Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, January 13, 1911, Image 3

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Til J ll
IlitorMtllK Hep.
Irom the
.i'rnment Decide 1a Ditcontinot
,y Furnuhing Printed Envelope
at the Bart Cost of Prodoc
t tion-Meani Much to Printers.
tmaster General Hitchcock
I announced that .hereafter
........ l ...ill At a!
-uvcj mucin win uiaiununue
rintinj of atamped envel-
and recommends that the
i, be done by the local news
iera in every town where
ore is a newspaper, and . by
Cam pcrm,t rop ,ne tow8
r ; .est the newspaper where a
iwvn iias no newspaper or ita
own. No large town will be
allowed to have a monoooly on
i printing of the envelopes to
1 detriment of the smaller
... A, uniform scale of printioir
A '! bo prepared by the post
on "8 dcDartment and insisted
dca''bn or the newspaper will not
Tui sold Btamped envelopes for
clc Anting. The scale of printing
b- 111 be such that a reasonable
c nroflt can be mode by the office
Ki. rtnting them. The department
3. rill also make a ruling that no
Mp, st class mail will be allowed
tbvansmission through the mails
P .intil it has a return card writ
ten or printed thereon. The
above means that the envelope
printing business will take on a
,.boom soon, which is sure to
The order relating to the
c. " nnting of envelopes is a corr
h ttionof an old evil of loner afanri
) U nnd against which the news-
i , papers throughout the country
have fought many years, for the
leason that the price charged
for the envelopes wa3 far less
than the stock could be purchas
ed by printers and the rate
charged was such that a profit
on the printing could not be
mad by tho government. Hun
tViireds of millions of stamped
Mlivelopes printed by thtjgown
o'fient are ust d annually through
' imt the cor n try and the con
v mplated change will be erected
ic vith pleasure by every printer
o. .nd publisher who has felt the
loss of this class of business.
1 "
Road in January Sunset Masr
f ! azine LOS ANGELES-HOME-c
LAND Superbly illustrated in
of "Air colors THE SPELL By C
vp.N. and A. M. Williamson A
co '"irillingr California Romance
elf. ow on sale All News stands
atS cents.
h. "
. A Run of Lusk.
- Vlolot-I never bad such a streak of
v. lack, lit fell In or In rarla. proposed
,-in Rome and bought tba ring In Na
plea. rierrot-Dld your luck end tbewt
j Vlolct-Ou, not While wt were at
' Monte Carlo be won cnougb from pupa
lor ui to fret married on. London Il
lustrated Bits.
Ed Stlnchfield of Mavvilla nns-
led through th Is c tv Tuesday on
his way to lone where he will
attend the meeting of the stock-
holders of a mine at Baker City,
Cliff Malev Ift on Tuesday
for The Dalles where he will
visit for a few days.
Rev O'Rourke was an outgo
ing passenger on Tuesday
bound for Hermiston.
Lester Wade left on Tuesday
for Portland and other points in
the Valley.
Herbert Clarke relumed Mon.
day night from a two weeks
visit with friends in Eugene and
David Caiitwel
The Condon Garage & Auto Co.
CONDON Operated in Connection. OREGON
The Silver Llnlnq.
I In life troubles will come which look
as If they would nerer niu iwit. The
night and the storm look as If they
would last forever, but tba coming of
, the calm and the morning cannot be
The reward of one duty la tba power
to fulfill another.
Hew Queen Elltabeth Ordered a Ctat
in a sale nt Southby's, in London,
the following document written on vel
1' ti and bearing Queen Elizabeth's
sltfn manual was sold:
"Elltabeth, by the grace of God
Queue (sic) of Euglond, ffraunce (sic)
and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc,
"e will and commande you forth
v.ihe nppon the slgbte hereof to da-"-er,
or cawse to be delivered to our
T ell beloved servants, Rolf Brooke,
Esquiro, alios Torke, one of our her
auldes of Armos, one cote depleted
with our Aruies on Batten wltb One
golde In ovlo of like stuxe lengtlie and
breadetb as boretoforo batb beue ac
customed. "Wesmlnster, the XXIVth dale o
Januaryo. In the thlrey fourth yere o
1 our ralgno.
v uui n usiiu uuu won Dciovea serr"
ante, John Ffortescue, Esqulra, Mas.
er of our great wardrobe."
Seven new members were tak
en into the Coucreirationkl
Church last Sunday.
