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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1911)
CORDON GT)BE, FRIDAY MARCH 24, 191 1 Monogram Restaurant Best Service in the City. namniBKBatSMaBnaMi ' Reasonable Rates B. L. JarvisjProp. EAST side - mXlN STREET W.A. DARLING Carrie a Comph te Line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH .dforW Mjttrtai, FOR SALE Thrco yourtff, fullblooded, jlnmmoth Bronze Gobblers. Coll n or address, Lloyd Parman, Condon, Oregon. 4'3-4H A CREAT r-Clubbing Offer i Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal One Year $1.50 C adoa Globe One Year . . $1.50 Tola! $3.00 SPECIAL RATE ON Both Pape n Oo Year 2 The Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal puMlalu' thrUitl ami miMi rom iftv tiiKMtilr nl ihti World; ylViMi rrhithht nmrki't rvfu.ri. m it la iHiuiiifitMi mi iiiiiniiii, wu'rc tup mnr kt iiuwrt van i ai k pn , pomvtwl la jimUMH jifrUi runner lor Inn Inrm mttt or mwt comic cuch wwk Biil It iiH tt tltu iiibturlrr twit pviTT ncttk - Nil ilinfB jtur, The Globe nivHull the ImbI nffff nlwl lmpci. huts ami kImiuUI ha In every hinc In ltii vicinity. VI he two iK)era nitiks ilinl id rmnliliiattim Hint ynii rtv $1 l.y "'!Iiik yinir ubai'iliilUm U) THE CIOBE. vtn mm lm irlvcs our etilnrrthpr Kmvl ulultUliuiiirv.r lor the Dully and Kiitnliiy. or X'lttitiir Journal, lu con nection wild THE CLOU. 'regon The Last Call of the West. Did You nee thin beautiful ar ticle picturing Oregon In four colore in November SUNSET? OC AAA ' bc'nr Rpcnt tJ,UUU by Sunset Mag- aslne on a aeries of articles auburbly illustrated in four colon picturing and describing the attraations and resources of The Wonderland of the Pacific ' We Will send you the next three issues of SUNSET com mencing with the special Dec ember in which beglna the beat aerial Novel of tho year, "The Spall, by C. N. & A. M. Wil liamson and a auburbly Illus trated article in four colore on San Franciaco the Exposition City; and In addition we will Include a copy of the Novem ber issue containing the beau tifully illustrated article on r it. i uregon. ; - r All (or 25c Stamps or Coin. SUNSETK.HS. Portland, i Magazine Oregon. liwnioWi! II S S ' !e FOR SALE Ovemtork Compels us to sell . . I 1 1 1 1 1 I . vur wan. ana rir vroou at m than Market I'rlce D. It S. Wood Co., Hood River Treasurer. Notice. ' All outstanding warrauts are payable upon prrsrntatloer In terest censes after March Is 1911 ; ' J. A. McMkktiC""" , Trinrf6tHirTain coqntr. '' Bug meets all trains for the Summit Hotel. Your patronage solicited und satisfaction guar anteed. We clean and press all kinds of men's and ladies clothes All work guaranteed. Cora Steven- son RETURN HOME THROUGH TKE . SUNNY SOUTH When you arrange your east ern trip be sure to include tlic Sunset Route through New Or leans, El Paso, Los Angeles and San Francisco for return. It L a splendid educational journey and at this time i f the year es pecially delightful because so warm and -comfortable. Every mile is through the sunny south land -the rice and cotton fields of Louisiana and Texas, the vast mirage nv;sos of Ne w Mex ico and Arizona, now spread with bright frreen, the' orange groves and semi-tropic charm of California, miles and miles along tho occon shore, and sev eral of tho most interesting cities on the ' continent. Ask your local agent about it. "Oregon Union Pacific AJU 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Tl,MMk Pullman mmtA-A and uivumm '' sFvssuua.iu sauva Wt alaaaan.nn Hafler tVt fstnatKai f'kL eftgo, 6uokan; tourist nleoping car daily . v.M.. . t..ii 1...J.1 letting run (tetrton&llr conducted) vectlT to Chicago, reclining chair car (aaata It) to iha fcut dall. . .H LOW RATES I Tickets to and from all' parts ot thi United (Hates, Canada and Europe. Far particulars call on or address D. TIERNEY, Agent J. W; BURNS Box Ball Alleys and Cigar Store 1. '- " ' ' ' CozjrClub Room in Connection . Maiij Street, Con dn. '"rTriMTf"'! aiMir r 1 lr-miiTiin