Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 30, 1910, Image 3

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I' N tha coir asptha ol amaha
On New Teaf. , 1 muaso! alona.
( "Wellsdayr thoufhl L "An Osarr
i met
'rhla world la a falrlr toot world. X awa,
.Hut bow much peiwr Indeed 'twould pa
i.J. putting aside hi natural prlda,
1 Caoli llvltif (hint In ha world a. wtda
I Would honestly try tola simple boat
sTq bo obliging to all tha roatl
- nm a him wi w
klndnoot and
I (wool 01 Villi)',
'Courtesy, patlenoe
' and amiability
,Ah. wolladay, and
W deary jtta,
hat a highly
, agrooablo world
i 'twould pel"
Thon aoftly faded
tha nrellabTa
And I loll aaleap
or oo It would
And droamod thla
Tory remark,
klo dream i
I a uil - M -
world IMB ' owtn A"n dWtlfc
With the aama eld aeoan round H rarlod.
Hut a lingular oiata of thlnga I found
Aa 1 rubbod iny ayaa and lookod around.
Each man and woman, each ahlek and
Wherever I mot thorn, bowod and amllod
And anaworod my queetlona batoro thay
wora asked
And with my arranda tholr snemoriea
t tasked.
Hd nth, I taw, with an equal aeat,
AVaa doing tha aama for all tha root,
uch conaldoratlon and thoughtful
"h dtllrata tact, I eould but fool,
, m tho preeldent, bland on big lofty
1 wat,
) J tho doar lit I la arkket that chirped at
my foot,
k 'tora waa not a thing In that land ao fair
ut llvod to obi He. With tha tandoroat
( " eara
. ha ragman mulllal tola bolta. for foar
t fit might awakon noma sleeper naar,
r'd tho nawtboya oailod tha Tlnoa and
' Poat
,j tonog Ilka a toulng do ve'e-al most.
Tha plumber o tier
ed tho plpoo to
"Just aa a favor,
to please a
Tho lawyor batted
that hla llttla
Unpaid, a It hap
pened, bo un
paid atUL
And tha worthy
paraon, otigld
orata man,
flnlahad hla tor
mon bafora he
began. :
Tba eook made
tarta aaeh day
In tha yoar.
And nobody thought
It Ilia lout bit
X0AItTAm. uJ?,i
;' .!' DAT lit IITh kln
f an.
nnllp rY4 to aoa that tha bora-ouch
' rai
GS3 )'"" tha gTata, and tha t as chars
,. urlght
lice. only-at ehlldran know U rlght
WL -shortest lessons and hlghoat mark.
"" 'prtntara aonl out In tha klndoot way
itV ''P oblldran'a magailne arory day,
tin odltora alwaya look lha rhymoa
CI I -t tha pool ttnt at all poaalbla tlmea.
' To ptoaaa tha flahannan down by tha
i brook
Tha fish aama awlmmlng to catch tha
1 Tha oyatrra amlllnatr ononod tholr ahalla
! .Tha buckets sprang morrlly up In tho
Aud tha llttla doga gattaarod tho downy
, brood
And htlptd tho chlckona to acratch for
Tha curranta and blackbtrrtoa picked
And atood all canned on tha pantry
Tha tun tat willingly up all night
To ohttr tha earth When It needed Baht.
Tha bablea their natural crloa aupproaaad
for foar of break
ing their par
ent!' rest,
And tha dear lit
tie. kind llttla,
aweet little boya
Refrained from
making tha
allghtoat nolae.
But quietly played
with their harm-
leu toya
And washed their
hands mltnout
being told
To pleaaa thalr
mothera, aa
i good aa gold.
Tha breeia cama
blowing In gen
tle galea
Whenever 'twaa
wanted to nil
tha tails.
Tha prisoners stay. W ASHL'D THK1R H ANDI
ad In tha un- wituoutbeinqtold.
locked lalls, ,
And tha fnice eat up on the balcony ralla
To let tha klttena play with their tails,
And tha old oata atlfled their nightly walla.
And the llttla flah danced to tickle tha
And tha brown hawk hurried to warn the
And tha butterflies loitered to help tha
And tha hammera ware gentle and kind
to the natla.
And tha mopa took eara not to toratoh
tha palls,
, -f -
Hera tha wonderful ttory falls.
For I, breathless, , woke. It waa JJew
Veer's day.
Tha world wagged on In tha tame old
"It waa only a dream r tald I "Dear
But I'll be aa obliging aa can be.
And the world may be better tor that
, wa ll ate."
Margaret Johnson In Bt. Nichols.
