THE CONDON GLOBE A PrafreulT Rrpubllun Xtwtpaptt LESLIE K. HARLAN ; nblUlir. CB3CRTPnON PRICI 11.90 PER YEAR. Batm4 t IW OB at Cua. Oro. u utter. PablUlwd tmj rriJr. THE OFFICIAL PAPER FOR GIL LIAM COUNTY For Several Years the present editor of the Globe has labored, incessantly, in season and out, through the columns of this paper, in behalf of a greator Condon. Hundreds of columns have f-een published, gratuitous ly in exploiting the advantages of the city and the resources of the surrounding country in ad dision, sending out thousands upon thousands of extra copies, all this being done because we have had faith and still have in the future of Condonand Gilliam County, and we are ambitious for their growth and prosperity. It is now and always has been for the above enumerated reas ons, that the Globe has zealously contended for methods in city government that will bring the highest and best development and progress to the municipality. It is this zealous ambition for the welfare of the city of our choice and in whose future we have the supremest confidence that we have contended against those policies in conduct of city affairs that have hindered and handicapped the city's growth and deprived the muncipality of the standing it rightly deserves and merits both home and abroad. It is this same zealousness new that prompts us, in behalf of the ... i . it tnjr s wcnaic, tu uikc uuuii me voters the necessity for rallying to the polls on election day and electing men who will stand on a progressive business platform They stand on a safe and sound platform, that, if they are per mitted . to put into force and effect, will do for Condon what has not been done for many years, namely, remspire con fidence in the city's future and put it once more, on the high road to advancement and a more solid and substantial growth. There has been too much pol itics in city afiairs during the past several years for the good of the city. Election of men on a progressive business platform will eliminate politics and put the city government upon a business basis leaving politics in the background and, unless this is done we cannot hope to em erge from under the heavy debt which is now a burden to the city. These are important things for the people to consider before they go to the polls to cast their vote. Let Condon, s good and future welfare bs our only consideration. The people of Oregon are as sured by a corporation-kissing Jittle journal that "right now this state is being pointed at with ridiculing fingers from all parts of the country for its freakish legislation." What freakish legislation? What fin gers? Within the last year Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Washington, Wyoming and Cal ifornia have followed Oregon in the road that leads to this "freakish .legislation" because the people demand that they have the "Oregon way" of doing things. It is known that a score of other states would follow Oregon tomorrow by a ': five to one vote if . their" legislatures followed out thf; will - cf . the people. Fingerscl . ridicule should be pointed to such ailly '.-editor and his silly paper, XThe Stae feryteatmry Salem - atvpreson contains 475 .Inmates,-,;" .whjch necessitates patting some? of the prisoners on the fourth. tier,,1 high above., the windows, which' ; collects all the low air arising irwu ueiupm underneath, -The superintendent recommended to the legislature that lp.OOO be . appropriated for the maintai nance of the pris- nor fiiir this urns rcA,iPpA fa1 $142,000 by the lawmakers. Therefore, conditions are such that Governor West has decided to use his pardoning power to the fullest extent, in order that Oregon may not rank as an un civilized and inhuman state. The tresspasser of the law should be punished severely, but not in a manner that would not indicate conditions such a3 existed in the middle ages and not at all in keeping with the spirit of the average Oregon citizen. Much has been said against the len iency of the United States Courts and the technicalites of the law that enable a criminal to escape justice, but what man that is a man, would rather have the prisoner escape justice altogether than to subject him to such conditions as exist at the State Penitentiary of Oregon. The State Land Agent has compiled a table showing the amount of unsold lands in the state. While several of the counties have no unsold lands, the counties of Cooke, Grant, Harney and Malheur contain large areas yet to be disposed of and which the state is desirous of having settled. Baker, 19,840; Benton, 200: Coos, 120; Curry, 940; Crook, 40.200; Douglas, 905; Gilliam, 3520; Urant, U1.S1U; Harney, 145.280; Jackson, 4(H); Josephine. 260; Klamath. 9220; Lake. 94.240; Lincoln, 390; Mal heur, 175,520; Morrow, 1960; Sherman. 