Andrew Greiner renewed his
subscription to the Globe and
the Uaily Journal this week.
He says that these two Daoers
make an excellent combination
of reading material at the
astonishing low rate of 17.00 ner
year. O. A. Tschauner also re
newed his subscription to the
uiobe, Journal and Pacific
Monthly. The Eveninsr Tel.
egram is now offering special
inducements to subscribers, to
the extent that we are able to
furnish this paper with the Globe
ror4.00 per year. This offer
lasts only a short lime.
AH those knowintr them.qnlvps
indebted to Eddon & Son will
call at the1 office of G. W. Par-
man and settle for same.
Eddon & Son.
Eddon and Son shiDDed two
cars of catte to the Portland
market on Monday.
W. Vandervlujrht . left on
Monday for Portland whore - he
will transact business for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith
who have been visitinsr at the
home of tho former's brother.
Carl Smith, left on Monday for
Williams, California where they
will spend the winter.
Wm. Barker, who has been
visiting at the home of his cous
in Jas. Smith, for the past few
I days, left on Monday for Cal
ifornia to spend the winter.
U. S. Carnine left on Monday
for Portland where he will spend
a few days on business.
Loui Comini was an outgoing
passenger on Mondays train
bound for The Dalles.
The 0. K. Barber Shon. most
up-to- date shop, skillful work
men, sanitary.
National W6oIff6wers,
Convention and Mid -Winter.
Sheep Show
Portland, Oregon, Jan. 4-711.
For the above occasion' round-trip tickets will
be sold from CONDON bj the
at one and one-third fare.
Tickets on sale January 2nd and 3rd, 1911,
good for return until January 10th, 1911.
For further information, call on any 0. R. &
N. Agent, or write to
Wm. McMurray, G.P.A.
Headquartera for Farm Fence'a.
lL 1 111
'..; !.. f-- y -
1 1 o y j T
I 1 m '
Made of large, strong, bigh-grado steel wires, heavily galva
nized. Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is
practically everlasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great
a strain, is put on it. Does not mutflato nor injure stock.
Turns CitUs? Horses,' Bags end Pigs
EVERY ROD GUARANTEED bv s and guaranteed by the
manufacturer. Call and see it. We can show you bow It will
save you money and fence your fields so they will atay fenced.
t . , .
Interior Warehouse Co.
ki The Summit Hotel Dining room
f is becoming a )-opuior resort for
those in quest of a, good meal.
Also excellent rooms, f .
: Gity Priri tery j
The Best Equipped Job Printing Estab
lishment in Eastern Oregon. Mail Or
ders Receive Prompt Attention and Exe
cuted With Neatness and Dispatch. JNo
Job too Large or too Small. CAs Well
Get the Best. Telephone Main 43. -:-
L. K. BARLA, Proprlttor. Condon Ksllokal Bank Culldlns
Is the place to visit. Or
ange grovesJin full bloom,
tropical flowers, famous ho
tels, historic Old Missions,
attractiveXwatering places,
delightful climate, making
that favored section the Na
tion's most popular retreat.
You can see it at its best via
Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Co.
The Road of a Thousand bonders
Southern Pacific Co
Up-to-date trains, first-class
in every respect, unexcelled
dining - car. service, quick
time and direct connections
to all points south.
Portland to Los Angeles & return
Corresponding low rat from all
points in ihe Northwest
For further information apply to any local agent, or
General Passenger Agent
p Clubbing Offer j
Semi-Wecid? Oregon Journal
One Year. $1.50
Condon Globe One Tear $1.50
Total $3.00
Both Papers One Yeai
. . . jtf,vv
3N (fro
The Seml-W9kly
Oregon Journal
Put)litn . the Imett nd mon com
).U?te H'lttriiihir nr b i.I ihe worlil;
Kltrt rrllnblv lo.rlrt irHortt. a. it in
ltl!hr.1 nt r.irti.n l.n here thr war.
Uel lirwa run be ui h corrwK-il to
pniC.' of appclrtl raaur fur Ihe furm
and home anentetlaintttg ttnrr iuve
and a page or more comic each week
and ttitwtto the uteuriber Hue
everr week 1(M liraet a yeur.
The Globe
OlresttU the Itcnl neriahl hnpr"
inTaii(i hor.U tc In evvry beme in
this vicinity.
