THE CONDON GLOBE.FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1910 You Will o D CHRISTMAS PI6TURE Be Su-e They are Made by D use only the best materials and give the BEST FINISH. Pj WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK! U 2 McMORRIS & j SUMMIT Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. Best home-cooked meals in the Northwest. J P. H. STEPHENSON. Pnpwter n- THE I Olobe Job Department... I Complete Sets of Office Books, Blank Books Made to Order, Duplicating Sales Books, Legal Blanks. En graved or Plain Wedding Stationery, Letter . heads, Envelopes, Everything in Printing. Rush Jobs our Special Delight!!! Phone 43, .jom JACKSON CONDON'S LEADING CONFECTIONER Cigars, Candi s, tobaccos SAMSONWIND'MILLS Are dJy wintfS&Mrtty. tor iraty am-' body all thcfrvrfugctstad by an aa-i ' ttqrwm u208'?-Jm7n lirir want: and tf odwofjV annnjmrinnAnuuinnninnnnuinfmnnnjxrvrum R i First National Bank 1 Condon, Oregon 8 TVIRT.nYYRC!. C P Porlrar lav Rnumrmnn S , J. F. Reisachor, C. 0. , F. M. truinnnnjinjiniruxrinjinnf iinj CONDON AMUSEMENT i HALL MYERS & WU.LOUQHBY , Props. TOBACCOS An appropriate resort in BILLIARDS CIGARS which you are invited to POOL CANDIES upend a pleasant hour CLUB ROOMS MAIN STREET. CONDON Casi Home Bakery I ,vt, v o "Tl O D Want a a McMORRIS & ROLLINS. We O ROLLINS S "HOTrj MRS. W. A. OARUNG. sUau J Condon, Ore. Nkx T Pos office JAMIESON & MARSHALL SANITARY PLUMBERS CONDON. OKEOON. taTUUTIS OXVBN ON AU. KINDS O WATER arrSTKMS. Agent! Samptoa Wlndmilll. Agents Fslrbsnkt-Mone Gasoline Engines. " See m before buying eltewhere. OS Portwood Wm. Wehrli, $ Pliter. S vuiJ and Grocery. urn p II III J iOveraiTl Prices for every use." Cut generous ly full. Two i hip. pockets. . Felled seams. ' Continuous fly. J ItcbkadMn. cirun!tY,GPJuatco. M anaf sit 9 rrfi 0 (? SAVED FROM A TRAP By EMMA D. TOWNE Copyrlaht. 1919. by American PrH Association. Tb border lli between Ital) ud Swltterlaud In several place cross (hoe beautiful hikes of northern Italy which are the resort of people from ell over the world. The Italian cus tom officers are constantly ou the alert to Intercept smuggler. , ' One evuulng postman was climbing one of the steep mountain roads that lead up toward the border line when he was accosted by utnn with stub ble beard and small, cunulug eyes. "Anything for Antolu CaTallerir he asked of the postman. The postman took a package of let ters from his bag and looked over their superscriptions. "Nothing for Carallert," be said and was about to return the letters to the bag when the man made a grab for one of them, seised It and ran away with It. The postman was at a disad vantage, nis letter bag was so besvj that be could not bope to catch the letter thief while it was strapped to his back, and he dare not lay It down. He would not risk large number of letters to recover one. He burled a stone after the tblef to vent bis Ire and kept on bis way. lie had not gone far before be met a young girl com lug down to meet blin. "A letter for me today. Luigir' "Yes; there Is one, I believe." He looked over the letters, but found none for the girl. "1 was sure there was one." he said. Then be stopped and thought, saying half to himself and half to ber, "I wonder II that was the letter the rasca! robbed me ofr He was looking at bis companion and saw that abe paled. "Have you been robbed of letter r she asked quickly. Yes." By a thickset man wltb a abort beard and eyes like snake's!" The same. He asked for letter for Antolne CavatlerL and while I was looking over the lot made a grab for one and ran away wltb It But what Is It. Marler ' "Oh. Lulgi. Glovnnnl and his friends will be taken! The man who stole the letter was n customs official. It con tains the hour uud the place where .hey are tonight to run some