1400; Tillamook, 190; Umatilla, 4390; Union, 5120; Wallowa, 3320; Wasco, 2560; Wheeler, 8190. E. Hofer, the well known, is out with a brand new kind of assembly. It is to consist of all the county central committee men and precinct party men, numbering about 1200, assembl ed in convention to draft a plat form, but on no account to rec ommend candidates. All right, Colonel; full speed ahead, but look out for big rocks on the track. Local politicians are not going to meet in a state, conven tion without "doing" somebody, and that somebody will be the people nearly every time. Labor Press. Business Locals The Summit Hotel ser,ves chicken dinners every Sunday. They are the best in the city. Do you realize that a business man, professional man, in fact any individual in any walk of life or any firm, is judged to a certain extent by the quality of stationery he uses. Think it ov er and then come to the Globe and get the best. The O. K. Barber Shop, most up-to- date shop, skillful work men, sanitary. The Hotel Oregon has the most up-to-date service of any hotel in the countv Unsumass- ed dining service The Sunday dinner at the Ore gon Hotel is becoming more popular each week RYE To those needing Rye for seed or Rye and Wheat mixed for feed, call on, K. Wheir Two Pure Bred Percherons Offered For Sale Parman Bros., proprietors of The Wheatdale Stock Farm, are offering for sale two of their fine, young, purebred Perchef on stallions, Navarre, No. 20458, a three-year-old .'weighing 1800 pounds, and Colonel, No. 20558, a ..two-year-old weighing '1600 pounds. Bot are - coal black and will easily make 2000 pOuh'd horses Svhenf matured. ; 'The superior "Strairl. of. the Percher ron bred6n thfe Wheatdale Stock FVnj; j is well I known and these rig' stallionare both high Claris, in evefry respect, 1 Anyone contemplating the purchase of a scaiuon win V do wen Dy , comr municatiniir with Parman Bros., proprietors- o'i' .The Wheatdale Stock Farm, Condon, Oregon THE CONDON GLOBE, FRIDAY, MAROH 31.1P11 Professional Directory. LAWYERS Weinke & Kavanagh Olllr In Condon Nl'l Btnk M. Condon, Oregon l R. Butler Attornay-at-Law Will practli I n all J Court. Otllc In CM First N.l l Btnk Blilf. Condon, Oregon Geo. W. Parman Attorn.yat-Law , U. S. Commlsalon.r . Careful Attention itvn to ill bull neauttum lu mjr care. Condon, Oregon DOCTORS J. F. W ood, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Condon, Oregon L. L. Taylor, M.D.V. VETERINARY Physician and Surgeon Condon. Orego i AUCTIONEERS Wayne Grider AUCTIONEER Condon, Oregon NEWSPAPER The Condon Globe The Official Paper for Gilliam County. Condon National Bank Bldg. Legal Advertisements IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR GIL LIAM COUNTY. N. Farnsworth, plaintiff, vs. New Madden and E. L. Madden his " wife, and U. Tony Smith, defend, ants: Summons. To B. Tony Smith, one of the above named defendants. In The Name op the State op Oregon: You are hereby commanded and required to be and appear and an swer or otherwise plead to the com. plaint filed against you in the above court and cause, on or before Friday the 5th day of May, .1911, and if you fail to so appear and answer or other wise plead to plaintiff's complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded which is in substance as follows: FIRST Judgment and decree against the defendants New Maiden and E. L Madden, for the sum of $200 with inter est thereon from the 4th day of April 1908, at the rate of ten per cent per an- num until paid, together with the sum of 75, attorney's fees, together with plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this suit made and expended. SECOND For judgment and decree against all the above named defend' ants foreclosing the lien of plaintiff's mortgage on the lands and premises therern described, and described as fol lows, to wit: The South half of the South-east Quarter, and South-east Quarter of the South-west Quarter of Section Eleven (11), and the North-east Quarter of the North-west Quarter of Section Four teen (14), all in township three South of Range Twenty-one, East W. M. in Gilliam County, Oregon, and that said lands be sold in the manner prescribed by law and in accordance with the ptac ticeof this Court, and that, the pro ceeds of said sale be applied as follows To the amount found' due' the' pfrun. tiff, N. Farnsworth, in the sum of 1200 with intesest thereon from the 4th fday April 1908, at the rate of ten 'per jserit per annum, until paid, an4. ;the further sumpf $76 attorney's fees, together with plaintiff's eosts and disbursements in this- suit,made and expended; and tha acruing jCosts . and axpenSaa -of '..'jrocfc sale, and the overplus If any there; e. be applied' toward the payment , of the subsequent lien . of the defendant. B t.THIRD--For a decree against each and all of the. above named defendants foracluainf and foravor barring all tha right, title, Interest and claim of said and ah and all of aald d.f andante, and all pereona claiming or to claim by( through or umlar Uxm or either or any of thm In and to laid mortgaged prem- lta and every part and parcel thereof. FOURTH Decree of the above en titled Court allowing any party to thia tuit to become a purchaser of eakl pram isea at eaid tale, and placing the said purchaaer into the