' THE CONDON GLOBE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, N 10 1 Made for the Tooplo HARNESS THAT AUK MAIK SADDLES THAI CilVK MAT1WFACTION. CONDON IIAUNK8S HIIOP J. K 1 KIM ALII Kit, 1W.. I SUMMIT Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. Best home-cooked meals in the Northwest F. H. STEPHENSON, rrWer THE- Globe Job Department... Complete Sets of Office Books, Blank Books Made to Order, Duplicating Sales Books, Lewi Blanks, En graved or Plain Wedding Stationery, Letter heads, Envelopes, Everything in Printing. Ruth Jobs our Special Delight!!! Phone 43, Condon, Ope. .JOHN, JACKSON CONDON'S LKAD1NG CONFKCTIONER Ciuahm, canmi m, toiiac-con ' . Next To ihmtoffick SAMSON WIND' MILLS M Jam VMM IB BuSbUfRtf. fa. ThH am.; n all w3)ti J?fVr AmJJih VnaVHl JWhlar WM. aarinaj t tjnnnuwvrtnrinnrtfnnnr eJ a. aVVVVVa?A.VVWiVVaW First National Bank CondonOregon J. F. Reisacher, C; 0. F. M. nannvinruuiruijtnnuuuuT CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL MYERS & WILLOUQHBY, Prop. . TOBACCOS An appropriate retort in 'BILLIARDS CIGARS . which you are invited to ' POOL CANDIES spend a pleasant hour CLUB BOOMS MAIN STREET. CONDON 132331 IMP1! BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY You can If you order your Bash, doors, windows, eta., direct from u. Bend for calaloKuo of bullUlna nseda anii com pare prices, which are actual wholesale. You or any competent builder will flrul that what we aerul you la FULL. VAMJK) AND BRST QUALITY: If not, your money positively rotunded. WE SAVE YOU MIDDlliMENS' PROFITS Bend us Hat of mnterlal you need and we will prove that we save you from 14 to 1S on tho bill. -One price to everybody. ' Bell anyone. Ship anywhere. Bend for catalogue 1 - , Jj ,11 who want the BEST. TO WRAH WKI.L. CONDON. OUKOON HOT MIS. W. A. DAMJNC, Meatier 2J JAMIESON & MARSHALL . SANITARY PLUMBER CONDON. ORBOON. MTIMATU OIVBM OK A IX KINDS watkh nrarrHMa, Aianta Bampaon Windmill!. AieuU relrbankialorae Oaaollnt Inline. See ut before bajtnf eleewhere. r Portwood Wm. Wehrli, Pliter. 3 m p B .J aiIODZ,IiauiWB orrra ... , im ", for eyery use. Cut generous ,ly. full. Two hip pockets. ' Felled seams. Continuous fly. ' ; KU&FHY.GEANT1C0. MuatMnim ShMk, OKI, STATUS OF STATE NOBMAV SCHOOLS Three Provided For by Law but Are Closed for Lack of Funds Tli three But Normal Schools of Oregon art all on the atatute bookt Juit a before, all three being under tb control of the "Board of Regent, of Normal Schooli." The Hate Sen ate at the latt aeaslon refuted to paai any of the many different ap propriation! pautd by the Houie of Repreeertatlree and the Board of Regent bad to discontinue) tbe three school! in the abience of funds. The Board of Regents bad closed the Nor mal School formerly operated at Drain, In June, isos, and recommend d to the Legislature that It be dls continued. Tbe Legislature of 109 abolished the school and mad an ap propriation cohering all the state's obligations In connection therewith Tbe blU was Introduced In the House by the Douglas County member whose bom la at Drain and tbe Legislature mad the necessary appropriation and abolished the school unanimously without opposition. There are separate Initiative ap propriation bills on for each of the schools on th ballot for November I,' 1M0, and any school receiving majority of favorable votes cast for Its bill, will be opened In due count of time by tbe State Board of Re gent. Should the voter fall to make an appropriation for any of the three schools they will remain In statu quo and tbe 'legislature text January will meet the Normal School Issue again: Should another effort be made to locate one Normal School at Portland, or In any city where there la no "8tate Institution" at tbe present time, tbe constitution requires that tbe Legislature must submit the is sue to the vote of the people before such Institution cm be located. In this event It will be November, 1811, before the people can legally estab lish tbe location, and It will be Sep teafber, 1913, before a school could be formally opened. In the matter of locating "State Institutions" at points where they are not already located, tbe customary Initiative petitions do not obtain. Tbe Constitution requires the House, 8enate and Governor ap proving to refer the Issue to the peo ple. The "Board of Regents of Normal 8choola" was created by tbe Legisla ture of 1908, and consists of nine mem bers, the three member of the State Board of Education being ex-offlclo member and six members axe ap pointive, None of the members of the Board are resident of a county in whloh I located a State Normal School, the State University or the Agricultural College. - This Board suc ceeds a Board of Regents for each school.'