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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1910)
THE CONDON GLOBE, FRIDAY,' DECEMBER 23. 1910 3 THE unrrra JC1LLY JACK BY HARRY SYPHER 1 Copyright, 1910, if American Pre n Association. OH, the jolly Jack Tarl he Is far away from home, Aboard the nation's battleship upon the briny foam, At Christmas time and all times he sails the seren seas i He quaffs the fragrant spices In every foreign breeie, fa And always when the day comes round that comes but ones a year He sighs to quaff the fragrance of his fireside cheer. .... j- v.; ;ti s";" 1 ...j BUT still the Jolly Jack Tar upon the billowed brine, For all his lonesome feeling, is never heard to whine. From somewhere east of Suez he gets his Christmas greens And decks himself all over with a wealth of woodland scenes. With gorgeous glee he decks himself upon the hammock deck, With evergreens upon his heart and holly round his neck, Iff' m0 n A- ) ; 1 THOUGH jolly Jack has not a chance to hang the mistletoe And kiss the girl he left behind In case she gets below, He hitches up his trousers and he whistles through his teeth And goes and makes the mascot goat a jolly holly wreath, And then he sings a chantey song, with loud guffaws between, Anent the merry mascot and the wearing of the green. a -:v ..... s- Wm' , -VL'' ' "ft1'!! v jy(r x-.- ' XK" rTHEN down within his mess room the jolly Jack Tar sits 1 A And culls a Christmas dinner from the aallew nA f, t:. lAnd Billygoat and Nannygoat are both remembered, too rlhey get a bounteous feast themselves when jolly Jack Is tnrough. jFor, though they have no spinach, they devour the Christmas greens The holly and the shrubbery and all the woodland scenes. Watch my Dinplay Window. Williams the Jeweler. , Art Squares, Rags, Matting, Couches and Mattresses are prac tical gifts that hare duality in them if bought of the S. B. Bar ker Co. Watch my Display Window. Williams the Jeweler. Buy your wife a new kitchen range. We handle the best makes and our prices are in har mony with your pocketlook. Take a look over our stock, . We are the largest hardware dealers in the county, and have a varie ty of stock any part of which will make usesul gifts. Let us convince you that we are the or iginal 8atisfy-your-customer dea lers. A.S.Hollen & Son. The S.B. Barker Co. have a big assortment of useful as well as ornamental Christmas gifts. The housewife will appreciate a new carpet sweeper. Writing desks for the student are practi cal gifts. ChirToners, Commodes, Library Tables, Stand, Chairs, Rocker.?, etc., which are a part of our immence furniture stock are gifts that will last for years. FOR SALE-Three houses and three lots. Houses contain sev en, five, and two rooms. A bar gain if taken soon at $1,900. In quire at the Summit Hotel Treasurer's Notice. All outstanding county war rants up to and including R 858 are payable on presenta tion. Interest ceases Dec. 3rd, 1910. J. A. McMorbis, Tretmrer of Gilliam couotr. Orcgoi, IS TUB CIRCUIT COl'RT Or TUB StATI or OKEUOH FOB C1IXIAM COl'HTV. i. B. Sebotnp, rUlnitfT, (tooig B. Daktk AdmiuUtratorof the Etui o! w. I. Mortu, dveHt; LyciHI. Morjo, Mary (1. Morgan, Joseph I. Morgan, Ourlbitt K. Morgan, J. U Hill, A. D. Hljnd John Kno, Defendant ivnanx,. To Mrjr O. Morgan, on ol the aiorf named dt-fendanta. In Taa Nahe or THt Stati orOatooa: Toa m hereby commanded and required to be and appear and aniwer or otherwise, plead to the oomplalnt (lied against yoo In th aborc court and eauae on or before Friday, the IScb oay ol Jannary, and II you tail to ao appear ano aniwer or otherwise plead to plalntirraeom- ninlut, (or want thvreo(, plalntm will apply Ic ue cou.t (or toe relief therein demanded wbleli Is In futatanre as follows: First: Judgment and decree against the de fendants, George H. Dukek, Administrator of the estate ol W. G. Morgan, deceased: Lydla I, Moi gan.MaryO. Morgan, Joseph K. Morgan and Charlotte E. Morgan for the sura of f-'.MaOC with interest thereon from the 4th day of Feb ruary, 1UIQ, at the rate of I percent per annum nr.tll paid, the sum of IJio.oc attorney 'a tees, to gether with plalntirs cost and disbursement In this suit made and expei-ded. Second: For Judgment and decree against all the above named dofendanta foreclosing the Men ol plalntirs mortgage on the lands and premise. therein described, and described as follows, to wit: The Northwest Quarter o( Section Twenty two (22); the North half of the Northwest Quai Urol Section Twenty-eight -28-, and the North east Quarter of Section Twenty-one -?1- all In rownshlp Fire -4-South of Range Twenty East of Willamette Meridian in Gilliam Comity, Btate of Oregon, and that said lands be sold in the manner prescribed by law and In accordance with the practice of this court, and that the pro ceeds of said sale be applied as follows: To the amounts found due the defendants J. II. HIU and A. D. Haley, aud to the amount found due the defendant John Kuoz; To the payment to plaintiffof the sum of 13900.00 with interest there on from the 4th day of February 1910. at the rate of ten percent per annum until paid, and the further sum of 1260.00 attorney's feel, to nether with plaintiffs costs and disbursements In this suit made and expended, and the aecru Ing costs and expenses of such sale. Third: For a decree against each and all ol the above named defendants foreclosing and for ever barring all the right, title, Interest and claim of said and each and all of said defend ants, and all persons claiming or to claim by, through or under them or either or any of them in and to said mortgaged prcmlseaand every part and parcel thereof. . 