rai am I CURIOUS PERUVIAN TREE. It Preduoes a Capiaus and Contlnuaul ' Supply af Rain. ' The ralu trva of Peru grows verj Inrifp, Is rlrb lu leartw and Is railed hf the Indians tatnnlmsiL It lias tbe power of collecting l Ik dampness of thu atiiKHipliure and condensing It into a continuous and copious supply of rnln, " "" In the dry aaason, when the rlvars are low and the hi-at great, the tree's pwr of condouslng seems at Jlie lilKliest, irnd walor fulls lu abundance frun) the leaves and ooses from tbe trunk. The water spreads around In vsrltsble livers, part of which Biters Inlo'tlie soil and ferjlllies It. Tliese rivers are canalized ao as to regulate tlie course of the water. vliui ruin lrcs-WTn on V -rZlna ' IU--T111 on ." --irnira iitit-nfflo gallons of'Vater per diem, lu nfli'ld ;n arPa 0f 00e diiometer iTre that Is,' 8,250 feet each way fun be gruwn 10,000 trees separated from each other by tweuty-flva meters. This plantation produces dully 3SS.000 liters of wster. If we allow for evap oration and luflltratlun we have 135, (KK) litem or 211.081 gallons of rain for dlxtribuiiun dully. Tbe rain tree can bo cultivated wltb very little trouble, fur It sems Indifferent as to tbe soli In wlib b It grows. Tbe tree Increases rapidly and resists both extreme of Cllmute.Espana Moderns. A BRAVE TOREADOR. One of the Msst Thrilling Incidents af ths Bull Ring. " Tho famous Bpnnlsli toreador Bererte figured In oue of the most thrilling liii-ltk-uta ever wltnesaud In the arena. t was at Buyouue. After disposing of two bulls Kcverte had twice plunged his avord Into a third of great strength mid funn ily, and as the beast contin ued caretTlug wittily tbe spectators be Kiin to IiIhs Heverte for bungling. Wounded to tbe very quick of bis pride, the flpanlurd shouted, "Tba bull Is slain!" and, throwing aside' bis sword, sank on one knee wltb folded arms In the middle of tbe ting. TJe whs rlulit, but bo bad not allowed for the margin of accident" The wounded beuftl clmrcvd full upon him, b - , I T Jl IT i I IradiigLM ' Timothy Ranch 160 Acres.' 60 acres Timothy, 80 acres more in cultiv ation,! acres more easily cleared. Black Loam soil, 2-room house, 2 good log hay barns, spring and creek, Price $0500, Mortgage $2000. i Fruit Land i - 160 Acres. 40 acres cultivated, 60 or 70 acres fruit lund, 26 Seres creek bottom, 2-room house, small barn, 70 acres fenced, spring water, Price $4200, Mortgage $1200. Irrigated Tract 10 Acres. 3-4 miie from Hayden Lake, all cleared, 5 ' acres fruit 3 years old, in good condition, black loam Soil witc some gTavel, fenced. Price $4200, Mortgage '' $1100.' ; . 7.; . i : . Timothy Ranch 153 Acres. 40 acres cleared, fruit, timothy land, black loam, House, barn and other buildingswater, a stock ranch with plento of range, Price .$10,000, one mile from Rosd Lake on Couer d' Alene River. ' . . Fruit Land 10 Acres. All cleared, 7 acres in'.f ruit, 3 and 2 years old, in good condition, black loam, 2-room house, small barn and chicken house, part fenced, 1 3-4 mile to school, Price $3800, No mortgage. , A . . . . ., . , Fruit Land . " b 6 Acres. In Hood River County, black soil.levei land, ; on O-W.R.& N.Co. water right, all land cleared, price $1000, mortgage of $150 at 8 per cent for two years. The above described property is listed among our property for trade and if you are interested we will glad to have you favor us with a call or to write ub. See T. A. Weinke, Condon National Bank Bldg. CONDON, OREGON. uiVTsd'jr. siilvndld to "tie last, knolt tnotluslaea aa a status, while the ioc tators bold their breath In horrified suspense. IlefJilng bis victim, tba bull Uteratly bounded at him, and as be sprang be sank In destn. wltb fats last effort giving one fearful lunge of the bead that drove a bora Into the thigh of the kneeling nan and laid bars tbe bone from tbe knee to tbe joint - Brill Rsvcrte never flinched, but remained kneeling, exultant la victory, but calmly contemptuous of applause, till be was carried away to