation and was decided upon only as a last resort. Up to date we have not heard .of his condition since going to Portland. ; FOR SALE- The F. R. May Ranch situated .at Mikkalo. This farm contains 520 acres and is first-class land. . It will be sold for a reasonable price, and fair terms will be given. A. S. Dresser, 319 Worcester Bldg. Portland, Oregon. LOCAL SS MISS POTMAN Old hata made over and ' retinted. Full stock of MILLINERY , at all times, of the very latea styles; located on Summit Street SIIERIFPS SALE. Nolle li ftraa Ibkt m hmMn as4 onltr ol Hit Imi4 Ml ot Ik Clrrall C.rt.l the Slat, otoratoarortl Hilar Covatr. Ma Ik lMh4.rolM.rrh, Htl, apoa llmM Umolil indrt4 on U tvu imf ol Uuth. IML la f.rorol J. II. Hill .nt . 0. Hlr, al.n4aiila. John Knoi, datondtnt, ana I. a, atbuaia. plaintiff, and .(.Inn Ota. B. D.k.k, admin (Into, ol U. rttat. ol W, K. Morton. 4.- OMtnl. l.ll I. Morton. atarj Q. Morgan. Joafpa K. Morfaa and Caartott K, Mm, a, 4l.ndanta, arnlrh nld uocailoa au4 onM ol ami. la lo ai. dirocMd, and aoaraaadlu- in to .ell la. pnp.rly haralnaftar dmrllwd lot lb. pnrpuMol aaitarrlnt lb JwUmtnt ol lb. d.lamlanuJ. II. Illll and A. D. H.l.r In Mid um (or lb. ana ol Ona Thouund Bulla ra, lib tb.rton l Ih ral ol 19 pmt tui ft annua Iromtb. lib 4a .( rtouarr. lata, anlll paid, aadtb turUwr an ol On. Hun dred Dollar. Atturn.j' Itrnm, and Uwlr ou and dlabararaaanl ol told rail laird and al lowed al T wanly Italian; lb ol tb defendant John Knot, tor lb turn ol Two Thoaund Dollar, with lutomt IbaNoa al tb raiaot 10 parent par annual tram lb lib d ol Fabruarr, IttO, mailt paid, and lb lurtu.t ma ol On Randrtd Dollar, Altera' faaa, i.d bit mala and ol aald Mil Uiod and allo4 al T.t Dollar; and U-t th pntpoM olaaiulilnt Ik wtmml ot lb plaintiff. B. B. aeboraa la aald mil tor lb iuui ol Two Tr-omand. Fir Hundnd Dollar, with litarwl Uwraen al lha rala ot t par font twt annum I rum lb. lib dajr ol rbraarr. 110. an-1 Ul paid, and tb. rartharanai ol Two Hundmi I aud ritty Dollar. Altoratj'i tnt, and ala ootli and ol aald nil Uid and al lowed .1 Fortr an and 80100 Dollar, and lb. reralnaroat and tpBM ot UUi Ml. VHERirOltB. la compliant wllb aald i. oullon and ordor ol tal. I, Elmar Montaftt. "'to ol Ollllam Conmr. Ortton, will On lb Mb day ol April, Mil, al tb hour ol 1 o'atock p. a., at id. conrtnoaaa door, la Condon, Ullllam Coat, Oraton. aaU al pMplM aaetlon to lb. bifhut bidder lor raah lu hand, lor lha pur potM ot aatlafytnf lb. adfmal and dwrrc dot mentioned. Uu tollonlr, f doicnbod leal loiatlifrth ad(mntboT mnllood ol J. II. II 111 and A. D. B.l.r. lb. following d erlbtd roal propcrlr. Tli: Tb Ksrtbmurt oaar l.r ol Section Twruly-ont. In TnwniMp Flrr uth ol Rani Twaaly, Eut ol lb WUUm.ll. Hffldlan. -. To aalUly lb Judf roant abor u.nUoned ol John Knot, In lollowlof Nal dtwrtbtd prop arty, Tli: Tba Korlbwaai (uariar ol wtlon Tw.nty-two; lha North ball ol lh.;Northl quarter otftMtlos Twanty-lhl, In Townahip iiiiiwiuin nanga iwrnry. laat ol Wlllam all Mrldlari. ' " TuiaiUfy tb Jadmnl aboy m.ntion ol m.plluUfl.t. B. acbomp .'aald BlalnUff will hat ai d rwalra hla (aid Judfmcnt ant ot lb aioi fhe wbol ol tb ahor detcilbtd tea prurty altar th )ndmnt ot Mid datandanto 1. U. Hill and A. D. Hairy and aald d.l ndanl John Knox hare tMn natwctlraly MUitlcd. Dated thla wth day ol Marrh. 