Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 23, 1910, Image 1

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    Coat It CitlUa Coanty wkert
tbt Ui Ury k lb lowest ia tk
Suit o( Ortgti.
Now that CeftJoa has ip-ts-dat
. Sckools, It'i work
mw ProtesUrt Ckvci VaMflf.
NO. 38
nnn 1 1
"Yt Oldt Towne" Mail Quartette
Rink Optra Hontc Dec. 27.
WiHfU, fW Nlibi tl lb AairicM
CMMk DwW 21-WiH Opa
With "UM is TW HUU."
" Ye Olde Towne Quartette"
will appear in Condort" Tuesday
evening, Dec 27. The young
men who compose this quartette
have sung together for nearly
three years and have met with
unusual success in their concert
tours. Each member possesses
an excellent solo voice, and by
long training and work togeth
er the quartette is able to give
unusual ensemble results. The
numbers in costume, together
with readings, solos, and crayon
"'work give just enough variety
to their programe.
Henry K. Warren, Senior
Bishop of the M. E. Church says
" With great pleasure I have
heard tho quartette and am hap
py to say that they sing with
rare good taste and effectiveness,
An evening spent t with them
will be an occasion of unalloyed
delight at the time and a prec
iou8 memory ever afterward.
This is the third and highest
priced attraction in the High
School course, the regular price
of this entertainment being $120
besides rent and advertising.- It
will take an audience of 280
merely to pay expenses for this
number, let alone paying any
thing on the $100 loss which is
registered against this course,
General admission 50 cents, Re
served seats while they last at
the same price. Children under
12, 25 cents. Don't miss this.
Come out and give your support.
Treat some of your friends to
this entertainment as u Christ
mas present
The Fraser Stock Co. has been
secured for four nights comm
encing Thursday Dec. 29, at the
American Theatre. The play
for the opening night will be
the famous four act Western
c comedy drama, "Lost in the
Hills." The scenes are all laid
in the beautiful Sacremento Val
ley of California. It tells a
story of life at its best, of faith,
courage, pure love and integrity.
The characters, are not over
drawn but are true types of the
locality in which the scenes are
laid and are depicted in a natur
al manner. It A a charming
story naturally told and contains
a great moral lesson. Mr. Fras
er carries all special Scenery for
this production and anyone see
ing "Lost in tho Hills" with its
stage setting and surroundings
will imagine they are actually
living the life scene on the
stage. The cast is headed by
Miss Iva Richards who is sup
ported by an excellent company.
The bills for the three remain
ing nights will be, "Folks Down
East," "The Runaways" and
"Lena Rivers." j
Special scenery is carried for
each play and some Amusing
special stunts are pulled off
between acts, making a contin-
rttms performance without a dull
moment -. . .
' ; .' --T - - r
Af LT Davis of- Kelso Wash.
' is spending the holidays with his
son, Lee Davis.
By Herbert dark.
The entertainment given on
Monday evening by the Young
Men's Batialion, an organization
in connection with (he Congre
gational Church, in honor of the
Daisy Club, Mrs. Dennis' Sum'
day School class, was a highly
successful 'affair. There were
a few girls present, the boys'
friends, who do not belong to
the Daisy Club, and considering
both boys and girls there were
about sixty present. The par
sonage was decorated for the
occasion and many interesting
games were -played by the
guests. One feature of the
evening was a drawing contest
among the girls and the prize
was won by Miss Dessie Laffcr
ty, whose drawing was a land
scape scene. After the games
delicious refreshments, consist
ing of chicken salad, sand
wiches, cake, fruit and cocoa,
were served. After the lunch
the guests departed all report
ing a very fine time. The young
men wish to thank the ladies of
the Church who aided in mak
ing this affair a success. This
is the first of a series of good
times that the young men are
planning to give this winter bo
if you are not a member of the
Club, you should lost no time in
joining and thus get the benefit
of these entertainments.
