Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 23, 1910, Image 6

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Magnificent and Appropriate
Beautifully Designed
and Specially Cut
Styles which are sure
to Please any Buyer
Of Quality
Always Strive
To Please
With the coming of the holidays
we wish to acquaint our many
friends with the fact that we are
now in possession of our special
assortment of holiday jewelry
comprising many very fine and
exqisite designs in gold, silver
and Diamond articles. In this
assortment we feel confident
that we can please and satisfy
the taste of the most particular
and discriminating customer.
To call and see our goods is all
we ask; the goods will convince.
WfW H errand
TIhmv fc? MtnWn
f Mir Huff
( Ik
The infant son of Mr. and
Mrs, John Hotzler of Lost Valley
was found dead in bead this mor
ninjr. Tlw cause of the infant's
death is unknown.
The pastime parlors known as
the Condon Amusement Hall
were sold this week by Myers
and Willouphby to Geo. Iamb.
Mr. Lamb gives in exchange
160 acres of land near Gwendolen.
B. B, Snyder, of Waukomis,
Okalhoma, arrived in the city
last evening and will look over
the country today with a view
of locating here.
Miss Hinkle and Miss Seeley
of the public school corps of
instructors departed this morn
ing to spend the holidays at
Expert Optician
Condon National Bank Building
WE Have Bought the Bus
" iness Formerly Known
as the Condon Drug Co., and
are Making Many Radical
Changes for the Better. We
Have Entire Confidence in
the Future of Condon and
Gilliam County and we Will
Want You to Have the Same
in us. We Will Endeavor to
Give You all the Service of
an up-to-date City Store.
Mr. Van Slype's Ability in
the Prescription Department
is Allready Weil-Known and
'Needs no Further Comment.
Visit the Store and Inspect
our Stock. New Goods Com
ing in Every Day-Stationery
Rubber Goods, Brushes, and
Combs, and all toilet Articles
and X-mas Cards, Candies,
and Sensible Gifts.
Truly Yours,
Graves & YanSlype
Information Concerning Eighth Grade
Final Exinutionj.
1. Dates:
Three examinations, annually.
Each county superintendent to
select months for his county.
(a) January 19-20, 1911.
(b) May 11-12. 1911.
(c) June 8-9, 1911.
2. Program:
(a) ThursJays Physiology,
Writing, History, and Civil
(b) Fridays--Grammer,
ithmetic, Geography
3. Sources of Questions:
(a) Arithmetic Practical Ar
(b) Civil Government United
States Constitution.
(c) Geography- State Course
of Study; Red way and Hin
man's Natural School Geo
graphy. (d) History List of Topics
from History Outline in
State Course of Study and
Current Event?,
(e) Grammer Buehler's Mod
ern English Grammar, no
(f) Physiology Graded Les
sons in Physiology and
Hygiene Krohn.
(g) Reading The teachers
will send to the County
Superintendent the applic
ant's class standing in read
ing, which will be taken by
such superintendent as the
applicant's standing on the
(h) Spelling-Reed's Word
(i) Writing Specimens of
penmanship as indicated in
copied matter and from
manuscript in Language.
J. H. Ackerman,
Supt. Public Instruction.
A MONO English speaking people
tbera can be found no mora
i tbY, quaint observance of tbe lea
son than tbat In vogue among
tbe woodsmen of northern Michigan.
Throughout this great timber belt there
are thousands of men employed, and a
large proportion of them see tbe out
side world but once or twice a year
when they Journey to Banlt JSte. Ma
WiliMl tf
The House of "Quality"
fe? Mm, We.
mm A Qliinm
V I I'll I ;U fiilUinrvXJim
if 1
ii in i vP'niiimmiM'nm
I I -II III I III lllllllll 11 I I 'I Hi
ii i sj i m i ii u 1 1 ii hi 1
You are Interested In
Overooats. You are In
terested In securing the
best Coat your money
will buy; you want style,
you want quallty;--you
get both here, and an
assortment to ohoose
from greater than any
other store In Gilliam
DrtnJegs. Kinciid & Co. Cl.lSct.
County can show.
Gabardines and Cravenettes With Prto and Duplex CoiUn. sis to S3S
do or other nearby towns to malto pur
chases of the reason's clothing.
Throughout this great wooded dis
trict two-thirds of tbe men are Cauad-
Inns, many of them devotedly religious.
and Christmas among them begins,
properly speaking, the 20th of Decern-1
ber. However, these men perform 1
their usual labors until the 24th day
of the month, and then the festivities
begin in earnest.
During the four days preceding tbe
celebration, however, It must be under
stood that the work Is not so strenu
ous, and the monotonous buzi of tbe
saw and the ring of tbe as are frequent
ly interrupted by merry bursts of song
and anecdotes of those who hare pass
ed away during the previous season.
In Chippewa county there are many
camps or settlements, each controlled
by a recognized leader, and long before
tbe holidays tbe point of celebration Is
decided npon. By Christmas eve the
men, women and children have all as
sembled at the chosen camp, where
elaborate preparations have been made
for their comfort, and at 10 o'clock In
the morning of that day the duly elect
ed master of ceremonies addresses tbe
multitude of people assembled and out
lines tbe program of the week to fol
low, for these celebrations continue to
tbe 31st day of December.
After bis speech tbe oldest daughter
of tho oldest resident Is elected queeu
of tbe holidays. II cr corps of as
sistants Is quickly cbosen from the ed
ucated classes, and from tbelr decis
ions pertaining to the week's celebra
tion there can be no appeal. During
the remainder of the day many
speeches are given, refreshments of
many kinds are served, and family
groups flock together and relate their
own folklore, while tbe queen, assisted
by her advbers, examines and selects
tho various fowls to be served on tbe
following and subsequent days.
Christmas day Is but an bour old
when all assemble and Indulge in re
ligious services, while the pine knots,
flaring and spluttering In the night air,
add a beautiful and weird aspect to
the scene. At sunrise all the men, wo
men and children, arrayed in their
best, assemble at a prearranged spot
and form a large circle, tbe women
generally in plain woolen garments
and the men In high topped spiked
shoes and dark flannel shirts.
In the center of tbe group stand tbe
husbandmen, or slayers of the fowls,
waiting. A grindstone and sis men
three to grind 'the axes and three as
sistants, are also in the center of the
group. At a prearranged signal all the
people begin a march around, singing
and dancing; the grindstones are put
In motion, the axes are laid upon them
and the celebration Is on in earnest.
The singing, dancing and counter
marching are continued until tbe axes
have attained a keen edge, when all
heads are uncovered, while a dozen
men hand np the fowls for decapita
tion. . The women take the slain fowls
In charge, and soon they are prepared
for the earth ovens.
Feasting, drinking and dancing then
continue until tbe last day of the
year, when all depart to their various
carnn. , .
AlfOUI. ClfTHSU 4 CO..
General Warehouse Bosiaeu. Wool Storage aid Bailing. Dealer ia
Grain and Grain Bags. Wt Make a Specialty ol High Grade Lumber.
Main Street,
Sm tJi-Stv Mmmjt
Condon, Oregon
ftraat,.. . 'iff""?..., non
sLL alia aLLtfl aUh aUL
t ", f
ii U'kJiiJti ii
With a
: Caraig Set :
& SONS .
Largest Hardware Dealers in
Gilliam County.
. 4,
: Emm .,!;