goods ver the border. This letter was ad tresseJ to me to deceive the revenue jffleers. This man has been told that I a a the medium between the 8wbw md Italian bands who ure acting to- sether-Clovannl and his friend col lecting the goods In Switzerland, an4 turning them over to the Italians, wuo ruu them across the lake. Giovanni scut It to me to deliver to Ton!" But Is there not time to warn themr I don't know where either party to or the trystlng place. That Is given In the letter. Which way did be gor "He took the valley road up the mountain." ' I will go and seek blm myself. He knows that a girl named Marie Pollnl Is the go-between for these letters, but he has never seen me." An hour later the letter thief was sit ting under an arbor outside an Italian Inn drinking a glass of wine and smok tag a cigarette. Marie, who was ascend; lng the road, saw him, and, taking a byroad all roads in that country run between high stone walla she entered the inn unseen by a back door. Ebe knew well the people who lived there; they were friendly to ber and the smugglers Indeed, friendly to any one who is Interested in getting a living out of the two sources of income open to impoverished Italians, the govern ment and Americans, though the flow of coin is usually to the government, while it is always from the Americans. She told them the story and her pur pose. .Going out to the official, she said, wltb a smile: "Did the senore call for more wine?" "I did not, but If so pretty a maid will drink it with me I will have a liter." The girl brought the wine and mod estly stood till the man asked ber to be seated; then, showing her white teeth in a smile and darting her Ital ian black eyes at him, she took the glass of wine he poured for ber and sipped it. The customs officer drain ed his own glass and refilled it. ' A knowledge of drugs that will kill or stupefy has been banded down Among the Italians since the days o tlie Borglas. Before bringing the wine Marie bad slipped a powder Into it, and the man bad scarcely drunk -when his eyes grew heavy. Tbey closed, and, the pretty face of Marie, which now. wore a smile of triumph, faded before him. As soon as he became uncon scious sbe unbuttoned bis coat, took the letter be bad stolen from the post man, looked at the superscription and, seeing that It was for ber, opened and read it. Taking up the bottle containing tho balance of the wine, sbe poured It on t?e ground, tben, leaving the officer to sleep off the effect of the drag she bad given blm started np the moun tain. It was growing dark when she came upon a man leaning on a stone frail, looking or pretending to look down upoil s water course far below. As soon as ba saw tbe girl his face briebtened. i ' . ' - a "Marie.",, be exclaimed, "wbat has delayed you?" '. e "That has delayed me wblcb would have led to your capture tonight" And sbe told him what bad happened. "Ah, Marie," be exclaimed, emtirsc- It Ended Well By M. QUAD Copyright. Mo. by Associated Lit erary Pt. On summer's day tb llgbtulug rod man cant driving aloug on tb Rd Brtdg road to at tb comforta ble farmbouM of the Widow deaden ing and say to ber that as business In bis line waa a little slack owing to tb scarcity of tbunder and lightning he would mak her a special rat If she wanted her barn protected. Tbe wid ow was a pleasant faced, good narured woman, and ab pleasautly replied that when sb felt hr barn needed protection ah would hoist a clothe pole to tb roof. All In a good natured way, you kuow, and no one's feelings were hurt. Tbe lightning rod man and drove on. Ten mile away b stopped at tbe bouse of Deacon Shaw, widower. He offered tb deacon a very low figure on rods, and the dea con Intimated that tbe whole buslueas of stopping thunderbolts was a swin dle and a fraud. Nothing personal and nothing to hurt. Just a sort of a joke, you know-a Jok to be return ed. Two weeks later tb lightning man was back at tb widow's bouse. He bad nothing to sty about rods this time. What he did say was: "Widow, I'm a man with a heart. 