CONDON GLOBE, FRIDAY FEBRUARY , mi. THE GQNDQN GLOBE A rrocmti Republltaa Nwipt LESLIE K. HARLAN iHMUbet. 80B3CRIPTION PRICS. II.M PER TEAIS. SUairedet Feat 0meMCwa.Ora(a, a. Published I! Tory Frlilae. WIDE RANGE OF OREGON PRODUCTS The following article, written by John Scott Mills, was pub lished in Tuesday's Oregonian and is of inestimable benefit to the homeseeker: Homeseekers should invest igate the splendid opportunities which Oregon offers. The im pression has gone abroad that this is a fruit growing st&te and that general farming is not profitable. This is a mistake. All kinds of deciduous fruits do well. Oregon apples are leaders in the world's markets. Better pears, peaches, apricots, prunes, cheries and berries are not grown anywhere. These are exploited products. Portland is the second largest wheat exporting city in the United States. Condon in Gill iam County. Oregon, was, two years ago, the largest primary shipping point in the country The Willamette Valley Has pro duced as high as 100 bushels of wheat to the acre, and through out the grain belt of the state the yield will run from 25 to 40 bushels. Barley and oats give equally good returns. Owing to the cool nights, corn does not mature so well as in the warmer localittes of the Middle West, but it ripens suffciently for feed. Dairying is one of the import ant industries, and at the same time one of the most neglected callings. Oregon presents as favorable conditions for dairy ing as can be found anywhere in'the world. Western Oregon has a climate which permits feeding on the range at all sea sons. The animals do not re quire housing, and when the forage in the field is limited the kale and other root crops provide abundant milk producing food. As a separate industry or as an adjunct to the farm, a dairy herd will pay a big profit A large percentage of the butter used in Oregon is exported from the Eastern states. Poultry raising is profitable, the favorable climate conditions, immunity from disease and high prices which prevail at all times render the raising of chickens and turkeys profitable. The market is never supplisd with the home product. California and the states of the Middle West are relied upon for poultry and eggs. The livestock industry is also sadly neglected. Better prices are paid at the stockyards in Portland than at Omaha or Chi ago. The supply 13 totally inad equate. ThePacifb Northwest annually imports 18,000,000 worth of meat products, and Oregon is a large contributer to the sum paid out The condi tions for raising cattle, horses and sheep are ideal in many sections. Alfalfa used for fat- ening purposes so nearly meets every requirement that little grain is needed to put animals in fine condition for the block. As a horseraising section, the Ore gon product rival the animal "bredinole Kaintuck." Coach and draft animals command the best market prices. Pure bred dairy cattle are moneymakers. The finer breeds of sheep here are sold to growers in America and Europe. '' Vegetable gardening is a moneymaking proposition. The anil and climate are adapted to every variety, the yeild is almost incredibly large and the quality is unsurpassed. The large and smaller cities are the market places and good prices are always received. Farming on a large scale is possible. Intensive farming is success. It does not matter what manner of soil cultivation the homeseeker has engaged in elswhere, he will find it possible to engage in a similiar occupation in Oregon. He can plant with the assurance that he will real-, for crop failures are practically unknown. There are localities where dry farming is the method pursued and other sections where irrigation is resorted to. Wrong ideas prevail concern ing Oregon. The prevailing im pression that there is constant rainfall here is erroneous. The oreciDitation in the Willamette Valley is 40 inches. Marietta, Ohio, has more rain than Port land. So has Charleston, S. C. St Louis, Mo., and Albany, N. Y. averages as much. Wash ington, D. C. has 41 inches. During the Summer there is no rain from July until October and irrigation projects are considered in the