VI he two pMpen make 4 tpTendM
roir.biunUuu nit you nve (I by
Kn1lii your luUcrii'tiou to TU
V cut. ftlgoglTpt our tHhscrtb.'Wi
go I clubttltiK utter for the H Ity and
biiutlity, or Suii lMV Jo'intnl, lit coa
uecttou witli THt GLOBE.
promTti? oMained In til coontrtnaL cm aan i
tereL iSeod toketcfe, 1 yie or Mtoto, u r free
report 00 paier, utility. All ftusmcss
CTKK9T1.V C3l?IOCaiTIAL. 1'atctu bncUoa
Kluwrcly. &arp u'ng rvtcrmrfcc
Wiiietvwuk iUTHntori IjouI tut.wm any htfift
book on How tooUainand ptucatkvfv hat -Tc-'Uon
rill par.Htnr to grt u partccr ASdottur
TatnilW ili-VI .IHILHV DCHl act IO UJ aVuurtMaV j
I Seventh St, Washington, I
A Splmfld and Pay School foe
nUmmTCcrarwislikOolIeiffflw H iRh School tved Oom.
mftrcitvl work. Greromttf inrndntauchttohOftovrrU
pr. School orwtt Kept. 13. lOtO, OaUloff Freo.
AAdrctm. Bsr. Joerra GAt.UQini. 0. 8. OL. Proav
tXa.uiiBU Chktxsuxi. ttrnxLunt, Ouoil.
Box Ball Alleys
Cigar Store
Cozy Club Room in Connection.
Catholic Church Services
10.00 A. M. First Mass
9:45 A, M. Sunday School
10,30 A. M. Second Mass and
7:30 P. M. Evening Devotion
For the Ambitions
L ' . I
by matt for thotw who caacot attend in
banon. All tnatrnction, uolauiuf nruu
nminatinna ia FREK Ytm twaobera.
tttdasU prapariag for oollogaoi unlvwal
ty, wonon'i duba, grasffoa, nura and
hoina ai4vk era. Vo prcTiniinnry fsaraiiia
tioa ia nnirad. This auii oooraa aotutf
Oorr poodMHH Study Dapartmant
UniTeraity ot Ortgon
Baftat - - - Oregon
K - t .4 tarn & T .xi
4 1 know what tot want I have what yon
"d-tha bo.t nai.ty SASH AND
DOORS. Itnntmhritk.w,i.
dakv.17. 1 have but ena price and B' 1
f 01 eaah onlr. I Kara my own fac'.-.ry.
It Costa ma mneh leca to mate iry -cc!a
and leaa to acll them bonus I msVa ar.d
aell la larss qoantiea. Them t:ict ere
taken from my cat! Off copy of vuicZk
I will jrladly mail on raqoeet:
Froat Door, double thick tlaaa ?.25 ap
Faacy Front Door, etylnh - $ 5.00 an
B ina pat.1 Doora. for pafa'.intt SI. 25
ftWraaa paaal Doora, for ttuo nK 1.30
NwCraftaBaanDoortforbancalowa 51X3
SJicht Windows, check tail- . 78c ap
4-bht Ban Sash .... V, 4?.c 09
Copboaml Doora, with plain alrai $1.09
K. D.Dear Vraam 73c. K.O.Sasa Francs 90s
j Do not fall to send mo your hut of ma
terial! for prioat and freight charfea.
1 1 Ak for C.t.lo. No. .
l- 1 Styla by ReadiES TflcCali's
Magazine and Using IficCall Patterns
ScCalTs MaclBw:i)
help 70U cSnwa r; 1
isSl ut a nicdc:cio
espouse by koc;tinif'
?oa posted ca ih:
ntest faiktono I v
Kow Fashion lios.'ma.
In each Issue Alx
valuo.blo l:ifurir r.i o:
ca ait homo ana rcr
scsal maiLcrs. Oly
too year, lnc!a!!ni
a frco pattera.' tub
scrIIo totliy or sci;J
for f.-MEiUi;bccw-.
EJcCsD Pallsnu will enable you to rankd In
own homo, Willi your own hanUs,c!oihliiTl(.
yourself and children which will to ivif
in slylo aurt fit. Frk-o nono lilshcr liita 1J
coals, SdU'l for freo Pattern Catali'iri!.
We WIS Cl Ya Fbc IV-5iU for Rittln cub
fscrlptlons amonn your friends. for frzt
ITouilunn Caialojuo and CaiU Prl C.'.r,
VSt rfcOU CHSfflf. b ! 4 Wet i SI, KB to