1 not only bar a heart for myself, but for others. I bar a heart for you. You are a lonesome, delicate woman. All widows are. Wber there's no man around tbe bouse there Is deso lation. I can't marry you, hut I can find yob a second husband and war rant blm true blue." "Tben bring blm on." replied the widow, wltb a laugh. "He's a deacon and a widower. He has one child. He's worth $0,000 or t'.OOO. There Is only one drawback, and tbul I dou't call a drawback at ill. It's an advantage. He's deaf and Junib. No dumb husband cut) scold jud Dud fault. He can't swear at bis ixeu. He can't yell at his wife from ipstnlrs or down cellar." "How did . a dumb man ever get married?" asked tbe widow, with a nhow of Interest. .' "By sign. I can't tell you tbe signs, but that must have been the way. That's the way he talks to me." "But 1 don't want uo deaf and dumb critter around me." "But let blm come along and call." , "Oh. I can't keep him away, but bow am I going to talk to blm?" "Sam as he will to you by signs." I'm not going to mak any wind mill of myself, and he needn't com. I do some scolding myself now and then, and If I bad a husband I wouldn't want to be swinging my arms around to let him know that I was mad. You go and marry blm to soma old maid.",' That same day the lightning rod man drove np to tb deacon's again. Tbe deacon was ready for him, but be didn't mention rods. Instead be said: "Deacon, you are a suffering and lonesome man. All widowers are. Tbe world would look different to you If you were married again. I am a mail with a heart, and I'm going to tell you of a widow who weep for you that is. abe waits for you. which la about tbe same thing. She's fairly band some, not over forty and has as good a farm as yours. And to crown It all. deacon, she's deaf and dumb." "Who'd .want to marry a deaf and domb woman?" demanded tbe deacon. "Best wives In tbe world-best na tured. hardest working and the most economical. Don't make no mistake, deacon. Marrying this woman means auother-good farm 'for you. Only one child and tbut a girl big enough to help do the housework. Make a call at tbe bouse unyway." - , Three days later be decided to call. He bad been told .that If be ever did .nil he must talk to the widow In tbe sign language or ber feelings would be hurt. . "Now, then, who In the lands Is ibntr asked the widow of. herself. Two minutes later tber. was a rap ou tbe front door. As sbe opened It the man stood there with an anxious look on bis face and pointed Into tb toom. He wanted to enter. 8b nod ded. He must be tbe deaf and dumb widower. She took a cbalr and be look one. Tben tbey looked at each other. She smiled and be' smiled. '. They were doing famously well, and It was with a bland smile on his pbil that tbe deacon asked her In the sign language bow ber corn and potatoes were coming on. Tbe sign! was too much for ber. Sbe thought be asked if xbe ever bad earaebe. and she shook ber bead. Tbe deacon tried again. This time sbe thought be was asking If sbe bad any children, and she nod ded ber bead and held up one linger.', "What In Josh docs tbe woman mean?" exclaimed tbe caller to him self, without knowing that he was going to speak. "Blr, who are you, to come here and make a fool of me!" shouted tbe wo man as sbe sprang up wltb angry eyes. "And you've made a fool of me," was tbe reply. It was some little time before mat ters were made clear and tbe blame placed where It belonged. Then they begged each othefg jartfon innd fett. Into sensible" conversation; Yes, It re sulted in matrimony offer ayear or so, and when the ugntning roa man beard of it be heaved a long sigh and snid to himself: "Yes, I'm a man with a heart for The Palm D. H. COTTMIHI Proprietor. FRESH FRUITS. SOFT DRINKS. