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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1911)
r CASTE IN INDIA? Til I! 1 Im PAUL OF RUSSIA. Mid lealal Dltlrvtlns H Cm Upon th Natives, India Is s really wriotu n. nd it in as Inflexible SI 1 us. Thuro in no real bond n'twecn tho heterogeneous il .t inlmbit the vait renin- fST fTfri!nr(a of rnro nu IsB" religion and tradition, ar- growth of unity. ScparatUt ' I 4t aro encouraged by tha In hU book, "Studies of 4 , T.ifu and Sentiment," Sir lJe Fuller writes! ery walk of Ufa it occupl-a i r ctute or cssies 01 us wu, 1 pmny not marry with nor avail 1 ith other cantos. No ono can, CiV .stance, bo a weaver, a carpen ti fi a barber or even a scavenger uijJ, bo is born ono, unless his pujvnls belong to a caste that lias appropriated tlus or tho other line an of livelihood, nor it escn u5t of oopupution general through- at the country, bach proviuce lias i M-iiarato graduation of ita own. 'a IIia KnrnilnM lit Pnlmltt A. fot "nf tance, tho carpenters of Madras $rt strangers, i.tiiwcrui wuom .Birrinuo would lx an unthinkable possibility. Tlio ono caste that lUNrvadci tho whole of India ii tha ifcfahman, and this iaaubdivided into t.mberlen sections, betwocu whom tcro can bo no marriage alliance. " "A case camo to ofllcial notica la Aatdras where tho villugo poitmaa k, being a Hindu, would not allow ."tiaha to como Vo bia postoffice. J cy had to throw their lettcra CThn at tho end of tltf shoot and o then to be collected there. Un & west coast a coolio meeting ti mian on tho road lias to stew gl omo distnnco into tho field J. tho air pawing him ahould of e tho other's nobility. ! ddrciHiiig a superior, a iow man will bold hit hand across outh to prevent any contaaii i,n -i by bia breath. Even indi L. " ontuct i polluting, and I have r?m a Brahman clerk charged tho distribution of leaaea to CO. I ar tonntit in throw tho DSv an . on tho ground lor tho latter to fBr p at beat they could." ;; Ir. I Th, vrtll rrmr. I We' matter of fact, tho farmer ia gran. " tlio very few men who ara Iwir.urd to bo called "all round I ,v. Hit roofless workshop it at J 'B'ico from communitlea of any I Bki -lernblo size; henco be natural- )' ud almost insensibly, becomea a F Ktor, in part at leant, of prao D.Y all tho tradet and profea . " ' Vnt Wniiu Im it miacrlr or trude applo with thinge at firtt were n ' forth 'comet perforce a bricklay Ethe' nenter, plumber, butcher, I gtuii. erder, twineherd, hunter, S ; nry surgeon, dentist, well coir .7acterii8ist entomologist, J 8P',iJ;flogiBt, horticulturist, agrU Culiuiist, pomologist and at timet ! !niiiter, tinsmith, watdimaker, liarnessmnker, banker, doctor, law 'Xnr on.i ixvim nn ncraaion an undor- itaker. Craftsman. n Anottnt Wp inwvi not unique. Their prototypes existed at least at long ago as 147U. At mai um Londoner wrote: "This ycre a wax chandler in Fleto strete had bi craft iperced a pipe of tho conds withinne tho groundo, and so conveied the water into his selar; wherefor he was Jugid to ndo tnrugn mo y, witit n mw.. - There weto other difficulties too. A Ctni. Mits it is recorded hut owi' jf to a suddon shower of -un tho ater in tho Dowgato chan- !vl "had such a swift course that a jtl, minding to havo leapt over it, ws taken by tho feet and borne d wn with tho violence of that nar row stream till be camo against a enrt wheol that stood in the water gate, before which time he waa drowned and starK (leaa. HI Tragi India Wa Llk That Jullui Caar. ti. f Mrrli. 1801. was tha j, h Fmticrnr Taul of Russia wu Msasnnated. I'sul Ijo3 ......I.. .J wlilannra of tha dot against hia life and had arranged to leave St. Petersburg the follow In Att rind an ta Moscow, where be fancied ha might be aafcr. On it.. ...ninr. nt i ?.'.th ha retired l. ... .f an rW hour that DC might thoroughly rest himself be- lore commencing nit journcj. . 