Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, March 03, 1911, Image 1

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Com U Cilliam County wnert
tb Ui levy U lb lowest la too
SUU of Orcfoa.
voi m xx
Tho County Commissioners
held their regular bi-monthly
BesHion in this city this week
and passed on the several meas
ures brought before them. It
was at this session that the
Court had decided upon estab
lishing an official newspaper for
this county according to the
statutes. This case was the
second on the docket and as the
Globe was the only paper that
had filed its subscription list
with the commissioners, it was
decided that the Globe be ap
pointed the official paper for
Gilliam County thus all matters
requiring publication by the
county will appear in tho Condon
H. M. Rogers was appointed
County Roadmaster with a sal
ary of $100 per month and ex
penses, said expenses to be team
hire, railroad fare, etc. N. E.
Weatherford and Wm. Wehrli
were appointed as road super
visors for road districts number
2 and number 5 to take the
places of the supervisors who
were elected but did not qualify.
The matter of putting a pump
ing plant and tank in at the
county well for the purpose of
irrigating was' discussed at some
length but not definately de
cided. The Ugo I go Club held a spec
ial meeting yesterday at the
home of Mrs,' T. A. Weinke at
which a large number were
present. The meeting was con
ducted by Mrs. T. G. 'Johnson
and as the subject was ' 'missions"
the meeting was opened by sing
ing a missionary hymn. A pro
gram was rendered consisting
of a piano solo by Mrs. II. II.
Wilburn, a reading by Miss
Nan Fitzmaurice and a piano
solo by Mrs. II. A. Hartshorn.
Mrs. J. B. White and Niss Nan
Fitzmaurice were elected mem
bers of the Club. Another
chapter was read . from The
Lady of tho Decoration. Dainty
and delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess. It was
decided that the ladies of the
Club will entertain their hus
bands on March 16 and tho fol
lowing committees were chosen:
Decoration Committee; Mn. Duncan)
Mra. C. 0. Portwood and Mrs. Sturgill.
Refreshment Committee; Mrs. G. W.
Parman, Mrs. T. G. Johnson, and
Mra. L. T. Price. Program Commit
tee; Mra. A. B. Robertson, Mrs, M,
D. Shanks, Mrs. H. H. Wilburn and
Mra. B. F. Dennis. Reception Com
mittee'; Mrs. J. F. Reisacher assisted
by the other ladies of the Club.
Mrs. Colby Clarke returned
home last Saturday evening
from a week's stay in Portland
where she visited with her sis
ter, Mrs. Tracey and nephew,
Ray Tracey.
Mr. and Mrs. K K. Harlan
returned Saturday evening from
Portland and are now at home
to their friends in their residence
three blocks west of the Globe
Guy D. Simmons, the popular
shoe repairer, guarantees satis
faction in all his work. He is
located opposite the " Condon
National Bank. Give, him a
IgoGrango met on Saturday
with W. K. Farrar in tho chair.
Chas. Miller of the May ville
Grange was present. The grange
wns called to order at the usual
hour and five candidates were
initiated in the first and second
degreo after which the grange
was closed and an elegant dinner
was served by tho ladies. Lec
turer, Lizzie Palmer rendered a
fine program after which nine
candidates wore initiated in the
third and fourth degrees.
Joe Couture of Igo is visiting
at the home or Mrs. Fred Ad-
Clyae Palmer was registered
at tho Wild Goose Hotel the fore
part of the week. ;
Chas. Miller of May ville was
a visitor at the Kd Palmer ranch
the first of the week.
The vaudeville entertainment
given iiy tne connon Athletic
Club in the Ameiican Theatre
on last Friday evening was an
affair of much merit as well as
being a success in the financial
way. After all expenses were
paid the Club had remaining the
sum of 150 which will be added
to the building, fund. The one
drawback to tho entertainment
was the fact that several of the
numbers were too long drawn
and on that account the program
did not go through with the snap
which has been characteristic of
the vaudevilles heretofore pa
tented by the Athletic Club.- A
few of the best numbers on the
program had to be left out.
The audience was in a receptive
mood and the old rafters of the
Theatre building rang again and
again with applause for the var
ious numbers. Each of the ren
ditions are worthy of especial
mention but the crowning effort
of the program, . although it
came rather late in the evening,
was the oration on 'Democracy,
The True and the False" given
by Prof. J. H. Bond of the High
School. i,There has been some
talk among the Club' members
of presenting the same program
n Fossil about the first of April
but nothing has been definately
decided. Mr. Williams, the
president of the Club and,. the
manager of tho vaudevilles, is at
work on another program which
he promises will eclipse any
thing of the kind ever seen on a
stage, in this city.