An experienced grain man
A a
would like to lease grain ranch.
X a a at
uwner to iurnisn nock and im
plements for portion of crop,
Address Geo. Weddel, Antelope,
Oregon., ,' . ; " .
E. F. Turner,, engineer for
the Fossil Electric Co. passed
through this city Tuesday on
his way to Jackson, Mo. where
he will remain for the winter,
He has ordered the Globe sent
to him at that place.
II. E. Hunt who has been
member of the Globe force for
sometime, left on Wednesday
for Eugene and other points in
the Valley where he will spend
the holidays.
Sidney Hawson arrived home
Aionaav evemntr from Cnruniha
fft fVlA linli)n.ra Tin a
mw iivi.uaa. a c to at
tending the preparatory school
oi me state college.
Mrs. Harry Johnson and child
ren arrived home Tuesday night
from Forest Grove where they
visited several weeks with the
Austins. - -
Pave Lehman, bookkeeper for
the Arlington Lumber Company
went to Arlington Wednesday
to assist in the office of the com
pany for ft couple of days.
Senator Bowerman returned
last Saturday evening from the
Valley and spent several days at
home on bnsmess but went be
low again on Tuesday.
Invitations have been receiver!
here this week announcing the
marriage or H. A. Hartshorn.
former proprietor of tho Globe.
to Miss Lillian Brown at h
home of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. N. Brown at Albert
Lea, Minn, on Wednesday, Dec.
28. Following the ceremony the
young people will return to Con
don to make, their home.
i -----
Dr. Butler departed Mondav
morning for Portland from where
he will go up the Valley as far
as Eucrerie on. a business trin
He will spend Christmas with
Mrs. Butler at Monmouth.
Third Annual Ball To Be Given Tonight.
The Third Annual Ball of the Condon Athletic Club will be
held at the Skating Rink tonight and as . usual the affair
promises to be of great social interest The Wheat City Or
chestra for the third consecutive time will furnish the music
for the occasion, and this organization has been practicing
nightly in order to be in good trim for the evening's work.
The floor managers will, of course, be members of the Club
and will make it a point to see that no one is slighted and
that everyone will leave the hall after the dance with the
opinion that the Athletic Club is a worthy organization and
a credit to the town. Music will start at nine oclock, sharp.
Mr. and Mrs." J. W. Church
went to Hood River today to
spend Christmas with the latters
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Allbright. They will return the
first of next week and will pack
their household goods prepar
atory to moving to Walla Walla
Wash, where Mr. Church has
accepted the position of General
Manager of the Mill owned by
the Portland Flouring Mills Co.,
for which company Mr. Church
has acted in a similar capacity
in the wheat city during the
past few years. , In the Church
es Condon loses one of its best
liked families and their return
to The Wheat City at any future
date will be welcomed by a host
of friends. .
Mrs. D. R. Parker was an out
going passenger on Tuesday
morning's train bound for Port
land where she will spend Xmas.
Mrs. S. Stevens who has been
in this city for the past week in
the interest of the Boston Ed
ucational League, left on Tues
day morning for The Dalles.
Frank Hurlburt of the Condon
National Bank, returned last
evening from a trip to Redmond
and Madras, where he disposed
of the remainder of his stock
and impliments 'eft after the
sale of his ranch. He still has
several hundred tons of hay
which he will dispose of later.
In the opinion of Mr. Hurlburt,
Redmond will be the best town
on the new railroads. .
A special meeting of the City
Council had been scheduled to
to take place at the city hall
last evening but on account of
tho absence of Mayor Wood did
not materialize. The occasion
was for the levying of the annual
city tax.
Herbert Clarke who works in
this office, will leave next Mon
dav to snend the holiday with
his friend Will Murphy at Eug-
Geo. C. Evans has returned
from Portland where he spent a
month on business.