heal him ot hla grievous wound. Killing the Bad Taste. "Maybe I won't bars (9 ta& wcdT due again, ajui-wrfU'lf J io to takeiVtnnybe the fir&St will Dreacribe 1 . . ' ., ..... ,t vile doaee I know bow I'll take them," a city salesman volunteered. "A man who was doctoring himself la tbe drag store showed me tbe way. Tbe druggist bad mixed a particu larly obnoxious dose. Tbe man befora taking It asked for cracked Ice. Tba errand boy brought It, several spoon fuls nearly pulverized. Tbe alck man held that in bus mouth nntn It melted, after Which tbe medicine seemed as mild a tea. " 'I always prepare my month that way for a disagreeable medicine,' tbe man said. Tba Ice numbs tbe nerves, and tbe medicine slips down without leaving any taste, good or bad." Er chapge, ' Origin af a Song. Tbe grumbling of a negro groom led to tbe composition of tbe Immortal "Old Folks at Home." While waiting for a change of bones at a Kentucky hostelry the composer, Stephen Foster, author of so many betoved darky mel odies, beard a melancholy negro mur mur as be threw, a set of harness to tba ground: sick an' tired o dls life. I wlsht I was back wit do ole folks at borne." "Where may that be, Sam?" asked Foster. : "Ob,". answered tba darky, "way down on de Bumannee river." The-result was tbe song as we have It today. Farmers! Ptnr la Koar of Hand and Vnn ITav Jnt Ordered Those Extras For that Drill. Do Not Wait Until it is Too Late. The Clarks Cutaway Disk Harrows Are Selling Fast This Spring as They are the Proper Ma chine For Youf Spring Work. -:- -:- -:- 1 BASE BALL GOODS We Have a Large Order in For Spalding Base Ball Goods and Will Handle Nothing But the Best, So Don't Forget Where To Find Them. -:- . -:- -:- v -:- -:- riolIee&Sons SUMMIT Everything Strictly Best home-cooked a r. H. STEPHENSON, Pnarkier .JOHN JACKSON CONDON'SLEADINT, CONFECTIONER C1UAHM, CANDIS, TtMlACCOS SEED CATALOG READY TO MAIL! Tt UJins Seed Catalog aTtla Waat UUr't Catlee Ya jr 1911 crop danenifa aa GOOD eeed and for Qua Catalaa and set the beat. Write now to the CHAS. H. LILLY CO, Seattle, WnJ H Iknowwhtyounnfc 1 havcTrhatyou I naed-tho beat quality SASH AND DOORS. I keep them In atock for quick delivery. I have but one pr:ce aid Boll tot eaah only. I have my own factory. It coats me mtich loss to maka iry sxda and lesa to sell I mke and ell In laree ouantica. i Thcfa price ore taken from my catak co;.y of which I will rladly mail on rccruert: Froe4Doora,doublatMck elafta ??.?5 np Fancy Front Door, atylita - 45.00 up SroM panel Doora, for pain'.iag $1.2 s-orata panel Doan, for atain'-ng $1.30 NewCrafHmanDoor,forbnnca!owa $1X0 SJicM Window, check tail 78c up. 4-litht Barn Saeh - - - 42cnp Cupbeard Doora, with plain slaaa SI .00 K D.IWPr.mci 75c.K.D.Saifc Framea SOa a Do not fail to sand mo vour list of in. tanais tot prices ana licisna cuareea. SIAtC for Catalog No. . "iaaaflTaaVlllftiiL. I ' V-i FRIGE'S Home Bakery & Grocery HOTEL., i First - class and up-to-date. meals in the Northwest. MRS. W. A. DARLING, Maaapr Next To Post fficb COLONIST FARES qFreanWHitft aad luana Partbal el tat Uaitta Statai aaa Caaiea h Ora coa. Wariuaitoa iaa .8 tW Nertawot. wiH PrevaM daitr MAJtCH IS ta ATRiL lMherar the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. aad Craecdieaa. Thr Ontaa SaertLiaa. Vwim Pacilk aaa CUcaie aad NarttV. vartm Uat, FROM CHICAGO at . ST. LOUIS OMAHA KANSAS CITT . " ST. PAUL - aad ktm otaar dhat $33.00 32.00 25.00 ' 2S.M 25.00 You Can Prepay Fares. ITat Cabaat Firal an Wanhe'aad aalr - aat M yea hare wknrei ar ttiraar blaa aaat wlwa yea.dnee ar hriaf ta tin atala yea caa arai nt Iht van ei the tare t . with rear Weal a let. aad aa ardtr far a tkket iiS ta UkLraphid to aay adanai SJLet tba world knew af ear nil aad tplced id rciearcr aad aariartunitiei. flCiB aa Ik aadenirced for lead inlnictiTariBtd Bet ter ( tied cart or fin bi tka addretact a tkoat ta dkaa tod acald like to Urk i-ti Buttcrvat. t WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OBEGON " 1