One of the most enjoyable
social events which has taken
place during the winter, among
the younger people of the city,
was the old fashioned sleigh
ride taken by a number of the
High School students on last
Monday evening. Those en joy
ing the novelty in this vicinity,
of riding behind the enchanting
music of sleighbells were the
Misses Kinsley, Duthie, David
son, and Schott and Messrs,
Clarke, Keizur, Schott and Hull,
chaperoned by the Misses Young
and Comings.
REWARD For the return of
a Black Rug Muff which ' was
lost last Saturday in the north
eastern section of the city.
Finder will please return to
Hurlburt's residence or Miss
Francis - Young and receive. a
The basket social which took
placa last Tuesday evening at
St. Thomas Aquinias Academj
was very well attended and as
was promised, all those present
were provided with an evening's
entertainment '
A short but pleasing program
consisting of musical selections
and recitations preceded, the
sale of the - baskets. There
were many baskets. All bore
evidences within of a high prc-
ficiency in the culinary line and
manifested outwardly much 'in
genuity on the part of the mak
ers, there being miniature battle
ships,' sleighs, musical instru
ments, etc. ' v '
Mrs. S. B. Couture presided
as auctioneer and disposed of
the baskets in a most able man
ner, the sum of sixty-five dol
lars being realized.
The Sisters of St. Dominic
extend sincere thanks to all
concerned for the splendid way
in which they worked together
thus bringing the affair to such
a successful issue. ;
Bob Roper and Sam Cobb of
Fossil shipped a car of horses to
the Portland market on Wed
nesday. ' .
Bert Townsend and youngest
daughter left on' Wednesday for
St. Johns, Wash,: the girls home.
The former will return in a few
days to this city.. '."
M&W jtgXS on Tap
1 VS- -is S
: L
mh. vhesse-R:
you ahe jvoj wressev 7ught fhom
sfRifG hat.
youn. hat is eau. youn rA.cs.
. we will ar TA.r you hahi because a
cojmon.E hat will cosryouofLy -but
it toes for TAy to "be out of sryLE.
WMe ,'& Veateh Co.
; : v'CONDON, ' .OREGON .
FRIDAY. MAR. 3. 1011.
j Mayville, Ore. Feb. 27, 1911.
'. Editor Condon Globe;
In' re
ply to the Condon Times article
in regard to the Anderson case
where he says after reading
Mrs. Anderson's letter that he
has come to the conclusion that
there will be no prosecution and
it is up the district attorney to
see if there is any use keeping
Anderson in jail until next June
at the expense of the county.
If there is no case against him,
some of his loving friends of
Condon might go on his bonds
and turn him out The Editor
of the Times for instance. If
Mrs. Anderson's sworn evidence
to the Justice of the Peace is
false may hot her letter to the
paper also be false? We people
of Mayville think it cheaper to
board him at the expense of the
County than to turn him loose on
the county only to be brought
up again on some other charge.
Mayville' people never had
any trouble of this kind until
this man Anderson came among
us. If the Editor of the Times
thinks the expense so great to
the county we advise Trim to try
and cut the expense down by
going his bail as he says there
is no case against him so of
course there will not be the
least danger of his losing a cent
in going his bail.
We people do not look at this
matter from a money point of
view but the principle of it
In the minds of the peopta of
Mayville after witnessing this
affair, this man belongs in the
penitentiary instead of at large.
He could easily be sent over the
road if half the complaints made
by his wife to our people could
be proven and it can be proven
that she made the complaints.
We people of Mayville do not
begrudge our part of the county
tax in keeping him in fie county
jail until court meets.
If Bro. Fitzmaurice is so con
cerned as to the expense, we
people of Mayville can perhaps
make up his part of the county
tax. (Which, by the way,
might amount to as much as five
If Bro. Fitz. sees fit to go
Anderson's bail and turns him
loose, we would ask it as a
favor that he find a place in
Condon for him to live as we
want it distinctly understood
that we do not need him here.
'A Taxpayer.