Willamette Valley. Far ther Inland the precipitation is ess. Central Oregon does not, in most parts, have to exceed 10 inches. This does away with the rain bugaboo. Anything that will grow any where in the temperate zone will do better in Oregon. No one need have an orchard un less he so desires, ihere art prosperous farmers by the hun dredinthe state who hav'nta fruit tree on their land. Some have family orchards. Commercial orchards pay, and pay big money. So does wheat growing. Ditto as to stock poultry and every outdoor in dustry or occupation. Oregon has a diversity of call ings equal to any section, sur pased by no the Union, and has homes for millions, TheDresent DODulation is less than 700,000. Seven million can pe taken care of and everyone can raise what he desires. We cannot get away from the excel! ence of our fruit products. We are, however, just as good along every other line of husbandry. Land prices are not high, except in certain sections. Epually productive land can be had for a rood deal less money. It is not necessary to pay a fancy price. fool you Into reaching: (Kit and miasmr them, but you weren't reaching out at Kuste you vtmply awnnf at a whit trMk aa It hurled past, and If you took a full arm swing the ball waa tone and In the catcher! hands before you had half flutshed the swinging motion. "The convincing proof of Ruale'i ter rible speed waa title: If any other pitcher hit a man the man swore, limped a moment and went to Bret. If Rusle hit a man the man retired from the ganio and sometime went to the hospital. To be bit by Rusle wa worse than to have an ordinary man smash you with a rock." New York World. He Didnt Knew Them. The late Rer. Horatio Btebbtns of San Francisco waa a man of large mind ami uoble powers, but more fa miliar with the world of Intellectual and scholastic Interests than with triv ial and timely tiling. Ilia household was blessed with a charmlug daughter who grew up tall and beautiful, com nut ruling the admiration of all who saw her. One day a visitor euld to the good doctor: Doctor, your diiUBhter grows more charmlug day by day. Why, she's a regular Clboou girl." Ah, thauk you, thank you," replied the doctor In his beat manner. When the visitor had Rone, turning to hit wife the doctor asked. "Mr dear, who are the GlbsonsT" San Francisco Ar gonaut. A Change For the Better. The nine-year-old boy of a Baltimore family who la compelled by his par ents to practice dally upon the piano may not be a clever performer, but he has a pretty shrewd notion of the worth of an Instrument, as well as rather mature wit, as la evldeuced by an Incident In the household not long since. Ills father upon returning home from a week's nbseuce beard toe led Dluralmr sway at the piano. When did you learn that new piece. son?' asked the parent. It Isn't a new piece, dad," answer ed the boy. "The piano baa been tuned." LIppIncott's. RUSIE'S TERRIFIC SPEED. lis Thunderbolt Dslivsry Terrorized the Batters. A veteran ball player who baa bat' ted aealnst nearly all of the noted pitchers in the last twenty years nam ed Amos Rusle as the universal stand ard of speed in shooting the ball across the rubber. "There have been many fast pitch' era In baseball, and all of tbem in their time when they cut loose for fair have baffled the best of bitters with their speed, but you will notice that when fast pitchers are spoken of the one remark is always made, 'Has he the speed that Amos Rusle had? And, I think, it will be that way forever. As long as great names are remember ed or baseball Is the nation a game Rusle will remain the champion speed merchant, the one pitcher who could send in the ball faster than any one else that ever lived. When you say 'fast as .Rusle' you don't mean it, either; you only wish to show that your favorite pitcher is a very speedy boy. "Words fall really to describe the speed with which Rusie sent the ball, He waa a man of great width, great strength and the ability to put every ounce of his weight into the pitch, Coupled with this he had a set of daz zling curves which were manufactured with the same effort required to pro