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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1910)
Cmm U GHkm Ctaatv Ui the Ut levy is the fewest ii the State e( Oregon. THE QIL.L.I AM COUNTY "BOOSTER" New that Ciom has e?-U-data Sckoolt, let's work fo. . hw ProUttut Ctwck kMog. VOU XX CONDON. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCT. 28,1010. NO. 30 Iff 111. U. 12 ' 1 It MO CP MES REPLY Takes Stand For State ment No. l. SUPPORTS DIRECT PBItp Candidate for Representative Ex plains kit Viewi on These Isa portaot Subject. Blalock Ore. Oct 22, 1910. " Editor Condon Globe; On returning home the 20 inst I notice that you said in your is sue of the 14th that "The people of this district wish to know what stand Mr. Mariner is tak ing in regard to Statement Nol and the Direct Primary." I am and always have been a strong supporter of the Direct Primary Law including State- m.tif XI 1 ufktjvk atmrtltf mainB i v. a mi.v.i a.f.ip.j ...m.. if a majority of the people by ballot select some certain candi date for the U. S. Senate that a legislator, as their representa tive, should cast his vote for their choice as expressed. I hold that unless a candidate for the legislature signs State ment No. 2 or in some other public manner gives notice that he does not consider himself bound by statement No. 1, that he is honor bound -to vote for the people's choice' for U.S. (continued on back page) ' STFJJSHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET '. (Paid Advertisement) For Representative in Congress JOHN MANNING t or uovernor 0SWA1J) WEST For Secretary of State . TURNER OUVER ; For Justice of the Supreme Court (Four Year Term) Vote for two THOMAS A. Mc BRIDE WOODSON F. SLATER -For Justice of the Supreme rCourt (Six Year Term) Vote for two . will r. king Frank a. moore For Superintendent of Public In struction . J-.B. HORNER For State Printer JAMES E. GODFREY For Commissioner ; of Labor Statistics and Inspector of Factories and Workshops ' D. L. HUSTON For Commissoner of the Railroad Commisson of Oregon HUGH McLAIN For Division Superintendent of Water Division No. 2 F. M.SAXTON Representative for Twenty Eigne uisinct W. F. JACKSON ' : County For County Judge . .T.G.JOHNSON; For County , Commissioner for two years M. E." WEATHERFORD For County Sheriff ,, B. COUTURE i County Clerk , .CHAS.H. HORNER Folr' County Treasurer J.'a;;McMORRIS,.: For CdufijV Surveyor . j6sehw. kieschner 'WlTlJR. KINO Judge of the Supreme Court t-yyr,: (' 1 Endorsed by the Non-Political Judiciary movement Eastern Oregon has a splendid friend on the Supreme bench in Judge Will R. King, who is a candidate for re-election for the six year term. Judge King has been a resident of Eastern Ore gon for nearly forty years, liv ing in Umatilla, Baker and Mal heur Counties, and his present voting residence is Ontario. His familiarity with Eastern Oregon conditions makes it ex tremely important that he be retained in the Supreme Court and not be replaced by a man from the Western part of the State, who knows little of the need of the great area east of the Cascade Mountains. " Judge King's decisions during the four years he has been on the bench are classed by the' bar with those of the most eminent judges. His decisions on irriga tion law are recognized as auth ority. . His celebrated decision in the case of Hough vs. Porter in the writing alone of which he spent three months, is regarded so highly in the East that it is used as a textbook in the Ann Arbor Law School. . , In addition to having the sup port of Oregon lawyers with few exceptions, Judge King is one of the candidates for the Supreme Court endorsed by the Non-Pol-itical Judiciary movement start ed by the Oregon Bar Associa tion. This movement seeks to take the Supreme Court' out of partisan politics and urges the re-election of Judges King, Slat er, Moore and McBrideSee pag es 31-34 election pamphlet sent to all voters. These four judg es, to Republicans and two Democrates, are running upon the Non-Political Judiciary principle that the Supreme Court is the last place that should be used for giving party rewards, The Oregon Daily Journal, of Portland, on Oct 10, expressed the opinion of all those who are acquainted with the .work of Judge King on the Supreme Bench, when it said: One of the ablest jurists in Oregon is Supreme Justice Will K. King. He is known through out the state as an independent thinker ef profound powers of analysis. He has the reputation