Condon gl6be. Friday December 2, 1910. 3 To Be Given by ie mom TO THE Schoolchildren OF GILLIAM COUNTY To the one writ ing the best Essay on Gilliam County To the one writ ing the best Essay on CONDON See front page for particulars. III 11 on't Forget That there will be an ILLUSTRATED lectiIre In American Theatre on Rev. A. Frank Ferris j LOCALS ' I Fred Rice went to Portland on Monday and will enter the busi ness college at that placei ' Mrs. Susie Wells was a busi ness visitor at The Danes this week. , Jos. Kirschner, county sur veyor, made a business trip to the north end of the county this week. Mrs. Harry Johnson, left on Monday ' morning for - Forest Grove. Ore., to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. Austin, who recently moved to that place from Gaston. aw V - 1 . Christmas Miss Hazel Schott, a high school student, is spending the week at her home at Clem. Chas. H. Williams went to the main line this wtk to see several traveling salesmen from whom he bought new goods, di rect from the east, for his Christmas trade. Read his ad on the back page. D. H. Hildebrand Draying and Transfer. Light and Heavy Hauling. Job work and Trunks a specialty. For Ice phone 6x. Condon, Oregon. SHOE SHOP-PRIZE GALLERY JOHNDELPH, ; Proprietor Sanatorium Vf Is Dels Ckeaisf sea Preenae, ftetrW Mhi, Wea Hah Unm. Caeaei I. A. MWIIAII, rWbear C. A.BARR, PracUcal Painter Inside Decoratinf, Paperkanging, Staining and Varnishiar. All Work Guaranteed. CONDON, ' BOX T4 OREGON 3C n Yn,i 1 UVA1 Ja WM Sell your 3C o o brani I?- er MU srUad war set Uf year sneer h tea saalu asa svsU aaaier sf carryiet His year secaet ec aieiei arsaaa year bean. H 7a kara eay .Jti re Hy, m tUm y aerk i ats IEGAI receipt W ? "T fayaat h aaailiea yea am save s etaplrte twj et year fiaaatial ir wttseel Ha irwih ai a COMPLICATED SET OF BOOKS. PATRONIZE CONDON NATIONAL BANK DIRECTORS OEO.D.DUK&X.Presldent. rVCREiN&R.V.Pres.. F. T. tiURIe BURT, Oashler; E. J. ObOUCfl: Wm. WOHRLI. o 0 000 o 0 0C30 ec. 15, by ' '-. , ' ; 1 v : i" ; . . MISS PITTMAN '" ''(---- Wishes to announce that, hiv ing dissolved partnership nith . Mrs. Cottmire, her stock of MILLINERY will be on display as former ly in the residence on Summit Street Holiday Excursion TO THE City of Mexico I VIA THE Southern Pacific Company Leaving Portland December 11th and 12th, 1910 and Sao Francisco December 14th, 1910. 4A Magni ficent Special Train, Consisting of Ob servation Car, Pullman Vestibuled Sleeping Cars, .Smoking Car and Din ing Csr will leave 3rd and Townsem) Streets, San Francisco, via the Coast Line. THE Excursion is run under the Auspices of the Southern Pacific, Na tkmol Lines of Mexico, International and Great Northern, G. H. & S. A., and Santa Fe. ROUND TRIP FARE $104 from Portland. Correspondingly low rates from other O, R. t N., S. P. points. Interasting side trips on the return tris. including the Grand Canyon may be made. Final return limit 60 days from date of svle. Equipment on this train will be limited and more passen gers will be taken than can be comfort ably provided for. ; , . -:- . :- . . For further information apply to any local sgent, or Wm. McMURRAYi S General Passenger Agent ...'- J if A GREAT r Clubbing Offers-. Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal One Year $1.50 Condon Globe One Year . $1.50 Total...... $3.00 SPECIAL RATE ON Both Papers One Year $2 The Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal Ptihllslie. ibe laiut Mid mini com plete telegraphic newi of the world; gives reliable market report, as it la EHMUhed at t'ortland, where the mar et new can ba ua corrected to date for each laaiie. It alao baa a page of apeclal matter for Ibe farm and bome.anentertailiinf itorrpatv -and page or more comic each week and it ffoea to tbe aubaorlber twic everv week 1M timei jcar. The Globe Glrciall tht local newa akd happen- liiira ana anouia be in ererr nome In Ihl Ttciuity. . . T Tbe two pa port make iplcndid , 'cotnniuatiou and yon save fl hy ending your bacrintiou to THE GLOBE. - lUecan alanglreonr antwerlbsr a . good clwbbina. ortvr for the nilratitl : futidiiv, or - m4 hTvou uucui'a "it" THE GLOBE. - THE HIRED GIRL 7 HAS WENT. SHE WAS HIRED. : 1 ' V SHE WAS TIRED, " J v SHE WAS FIRED BUT SMILE You can et another by using our WANT AD. - i .. columns. ' SKATING T RINK OPEN FOR ALL ENGAGE MENTS. : RAY. DUNN, MANAGER CONDON, OREGON Don't Scold Your Wife If aha standi half the forenoon talking with hor neighbors avsr the back fence. She ia merely getting the newt. Have the Horn Paper aent to her regularly and her hunger for news will bo satisfied. Then she'll havs dinner ready on time and your hunger will be satisfied. .'..'''' f ROCUftCBAND DtrCNDi0.1n1. dmwuu orj)hota.forexp.'rtiftivjr ana free report. Fra aTvtoa. how to obtain pMaota, trad mark Wrirtt,, IN ALL COUNTRIES. Jfinreaat 4ttrti win Wmskittftem mm Aim, memtfndofttniktfattnu afairt vA IlifriapnMt Pnotlot Excluilrely. ' WritaoraoaMtouaal Itt aiaak Skmk, aaa. Valtat Malei KWat 0a, WASHINGTON, O, C !OltT1mANlt ORKCON 1. BrMi4M Bmrrna and TTy rVhool for KxtnadT roara in Ooi !fn. H txurrtil work. (.nmButruM h Krhnnl mA Onnv taucht to bivra orpr U AMXW. HKT. JotFPM UALLAGHatm. X B. ILPim UMVUeUTZ. eTUXXXaeUf a. mW( J. W. BURNS Box Ball Alleys ....... and vvV Cigar Store Cozy Club Room in Connection. MAIN STREET, CONDON. Catholic Chnrch Services 10.00 A. M. .. First Mass 9:45 A, M. 10,30 A. M. sermon. 7:30 P. M: . x Sundav School Second Mass and Evening Devotion For the Ambitious V mall f tkoae; yrha Saanot attend la I Waoa. All iastrn., liu lading final f atuaaoU preparlng'lor collage o on! yarel kr, aoeaa i elaba. fransaa, enf 'neera and BoWe aaakara. - K preTmlnai? axaialnat (ton la reqali-ea. xuia iuu ouura. umh opportunity for you. - OWN M m " ' , Coxraapoue, awe btwu wpannnw UTe rally o u relink Envene ; - . - Own fi X B-Cnaae K WXSS. X l arlar; " - t o. S4SII and DOORS You tret the beat aluea and high est quality at prices like these by ordering from our catalogue. Mlaaloe atyle ka.Kalom do. re, ft.. t roml donra, 92.45 to S.O. Celiaav treat nlaaitwk, S2.SS a.a . K. I. lairide door fraaara. T3. K. I), nlaia wladorr fraaaea, SI .00. Z-Hickt wlaaoara, cheek rail, THe a. We have our own factory and save you the middleman's profits. Pack carefully and ship anywhere. . Send us your list of material. ASK FOB CATALOGUE . p. B. WILLIAMS CO. . 143 FliKt Are. Seattle. Ladies! ST Money and Keep 'in 1 : Style by Reading McCali's Magazine and UsingllicCall Patterns MeCaEI'a Haraiiao will help you tlrew sivl lshly at a morir-ruio expense by kucpiiitf nm nncl.i) nit 1 r . . M I clwUes uud ha is. Hi New Fashion Ueslfns lu each issuo. Alto valuablo fnformallan oa alt home euu ikt- tomU uiutien. Only 60c s year. incluOiinr s free ixtuern. "uh- scriba toduy or si-nd i for frco suii))lo copy. MtCall PaihraaWIII onahloyon tomakr In ynur own nowo, wunyourowu nanus. ri.tiUlil.r yourself and chilrtrtm which wiu )e irr In style anil fit. Frire nunc hlpV'r , eems. Sond for frco Pattoru Cataltu. Wa Will Giaa Yoe Fwa rWott for rott scripUons anioiig your frHmtis. f o;u Preuxlimi Cataloirao aiid Cash Pri" IBS HtCJUl CCHFAH (, 23S K 2 Wm ' MECrULS M4AZUi J if iWBiafti i n immiiiii nri