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, CONFECTION! RY, ITCITO. The most up-to-date Ice Cream Parlor In the city W. O. BROWN Real Estate Farm Loan AIJSTRACTS OF ' TITLE For Ollllam County CONDON, OREGON 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Through rnllasaa ttaadard and tear- let alMnlne ear itillv In OhiKi rl. ago, Bpoksnaj toorist sleeping ear daily to Kansas city ; throoga Pullman tourist alMDlne ears fnananall MiiutnMiti wasaiy to Chicago, reclining chair ears (smU tmj U the East dally. LOW RATES I Ticket to and from all parts of the Pal ted Bute, Canada and Europe. Ir particulars call on or address D. TIERNEY, Agent kVl'0 ovm es VCARB' f KXPCNiKNCC Tfiaot Manns Designs CoFrniQHTa 4a Anyone Htidlnf eh and dMcrlpilmi msy nlcklr McvKUirt our opinion fro hthr an liivtmtlrm is prubmblf patftiitAhld, Communion-llonastrlcUy-eoiiOd.iillal. HANDBOOK on IUiaiiUi out fro. Oldest Mswcy roraecurintf patent a. raUatg taken tb rough Munn fn to. roclT ipituunoiu, witnoufcooiirga, luui Scientific flitieriCiiti A tiariflioiritlf lltiiftraf ad vaaklf. rarimt ctitaUloii of any arienuao Journal, Torma, 93 a yanr; four wottiiii.ll. Sold by ail naat)airi, MUNN Co "'New York Braacb Offlca, ( iica, ua r wajoiugion. u. Read-'The Spirit of Idaho," by Arthur W. North; "Greater Than Gold" (The Harnessing of Western Rivers) by Clayton M. Jones, in October Sunset Magaz ine, now on sale on Tall news stands 15 cents. FOR RENT Seven room house with bath and pantry. . For further infor mation call at the Summit Hotel. WANTED A lady to help in the kitchen at the Summit Hotel. For Sale A few articles of household furniture. Inquire of Mrs. Larson. NOTICE We have found it necessary in order to continue our business to go on cash basis from the first day of November 1910. But in return we will re duce the prices of meat and all other articles handled by us as much asjssible. Remember cash must be paid from the first of November 191CF. v , Farr Bros. Ml 1 I .1 W. A. DARLING Carriei a CompUtt Lint Cf WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH F.ilimttts ttm'iArJ tot 01 At FflRR BROS. Meat Maria Choice. Fresh and Cured Meats ef all Kinds. mmm it mi wi'iimn Highest Oath Price raid for Hides. JOHNSON Bldg. Condon, Oregon i Millinery... j J CALL Styles ia Tailored" aaa I 1 Dress Hals oa Display Beginning September 10. , J A Large Variety of Eichuive I Styles -Ready for Inspectioa. Mrs. M. L Summers. SEEPcatalog NOW BEADY Wl mat mn hnw, Osrstny FwritirmM aa4 StackoiM to turn ttim lao Msd wnrltibijr ma V as Uw Wm. In Utl mink! VfoX MfHt Iknkls MM J? M tad atm aulhwUe tbia .atiM fttthUmlhtfia of tSfa u. r tur. ft I. Uw nMriiMet erar wty-flr ymmol boSMt uunff m hm km . I SMda m BmS be the was oat iumI nr sold by ysor deaUfh 4 Ulr fur Hi MUluc. THE CHAS. D. U1XT CO. SATTUS fOBTlAMO 0. R. 0 fJ- TfU3L& CONDON BRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:80 a. m. Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 Lvs. Arlington 1:45 p. m. Arrives at Condon 6:00 p. m. I PLENTY OF WATER Is absolutely neces sary to carry on ranch work. :: :: i H.H.WILBURN Has had 18 years experience in procuring water for the farmers, and has now two machines at work in this county. If you need a good well, call on .him at once. 7 llwmwwirajriil v 1 ?v ry Paid advertisement : Settle It Now Sottl It Right For constitutional amendment giving to cities and town, exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, , or prohibit the sal. of Intox icating liquors within tha municipality. ENDORSED BY I 40,000 OREGON CRIZEN3 GREATER OREGON HOME RULE i emfi t TlftH