THE CONDON GLOBE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1910. S : THE ARLINGTON LUMBER COMPANY SAYS Every Roof-leak makes a Pocket-leak Genasco Ready Roofing StODS hnth. It stnvs vvnfcrnrnnf and does away with needless expense-bills. It is made of Trinidad Lake 'Asphalt- ?atKP 8 onc Pcrcct waterproofer; made A by The Barber Asphalt Paving Company "Ttnc largest producers of asphalt and X largest manufacturers of ready roof- mg in the world. Sevsral weifhts In mineral and smooth aurfao ASK I OR SAMPLES AND PRINTED MATTER Always In stook In grades OE You Will o D WATCH!! This Space. CHRISTMAS PICTURE o Q o Be Sure They are Made by McMORRIS & ROLLINS. We U use only the best materials and give the BEST FINISH. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORKI MCMORRIS & ROLUNSToSr. LOCALS M. M. Lewis of Mayville was in this city the first of this week. . J; E. Reynolds shipped a carload of hogs on Tuesday to the Portland market. Jack Kerr of Lost Valley left on Tuesday morning for a few days Btay in Portland. Geo. 0. Evans left Tuesday morning to upend a few days in Portland attending to business matters. Jos. Kirscnner, county tur veyor, ran out some lines at Gwendolen on Tuesday. Fred. Edwards, who is now representative of the South Furniture Co., spent Sunday in this city and while here attended a meeting of the Athletic Club Board of Trustees of which he was formerly the president. , FOUND At . the Mayville Fair. A gold charm for a watch chain bearing the initials W. I C. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying - for this notice. Kev. rather u Kourke left on Monday morning for a few days visit at Willows. a ., Dukek of Mayville passed "through this city Monday,,, morn ing on his wato Goweh'dale. - J. E. Reynolds shipped five of 1-2, 1, 2 and 3 ply. Want a D o D o Photographer.. Ore. M A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of Wireless" or Railway Teleg raphy. Since the eight-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are estab lishing stations throughout the country, there is a shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay be ginners from $70 to 90 per month, with good chance of ad vancement. The National Tel egraph Institute of Portland, Or egon, operates six official insti tutions in America, under super vision of R. R. and Wireles Offi cials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details. ' Lester Wade returned Wed nesday evening from a few weeks visit with friends in Port land. R. C. Sheldon who has deen in Pendleton and Eastern Ore gon for the past three months, returned Wednesday evening to this city and will assist in the office of the Globe during the fall and. winter. On Friday, October 28th, the voters and all others who are interested are requested to meet at the Grange Hall in Mayville at seven o'clock P. M. to discuss the thirty-two measures upon which the people are to vote at the coming election on Novem ber8th. The meeting is to be held under the auspices of the Myvjlle Grange and . will , be non-partisan. V' Politics will be eliminated and ' the : only nVTOfr ?a"fn rlApiAats. A Runaway Stagecoach By WALTON WILLIAMS Copyright, 110. by American Prtat Aaeoclatlon. Tli atagocoacb of tb past," aaUl on of part dlactuslng tb compara tive dangers of different method of travel, "bad Ita advantage. True, a recklo driver would one In awbil awing round abarp eurv on a moun tain aid and apUl a load of paateo gera down a praclplc few tbouaand feet, but such occurrence were rare. I remember on clot call I bad out in Colorado naif a century ago wben I wa youngster tbat I wouldn't Ilk to go tbrougb again. If an accident of equal ImtKaTtanc should happen to a railroad tram, even on comparatively level ground, tt would be awful. "On the particular occasion I'm go ing to tell you about w started from Georgetown. In the mountain, to go down to Deuver. There' a loop rail rood at Georgetown now, but at tbat time there was nothing but a turn pike. A green hand at driving, an Irishman. Mike Itourke, from tb ta bit, bad been put ou tb box, tb reg ular driver. Dan Patterson, bsvlug been laid off for Illness. Patterson was 'Inside tb coacb, going down to Golden City, wbero be lived. "It was a On day, and w were re galed with many extensive view of tb plains at the foot of tb range, appearing for all tb world Ilk an ocean. Indeed, geologists say that It was one an ocean bottom. From the brow of an euiluence where we were admiring one of these view w could see the road before us wlodlug down a steep Incline and at tb bottom ris ing a shorter distance to another sum mit. A few moment after w atnrted down we noticed that Instead of going slow, as waa necessary for safety on such Incline, w seemed to start oft with a quickening pac and were soon rolling downward at a furious speed. Patterson thrust bis bead out of the window and drew It In again, white is a clotb. "What Is It J" we all asked breath lessly. - 'Doa't know, but we're all likely to be dashed to piece.' "Coming from trained stage