ItttoMtfdtaf MasK
fmm tM
Pleaed at RaMtad
There br MabHe
af aa a !,..
H i "" . ' B
Word w&i received here this
week stating that J.W. Booth,
a well known land owner in
Gilliam and Sherman counties,
died in Los Angeles on Dec. 24.
Principal Jesse II. Bond of
the Gilliam County High School,
and assistants Misses Comings
and Young all departed last
Saturday to spend the holidays
at their homes in Eugene.
The Christmas Dance given by
the Athletic Club was largely
attended last Friday night with
the result that the building fund
of that Institution was increased
considerably. The Wheat City
Orchestra furnished excellent
music for the occasion.
: The New Year.
Who cornea dancing over tha gnow,
L , Hla llttla toft feet all bare and roayf
Optn tha door, though the wild, wind
U blow. .
J, Take tha child in and make htm ooty
f 'ke him In and hold him dear. .
m je la the wonderful Meir Year.
Hy ion your heart,' be It and or gay.
a- Welcome him there and ute him kindly,
" Wu thuat catty him, yea or nay .
16 Jkrry Aim. With ahut ayaa ao blindly.
e.fhe he brlngath Joy or fear, - '
fike him; God aenda Mm, thla good
1 New roar.
-Ulnah Maria Mulook Cralk.
0. C. McCollis parsed through
this city Tuesday on his way
from Fossil to his home at Bay
J. W Burns left Tuesday for
Portland where he will transact
business for a few days.
Geo. Miller of Mayvllle pass
ed through this city Tuesday on
his way to Portland.
Wm. Welsh and Alex Johnson
of Fossil were outgoing passen
gers on Tuesday mornings train
bound for Portland.
David Cantwell
The Condon Garage & Auto Co.
CONDON Operated in Connection. OREGON
R. R. Butler left on Wednes-
forMoro where he will attend
to legal business for a few days.
Mrs. Dave Russell went to
Portland last Saturday to spend
the Christmas day with her
little girl who is in St. Vincint's
hospital. The child has infan
tile paralysis.
Tho little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. D. Tieruey who has been
sick with pneumonia for the
past two weeks, is greatly im
proved and is now out of dang
er John Magte left on Thursday
for Portland where he will visit
for a few days.
We wish to call attention to
the fact that a large number of
turkeys disappeared on Christ
mas day and also to announce
that many of them were trimm
ed down to convenient sizes
with carving sets purchased at
our store.
A.S. Hollen & Sons.
National Woolgrowers'
Convention and Mid -Winter
Sheep Show
Portland. Oregon, Jan. 4-7,11.
For the above occasion round-trip tickets will
be sold from CONDON by the
at one and one-third fare.
Tickets on sale January 2nd and 3rd, 1911,
good for return until January 10th, 1911.
For further information, call on any 0. R. &
N. Agent, or.write to
Wm. McMurray, G.P.A.
Is the plaice to visit. Or
ange groves in full bloom,
tropical flowers, famous ho
tels, historic Old Missions,
attractive watering places,
delightful climate, making
that favored section the Na
tion's most popular retreat.
You can see it at its best via
Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Co.
The Road of a Thousand Wonders
Southern Pacific Co
Up-to-date trains, first-class
in every respect, unexcelled
dining - car service, quick
time and direct connections
to all points south.
Portland to Los Angeles & return
Corresponding low rates from all
points in the Northwest.
For further information apply to any local agent, or
General Passenger Agent.
Wiahee to announce that she
haa decided to place her large
stock of
on aale at actual cost in order
to make room for new gooda.
Summit Street
Headquarters for Farm Fences.
afflf ill J T , iff,
wl mm. mZ mm mm m. Jm mm 1 1 1 w . -i
mt mm mm mm mm mm mm mm. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - m
Made of large, strong, high-grade steel wires, heavily galva
nized. Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is
practically everlasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great
a strain is put on it. Does not mutilate nor injure stock.
Turns CattleKorses, Hogs and Pigs
EVERY ROD GUARANTEED by ut and gnaronteed by tho
manufacturer!. Call and tea It. We can shovr you how It will
, save you money and fenca your field ao they will .lay lanced.
Interior Warehouse Co.
Clubbing Offer 1
Semi-Weekly Oregoi Journal
One Year..... ......$1.50
Condon Globe One Tear. $1.50
Total........... $3.00
Both Papers One Year
Tha Somi-W.ekly
Oregon Journal
Publishes the Utest and most com
plete teleanipbic newi of the world;
give relUble market reports, aa it Is
EHblished at Portland, where the mar
el nowi can be aa1 k corrected to
date fnreach ttsHe. It also fans a
page of special matter (or the farm
and borne. an entertaining story pafre
and a page or more comic each week
and U goes to the subeuriber twice
ever? week 104 timet a year.