7 Fourth: Docrceofthe above entitled Court allowing any party to tills suit to become a pur chaser of said premises at said sslo, and placing the purchaser of said premises Into the lmmed lato possession therof and the whole thereof trora the date of such sale, and for such other aud further relief as to the Court may seem equitable, Just and meet In the premises. This summons Is served on you by the pnlill catlon thereof in the Condon Globe (or the per iod of six consocutlre weeks, seven lssncs, com mencing with the lssneof December 2, 1910, and ending with the Issue of January IK, 1911, pursu ant to an order of tho Hon. R. R. Butler, Judge of the above entitled court, which said orderwas duly made and entered herein on the Wth day of November, 1910. First publication Decembers, 1910. Ust publication January 13, 1911. " ' . OEO. W.PARMAN. : Attorney (or plelutlft. at . .) V Buy "s I HIDES & PELTS'! . ... . i . -At Highest Market Prices . i ' Arlington Lumber Co. ,.' W. A. DARLING Carr'ut a Complete Line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS I OILS AND VARNISH Ettimmtet f mini iked oh 01 to jMver mas Moterieu, The Palm D. H. COTTMIRE ' Proprietor. FRESH FRUITS. SOFT DRINKS. CICARS ANO TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC The most up - to - date Ice Cream Parlor In the city IF 11 30 301 30E fl CHRISTMAS PI6TURE n You Will Want a 51552 O Be Su e They are Made by McMORRIS & ROLLINS. We O n use only the best materials and give the BEST FINISH. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK! O I r 1 1 Ann s e IS e w w tksa i.l.. OE 0 SUMMITHOTEL.. Everything Strictly First-clasg and up-to-date. Best home-cooked meals in the Northwest. P. H. STEPHENSON, Prearieter KK1 W. A. DAKUNG, Nbaagar W. C. BROW Real Eatat Farm Loans ABSTRACTS OF TITLE For Ollllam County CONDON, OREGON Oregon AxaUrdOHRiCIHC - ; ej 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Throngh Pnllman ttandard and tonr lat aleeplng can daily to Oaiaha, Chi aago, Spokane; tourist sleeping car dail) to lCanaaa city ; through Pullman toarisl sleeping cart (peraonallr conductod) weealy to Chicago, reclining chair oan vaaaU free) to th Eatt dail. LOW RATES I Tlcketa to and from all parte ol th United Gtatea, Canada , and Europe far particulars call on r addraas D. TIERNEY, Agent A. 1 oven es vcabs- CXrCRlCNCC a 1" Tradc Marks OCSIONS CoatymoHTS 4 c. Anrons sanding a ikelrh nna doaorintion may enlcklv asoaruln our opltitnn free wfiuthcr an liiTotillnn Is prohsbly patemahto. Conitnunlon. ItuiisstrleUrcouUilotitlaL HANnRnnR onPatrntA eoitl fro, olileat aaencr fur aocuring patonts. Palanu taken tlirouah Jtunu a Co. racalre sacit notice, wit hoot coarse, lo the scienunc Jineim lArmt tr Ternta, $3 n eiilaUtm of tinr clniii)o louruaU. Tour: four month,, Sold brail newsdealer. Branch ottlca, SH V 8U WastHuioo, U SEUBcatalos NOW-READY Foutuyniaii and Stockniaa to luv pjoiourttew eea ikmk. 1 eor tolna 120 p&gc of every thing naed. u wtuLo mooch 01 xarmuir la th West. In this imiwot l. T.i.Wak tLmmA Dank I. kJs. : mud more) antheuiio than other tmbLimttoiifi of thin &a. tore. It la tb eUnoriMMw at oror t irentr-flTO Teavni of ikunaut Med BllinaT in thm Wtui. - . rpliS Seeda am Beat lor tho Bond today for new catalog. HE CHAS. H. LILLY CO. SEAXTUB PORTLAND m a n 1 1X JBf a 1 0. 0 Y TflBLfi CONDON BRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:30 a. m. Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 Lvs. Arlington 1:45 p. m. Arrives at Condon 5:00 p. m. f01 -THB- Olobe Job Department... Complete Sets of Office Books, Blank Books Made to Order, Duplicating Sales Books, Legal Blanks, En graved or Plain Wedding Stationery, Letter heads, Envelopes, Everything in Printing. Rush Jobs our Special Dellghtlll Phone 43, Condon, Ore. VJOHN JACKSON CONDON'S LEADING CONFECTIONER IGARS, CAXDI 8, TOBACCOS Next To Postoffick SAMSON WINDlffliS 4t Bro'aTksraii. lor ay am-.' as oiKt Mm4Xd.iieaHaakh anaa.1 : ui taanne JAMIES0N & MARSHALL SANITARY PUUMBERS OOSDON, OREGON. mwrniA't'Es snrait oir iu kinds oar WATER SYBTEU9. Agents Sampson Windmills. Agents Fairhanka-alorse Gasoline Sec ns before bDTing elsewhere. nnnmma First National Bank Condon, Oregon DIRECTORS: S. B. Barker, Jay Bowerman, J. F. Reisacher, C. O. Portwood Wm. Wehrli, ' F. M. Pliter. 1 c at 3. auu s CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL TOBACCOS CIGARS CANDIES An appropriate resort in which you are invited to spend .. a pleasant hour BILLIARDS POOL CLUB R00XS MAIN STREET. CONDON CasSi 10) rnces Home Bakery ;and Grocery. . - a . I a i " JLl 1 mm 4 1 I Kt i hmsislasBL. fx rti-ii a A Splendid Overall for every use. Cut generous ly fulL Two hip pocket. Fellea team a. Continuous fly. MURPHY. CRASH CO. Manatatiirera . ,