duce the speed. Borne men can throw a straight ball with great force, but have to slow up in order to develop curves, but Rusle drove In a curved ball with all of bis tremendous power. "Facing Rusle to a timid man was like going into battle must be to an inexperienced soldier. The distance was shorter then. Rusle had the whole box to move around in Instead of being chained to a slab, and he simply drove the ball at you with the force of a cannon. I have stood up to all the great pitchers of nearly twenty years, I -have seen scores of them come and .go, and; none of. them Inspired the ' terror In a batsman' heart that was put there by the mighty Rusle. The ball was like white streak tearing past you without time to balance yourself, figure the course of the ball or take aim at it The tVJowa with the wide curve might r"or tale, Trade, Wanted. Lets, round, tirauod, Stolen and ftll Wotloea AlladrartUlns ran sndar tble bead will itm uhaiird at Hi ml ul lOv u.t Un lot ih.Srat Imiw and to per Un lur each vucin Uaw. Nothing but first class work done at Cora Stevenson'a Pana torium. Ladies' and mens' clothes cleaned and pressed. Telephone your iuel wants to the Arlington Lumber Co, and we will do the rest We are now receiving our winter's sup ply and while same is coming in we are making a reduction in nrice. Dont wait until snow flies. She Won. He was a philosopher and a talker. She was a woman of action. Tbey stood together on the bridge and watched a tug that was hauling a long Hue of barges up the river. Look there, my dear, said he. "Such Is life. The tug Is like the msn, working and tolling, while the barges, like the women, are" His wife gave him no time to finish the sentence. "I know," she said, "The tug does all the blowing and the barges bear all the burden." Net 80 Bad. "What's the worst you can say about hlmr He hasn't an honest hair In bis bead." "Well, that's bad enough." "Oh, not so bad as you think. mean he wears a wig." Birmingham Age-Herald. A Dining Hint. Fletcher says you should "hold your faco down" when you are eating, so that your tongue will hang perpendic ularly In your mouth. To do this most comfortably get down on your bands and knees when you eat, explains the Chicago Record-Herald. There is but one virtue the eternal sacrifice of self. Oearge Sand. The O. K. Barber Shop, most up-to- date shop, skillful work men, sanitary. Classllled ftdvertltlnrj Eat your Sunday dinner at the lotel Oregon We clean and press all kinds of men's and ladies' clothes All work guaranteed, ora Steven son The Sunday dinner at the Ore iron Hotel is Becoming more popular each week Two lots in Condon to trade for young horses or young cat tie, heifers preferred Graves & Weinke Co The Summit Hotel serves chicken dinners every Sunday. They are the best in the city. Do you realize that a business man, professional man, in fact any individual in any walk of life or any firm, is judged to a certain extent by the quality of stationery he uses. Think it ov er and then come to the Globe and get the best. Complete outfitters for the man and woman. What better for a gift than a new suit from our up-to-date tailored lines We sell the "Come Again Goods". S.B. Barker Co. Read in December Sunset Msg azine "SAN FRANCISCO THE EXPOSITION CITY." Superbly Illustrated in Four Colors. Now on sale. -All News Stands. 15 cents. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Gilliam County. In the Hatter cf the Estate of Mary E. Ham, Deceased. The undersigned administrator of the above named estate having filed his final account in the above entitled Court, and the Court having fixed Mon day the 30th day of January, 1911, at the hour of 10:00 A.M. of said day 'at the court room of the above entitled Court in the Court House in Condon Oregon, as the time and place for hear ing of the said final account, and all objections thereto. Notice is hereby given to the heirs, creditors'and all persons interested in said estate to file their objections to said final account, if any.they have, on or before the said date set for final hearing. P. L. Ham, Admin istrator of the estate of Mary E. Ham-Deceased. Notice