The Globe
Gives alt the local news abd happen-
infra and shoald be in every home in
this vicinity.
lib two papers make a splendid :
com hi nation mid yow save l by .
sending your sabscriptiou to THE
We can also give onr subscribers a
' gooi dubbin offer tor the Daily and
ttuuday, or Sunday Journal, iu con
nection witb THE CLOU.
I emmrrttr eMtaJned Hi all eoantrtaa,or M PVC
TaaocaaaKs, ( "areata and Copyright rep-:
lereo. seoa h n, jjoow or ruoio, i. r irrm
reoort on rarentarMiitT. ALL
I azcltmrely. barpaastng referen.
tv irnvta isTrmoni anouia nmrti onr nana,
book onilow to oWaln audi Sell patent, W hat irv
Teuuons wilt pay. How to sjt a partner jtMlother
Taluaiae i&iormiuoaw tStnt tree to aur atklraat.
1501 Seventh St., Waahingtoa, D. C.
a av. .aaaBav
heat City PHntery
(JThe Best Equipped Job Printing Estab
lishment in Eastern Oregon. tJMail Or
ders Receive Prompt Attention and Exe
cuted With Neatness and Dispatch. UNo
Job too Large or too Small. IAs Well
Get the Best. Telephone Main 43. -:
L. K. HARLAN. ProprUtor. , Condoa Nalloul Bank Bulldlac
A Bplmlll Boar4luaaI.Dar Srhool for
BrinutoanxumlBOollNtk HlahHobool ndOon.
ytara. 8rhool ogn sent. 1 3. 1 9 lO. Culm; Fro.
kAiinm, Rkt. Juu-ra diuuni. O. S. a, nw.
Ooiiimatt emranm. Homm. uasaoa.
Box Ball Alleys
Cigar Store
Cozy Club Room in Connection
Catholic Church Services
10.00 A. M. First Mass
9:45 A. M. - Sunday Schoo
10.30 A. M. Second Mass and
7:30 P. M. Evening Devotion
For the Ambitions
I A f ' I
Vr maO for tboaa wSo" eminot la
I"o- All U.rtrai?5.
atwlHita pr.parlBi for ooilef. mlv
homa ukn Ko (ml.ntDUT amla
oo la reqaiTed. Thia nail oooiea
fin inili-t Stadi- DcpartaMO
Ilmbranlty f Oro"
4 1 knowwhn jaa wan I havhat :
BMd tha best oiulity SASH Al
DOORS. I keep than ta stock for quick
deUmy. 1 have bot one price ana eell
for eash only. 4 1 have my own factory.
It eoata me much lees to make my grods
and lege to sell them because I mnka and
sett la Urare quanties. 4 These prices are
taken from my catalog; 'Copy of which
I will gladly mail on request:
Froat Daors,donble thick aless $.S8u
Fancy Front Doora, styluh - $&00
6-croM panel Doers, for paintina $1.25
64roet panel Doots. for staiaina ' 1.30
NewCrartsmanDeer.forbasaalewa $1.60
sVlifht Windows, ckack tail. . ?acap
4-liuht Bara Sash . 42cp
Cupboard Doors, with plain alaee 1.00
K. S-lmmWrmma 7Sc. K.U.Suh Fnnaes BOa
4 Do no. fail to send me your list of ma-
ro pneaa ana xrema
1 Ak far Calaloa No.
Ladles! ave Money aaJ Keeia
i Style by Reading McCafl't
Magazine and Using lTacC&ll Patterns
McCtlTi MatsslaewlU
help you Urws stvl--hilly
at a inodpvaia
ciponsoby keopina
you posted ou tbo
latest fsshloog In
clothes sntl hat?. 60
New Fashion Dcsirns
la each issue. Also
valuable Information
on all home aud per
sonal matters. Only
eoc a year. Including
a free pattern. Sub
scrllw today or send
for free sample copy.
HcCaB Pathmsi will enable yon to make in your
own home, with yourown bands, clothins for
yourself and children which will be perfect
in style and St. Price none btcher than lo
cents. Scud for free Pattern Cataioguo. '
We Will Cn Tea Fiss Tmtt tot Bettlnit imb
scriptlons smons your friends. Send for freo
Frenulum Catalogue and Cash Prise Offer.
IBS BcCAU CtfflP.WT, 239 Is 249 Wm 374 ft. NEW VOU
mscalls warn