6 THE CONDON GLOBE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1910 as Gif Magnificent and Appropriate Beautifully Designed and Specially Cut Styles which are sure to Please any Buyer Of Quality : IMPRESSIVE X-MAS TOKENS: With the coming of the holidays we wish to acquaint our many friends with the fact that we are now in possession of our special assortment of holiday Jewelry comprising many very fine and exqisite designs in gold, silver and Diamond articles. In this assortment we feel confident that we'can please and satisfy the taste of the most particular and discriminating customer. We To call and see our goods is all Always Strive 1 To Please we' ask; the goods will convince. WILLIAMS e &io,tki JEWELER Condon National Bank Building LOCALS Announcement! WE Have Bought the Bus iness Formerly Known as the Condon Drug Co., and are Making Many Radical Changes for the Better. We Have Entire Confidence in the Future of Condon and Gilliam County and we Will Want You to Have the Same in us. We Will Endeavor to Give You all the Service of an up-to-date City Store. Mr. Van Slype's Ability in the Prescription Department is Allready Well-Known and Needs no Further Comment. Visit the Store and Inspect our Stock. New. Goods Com ing in Every Day-Stationery Rubber Goods, Brushes, and Combs, and all toilet Articles and X-mas Cards, Candies, and Sensible Gifts. 'Truly Yours," 7 Graves & VanSlype C. F. Iremonger ami Oscar Veatch are going to give a grand Christmas ball in Fossil Friday night, December ,23. They are to give prie9 for both old and vounc wnltzers. and. we under stand the dispute between Geo. Angell and Pilly Keys as to who is the best old folks wnlUer is to be settled at this dance with Uncle Sam Todd as one of the judges. Journal. Mrs. &4 rainier or Ajax ar rived in this city Tuesday even ing accompanied by. her daugh ter, Mrs. Ruff Stanton, of Lew iston. Idaho. Mrs. Stanton has been very ill for several weeks but has recovered sufficiently to be able to travel and is now vis iting with her folks at Ajax. George Miller, representative from this district in 1901 to the state Legislature, arrived in this city on Tuesday night for a brief business visit from Baker City where he is manager of a large irrigation project in which Wm J. Mariner is interested. Mrs. Cora Stevenson returned Tuesday night from Prosser, Wash., where she had been to at tend a reunion of relatives, some of whom she had not seen for 20 years. . . Our good friend Jas.S. Stewart of Fossil was in the Wheat" City during the week, returning home yesterday afternoon. Mr. Stew art made the Globe office a pleas ant call and was impressed with the amount of business being done in the shop. Mr. Stewart has added another printer to his force on the Journal and says he will have to employ a half dozen more men when the railroad is extended to Fossil. jmA L. K. Harlan, proprietor of the Globe, returned Tuesday evening from Portland where he spent several days on business. He brought back several of the cuts used in the Gilliam County Op portunity Association Book which will be printed in the Christmas number together with about, a dozen others. Mr. Harlan also purchased a new series of type for the job department of the Globe office. A page of advertis ing was sold to the progressive business men of Arlington for the Christmas number. A few extra copies of this edition are yet to be had but their number is limited. Mrs. S.P.Shutt, who has been visiting here for some time with her sister, Mrs. E. Gurran, left Tuesday morning for Portland. Mrs. Shutt is well known in Condon as her husband was the first editor of the Globe. Mr. Shutt is now publishing the Her ald at Joseph, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welshons visited with relatives and friends at Clem this week. THE HAT WitUnt ptn $3.50 S.B.B ARKER Co. The House cf ".Quality" NOX -ALL SHOES Fm Mm, Wa- JUST A FEW WORDS . , ABOUT Dr4nUft, Klucaid & Co. Clothes. w2r coats You are Interested In Overcoats. You are In terested In scouring the best Coat your money will buy; you want style, you want quality; you get both here, and an assortment to choose from greater than any other 8 to re In GIIHam ' County oan show, j Gabardines and Cravenettes With Prcito and Duplex Collar.. $is to $as FOR TRADE $800.00 for 4 lots and ood house in Condon. Will take good livestock at reason able prices in trade. Call on Graves, Weinke & Thomas Co SEED BARLEY We have for sale some White Winter Barley. This barley made 50 bushels to the acre in the north end of the county. For a limited time we will retail this barley for 30 per ton. Arlington Lumber Co. INTERIOR WAREHOUSE COMPANY. lAUWJk. CUTHIIE CO, Central Warehouse Butincu. Wool Sloraf and Bailing. Dealer in Grain and Grain Bap. Wc Make a Specialty of High Grade Lumber. Main Street, St U--Sav Mm Condon, Oregon We wish to announce to our customers throughout the county that we have decided to continue our business on a cash basin only. This mode of business is recognized as the only practical way. A. S. Ilollcn & Sons, Hardware Dealers, -Condon, Ore. Public School Notes. By John Walkeiwhaw. School reopened Monday with most of the pupils in attendance. This is the week for test and the pupils are working diligently to secure first rank in their grades. Prof. Stureill visited the Arl ington schools oh Monday and reports the work progressing nicely there. , New pupils this week are Har vey and Edward Bishop,' Lillian and Floyd Cully. - ' We trust that Condon is through with epidemics for this year as sickness breaks1 into the school work and the effects are very .noticeable. . ' At a class meeting of the 8th grade light blue and silver were selected as the class colors. ' - , TAKE NOTICE-The Igo Grangers will hold their annuo I Bazaar at their hall in Alville.on December 16, 1910. Numerous articles will be for sale. Sales will begin at 2 p. M. A dance at night commencing at 7o'c'ock. Supper at six o'clock and at mid night will be served by the fam ous culinary artists of the Igo Grange in the Hall. Everybody is invited to come and. have good time. The dance committee consists of Harry Palmer, Al Collins and Walter Farrar. Notice For Publication. Department ol the Interior, IT nlted Sulci Land Oftlee, The Dalle., Oregon, Nbv.lt 1910. Notice U hereby Riven that Inane A, Mclntlrtf of Ajax Oregon, who, on October J Hi 1004, made tlomettead. No. ), (Herlnl No. OM10), for NJSW ami X'.jbKli ec. 28 Townahip 1 B. R. IV ftaat, Willamette Merlilnn, baa tiled notice of Intention to make final fire-year proof to eatablUh claim to the land above deacribed before Oeorue W. Parman, United Statea Commlmlonor, nt hit of tlee at Condon, Oregon, on the IStbdav ol Dec 1910. Claimant namea aa wltneaaea: A. K. York, Pla Worklnger.Burrel IS. Brown, Noah Stanley all of, Ajax Oregon. . promptly obtained In all eonntrlM, or NO Fit. TRADC-MAHlia, f aveata and Coiyrlgbla regit tared. Bnd Bketch, Model or 1'lwlo, i -r free report on pateriiAonuT. -at... uaitHaa .TRIfiTLV CONFIDENTIAL, l'ateut practice axclualvelr. Bnrpaatlng' referencl-i. wiueawaie inventors enouiu iiaTeonr nana, bwionliow to oUalnann Hull patent. vVbiuin. ventionswHl pay.How to Ketapartner,ar!dolher Valuable Information. Bent free toAoyaddreaa. D. SWIFT & CO. I SOI Seventh St.. Washlnntnn. D. C. kiann jCAEVE I 11H1A1 I ' X1M a ii ii ii i.vi i . x i m i ' II 1 f With a Caraig Set : f From 1 A.S.HGLLEN & SONS. Largest Hardware Dealers in Gilliam County. 0 i 0 30DO