Immediate poesea- ion thereof and the whole thereof from the date of auch tale, and for such oth er and further relief aa to the Court may teem equitable just and meet in the prcmlaea, . ,' Thia lummona la aorved upon you by the publication thereof In tha Condon Globe for the period of aix coneecuUve weeks, seven Issuea commencing with the iatue of March 24, 1911, and ending with the issue of May 6, 1911, persuaut to the order of the Honorable D. R Parker, Judge of the above entitled Court, which said order was duly made and entered herein on tha 23rd day of March, 1911. GEO. W. PARMAN, Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. Land Offlct at Tha Dalles, Oregon, March 4th, 1911 Notice la hereby given that William Fehrenbacher, of Gwendolen, Oregon, who, on September 28th, 1906, mad Homestead, No. 15341 Serial. No. 03998, for SW1-4, Section 20, Township 8 South, Rang 22 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five-year Proof, to ee- tablish claim to the land above des cribed, before George W. Parman, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Con' don, Oregon, on the 11th day of April, 191 r. Claimant names as witnesses: J. J Fehrenbacher and Oliver Guild of Condon, Oregon, W. G. Flett and William Hunt of Olex, Oregon. C. W. Moore, Register, SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Gilliam. Geo. H. Webster. Plaintiff, vs. F. R. May and E. A. May, his wife, Defendants: To F. R. May and E. A. May, bit wife, the above named defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of Plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of the firsfpublication of thia summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff Will apply to the above named court for the relief prayed for in aaid complaint. to-wit: Judgment for the sum of Ten Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-two and 50-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the 1st day of November, 1909, less the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Dollars paid on said interest on the 14th day of January, 1911; for the sum of $47.93 paid for taxes; for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars as attorney's fees in this tuit; for the costs aud disbursements of this suit; for a decree foreclosing the mortgage executed by you on the 10th day of July, 1909, and delivered to W. F. Stine, to sec ire the payment of three certain promissory notes for the aggregate sum of Ten Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-two and 60-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum as set out in said complaint, said mortgage hav ing been duly assigned by W. F. Stine to the plaintiff on the 14th day of May, 1910; for a sale of the mortgaged premises conveyed by said mortgage, and the proceeds applied to the pay ment of said sums; and in case such proceeds are not sufficient to pay the same, then- for the issuance of an execution against you for such de ficiency; and for a decree barring and foreclosing all persona, claiming by, through or under you, of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of redemption, and Interest in and to said mortgaged premises; and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable.- The description of said mortgaged premises are aa follows, to-wit: The Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter, the North half of Southwest quarter and the North west quarter of Section 8; the East half of Northeast quarter, the East half of Southeast quarter of Section 7; and the East half of Northeast quarter of Section 18, all In Township 1 South, Range .21 East, WMamett Meridan,'1 eontaintriff 520 , acres, " - aiid situated in the County.;, of. Gilliam, State of Oregon. v '" - . S This summons is aervpd upon yon by publication pursuant to an order made and entered in aaid suit by . the - Hon. D. R, Parker,,. Judge' of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Gillianvdated .the 13th day FeBraary, 1911. 8 ' ,t ,-A. S. DRESSER," -v i'ir.'.; Atforneyfor Plaintiff. . Date of - first . publication,' Feb. 17, 1911., ,k t 11 . Date of last publication, March 31, 1911. ' . . THE flONDON NATIONAL RANK. Capital, CONDON, A Visit to our Studio.. Will convince you that our line of Mounts is very complete. We can furnish any size or style of Photos. All work gua' ranteed. Enlarging: a specialty. -: McMorris & Keller Jamieson & Marshall SANITARY PLUMBERS" CONDON, OREGON. Afenti Sampion Windmills AjeaU Favbanks Morse Cuoline Engines Set ns before boying elwber Estimates Given on all D. H. Hildebrand Draying and Transfer. Light and Heavy Hauling. Job work and Trunks a specialty. , For Ice phone Gx. Condon, Oregon. wBsmmcaammBamBanBSUBBBttmBaum INTERIOR WAREHOUSE COMPANY. tAiroui. cuthiiii a co., General Warebonse Buiineii. Wool Storage and Bailing. Dealers li Graii and Grain Bai. We Make Specialty of High Grade Lumber. Main Street, Farm Implements John Deere Plows Harrows Studebaker Hacks and Wagons. V- K - $50,000 OREGON kinds of Water Systems Condon, .Oregon -V.. v - "