. The Board of Regents of Normal School was expected by the Legisla ture to ' Investigate all the conditions of the State Normal Schools of Ore gon, and make recommendations to the succeeding Legislature for a per manent State Normal School policy. Tbe Board among other measures ap pointed a committee of competent educators as a Board of Visitors who made a professional examination of all the schools and. made their report Tbe Board, previous to the meeting of the Legislature in .1909 made a report recommending a three Normal School system for Oregon, the three schools to be located on the proper ties of the state in the separate and distinct localities, tbe Willamette Val ley, Southern Oregon, and Eastern Oregon; Monmouth, Aabland and Weston respectively.' At the meeting, all members of the Board save one, Regent W. B. Ayer, of Portland, sign ed the recommendation'. Regent Ayer was undecided as to bow many Nor mal Schools should be established, and where the site should be locat ed. Before the Legislature convened he submitted to that body an extend ed report covering bla views on the subject, the tendency of bis opinion being against tbe present sites and favoring one or two at some points not definitely located. Other than this the recommendations were unani mous. This disinterested Board ot Re gents labored faithfully to evolve a satisfactory State Normal School Sys tem for Oregon, and in order to have the Legislature pass upon tbe Board's recommendations , upon their merits without suggestion or personal work from the, three Schools recommended; stated their object id written com' munlcatlon to the', presidents ot the three Normals and requested them to remain away from the Legislature unless officially Invited by either the House or Senate. 'This was accepted and the schools Went on about their work serenely strong In the convic tion thflf tllft Nnrmt sent basis In an orderly and respon sible manner. . The Alumni Association of tbe Southern Oregon State Normal School doe not wish to enter Into a discus sion of th merit or prejudices of tbe contention bet wee t. tbe Senate and House which resulted In tbe Sen ate refusing to make any appropri ation whatever for tbe maintenance of the school, duffle H to say that our citizens hav on occasion wit nessed political rows, back biting. Mo tional Jealouiles and political revenge burst out in unexpected quarter with out any relation to tbe real business In band, and while tbe "fight" was on reason, justice and common sense were cact to tbe winds. At any rate this committee ha as surance that tb broad-minded clU sensblp of the Stat of Oregon la not Interested in the crimination and recriminations of the past and 1 anx ious to pass upon th ttsu oa its merits honestly and contclont'ously. (Signed) ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Southern Oregon State Normal School NORMAL' SCHOOL SITE IDEAL. ' ' eaaawan The greatest Normal School presi dent in tbe United State said, "One of tbe first requirements of a suc cessful teacher is a strong body." . No school in Oregon can offer as much along the line of healthful con dition a can th Southern Oregon Normal School. It 1 situated In the foothill of tb 8IskIyou's where the air Is ever clear, pure, cool and brac ing. Tbe sparkling mountain water from the melting snows of Mt Ash land, having been protected from tbe contamination by the Federal Govern ment for 23 yeara, has been piped by the city, two miles to the ground af fording an abundant pure supply for all purpose. Th city Itself I health ful, morally. ' A one approaches these Normal grounds they are Impressed by the large, weir kept lawns, with the fine native trees giving one only glimpses of the profusion of flowers and the buildings beyond. The two large main buildings stand to tb front Behind these 1 a large - gymnasium and tbe two dorml'.or!es. The people ot Oregon have but to say the word and these carefully kept buildings and spacloua grounds will be covered with strong, earnest, ambitious young people, eager for the training that will make them efficient care takers of the boys and gtrls of today the men and women of tomor row. , .. PRESIDENT P. L CAMPBELL Head of University of Oregon, Say Stat Need Normal 8chool. The Lane County Teachers' Insti tute convened at Eugene, October i7. A Eugene newspaper giving an ac count of that day's session of the In stitute, -said: - President P. L. Campbell, of the University of Oregon, opened the aft ernoon aesslon with en address. His subject waa ' "Tbe Quick and the Dead.'