At McMinnville, Ore. Feb. 21
1911, James Archibald Rogers,
age 21 years 6 months and 16
days. Deceased was a son of
Miltcn Howard Ropers, was
bornjn Henry County, Illinois,
August 5th 1829 and moved to
Oregon in 1883 settling in Gilliam
County where he has resided
most of the time since. Mr.
Rogers had been in poor health
for the past year during mostjof
which time he lived with his
sister, Mrs. J. C. Hinshaw at
McMinnville. Death was un
expected, his sickness being
such as to cause no immediate
alarm until the morning of the
21st when he was stricken with
paralasis becoming unconcious
and remaining so until the end.
Being an old resident snd prom
inently connected with various
business enterprises in Gilliam
and Wheeler Counties, he leaves
a host of friends and acquaint
ences to mourn, his loss. De
ceased was a K. - of P. being a
member of Endymion Lodge
No 66 of Condon.
. By GI.l7.Huar
Visitors this week at the
public school were Mrs. Wm.
Parks, Mrs. Otis Compbell and
Miss Agnes Palmer. -
Pupils receiving the highest
average this month are; Eigth
grade, Mervin ; Stephenson;
Seventh grade, Mattie Grinnell;
Sixth grade, Ruby Workman;
Fifth grade, Emmett Hoskin;
Fourth grade, Mabel Hoskin;
Third grade, Aonie Walker;
Second grade, John Reisacher;
First grade, Wilbur Parrish;
The sixth grade received their
half holiday Tuesday for one
month's perfect attendance.
About sixty pupils received
their individual quarter holiday
on Tuesday for one month's
perfect attendance. .
C. E. Spence, Master of the
Oregon State Grange left for
his home at Canby on Thursday
after a two days stay in our city.
He was accompanied as far as
Arlington by Organizer Gekler,
who wTas going to La Grande.
Harold Hunt left on Wednes
day for Portland to visit for a
Now (Kit Onion kas ap-to
dal Schools, let' work (or
bow Protestant Clark kuUtaf .
NO. 48
The Granges of Gilliam and;J
Wheeler County met in . joint ;
session at Condon on March 1st
for the purpose of organizi g a '
Pomona Grange. - ; , -
This meeting was attended by
Granges from over the entire,
county and at the open session
held in the afternoon those '
present were entertained by an
Butler's address was well re
ceived as was also the response
by W. J. Edwards. State mas
ter, Spence and R. R, Gekler.
Organizer each gave an inter
esting talk on Grange work.' ;
The song by the Condon1
Quartette and the instrumental '
duet by Hartshorn and Clarke
were appreciated by all present.
After the open session, election .
of officers for the Pomona grange
took place and the following
officers were elected; ' -Master,
W.J. Edwards, Mayville;
Overseer, Ed G. Palmer," Ajax;,
Lecturer, .Lizzie Palmer,- A jaxf
Chaplain, MraT J." McMorris,
Condon; .
Steward, Mont s Ward, Clem;
A3st Steward, Chas. Phegley,
Done Rock;
Sec J. A. McMorris, Condon;
Treas. J. C. Sturgill, Condon;
GateKeepar, W. Taylor Mayville;
Ceres, Nettie McGilvery, May
ville; ...
Pomona, Susie I. Wells, Condon:
Flora, Miss Julia Clymer, Fossil;
Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs.
Mont Wade. Clem;
Executive Comm., W. J. Ed
wards, J. A. McMorris, C. J.
Quinn, Oscar Maley, John Mad
den. A closed session was held at
initiated into the mysteries of
the Pomona degree. r" Following
this a splendid banquet was
served after which the meeting
was again called to order. and
the officers were installed by R.
R. Gekler with C. J. Quinn as
assistant -
The next Pomona meeting
will be held June 1st at Mayville.
State" Master Spence, in his
closing remarks "expressed his
appreciation of the courteous
treatment shown him while in
our city and he speaks for the
Granges in this district great
success . : . . ' ' ,
Hays Marble is back again
at his old position as engineer
of the Electric plant having
arrived in Condon Saturday
Evening f rom Vancouver where
he has been resting np for sev
eral months.
D. C. Leghorn was an out
going passenger on Wednesday's
train bound for The Dalles.
T. R. Nickolson has returned
from a few days visit at The
Dalles and is again at work on
the local branch. '
. Mr. and Mrs. V,- B. Steven?
of Pine Ridge were incoming
passengers Saturday evening
from the Valley where they
have been for several weeks on
suitable reward.
few days.
a pleasure trip. ' ' ' - '