1 1 twu.t vnn of tlie con- n.if.tnxa fiffln holdinBT IlIKu 1. tl. ..n.v nnoarpu at 1110 gate of the palace. It was cloaed, but the oflkert presented an order, -..A l,u 4la amnornr himself r, rather, with a forged tignature at tached and, informing the tentinel that they were called to bold a conned of war with the czar, were UUIIIWVi Tlie emperor's aid-de-camp wu ono of the foremoat of the con spirators and went in advance of .(.. wa in Paul's bedchamber, before the door of which was a ru..v anlillnr on miard. "The liwna." said tho man. "I him. There it fire in the city," replied the treacherous aid. The Cossack, seeing others -...'i. rarii ahmited out to alarm the emperor and immediately fell, pierced oy tne sworus 01 mo u ton 'ft it wet day, Mrt. McPhejr. M inCfvor tnin.i It will be" dry enough when you get in tho pulpit, replied the. .. - - FOR SALE-Three housea and three lots., Housea contain sev en, five, and two rooms. A bar gain if taken soon at $1,900. In quire at the Summit Hotel. CALL US UP . i v i t 'u ; r , . Treasurers) Notice. All outstanding county war- rents up to and including R 828. f xceDtinar road warrants, are payable on presentation. nterest ceases Jan. 17, iu. J. A. McMohris, - Trraonrer of (iilliatn eoont. Oregon Whenever you wsnt Busi ness Csrdt, Utter Hesds, Circulars or anything alM In the printing line. We give PROMPT SERVICE ind GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. ' ...;ii Paul attemnted to bolt tho door, but, being unable to do so, seized his sword ana lurneu oomti Ul.l la vnnr dptirrn. uu iitviu. ii j e-- nmanileil of Count Plato ou ij v v - nA wliRt 1a thcia men want i " - who are with you? "We demand your abdication," replied Zouboff, - . . i . a I .1..1 Mk;lt who then reau a lormai uvw, n i.a.1 tutn nreviouslr creuared. w.aM Do tou. who have been loaded with bounties by ma, turn thus upon your master rr saw me ninnnrn -".?.'' ... "lou are no longer our niuu-r, replied ZoubofT. "The nation has provided you a successor in the shape of your ton Alexander." Paul at this raised his sword, and the conspirators, who had not ex pected him to show so much cour age, drew back, with tho exception of a man named Beningsen, who orged the others forward, saying: "If you hesitate you are lost." Then Count Valerian ZoubofT. struck the first blow, and tho others quickly followed hia example. Paul atill struggled an officer's sash waa passed around his neck, and the life waa choked out of him, hia last wordt being: "And you, too, my Conttantinel Tttaodoala Burr. T, mvatnrv nHxfllinfr to TheO- dosia Burr has never been cleared up. At the urgent solicitation oi kr fahir alio tailed from Charles ton for New York, and from that n 4.ia nnthincr ha been heard of her or of the vessel on which the sailed. There are rumors and tra- Jlllnna aVinnt tha finding of tllQ body of a young and beautiful wo- I man somewhere along wo aubhuu r.imtw ith frftffments of the vessel on which she set out to Ko taihor aha ao devotedly loved, but tho mystery of her death remains as it was me aay sne y appeared. Now lorK American. BtaplM of Doctor. Tn nnV nf aniedoteS of famOUt physicians by Qustav Hochstctter and Oeorg enuon, usueu m tvf ltt nA tti AC a Dr. Marcus ITerx is credited with in a natient who read mcd' Knnl-a diliirpntlv in order to vrO' for himself: "Be careful, my friend. Some fine day you'U cue oi A a miBpnni - VrnfoaanF I JITlcrpnhGOK in BDeua ing of the increaao in surgical prac tice said, "The human family may ;ini1 Intn tn nnrtu one OD- V. . 1 IUVU MV . ' . eratce, and the other is operated upon." Bus meets all trains for the Summit Hotel: Your patronage solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. 1 ', - - W. A. DARLING Carries a Complete Line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH Ettimaltl hurniikti M Jl I' ... -. j u-i: Photographic Correctness... Is Our Motto When Making You a Set Pictures Whether They are High-Priced or the cheaper kind. A trial wil convince. McMorris & Keller Condon Ore. at SUMMITHOTEL.. j Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. i Best home-cooked meals in the Northwest. J HKL W. A. DARLING, IUtr I aaaia, P. H. STEPHENSON, Prafriaur W. C. BROWN Real Ett. Farm Loan IS THE CIRCl'lT COl'RT Of THE STATE oroREuox roa ciluam cointt. 