"The Wheat City Printery" is
the new name for the job depart
ment of the Globe. Hereafter
all work that leaves the shop
will bear that imprint and as
16 jobs were turned out this
week that go to other towns we
hope to advertise the name of
Condon, the "Wheat City."
Circuit Judge-elect D. R.
Parker was a passenger for
Portland where he will spend
the holidays. .He will return
and convene Circuit Court Jan. 1.
Mr. and Mrs.' Loyd Parman
eft this morning for Portland
to spend the holidays with the
atter'a mother, Mrs. G. W.
A pretty wedding occured at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steph
en B. Couture in this city last
Friday evening, the contracting
parties being Miss Bertha Fink
and Clarence T. West The cer
emony as performed by Rev.
E. Curran after which en ele
gant lunch was served by Mrs.
, Both parties have been raised
in Gillim County, their homes
being near Rock Creek, where
they will live, occupying the
house just vacated by the
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. West who have finished a
new residence. The Globe ex
tends compliments of the season
to the Newly weds as do a large
host of friends in this vicinity,
.We take this opportunity of
thanking the many good people
of this city who have shown the
true Christmas spirits in so kind
ly and liberally contributing to
ward thelfund that will make
the chi'Vuvn glad on Christmas
ihe Infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Tierney is very sick
James Kiddell who recently
disposed. of his confectionery in
Fossil, passed through this city
Thursday on his way to Portland
where he will remain indefintely,
Chas. Hein and son departed
Thursday for Portland where
they will visit with the Hein
family during the holidays.
VV. McPhersonand wife left
yesterday for Portland and oth
er points m the Valley where
they will spend the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lewis
have been visiting Jn this cuy
the past few days.
J. A. Wilson, lawyer of Moro.
passed through this city Thurs
day on his way from Fossil to
his home.
a. H. Hendricks of Fossil
left on Thursday for Eugene
where he will visit with his
family during Christmas.
.T'" " 1 1 'I i.i
J. Brand of Mountain Creek
was an outgoing passenger on
yesterday's train, bound for The
Burt Townsend is a happy man
these days. His son who he has
not seen for ten years," came in
on Wednesday evening and the
entire family are now together.
C. W. Halsey of Fossil trans
acted business in this city the
atter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gross are
the proud parents of a baby girl
born last Saturday night The
Globe extends coneratulationst
mi. it
ine iouowing excellent pro
gram was rendered by the pupils
of the musical department of St.
Thomas Acquinas Academy be
fore a large audience last even
ing. The instructors are to be
congratulated upon the showing
made by their pupils.
Piano Duet .'. . . "Manianillo"
Misses M. Dunn and L. Shannon.
Piano Solo .......... "March"
Miss Dorothy Rogers.
Piano Solo "The Bridge"
Mi Marie Summers.
Fiano Duet "Two Juveniles"
Misses R. Smith and H. Shannon,
Instrumental Duet "Rustic Dance"
Violin, Master C. Duncan.
Piano, Miss M. Dunn. ' ;
Piano Solo....; '"The Music Box"
,. ; Miss Daisy- Dutbie.
Piano Solo. ....... "Woodland Echoes"
Miss Mary Dunn.
Piano Duet. . . . "March of the Gypsies"
Hisses U. Uuthie, M. Summers.
Vocal Solo "My Dear Jerushy'
Miss Marie Summers. :
Piano, Miss M. Dunn.
Piano Solo "May Sounds"
miss uorowy nogers,
Piano Duet "Polka"
Misses M. Summers, H. MorrilL
Piano Solo. "How Can I Leave Thee.
Cherished Home,"MissD.Duthie.
Piano Duet "Under the Double Eaerle
Misses R. Smith and L. Shannon.
J. E. Hunt went to Portland
this morning to join hid family
during the holidays.
