CONDON GLOBE, FRIDAY DECEMBER 30, 1910. (If To My Patrons I take this means to thank my many customers for their liberal patronage during the Holiday Season, and to as sure you that as ever you will find in my store a com plete assortment of "GOODS of QUALITY" C Wishing you a Happy and Pros perous New Year, I an, Yours Truly, WILLIAMS the Expert Optician JEWELER Condon National Bank Building Thank You.... For Your Generous Patronage During Our Ownership of the Condon Drug Store. Con tinuation of the Same will be appreciated by us and Valuable to You. I Condon National Bank Block. J 1 T "V " A T latomHac H- LAJLiAU RSt- ITEMS M4 MmHrf t hi m... The Summit Hotel will serve a biff New Year's dinner next Sunday. Doors open at 12.30 Installation of officers of the Rcbckah and Oddfellows Lodges will take place at their newly dedicated hall January IS. The Oregon-Washington Rail road and Navigation Company is the name f the new corporation, following the consolidation last Saturday of the O. R, & N.. Ths O. & W. R. Co.. The North Coast Railroad Co., The Idaho Northern R. R. Co., and the Ilwaco R. R. C. The Igo Grange will bold a basket social and dance at their hall in Alville January 13. Everyone is invited to attend and rssured of a good time. Wm. Case left this morning for his home at Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. RufT Stanton are moving onto the Tom Scott ranch in the Ajax country aud will engage in ranching for the coming year. The little boy of Mr. and Mrs. John Hetzler who was found dead in bed last week, died of heart failure brought on by an attack of measles. The funeral was held Saturday from the home of W. J. Smith and tha remains were interred in Mount Moriah cemetery. The Male Quartette vhich ap peared at the Rink Opera House Tuesday evening under the aus pices of the High School gave ' a high class entertainment which was appreciated by the audience to the extent that every number received a hearty encore. Their different selections were all so good that it would be difficult to distinguish their feature number if any they had. Miss May belle Larson depart ed Monday morning for Port land where she will live with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Larson. Miss Larson leaves many friends in Condon and Gilliam County, she being well known for her kind actions and pleasant dispos ition while acting in the capacity as clerk in the post-office. The Igo Grange met in their hall at Blville last Saturday and after all had enjoyed a fine Cnristmas program with a tree in connection, proceeded to elect the following officers for the coming year; Master W.K. Farr er: Overseer, Oscar Maley; Lect urer, Lizzie Palmer; Chaplain, Mrs. Oscar Maley; Secretary, Mrs. Herbert Johnson: Treasur er, Cliff. Maley; Steward, Herb ert Johnson: Assistants, Jessie Palmer and Walter Farrar: Cer es, Agnes Palmer; Pomona, Mrs. E. A. Ebbert; Flora. Edith Ad lard; GatekeepeJ, Ed. Palmer. Installation will take placee the fourth Saturday of January and Master VV. J. Edwards of the Mayvil'e Grange has been ten dered the honor of performing the official ceremonies, t M'KIBBIN THE HAT Wilkaat pMT $3.50 S. B. BARKER C6. The House cf "Quality" , JUST A FEW WO: j ABOUT NOX-ALL SHOES Fr Mm, Wt-M40lUna RDS X II 3T I Dr.aJ.g. Kluctid & Co. Cluttif. coal You are Interested In Overcoats. You are In terested In ecurlng the best Ooat your money will buy; you want style, you want quality; you get both here, and an assortment to choose from greater than any other store In Gilliam County can show. Gabardines and CraVenetteS With Presto and Duplex Collars. $15 to $35 Information Concerning Eighth Grade Final Eximations. 1. Dates: Three examinations, annually. Each county superintendent to select months for his county. (a) January 19-20, 1911. (b) May 11-12, 1911. (c) June 8-9, 1911. 2. Program: (a) ThuraJays Physiology, Writing, History, and Civil Government. (b) Fridays- -Grammer, Ar ithmetic, Geography and Spelling. 3. Sources of Questions: (a) Arithmetic Practical Ar ithmeticSmith. (b) Civil Government United States Constitution. (c) Geography State Course of Study; Redway and Hin man's Natural School Geo graphy. (d) History List of Topics from History Outline in State Course of Study and Current Events, (e) Grammer Buehler's Mod ern English Grammar, no diagramming. (f) Physiology Graded Les sons in Physiology and Hygiene Krohn. (g) Reading The teachers will send to the County Superintendent the applic ant's class standing in read ing, which will be taken by such superintendent as the applicant's standing on the subject. (h) Spelling-Reed's Word Lessons. (i) Writing Specimens of penmanship as indicated in copied matter and from manuscript in Language. j. H. Ackerman, Supt. Public Instruction. SEED CATALOG READY TO MAIL TTi. Luting Sm4 Catalog al Am Wt LilW.CblM. VnltllaiadiHiidi I on GOOD wd-Mod for thi. Catalog ad t.t th. bwt. Writ, m to th. CHAS. H. LILLY CO, Seattle, WnJ INTERIOR WAREHOUSE COMPANY. ULrtMJI. CVTMSII a CO. General WarekooM B adorn. Wool Storage and Bailing. Dealers ia Grain and Grain Bags. We Make a Specialty oi High Grade Lumber. Main Street, Condon, Oregon OCZ30 0 36 TT 1 Jniaraware 3000 0 oo IWhen You are in Need of Any thing in the Line of Hardware, Im plements or Ve hicles, Remember that we can give you Better Goods For Less Money Than Any Other firm in the county A. S. HOLLEN Largest Hardware DeV u 1 u v Is none too good for YOU. We do the BEST JOB PRINT ING in town. i Graves & VanSlvn i ;: ; :.-: yj-- oregon IVE US YOUR ORDER. - - J I m ' Jl