9 n s.tinmn plnii.tifT v fiaorce fi. Dakek Adtniiililraloroi uie uiawoi n, b. jui.u. dtccl; LT'lta I. orfa. Mtrjf u. Horpio j,-.,h K Wiinn. Charlotte E. Montin. 1. H Hill, A. D. lUle? D1 JoUn K nox, utlauaiuu IL'MHUKI. To Mnr 0. Morjtu, ono ol tU aOoTmamed ittndat.ta. Iiml.winf till ktati or 0toon: Too at licrrLjr cominandeJ and KMBircd lo b and appaar and amwM or otlierwU plad W 'h' complaint fllml agalnil you lu Ui It tonn and MUM on or Ulore Frldajr, lh13ih oayol Juurr, mi. nd II jrou lall to to appear aau . n...v n, .iihvrwlNa nlaa to Dlainiin com plaint, lor wmiit lotreol, plalntiS will applr to Ilia cuu.t lor tha rvllel therein aemanuvu nmru la in ubatanc at lollowt: v.raf In.lament and decree analnu tbeae lendtnU, (Jeorjc U. Uukek, AdmlnUtrator oi the Kiitata at W. K. Morzaii. deceased: Lydla 1. Moi War- a Uuman. Joaenh K. Korean and Cbatlott K. Montan lor the lum ol I2.J0O.0C with Intrreil thereon Irom the lh dT oi ten ruarr, l10. at the rate ol 8 pc' pet annum ....til ni.i ihKi..n nf IJ.'A.OOattorneT'a lect. to tetber with plalnlllTt com and diibunemenU la Uill Mitt made and expei ded. Second: Kor JuJgmfiit aud decree egainit an IL. .AMnama ilr-r(all t. fnrrH'lnalna the llCD ol plalnUfre mortirai-e on the lanut and premiKi (hara.n nnurntMa. mi ai'irr.DfMi ...iii.wa. w wit: The Northwett Quarter ol Section Twenty two (2-1); the rionu nan ot tne iiimnwrn iiou i. ol aeetlon Twenlr-elKlit -M-. and the North n..rt., ni ritinn Twcntvone all lu Townihlp Klro -V South ol Range Twenty EH ol Willamette Meridian In Ullltam County, Bute n iwmi anrf that aald landi be ania in tne manner prescribed by law aud In accordance with tbe practice ol Ihli court, ana mat iuo pru aoia t ai,l uia he annlled ai follow.: To tbe am mm ia fonnd due the delendantt J. II, Hill and a. D. llalpr and to the amount lound due tbe defendant John Knox; To the payment to .laititlirof tbe ium odiSOO.OO wilh Intereit there on Irom the 4th day ot r eoruary isiu, a. me rate often percent per annum until paid, and n.a furthar ram of t.'M.OO attorney'! fcea, to getherwltb plalullfl'i cotuaud diibunemenU In tkli lull made ana expenaeo, ana ine aeru invMitiin'l exneniea ot such lale. Third: For a decree aftmnat eacn ana u oi iha .hnri, named defandanU forocloalnxana tor- ever barring all the right, title, Intereit and tain, nt aai.i and eaph and all ot laid aeiena- ante, and all penoni claiming or to claim by, through or under mem or eiiner or any u mem In and to raid mortgaged premttca and every part anl narr-ul thr-renf. .. r,,nh. rtucrecof the abovo entiueu t;oun allowing any party to tbit wit to become pnr chaser of raid premise, at laid tide, and placing the purchaser of tain premites inio me imraeu late pottciilon therol and tho whole thereof irom the date of inch talc, and tor null other and further relief (it to the Court may teem eqtiltablo, Jutt aud meet In the premise.. Thli tummoni it terved on yoH by the publi cation thereof in the Condon Globe tor the per lod ol six contiMMtllve weext, icveii umea, ioui-m.n-imr nlih the luueot December i, 1910, and ending with the lttue of January 13,1911, puna- ant to an order of the lion. k. . buuct, Jndgeoltbe above entitled court, which tald orderwat duly made andentered herelu on the S8lh day of November, 1910. . Tint publication Dccmbcr2, 1910. . "k . Utt publication January 13,1911. . GEO. W.PARMAN, Attorney !or plalnHfl.1 ' ABSTRACTS OF TITLE t For; Ollllam County CONDON, OREGON if THE- Globe Job Department.., Complete Sets of Office Books, Blank Books ade to Order, Duplicating Sales Books, Legal Blanks. En graved or Plain Wedding Stationery, Letter heads, Envelopes, Everything in Printing. Rush Jobs our Special Delight!!! Phone 43, Condon, Ore. 3 JOHN JACKSON CONDON'S LEADING CONFECTIONER inn. cuxi. tobaccos NEXT TO POSTOFFICS nornnrt m aaLaai VXD Union Pacific 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY SaAMSON WIND MILLS JAMESON & tzX'SSi SitZ: MARSHALL a al larSiJCJfcDS ItiaMMnjcua-t SANITARY PLUMBERS CONDON, OREON. ahaa .Ml bfltianh2BEinanuln BKMar Wlnat 0 X tt3JAAutjAa M eaan. farerTjrrmaat la Daarwaa; ara) at aV'AJ MTIaCATBS OIVBK OJ XXX. KIMD" 0 WiTIB rrSTMaV Agents Sampto Wlndmllli .