among laymen as well as among members of the bar of applying a great deal of common sense as well as broad intelligence in con structing the law. Judge King is opposed by Judge Geo. H. Bur nett, who was nominated by. the assembly, who accepted thenom ination from the assembly and who stands on the platform of the assembly. (Pd. Adv.) Elmer Stevens , returned on Wednesday from a few'days visit in? Portland. ... .... LIST OF AWARDS FOR T AYVILLE FAIR iSIG BY BAUD APPREGIA TED That the Mayville Fair was more of a succeaa and covered a larger scope than many people suppsed is shown by the list of awards which is published below. The Wheat City band which tendered its services on Condon day received this week a sub stantial check from the president of the society and hearty thanks as ja token of appreciation. Special thanks were also tender ed to this paper for the publicity given through its columns for the fair. Following is the list of awards. W. J. Edward, n ii ii ii two year old Hertford Bull, yearling 1st prise, u 1 calf cow n two year old cow Hereford heifer; i ii eow and cell I tW 41 J. C. Webb, Mayville, n t grey Pereheron 'colt, w trolling Jertey bull ' Mre. Geo. Hardie, Tiailfork, gray Jertey heifer P. A. Knox, Fossil, Pereheron stallion and get of five colts, John Madden, Lone Rock, mule colt, ii ii ii " " Jack ' Everet Stillwell, Mayville, mule . John McIIargue, Condon, pair Houdan chickens, Diy Ellis, Fosail, Ladies sadile horse. Thorn pie Scoggln, Fossil, Belgian ttatlion, James Dyer, Mayville, White Plymouth Rock cock and hen, U. T. Crane, Barred " ; " " a 8. Brown Leghorn " black Poland hen . 8. G. Brown Leghorn hen, Fred Mays, Condon, four lets, and two Sods, on Buff Rocks. Sable Collie bitch Fremont Wade, Olex, pen of brown leghorns, ' 1st and 2nd on pen of American Dominques White Minorca bee; , - - v- Walter Kinsley, Condon, best shod single driver,' n n n u Mrs. Goldie Stephenson, Condon, two lata and one 2nd on Rhode Island Reds,: Mervvn Stephenson, Condon, Silver spangled Hamburg Cock " . " " . pullet Robert Smith, Mayville, three best mutton lamb, C. T. Scoggins, Fossil, buggy team, Toney Lillie, Mayville, eight mule team . J. H. Kerr, Lost Valley, ladies saddle horse, F. A. Knox, Fossil, Coach colt, Charles Lillie, Mayville, mule, ' Mike Dukek, Pereheron stallion and get of five colli Geo Dukek, Mayville, Jack, ' Louis Couture, Condon, Pereheron stallion, sweep stakes and F. E. Smith, Mayville, Reg. Poland China boar, " " sow, ' gray Pereheron colt, . " Alley Mrs. C. J. Quinn, Mayville, S. C. Rhode Island Red, Wade Kerr, Fossil, Jersey heifer,1 John Stewart, Fossil, cow " calves. n it it bull ii it t tt 2nd " 1st " ii n it it 2nd " n it 1st II II It II'. - It II II It 2nd " it 1st ' n jai " 1st " 2nd " 1st " n it , H II ii .' . M II 2nd " ' it n ii n -let tt it 2nd - 1st " n . ii . ti ii it it II rt It II II II II , It M II ) II II '.. It I) It II II II II II II II - II II d " " It" II II II ... " ; . tt ; ii it ' ii " ? ! A. W. IFFERTY, Republic Caadiaate (or Congress. i 'Gve Oregon the Benefit of her owh Natural Resources." At the meeting of the Chrht tian Endeavor Society last Sun day evening, the members of the Y. P. S. C. E. by motion extend ed a vote of thanks to the follow ing persons who assisted them with their lecture given last week by Rev. Mrs.' Ferris viz: Pastor Dr. Ferris, Rev. Mrs. Ferris, The Eilers Piano House, Messrs Harris, Parman, Keizur, Mrs. Wilburn, Mr. Robertson, The Condon Globe and Times and those who were not members that sold tickets: John Walken shaw, Glenn Keeney and Clifford Duncan. Secy. C. E. J. E. Reynolds shipped - two cars of cattle on Thursday to the Portland market W. J. Edwards, Mayville, Barred Plymouth Roek cock " " " " " hens Dr. L. L Taylor, Condon, Sable Collie bitch, " ' - J. F. Lewis, Rock Creek, Yearling trotter, Jeesie Palmer, Ajax, Indian Runner Ducks, - . " f pen of " V- Robert " " Anaconda cock and hen, " " Grade Poland China Sow, 2nd " " . " " . Pereheron aUllion, , - - 2nd " G. R. Tsylor, Mayville, Saddle horse, 1st " John Crane, Mayville, W. C. Polish Cock,' , 1st" ' . " - Scovie Ducks, ' : - 1st" ., " , Pekln Ducke, 2nd" Joe Rudolph, Mayville, Brown Leghorn Cock, ' 1st " u " pullet, , - 1st : . .... Saddle horse, , . 2nd" J. G. Stevenson, Condon, pen of White Rock pallets, 2nd " . . , .; " " " - " Cocks, 1st" William Wehrli, Condon, pen of geese, , 1st " " : " , pen of White Holland turkeys, 1st" s I.. ;... pen of Langshens, . 