driver, this set us all wild. Some of tbe women grasped frantically at tbe doors, but two of u men. on on each aide, knowing tbat to Jump would be certain death and remaining Inside might mean life, bcld tb doors abut. But tb Inside of that stagecoach was the wildest scene I ever wltnessed- women shrieking and men (some of them) trying to reassure them, while others were holding on to something aa If In that wny tbey could bold the conch back. But looking outside was worse then tb Inside. Tbe few scrub trees there were beside tbe road shot by like sr row. Th conch swayed, and hs ev ery curve In the road we. felt sure It would unset, and sometime an upset meant a spill over the side of a preel pice. ' W kept hoping tbat there would be some slackening of speed but Instead of slackening tbe puce wax continually growing faster, and tbe quicker the pace tb more the coacb reeled. "By this time the babel among the passenger wa deafening. Borne were praying, while other were shouting at u two men who kept a strong grip at the doom to let them out. One big atrong man, maddened by terror, ham mered me unmercifully to muke me open tbe door. But I held on with a death grip. I think that having some thing to do helped me to retain my own equanimity. If anything more was needed it was supplied by tbe alght of men crazed by fear ready to do any foolish or selfish act. Pass ing a house beside tbe road, I saw a mau standing In tb door looking at the coacb with his eyes- and mouth wide open. But 1 aaw him ouly a mo ment, for be flew by like a cannon ball. "Then tbe swaying of tbe coacb grew less and the terrible apeed at which we were going seemed to be lessening. I put my bead out the window and. looking forward, saw that we were near the bottom of the Incline and in a few moment would be rolling along a comparatively straight ascent. Tift sudden transition from almost certain death to sura safety produced a very singular effect on me. Tbe blow of the big mau who bad tried to force me to open tbe door had produced no effect on me of 'any kind. Itelleved from tho strain, my Brat act was to stretch my nrm and plant my Usi against bis eye and kuock hlni sprawl ing on tbe scat behind him. Then 1 cried: " 'Hurrah! We're safer "Prom this moment our pace slacken ed, but we went fnr up the bill before It was reduced to anything like a quiet run. The coacb was a long while com ing to a full atop, seemingly as though It must do ao of ita own weight. When it did we all tumbled out' Tbe d.'Iver, too, came down from the box and stood at the bead of bis trembling leaders. . "What waa It?' we all cried in a breath. " 'It wor that,', replied Mike, pointing to the tongue that lay on the ground at the beela of the wheelers. Patter son, who In addition to being ill had been' on a terrible strain, saw It and, realising what we had escaped, had to hold'pn to, a wheel, to ajold dropping down.; riweritfupjw M$e and asked him what, measures be baa taken wito the hot". J"? Jt"ft.tnwiftJ"nn! Classified Advertising For Salt, Trade. Wanted. Lost, found, fttraued, fttoien and All Not.lcs tW All adrertlalna ran under lhl brad will Im cj'd at lb rat ul lue per Hoe (or tbe Drat lata ana M per una Lor eaco socceaai? e ium. WANTED- Cosmopolitan Mag azine requires the services of a representative in Condon to look after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by special methods which proved success ful. Salary and commission. Previous experience desirable but not essential. Whole time or spare time. Address, with references, H. C. Campbell, Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1789 Broadway, New York City. Nothing but first class work done at Cora Stevenson's Pana- torium. Ladies' and mens' clothes cleaned and pressed. NOTICE- All parties indebt ed to the Oregon Harness Shop either by book or by note are re quested to settle same at the of fice of D. J. Kavanagh. Telephone your fuel wants to the Arlington Lumber Co. and we will do the rest We are now receiving our winter's sup ply and while same is coming in we are making a reduction in price. Dont wait until 'snow flies. FOR SALE One No. 5, Oliver Typewriter in good condition. Inquire at this office. 21d25 Eat your Sunday dinner at the Hotel Oregon. We clean and press all kinds of men's and ladies' clothes. All work guaranteed. Cora Steven son. The Sunday dinner at the Ore gon Hotel is becoming more popular each week. Two lots in Condon to trade for young horses or young cat tle, heifers preferred. Graves & Weinke o. j. tie noiei uregon nas ine most up-to-date service of any hotel in the county. Unsurpass ed dining service. , mi TT . . I a"V t a Typewriter For Sale Second hand Underwood in good condition. Will sell cheap. Call at this office. FRUIT FOR SALE Peaches, Bartlet and Fall But ter Pears, Prunes and Apples are now ready for picking, all fruit boxed and packed if requir ed. Special attention given to outside orders. Send all orders to, C. W. Martin, - Olex, Ore. You can get any magazine printed at astonishingly low rates if subscribed for in con nection with the Globe. SCHOOL DAYS Will soon be here. If you are thinking of buying, building or trading for property in town, to be near our schools, call or write to me. I can make it worth your while. My property is on the market J. P. Rollins. We have on hand two of the celebrated Remington automatic shotguns which are the latest of the kind on the market They have been tested and will hold their own with any shotgun on the market You are invited to call and inspect them. Also freshly loaded shells at A. S. Hollen and Sons. Advertised Letters For the week ending Oct 15th letters as addressed below re main uncalled for at the Condon post-office: Connelly, Mr. Chas. Hoss, Mr. F. ; Sullivan, Mr. M. