THE CONDON GLOBE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1911 w mm o liter CM 1 1 A 1 J. We thank the patrons of this Company most cordially for the unswerving support given it during the past year. C We especially thank the far mers who have listed their Snds with us at a time when sale of property was very difficult owing to the peculiar conditions under which we la bored. I Since being estab lished in Condon we have done over $200,000 worth of busi ness. In the coming year we ask the hearty support and co-operation of those desiring to dispose of their land. We will do the advertising on a larger scale than ever, and ask YOU TO FURNISH THE LAND FOR INTENDING IN VESTORS BY LISTING IT WITH US. WE WISH YOU A SUCCESSFUL AND PROS PEROUS NEW YEAR. GRAVES, WEINKE AND THOMAS CO. Real Estate Insurance Conveyancing Money to Loan on Improved Farm Landed 438 CHAMBER OF COM MERGE. PORTLAND, ORE. EAST S0E MAIN STREET C0MD0H, OREGIR The Home of the r. GILLIAM GO. ABSTRACT CO . .... O.,1- - . . . : ' ,:: z,' ' ' " BING'S READY-MADE SUITS For Men & Boys F 0 Agents for Lamm & Co. Made to Meuure Clothes. 1 0 T E ii All Sizes and Prices, For Men, Women & Children SUITS Dunn Bros., Incorporated CONDON, OREGON iverc s ) it THE GLOBE JOB PRINTERY LEADS THEM ALL -PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY G. W. PARMAN Attornsy-at-Law U. 8. Commissioner Cartful attention afven to alQ tail Ban eutnuted In my.cuv. CONCRKTB BLOCK , - . CONDON, OIIK. T. A. WEINKE Attornsy-at-Law Ofllca In Old First Nul'l Bunk Bldg. Condon, Oregon D. R. PARKER Attorney-at-Law j THE OK, BARBER SHOP WILLIAMS & SEAL Shaving, Shampooing, Hair Cutting, Hot and Cold Baths in Connec tion. One door north of CILLIAM CO.BAHK BLDC- BARBER SHOP- FIRST-CLASSWORXMEN SHAMPOOING, MASSACIKC BATHS IN CONNECTION JARANDALL,Prop. B. F. BUTLER DENTIST First National Bank. Blldwtf Condon, Or)fn WAYNE GRIDER AUCTIONEER CONDON, OREGON D. J. KAVANAGH Attornsy-at-Law Ollle llltOU First Nat'l Bunk Bldg. J. F. WOOD, M.D. Physician and Surgaon CONDON, OREGON J.W.DONNELLY, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Piacasei ot Women a Specialty CONDON, OREGON L. L. TAYLOR.M, D. V, Veterinary Physician & Surgeon Phone 31 x CONDON, OREGON .The Condon Globe.. UP-TO-DATE Job Printery CONDON, , , . OREGON Condon, Orego i Condon, Oregon