1st" Mrs.Oeorge Stevenson, Condon, first and second on White Leghorns. Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Fosail, first and see. on Barred P, Rooks . ' " ' 1 " Rose Combed Rhode Island Reds lst and 2cd ' " " " 1 " i ;;Brown Leghorn hen, L ' f ii l '" M, . V " " . White Leghorn Cock and pullet, both let prise " ' ' " " Blue Aodaluslsn, " ! " Art Stewart, Fossil, cage of canaries, - 1 2nd" Jack Yantis, Fossil, Hereford Bull, ' 2nd " Blanch Yantis, Fossil, girls saddle pony. - 1st " Andrew" Pajterspb, Mayville,, three best Merino lambs, , ', . ! .1. TOBK CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. STrUIBKT REJPUBLICLN TiCKET (Paid Advertisement) The following is the .straight Republican ticket Nominated on September 24th by the people under , the provisions of the Direct Primary Law. For Congress A. W. LAFFERTY For Governor JAY BOWERMAN For Secretary of State F. W. BENSON ; For Treasurer . ' ; THOMAS B. KAY For Justice of the 1 Supreme Court for four-year term vote for both . HENRY J. BEAN THOMAS A. MCBRIDE For Justice of Supreme Court for six-year term vote for both GEORGE H. BURNETT FRANK A. MOORE For Attorney General A. M. CRAWFORD For Supt Public Instruction L. A. ALDERMAN V- For State Printer WILLIS S. DUNNIWAY For Labor Commissioner 0. P. HOFF ' - For Railroad Commissioner FRANK J. MILLER For State Engineer JOHN H. LEWIS - ! For Supt. Water Division' No. 2 -GEOKUE 1 . UOoH KAN Eleventh Judicial District " For Circuit Judge D. R. PARKER- t For Representatives 28th; Repre sentative District vote for both C. A. BUCKLEY , Wm. J. MARINER : County ' v- For County Judge H. A. TIESSEN For County Commissioner for 4 years v ' ' J. W. DYER - For County Commissioner for 2 years vcui C. C. CLARK For Sheriff : l..c-.", ' '' ELMER MONTAGUE j For County Clerk" j n CHAS. H.' HORNER For County Treasurer r EDWARD CURRAN : : , ?or County Surveyor " i JOSEPH W. KIRSCHNER "WHEATCITY"VVEL GOMES LAFFERTY- Greeted by The Famous Campaign Band. AUDITORIUM ABAIN CROWDED State That if Elected He Will De vote a Share af His Tuuetmt The John Day Project ' A. W. Laff erty, the Republic an nominee for Congressman, de livered an address last evening in the Court House in this city. Apropriate music was furnished by the Wheat City Cornet Band, which was highly complemented by Mr. Lafferty, and the Court House auditorium was well filled. Mr. Lafferty was introduced by M. Fitzmaurice who said that be fore the Primaries he had oppos ed Mr. Lafferty but was now heartily in favor of him and his policies. Mr. Lafferty in dwell ing on State questions said that as a Republican he was support ing the entire Republican ticket; said that he was strongly in fav or of the . Direct Primary and Statement No.l now as formerly. He then passed, to National issues and explained to those present what he intended to do if elected. He explained clearly his position in regard to conserv ing the national.resources of the state and said he favored the up building pf the John . Day. irriga tion project as well as the other projects of the state. The audience was enthusiastic and seemed to be in accord with the views presented. . ? At the annual meeting of the Condon Athletic Club Tuesday night the following were elected to serve on the board of Trustees for the next two years; J. E. Shroeder, C. H. Williams, James Smith. The board then elected the following officers; Chas. ' H. Williams Pres., Prof. Sturgitl, Sec , J. E. Schroeder, Treas. The High School Fair starts tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 and the articles for sale will be many and various. The , -. different booths are in readiness and the. fair promises to J be even more: successful than that of last year. 0. E. Fiske of Arlington has been in this city the past few days attending to business mat ters. . ' . . . John Couture left on Wednes day for The Dalles. . Wm. Hawes, who with his family moved to Portland a few weeks ago, returned on Wednes day to this city and expects to remain for a few weeks on ac count of his health which was. not good in the Western Oregon climate. For Coroner of Gilliam . County Oregon I hereby announce myself as an Independent ; candidate for the office of Coroner of Gilliam County, Oregon, there being no candidate on the ballot for that offiioe.. I have no platform other than the position demands faith ful service, and such it will re ceive in case I receive .the election. . ' Very Respectfullyv ' ' ' A. B. Stanfey.