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office Nov. 2, 1910, if not deliyerjdeforgJ; HOLIDAY IP La COME IN and tacea look through our sample books and satisfy yourself that this Is really the place to get "Printing that Pleases." Our Job Depart ment Is outfitted with the latest styles of type faces and we carry at all times a complete stock of stationery. Your array of printed matter is like a battery with which you fight for your share of business. There must always be some consistency, nowever, even in the choice of batteries. In the businesf or carpet lay ing, there are few If any who employ heavy sledge hammers. In those more dainty mercantile lines of business the printed matter should not be of the rugged kind. We invite you to look over our samples because we believe that the material they represent is consist ent with the material with which your printed matter should be produced. We are right up to date In our equipment for printing of this kind. Globe A GREAT rClubbing Offer-i Semi-Weekly Oregoa Journal One Yew $1.50 Condon Globe One Year. $1.50 Total-. $3.00 SPECIAL RATE ON $2 Both Papers One Year The Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal Pabllshua Ihc latest and most com lilete telegraphic new of the world; give reliable market report, as it is published at Portland, where the mar ket news cau be aai b corrected to . drite for each i!Ne. It also bss a page of special matter for the farm and horae,aueitteitainiua; story pug and page or more comic each week and itgootto the antaurlber twice every week 104 times a year. , , The Globe Gives ill the local news ahd happen ings and should bit in every home in this vicinity. tThetwo papra make a splendid combination nd yon aave ft by sendiug your tubacripliou to THE GLOBE. H we can alio give our subscribers a . good elttbblna oner for Ilia Dally and Hunday, or Sunday Journal, in con nection with THE GLOBE. PORTLAND, OREGON A Bpleadtd Boarilpa aad Day Brbool tot i. V, ,11.11 .'-." norciol work. Orammar eradM uuwht to hort ojcr 1 year School onena Spt- 13, 1010. CataloaFrw erauea ikuk ' win ujvr u roa. Addnn. Kit. Jokets Galuohxb. Aaarem. kit, jim n ualuu.. " - .- UU.OMUA Usirauxz. itwiusn. uawwa. J. W.BURNS Box Ball Alleys and Cigar Store Cozy Club Room in Connection. MAIN STREET, - CONDON. Catholic Church Services 8: 00 A. M. First Mass 9:45 A. M. Sunday School 10:30 A. M. Second Mass and Sermon - 7:30 P. M. Evening Devotion For the Ambitions 1 Crjutation by nail lor thoee who cannot attend la paiaoa. All tnatrnction, inolndtng final eaamlnatlone, la FRKE. For teachara, etudenta preparing tor oollegv oa anlverai ty, wonMin'a oluba, r antra, ooanawa and fio prenminiuy This aiall ouarae nioaoa TMinlna- ta raqatrea rrintery a Wt Bay . 5 HIDES & PELTS : -At Highest Market Price V Arlington Lumber . Co. READ SEPTEMBER SUNSET Read "Arizona the 47th Star" by Governor Richard E. Sloan, and "Fremont and the Bear Flag War" by William Simpson in Sunset for September now on sale at all news stands, fifteen cents. SASH and DOORS You get the beai values and high rat quality at prlcee like thesa by ordering from our catalogue, Mlaaloa atyle knnmiUw do Fa, l-0. Front doom, S2.4& tm SKOO. Cot lace frost nladoira, 34S3 mm mm, K. D. Inside door nun, T9c. K. D. BlalH wtudhnr Ira men, f 1.04. t-llEht wiadowa, cheek rail. T8e mm. We hare onr own factory and v you the middleman a profits. Pack carefully and ship anywhere Send us your list oi material. ASK FOR CATALOGUB :2 O. II. WILLIAMS CO. 1!MS Ftrai At. Seattle.''' Treasurer's Notice.' All warrants issued prior to July 6, 1910, except those drawn on the Road Fund will be paid on presentation. No interest . J. A. McMorkis, . . Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon Ladies! Save Money and Kccpia r : Style by Reading McCaD't Magazine and Using lucCall Patterns McCaraMataaiaewill help you dress styl ishly at a modorate cxpensoby kooping J cm posted on the atest fashions In clothes and bats. 60 New Fashion Deslron In each Issue. Abo valuable Information on all homo and per sonal matters. Ouly 60c a roar. Including a free pi'ttorn. Sub scribe today cr send for free sample copy. altCJIPalUratwIllenaWoyoutomalrein your own with yourown bauds, clothing lor roursolf and chiWron which will b" porr-i 6 W $1.50 aifWillttW