.' To be alive, he said is to have the powers of Initiative, imagina tion and ' determination to carry out projects. Studying the State of Ore gon a a whole on these topics, Mr. Campbell showed Oregon to be rery much alive. The state, he declared, should have three J good normal schools. One is not enough because of the training departments that are essential whose efficiency decreases wlta Increase, of numbers. Three schools, he said would have a maximum capacity of 200 students and the demand in the state is now 800. He showed that the state has the 'best agricultural college In the West and then took up the work at the University of Ore gon. The aim ot tbe university, he said, wlU be to extend its facilities to the poorer classes; to cut down tb living expenses to 1200 a year, and to establish a student loan fund. WHAT WILL IT COSTf . One of tbe pertinent questions in connection with the Southern Oregon State Normal School Is "What will It cost?" A reference to the bill will tbow a provision for a tax ot 1-2S ot t mill, or 4 cents on each f 1000 tax able valuation. No citizen can afford to deprive hi children of the oppor tunity of Normal School trained teach ers for the meagre sum ot 4 cents. The tendency to vote against any thing and everything that involves a tax must be overruled and the ques tion viewed In the light ot benefit de rivedas an investment. Only State School In Southern Oregon The Southern Oregon State Normal School la the ' only ,' state"; educa ttoneY Institution aouth rot - Eugene., There are no denominational' colleges or unl-' veraltles in ita vast territory. To remove, it moans a serious loss. The Southern Oregon State Normal School la the only higher educational InsHtiitten tn KSESrwwI!w' The Palm D. H. COTTMIRB Proprietor. FRESH F8UITS. 80 FT DRINKS. CIGARS AN0 TOBACCOS, -. CONFECTION! RT, ETC., ETC Tha most up-to-date Ice Cream Parlor in the city W. C. BROWN Real Estate Farm Loan ABSTRACTS OF. . TITLE For Gilliam County , CONDON, OREGON Mo ill .WKbUUlt ll ffiinnrriNfi aMajinim 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Throngh Pnllman standard and tear let steeping, can daily to Omaha, Chi cago, Spokane; temrist sleeping ear daily to Kansas city ; through Pullman tourist sleeping car (personally conducted) weeaiy to Chicago, reclining chair ears (eat free) to th Kut daily. LOW R ATES I Ticket to and from all part of the United State, Canada and Europe. Fee particular! call on or ad drees ' D. TIERNEY, Agent vbl oven s CXPCRI TEARS' CNCC D Tradk Marks DcmiaNs COfY1tlQMT AC. Anroa) Mndlnff ft .botch rod daswriptkm mmf nl nit lv Buertaln our onlnlon freal trfaeetlietr ma invention t probably inuihtx Communlcja. llone atrteti eontidenttaU. HANDRnfMt OQ Patesuti ut, rr. JidK acetic? ror curmi i aatcT far cariuaT DBtictittu fit eat UkM tbroiirb Huua yevia etc, without chftrr, in U tbrousrh ltuun CO. rolTs) Scientific Jfmericatu tt htntoom) llhntrtied wwttr. Tjtmat cits eolation of any ctejiudo Journal, Terms, $3 a renr: four monUsa, $U 0Md by all nawsdMlevm, feUNNCcNerTYork Branch Omoa, CM 1" BU Waablogiou. D. C. Read-'The Spirit of Idaho," by Arthur W. North; "Greater Than Gold" (The Harnessing of Western Rivers) by Clayton M. Jones, in October Sunset Magaz ine, now on sale on all news stands 15 cents. FOR RENT Seven room house with bath and pantry. For further infor mation call at the Summit Hotel. WANTED -A lady to help in the kitchen at the Summit Hotel. ' - For Sale , A few articles of household furniture. Inquire of Mrs. Larson. . NOTICE We have found it necessary in order to continue our business to go on cash basis from the first day of , November 1910. But in return we will re. due the prices bf meat and "all other articles handled by, us 'as much as. possible. Remember cash must be paid from the first of November 1910. , " Farr Bros. it 1W - ID I W. A, DARLING Carries a Complete Line o WALL PAPER, PAINTS I OILS AND VARNISH Ettimaln furniihti cm Join m h FflBR BROS. Meat Maria Choice Fresh and Cured Meats of all Kinds. rr-arm...jj' .jMjgja flight Gash Price Paid For flldea. . JOHNSON BIdg. Condon. Oregon lie ee : I FALL Styles ia Ta3o ana Dress Hats Display Beginning September 10. I A Large Variety of Exclusive J Styles Ready for Lupectioa. ! " MrseMaLSonimers. NOW HEADY We Was anr Feraer. fl.nli PowKryma and Stockman to aave laiMiaipatasoievaiymaf ana aitbeWe 1 tbia mnj IJJy'aSeed Book la aettaf aad mora anteaBtte thaa itkermblieatunaof thiaaa. ton. It U tbe Uoerieaee at ever twenty-five yeara ot haemt Md aaUuut im tbe WaaL rttfaVS Seed era Baal for the WttMl aad ar aold hv 9tmr J ' &eo4 ted7 for Daw oataiof. UK CHAS. H. IHXT CO. KBXridl fOBTlJaWP CONDON BRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:30 a. m. Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 LvsT Arlington 1:45 p. m. Arrives at Condon ' 5:00 p. m. PLENTY OF v n i L.11 Is absolutely neces-' ; "sary to carry on -. ranch work. :: ::,J H.H.VILBURII Has had 18 years experience in procuring water for the farmers, and has now 'two machines at work in ibis county. If you need a good well, call on him at once. Paid advertisement : Sottlolt Now bottle It Richt For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns j exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, lor prohibit the sale ot intox icating liquors within the ' municlpalitjr'a " it - 28 X Yes ENDORSED BY; 40,000 OESGON crnzEN3 . m; I A -a m , -v ?V4 lj : I ' ' : i I . wv - .: - ' I