111. ELMER atONTAOfE, Sh.illT. By J. D. Wain. Deputy. FOR SALE Ona 600-eUon vtgon tank, 3 1-2 inch Studebaker. Will sell rensonable or will trade for piga or other stock. Addreat I. A. Honkina, Condon, Oregon or call at ranch 1 1-2 miles east - Eat your Sunday dinner at the Hotel Oregon : I have some articles of house nold furniture which are in good condition and also a piano which I will sell at a very reasonable figure. ' Carl Smith.- j W. C. BROWN Real Estate Farm Loans , . Abstracts of Title For Gilliam County ; CONDON, OREGON. 1 - 7r" from mr mill V -t ' 't al ana - Iklr A. t . Jit f km thaa Iroia M' ' M rour loal al- yt V Srtmfjr ' Only Ml g 2Zr prlca toe lowMt. I Hlh-rai al- 4 " I JTmimml0'r lly. a( dallvery, T" ft aallilactloa. N PRICES REDUCED On aaah and J Wtndowa. ffcSi'A -i f $2 Dora now".. .11.80 WSDl J Art Front -fioora... 5 f 1155531 ! 5 I CelUK Front ""JJ'jj"! I InildV Flnlrt'iuia',....IIOVSl . Bnd loatal Ior eaUlogua a b. w UJAM5 co. vP53; f - First National bank CONDON, OREGON : DIRECTORS: S. a Darker, Jay rtowerman, J. F. Reisacher, C 0. rortwood, Win. Wehrli, F. M. PUter. Tim WhnnrifilA 17nim ! XAtV II 1IVUVUU1V lVF VAB. JL Ul Alt Condon, Oregon. Parman Bros., Owners. . d V , J 1 ' ' CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL TOBACCOS. BILLAROH. CIGARS. I'OOL. CAM1IK3. CLtBKOOMS. Main Street, Condon. An appropriate retort1 in which to spend a pleasant hour. WILL SEARCY.. Quick Delivery. 1 Stand Lower Main St. CONDON, OREGON. , ,l'4f oWtR 66 VCAftS'' -V - ff CXPCFliCNCK D Tradc Marks UCtlONt COFYBlQHTt Ac AnrotM Bt1lnf ft tttiMrh a'tit (itMeriptrnn rusy ejrilrktr wtMrtniii eur tiht frM w InvAiitlim la tiruhablt Detnlnli. ( ommtintrM, tioiiaBtriotif luriniuinn 'ut'.iiuii mi inmiOrt r out frM, OlilitM HffSMiujr fur iui;iirMif pailitnts. I'aii.t Ukn tlr..uirh Jbtunn A Co. rvretrt mutlal notice. wtihiMit olinrB, in Hit Scientific Jltnericatt A htttrliomttr HtnHr.tM twHr, ertreet fir. eiilntkm ot mur ericmtlUf lnirtinl. Term. :t n Vftiir: f'ur nuitU,L, b)U Ul )) newMrmleri. mUNN & Co.eiB'' New York Brak liiUM. OUT &U Waahiuaiuu, U. c. Randall' LBarber Shop I Firit-Clau Workmen. Bath Rooms in Connection. JftHN RANT, All. Prnr:. ! JUnil n All U ALL aWsAVA'al,' wvbhv aaaaiiviiMM) a I VIIV1VII M M aal V 1 a THE PALM SALOON Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the city -:- -:- -:-, D. H. COTTMIRE, :: :: PROPRIETOR. GOOD FLOUR INSURES GOOD BREAD One loaf of bread made from Olympia A Flour proves its goods. - j ,v Buy it once and you will use no other. ;J . PRICE'S CASH t Breeders of Grade and Purnbred Percherona, Poland China Hoga, Mammoth BronzeTurkey and Scotch Collie. . . Ml atock la guaranteed to b strictly high data. Pedlgreee furnished with all purebred stock. AIS communications will re ceive prompt attention. THK Ot'Kr . Barber Shop Batk Rooms b Coaaectioa. ; WUIUdi & Seal, Proprietor. A square meal at the Palace Hotel for only 25 cents. A good bed at the same price. Meal tickets $4.00 FOB SALE BY interior Whse. Co. CONDON, OREGON . GROCERY STORE 1 1 I I