(enta Falrbankt-alone Gaaollne Engine. Be ut before buying eltewhere. TVanaK Pnllman afainrlar anrl tMt tat .tanlna, .... rlallar (n Hanaha CM. cago, Spokan ; toariitslsaping car daily to Kan city ; tbrosih Pullman toorlit . T . j .... tiMDing car (personally osnaucvaai wMKly to vmcago, nciining cctur ri . j v . - avT fc--a J-I1 tH iraajj W UaV AUt UU, rcruiiinnnnjvwuinnnnjv K ... w.. as LOW R ATES I Tickets to and from all parti of thi er J- J I t? vniiea duvim, viqiui maa i-urwp ai i ..11 a www parucuusxs etui on or auuiwi D. TIERNEY, Agent s How It Hppnd. lift stumbled on a piano and ever after lived in tbe belief tbat he had tho key to the musical situation. He had a row with the town fid dler, who Btruck him on the head with a Vinnift. and then he hirod ft hall and put up ft sign, "Dancing Lessons Taught Hero." Fussing a tomplo of justice, a lawl.nnV foil nut of a window and hed his beaver in, whoreupon no Uoved that he had law on the ain, and he fitted up an office and ed and died in tho Dolief. Uncle emus' Magazine. A Palnlts Death. A teacher in tho factory district 1 n. Now .Torsnv town had been kiv- tg tho children earnest lecture! ion tho poisonouBness ol airt. One mornintr a little irirl raised ;.! Vinnil cinit.pdlv and tiointed to ft boy who seldom had clean hands. "Teacher," Bhe said, "look quick! Jimmy's committin' suicide! He'i suckin' his thumb." Success Mag azine. . A Dry Rpn. There was a loquacious Scottish rlAminiA who always had something to say to his parishioners. It was a rainy ouuuay. jui. vb, however, found hor way through the rain to the churcn. i ne preacu- proached the regular attendant and -v. Buy- HIDES & PELTS : I -At Higheit Market Prices- Arlington Lumber Co. ANNOUNCEMENT ! q I wish to announce that on Friday, January 5, 1 will open a saloon in Condon in the building here tofore occupied by "The Palm" Confectionery, q I have secured a stock of the finest goods that money can buy and will conduct a strictly first-class house. . .. . . - i i a- ia.ii. - i t i ' . " .' q My place of business will retain the name ine aMMj, OVER as VEAB8'. CXPCRICNCC ; First National Bank Condon. Oregon DIRECTORS: S. B. Barker, Jay Bowerman, J. F. Reisacher, C. 0. Portwood Wm. Wehrli, F. . Pliter. va.-a,-avV)aiwaoac?Q93fa.' ISiniuinnjwiriJWiruinJVUin w CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL aaK V I .Jaetti. ti:-- ieaV nMUSk r.n AnTOn Andlnf ft Ve(ch and dev.iton but Out ok If ascruin nr ptmon p wbher n lVouiirlotly)nUdttia. HANDBOOK on patent 'atntj UHd ihrouno Munu t Co clT tpmofftOUCC, wirnoutsoairanu' TOBACCOS N -CIGARS ; CANDIES An appropriate resort in which you are invited to spend a pleasant hour BILLIARDS : POOL CLUB BOOMS MAIN SXR EET. CO N DO N ..a .I.a .,IIHi 4nnrnal I'arrnt SUA your: tourraoiiina,Sl, Sol by all yewwtealera. M NN X. I ll SatBrarM,NPW Branch Omo, Ctt W BU Tahlnioo, IX Palm" and my motto will be; "A Square Deal For Everybody." D. II. COTTMIKE. SEEBcatalos NOW HEADY w warn arery farmer, uaracaMr, Poultry man and 6toekDan ta faav . a i ,i u Ta eopy ok our new D"v mwn a w- raina aau Dan. lua.w.wuia n. ea ao aw, a auoDeaa w uuwua In the Weat. In uu tpee a U.iy'a Seed Book la better B and Bwr an than tie than ' ottrarpnoirrauonaoK una oar jam. Ta .a aha. anwunu nr ret twenty-fire years ol hoaart aauuiff m ue fieaa. JT.l aiM ka WraT itaataa Bod today for new eatalog. six 0a. V - B t aW irs chat 1 Casfiii races r a4T ' Home Bakery and Groce y. 0. 1.0 ,. CONDON- BRANCH ; No! 13 Leaves Condon 8:30 a, m. Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m No. 14 Lvs. Arlington 1:30 p. nu Arrives at Condon 4:45 p. m. r A Splendid Overall for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. KURPI!Y,6RJUatC0. MuttlKtarera