THE CONDON r,I)RR, FRIDAY, MARCH 17,1911 I WOOD II FOR SALE ; ! qOvrtorl( Compvla u to wll I our Oak and Kir Wood at ! !; LcMthMMarkrti'rico ; :. ?: I1.0.0!1 J?7Z. ': Troaaurora Notlca. AH outstanding warrauts fire payable upon preuentatioe. In terest ceases after March 18 1911. J. A. McMoHitii, Trxeturer ol Ullllnin county, Oregon Hua mecls nil (ruins for the Summit Hotel. Your patronage solicited and sntmfaction guar-ttnteed. We clean and press all kinds of men's and ladies' clothes All work guaranteed. Cora Stevenson RETURN HOME THROUGH THE SUNNY SOUTH When you arrange your east cm trip be sure to include the Sunset Route through New Or leans. El Paso, Los Angeles and San Francisco for return. It U a splendid educational journey and at this time i-f the year es pecially delightful because so warm and comfortable. Every mile is through the sunny south landthe rice and cotton fields of Louisiana and Texas, the vast mirage mtsos of Ne w Mex ico and Arizona, now spread with bright preen, the orange groves and semi -tropic charm of California, miles and miles along the oceon shore, and sev eral of the most interesting cities on the continent Ask your local agent about it. '7 AND O j MO fi' Oregon SHOITLlT.E Union Pacific 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Tbronsh rullman ltnJrd and tour lit sleeping can daily to Omaha, Chi cago, Bpokana; tooriitileoping car daily to K anin city ; tliroagh t'ullman tourist sleeping can (personally . conducted) wacaiy to Chicago, lycllnlng chair ears (Mats Irs to tha East daily. LOW RATES I Tlckata to and from all part ol tha United Btatea, Canada ami Europe. Far particulars call on or address D. TIERNEY, Agent MISS POTMAN Winhes to announce that she has decided to place her large stock of MILLINERY on sale t actual cost in order to make room for new goods. Summit Street mnncniiTinsi'i ctc I lUnLUn U 1 L U1LHK "CHURCH NOTES LAUNDRY Dr. Ferris went to Portland on Tuesday and returns to Condon on Saturday by the way of The Dalles and Arlington. On the coming Sunday mornjng the subject of the service is "What think Ye of Christ." In the evening " A care to a personal Test." Do not mistake. The class that meets in the parson age is for both men and women. Last Sunday ther were 25 in attendance.' Next Sunday it will be a young man'a views of . what business men owe to young men. Some have thought only men were welcome. This is a mistake, many ladies attend. Madams Schilling. J. J. Port wood and Price are a committee to canvass for the organization of a Missionary Society. This society is not to draw from the Ugo Igo Club 'but is designed for. members Or other persons who wish to do missionary work and who are not otherwise as sociated with the activities of our church. Of course this pre cludes no one who may wish to work in both departments of the Church. The Young Mens Club will have a banquet and fish supper on the evening of March 24th. There will be a fine program. The Grangers of Gilliam Coun ty met at Condon March 11, and elected the following delegates to attend the state convention: Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Johnson, of Igo Grange, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wade of Juniper Grange, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Palmer were elect as alternates for Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, John and Dora Madden were elected as alternates for Mr. and Mrs. Wade. The County Sunday School Donvf ntion begins at Arlington at 2 p.m. today. The following delegates from the .Congrega tional Church left for. the river town this morning; Prof. J. C. Sturgill, Mrs. Dennis, . Mrs. Duncan, Herbert and Katherine Clarke. 0 m 0 "Shang" Laughrige went to Portland today to see his best girl and take a week's needed rest. . John Scott is in town this week looking after his business interests. , t Miss Myrtle Ferguson, return ed to Portland today after visit ing with her parents in 'Wm.IHead of Rock Creet was in this city on Monday. Business Locals Wm. Shaw, proprietor of the Condon Steam Laundry, has been remodeling the fixtures of the building and expects to be open for business next Monday. ' He is having a well drilled on the south side of the building and 1n case of a shortage of city water will have a supply of his own to fall back on. He has employed Mr. Fairchild, formerly a pro prietor of a laundry in Portland which recently burnt down, to superintend the laundry work. Mr. Shaw will gather the laun dry and deliver the same as heretofore and deserves the undivided patronage of the people of Condon providing his work is satisfactory. A. D. Hopper ' and J. W. Boothe of Spokane were in the Wheat City this week the form er returning home this morning. Mr. Cameron of Portland, who has charge of the selling of stock of the(Buckhorn ranch is also here. LEVI L COLBY AT DIES CE! L A. M. Brown, fire inspector for the O-W R&NCo., inspected the local depot and roundhouse on Tuesday and reported every thing in good shape. - - Dick Grant left on Wednesday for Portland where he will spend a few days on business. Levi L Colby died at Cecil on March 10th, of pneumonia, fol lowing an attack of lagrippe. He was born near Hooksett, N. H., 71 years ago. He was one of the few remaining pione ers, having settled on Willow Creek in 1874, forming a part nership with Clias., D. Sennett in the stock business, which continued some twenty years. Mr. Colby came to Cecil in 19o3, eml arking with M. V. Lo gan in a small