Chas. Lord of the. Condon
National Bank went to The
uanes tnis morning for a
Chrismas visit
District Attorney Burdettwas
in town several days this week
expecting to attend Court which
did not convene. He departed
this morning for McMinnville to
spend Christmas with his wife
and relatives.;-. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sturgi'J
left on Monday morning for
Portland where Mr. Sturgill will
attend the Superintendents Con
vention to be held in that city.
Hugh Strickland left this morn
ing for Portland.
J. S. Robinson of Lone Rock
passed through this city Monday
on his way to Portland where
he will visit for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parman
left on Monday morning for
Portland and Corvallis where
they will spend the holidays.
Mr. Parman will return Jan. 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Zim Ebbert
were outgoing passengers on
Monday morning's train bound
for Eugene and other points in
the Valley where they will spend
the holidays.
Joe Fehrenbacher returned to
his home at Gwendolen on Mon
day after transacting business
in this city during the past week,
The merchants of Condon have
decorated their windows in honor
of holidays in a manner that , a
city many times its size could be
proud of. Amongst those that
are especilly good is Wade &
Veatch's. This window has a
Christmas tree loaded down with
useful goods which is certainly
work of art Chas.H.Willams
shows a window full of valuable
jewelery of the 'astest designs, 1
The Red Cross Co. have two win
dows veritably running over with
beautiful holiday " goods and
Graves & VanSlype have used
their utmost taste in preparing
a display for the benefit of the
Gilliam County people. Dunn
Bros., The S.B. Barker Co., John
Jackson, McMorris Keller and
the rest of the enterprising firms
have all vied with each other in
preparing their windows, with
gratifying results.
Special Services for Quldrea Satur
day Night at ConfregatkwaL
Chad ttOHVatUi lastnaal Urkt
Hiit kbu m X-au Era aW 16 JSs'cIm
X-au fay it lb Ctfktfe.
1 CoBCTegaiisiiaL
On Saturday evening there
will be an Xmas croeram bv the
children at the Congregational
Uiurch. Both grown people and
children . invited. Remember
our "White Christmas" and;
bring with you your gifts for
the orphans and needy.
The children's treat will be
this Saturday night Sunday
morning service will be a mus
ical program. In the evening
an illustrated service on " Je
sus Only," a very baautiful
service Uiustrated with colored
slides. This is for people of all
ages. :'
In the poem "Love Likes to
be Told." ' in the Christmas
number of the Globe, if you will
supply theV lost word "heart"
from the third line of next to
the last verse so that it will read,
"If true heart should ask you if
love has grown cold" you will
supply both the sense and the
meter. The word was inad
vertantly left out The pastor
of the Congregational Church
wishes the Globe and all its
Beadrs-Merry Christmas ad
a Happy New Year.
Church of Christ
Services at the Church of
Christ Sunday Morning 11 A.M.
Christmas Sermon.
Sunday night services will be
held in the Baptist Church.
Baptismal services at the close of
the preaching services. Every,
one cordially invited to attend
these services.
-Lawrence Stephens,
On Christmas Eve at mM.
night there will be a Hio-h Mas
in the Catholic Church. At 10.30
A.M. on. Christmas T)nv tWo
will be a second High Mass with
sermon on the feast of the day.
Along with the 'many other Die-
tures in the" Globe's Christmas
edition which appeared last week.
was one one of the Catholic Acad-
emy. This picture had been bor. .
rowtd from the 0. R. & N. Co.
and in the rush it was not noticed
that for some unknown reason
the crosses had'been left off the ?
reproduction of this magnificent
building. We cannot understand
how this happened as County
Judge Dunn informs us that the
crosses were on the building even '
before the roof was finished, and
as the picture was taken inside
of the last year they were evi
dently removed from the picture.
James Wallace departed on
Monday for Lyle, Wash, where
he will spend some time on bus- '
iness. ;
Mrs. John Estes was an out
going passenger on Mondav
morning for The Dalles where
she will spend the holidays.
Miss Susie Havs and Mica
Mary Steiwer of Fossil passed
through this city Mondav on
their way to Portland.