For Publication Department of lb. interior. U.S. Und ufflce at To. Dalles, Orecoa, No rember 1Mb 1910. Notice U hereby siren thai Kdiar gchott ol OWx, Oregon, who, on October 2Srd, 1903, made nomeeteed, No. 147U Serial No. OTfrM, lur E(NWK. NHSW.Sae. Twp I ., kanfS 21 Eaat, Willamette Meridian, baa fltad noUee ol Intention lo make final fHe-)rear Proof, to ei tabllib claim lo the land abort deacrlbed, be (ore George W. Parman, u. B. Commtealoner, at bla office at Condon, Oregon on the Mtb sa of December 1910. Claimant names at wltneaeei: Charles Wtl klna and Manball W. Welibona of Clem, Ore son, and Conrad Scbott and T. C. Mottle of Olex, Oregon. C. W. efoore Raeleter. A GOOD POSITION ; Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of "Wireless" or Railway Teleg raphy. Since the eight-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are estab lishing stations throughout the country, there is a shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay be gtnners from $70 to iH) per month, with good cliance of ad' vancement. ' The National Tel egraph Institute of Portland,. egon, operates six .official insti tutions in America, under Super vision of R. R. and Wireles Offi cials and. places all graduates into positions. It will 'pay you to write them for full details, Oregon The Last Call of the West. Did You see this beautiful ar ticle picturing Oregon In four colors in November SUNSET? AAA to bln.g spent pJ,VUU br Sunset Mag azine on a series of articles suburbly Illustrated In four colors picturing and describing the attrastions and resources of The Wonderland of the Pacific We Will send yon the next three issues of SUNSET com mencing with the special Dec ember in which begins the best serial Novel of the year, "TVs Spelt," by C. N. & A. M. Wll Ilamson and suburbly Illus trated article in four colors on San Francisco the Exposition City; and in addition we will include a copy of the Novem ber issue containing the beau tifully Illustrated article on . Oregon. ' ' " AO (or 25c Stajnpi or Coin. sunseksse: Magazine ATTRACT ATTJ5MTXON I SO DOES AN AD. IN THIS PAPER 1 And an d. ATTRACTS BUSINESS I Let Us Doom Your Trade. The Hotel Oregon has the most up-to-date service of any hotel in the county Unsurpass ed dining service Monogram Restaurant Best Service in the City. Reasonable Rates B. L. Jarvis.I EAST SIDE MAIN You can get any ,,nc printed at astonishingly Iu.mj rates if subscribed for in con nection with the Globe SKATING RINK OPEN FOR ALL ENGAGE MENTS. RAY DUNN, MANACER CONDON, OREGON X-Mai Sale of Winter Millinery 1 Need Room for My New Goods and this Sale Will Continue Until The Goods are Sold. The Lad lea are Jnvlted w Call and SEE THESE Rare BARGAINS. e Mrs. M.E. Summers. D. H. Hildebrand Draying and Transfer. Light and Heavy Hauling. Job work and Trunks a specialty. For Ice phone 6x. Condon, Oregon. SHOE SHOP-PRIZE GALLERY 'eat Dean lea el mmi Hue Sam. JOHN DELPH, Proprietor N 1 a. SplaJU Hew4laj eJ Iter rvfciwi lor I onmTi.l Attn liut , aitauonaalal!ulUe. II Ilk Hrhool aeHrW. I tvtat flr., uraeiaier Uucal M j ot or II I rn Mcbsol ofMA. iwnt. I J, l u I O. Ceulc. Krwa. 1 tili TlaT luirm iUiXAiutea.0. H. 0., rum. I Oacuiuu Dsn aaan I. funaaan Oajutua. C.A.BARR, Practical Painter Inside Decorating, Paperhangiog, Staining and Varnishing. AU Work Guaranteed. CONDON, DOX T A OUISCJON MISS PITTMAN Wishes to announce that she has dsclded to place her large stock of MILLINERY on sale at actual cost In order to make room for new goods. Summit Street SEED CATALOG READY TO MAIL The Udhi Sm4 CrtaUt of th. LiUr'eCaiaUs. V Itl 1 ro 4ep.wl a GOOD M-d Mad (or thta Calaloa k kut. Writ saw a tha CHAS. H. LILLY CO, Seattle, Wa ffrflf 1 i i a We Thank You! Our Thanks are due to our loyal customers of the past year those having only Bmall accounts as well as those carrying larger ones- FOR THE YEAR OF 1911 We pledge you the same courte ous treatment, and the same con servative management, the same care for your interests that they have had the paat year. , Condon National Bank GEO.B.DUKEK. Irea. 'A.GRELNKU Vlce-Pres. Wm.WehrlL F.T.HUBLBURT, Cash. E.J.Cloukh.