mercantile bus iness which continued until his death. He leaves a sister, Mrr, Jane Morey, age 84 years, who lives in New Hampshire, and a broth er, Wm. Colby, of Snmmerville' Mass., besides numerous nieces and nephews, none of whom he has seen for fifty years, and a host of friends, being loved, honored and respected by all who knew him. The remains were brought to Arlington for interment, funeral services being conducted by Rev. G. S. Moorhead. Arlington Rec ord. . '" Lee Shellman was a passenger on Thursday's train bound for Portland. F. T. Hurlburt was an Arling ton bound Passenger on yester day's train. Tralli glS The Summit Hotel serves chicken dinners every Sunday. They are the best in the city. Do you realize that a business man, professional man, in fact any individual in any walk of life or any firm, is judged to a certain extent by the quality of stationery he uses. Think it OV' er and then come to the Globe and get the best. , ? J. W. BURNS : Box Ball Alleys and Cigar Store Cozy Club Room in Connection J 2 Main Street, Condn. ' The 0. K. Barber Shop, most up-to-date shop, skillful work men, sanitary. ' You can . cet'anv matrazine printed at astonishingly low rates if subscribed for in con nection with the Globe The Hotel Oregon has the most up-to-date service of any hotel in the county Unsurpass ed dining service v ; " F0R SALE ' . Three young, fullblooded, Mammoth Bronze Gobblers. Call on or address,' Lloyd Parman, Condon, Oregon. ' . 46-43 Timothy Ranch . 160 Acres. 50 acres Timothy, 80 acres more in cultiv ation acres more easily cleared. ' Black Loam soil, 2-room house, 2 good log hay barns, spring and creek, Price $6500, Mortgage $2000. Fruit Land 160 Acres. 40 acres cultivated, 60 or 70 acres fruit land, 25 acres creek bottom, 2-room house, small barn, 70 acres fenced, spring water. Price $4200, Mortgage $1200. Irrigated Tract 10 Acres. ' 8-4 miie from Hay den Lake, all cleared, 6 acres fruit 3 years old, in good condition, black loam soil witc some gravel, fenced, price $4200, Mortgage $1100. Timothy Ranch 153 Acres. 40 acres cleared, fruit, timothy land, black loam, house, barn and other buildings, water, a stock ranch with plento of range, Price $10,000, one mile from Rosd Lake on Couer d' Alene River. Fruit Land 10 Acrea. - All cleared, 7 acresMnruit, 8 and 2 years old, in good condition, black loam, 2-room house.small barn and chicken house, part fenced, 1 .8-4 mile to school, Price $3800, No mortgage. Fruit Land 5 Acres. In Hood River County, black soil, level land, on 0-W.R.4 N.Co. water right, all land cleared, price $1000, mortgage of $150 at 8 per cent fortwo years." The above described property is listed among our property for trade and if"you are interested we will .. glad to have you favor us with a call or to write us. f aBS!8SaEaCisj Farmers! Spring is Near at Hand and You Have Not OrderedThose Extras For That Drill. Do Not Wait Until it is Too Late. The Clarka Cutaway Disk Harrows Are Selling Fast This Spring as They are the Proper Ma chine For Your Spring Work. -:- -:- -:- BASE BALL GOODS We Have a Large Order in For Spalding Base Ball Goods and Will Handle Nothing But the Best, So Don't Forget Where To Find Them. -:- -:- -:- -:- ollen & Sons SUMMITHOTEL.. Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. Best home-cooked meals in the Northwest. P. H. STEPHENSON, Preerieter MRS. W. A. DARLING, Ihupr .JOHN JACKSON CONDON'S LEADING CONFECTIONER CICiARS, CAXniS, TOBACCOS NEXT TO POSTOFFICB SEED CATALOG READY TO HAIL Tin iMufiot Seed Catalscof 'Ota We Lilly'" Ctalo. Your 1911 croo depend, oa GOOD Med (end for due Coteloc mat eel Ike beat. Write BOW to Um CHAS. R LILLY CO, Seattle, Wo. Em3 1 T :B I See T. A. Weinke, Condon National Bank Bldg. CONDON; OREGON. , v. . . , . . - I new! -the best quality SASH AND 1 J 1 know what tou want I haw what von need the best quality SASH AND DOORS. I keep them In stock for quick delivery. I have but one price and sell for cash only. 4 1 l:ave my own factory It cost me murh leas to make my coeds and less to Mil them bec-mise I mcke and ell in Unre qualities. These prices are taken from my catalog -copy of vhkn I will gladly mall on request: Front Doors, double thick class f i .2 S up Fancy Front Doors, stylish $5X0 up B sro paael Doora, for painting S1.Z5 S-oroM panel Doora. for ataan'nf fl.SO New&afaaMDoor.forbniialow $1.60 2-licht Window, check rail 78c up 44ieht Barn Sash 4.?c up Cupboard Doors, with plain glass $1.00 K.D. Dear Frames 73c,R.D.SasLFnuee 90e Do not fail to eead mo your list of ma terials t pricat and frcijh chaises. ft Ask re ltaloff No, . COLONIST FARES IFraa tWtMJfe Ma Eufcfa Ferti ef tea UiHea SteMi l.eei to Ora lu. WtaVieitM ne i tW KertWert. frenil ub MARCH M ATML Mtkmtke Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. J Cewdkea. Tk Oma Sec rt Lief, Veiei Perife ue CUcwe ue Nerte- ehtKUB CHICAGO at ST. LOUIS OMAHA KANSAS CUT ST. PAUL $3100 32.09 25.00 25.00 ; 25.00 You Can Prepay Fares. ITei CekaM Pue m WcetMeU eeV ' eel a jee tew lelrtwei er hiteei ie tW en VH. re em le erat Ue tatereacueifceiiteiieJeieltMkr, ;. wtk yeer Wtel Miet. ami ee ereer ier tkkrt will M kltfiatUi key teeriei (JLtl tkt verM View el Mr nil ni pke! id resenrces ue opportuittcs. QCell ee tee Btimigmtd (or (oo4 iKiirciTtpriBtte Mat ter te Mad cut or lift hm tee tednuci ef thow te wlem yei woali like te km leek KAttCT MBt. WMMcMURRAY ; - General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OBECON G A SB P R I C E!S Home Bakery & Grocery v