THE CONDON P.T.OBE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1910 : - - I lHM Ilk L' Made for the People who want the BEST. HARNESS THAT AUK M AUK TO WKAR WBU. SADDLES THAI UIVE SATISFACTION. CONDON HARNESS. SHOP J. V. MEISACHEIt. Phoi. Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. Best nome-cooKea meaia in me nuiumwi. MRS. W. A. DARLING, BUaaiar H STFPHntSOM. Pnarirtar W. A. VAftunu. . -THE- Olobe Job Department... Complete Sets of Office Books, Blank Books Made to Order, Duplicating Sales Books, Legal Blanks. Ln graved or Plain Wedding Stationery, Letter heads, Envelopes, Everything in Printing. Rush Jobs our Special DellQhtlll Phone 43, Condon, Ore. CYCLONE FORMATION. rr THE OEAREST GIFT. Th Mchanlal Law Ar th " In a Whirlpool. An. mi ran tuake tb eiact counter- ir lw m desire. Of court a eyclon U caused by to " over a t't area rra nu hm with auiall pressure, ima air consequently tries to rUe almost In a body and leave a parum v bind, but the outside com air nwuw In from all aide. Now. It la a den tine and mecbaulcal truth mat woen a ut mn In from all tWM ton am a central polut It couaea a whirlpool or rotation of tb ouio. i u " ogy of a cyclou. then, although with the fluid water Instead of air. la ateo when tha stopper la pulled out or tna bottom of a basin full of water. An almost perfect vacuum, aa far aa tb water la concerned, la causea vj a water Immediately over the stopper runnlns out Tea rest of tba water rushes In from all direction, ana a ni.trinonl Is the result Thcra la on difference here from the air cyclona. In the air the fore with wuieo u rusbea toward the cenler greatly com presses the air whirling at that point and makes It very dense-so dens. In f-t.-t. that a straw carried in to cen tral whirl enn be driven Into a big block of wood without heiidlng. Of course In a whirlpool the water la not compressed, remaining practically tna same In density all tha tune, mat la one highly Important property of It la oractlcally Incompressible. Nevertheless It U eery Interesting to i the whirl form In a basin ana know that the mechanical laws are the same as In the formation of a cy clona many miles wide. Harper" Weekly. NEW JERSEY TEA. : .JOHN JACKSON CONDON'S T.F.ADTNG CONFECTIONER A Pathstl Incident In th Lit Roa art Brawning. A young American woman was tree- etlng ou day In an Italian railway coach, the only other occuaut of th compartment being an elderly gentle nhurvltia the Interest of the young woman In th couutry through which they wer passlug and aeelug also that It wua new to her, the mor experienced traveler pointed oul ob Joets ami placea or not. From scenery th couveraatlcn drift ed to books and authors, uutll some thing suggested to the young Ameri ran on of Elisabeth Barrett Brown lug's sounets. wbkb sue quoted. She was astonished aud abashed be cause the geutleniiiu wade no reply, but during the reft of the rUle sal look ing Intently out of the window. biv liiil apparently forgotten tu very ex istence of his trnvellug companion. As they uenred the station where the yotma ludy was to lenv th car she ul.l tlml.lly: i lr. thiit I have offended you. Perhaps you do not Ilk Mrs. Browo Ins's poetry." inwlr turned upon her tear dimmed eye, aud lu a vok full ol euiotlou he siild: 'Madura, that aonnet Is th aweetest. ss Its sluger was th dearest gl't Ood ever gave to me." Her traveling compuulon was Hob- rt Brownlug.-Youth a companion. The Palm D. H. COTTMIRK Proprietor. FRESH FRUITS. SOFT DRINKS. CICAR3 AHO TOBACCOS, . CONFECTIONERY, ETC, ETC. . The most up -to -data Ice Cream Parlor In the city W. O. BROWN I! Real Estate f arm Loana I AUSTRACTS QV 1 TITLE I For ailllam County 1 oondonReoonJ Cigars, Candies, tobaccos Next To Postoffice SAMSON WIND MILLS bed pm (ura. cow.!".. JAMIESON & MARSHALL SANITARY CONDON PLUMBERS OREGON. ESTIMATES QIVBI OM KINDS O WATER anrSTBMSt Ajcnti Sampson WlndmH'.. AgenU Fairbankj-Morfe Gtaolin loginet. See uibtfor bnylnf elaewber. Red Root, That Did Good Sarvle In Revolutionary Days. Tou housekeepers of today whose fa vorlte brands of Orange IVkoe, Eng lish Breakfast India aud Ceylon, etc., diffuse their fragrance over your tea table would hardly Bupxse Unit tea, or. rather, a fairly good substitute for '.t, was ome made from the leaves or one of our prettiest New Jersey wild Sowers. Vet so it was In the old tur ilill'ft of the American Hevolu- Uou. when they had so much trouble over the Imported article and used ...una iioriinres as substitute tor that to which they bad become accus tomed. . New Jersey tea, or red root, as 11 i also called. Is a low growing shrub with many branches, semom over three feet high, and U found from Cnnada to Florida, growing usually In dry wooded sections. It la very abun- daot In New Jersey, lor wsucn n named. It blooms proiuseiy in and to so showy, with Its many pan- Icled wLIte blossoms, a to to quuo worth a place In the gardens as an ornamental shrub. It has a dark red root, with leaves downy beneath ana rery much veined, by whlcu is easnj 'lisSliigulslKd from tne pure icn. a" nfiwUin of the lonvcs prepureu w 'ma ntiinnpr as the eeuulne nrtlele :i-is somewhat the taste of ordinary rndes of the tea of the orient uui i lot supposed to posseas any 01 iw- iiuulatlng protert!-3.- I-.sclmnse. A CURIOUS ANIMAL Th 8a Cucumber Can Part With ana1 Raplaea It Organs. i nvini, tha curious animals which In. habit the sea w may tak th bolo thurla, or sea cucumber, ao called from Its resemblance to tha cucumber, wh-n hi. animal la attacked by an enemy It does uot stand up and light but by a sudden movement It ejects It teeth, stomach. UlgestiT appara.u. and nearly all lis Intestines and then shrivels Its hody P ' almost nothing n-i.on hmrever. the danger 1 past .- i mminnnrH to renlac the otcans which It baa voluntarily parted with, aud In a short lime in aoiiimi i. iwrfeet aa ever It wa. Dr. Johuatone kept one In water for a long time, and one day Ue rorgoi to ,im n-nter. The creaturo lu cousequence ejected Its luteslines and shrlveU-d up. bul whin the water wa chauged all Its organs were repm ,i Aitimueh the animal la not oaten In Kurope. It Is a favorlt with the Chinese, and the Uniting forms an important part of the industry 01 me ...t Thousands of Junks are anuual ly used In Ashing for trcpnng. as the anlmala are called.-Lonuon jh una- II VI li raw mSiioijrjaiHB w Union Pacific 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Tbroafh Pullman standard aad tour- I., .luJ.a mmrm rf.ll tA Omah. Chi buiriatalMnlna ear daily I toVsnsa dty ; throat b Pullmaa toarlst slMplnf car (vanonally conducted) weasiy to Chicago, reclining chair eari (taata B) M u asi oaiij. 8. .w.'3f3,tiiK' A i First National Bank ..a Condon, Oregon DIRECTORS: S. B. Barker, Jay Bowerman, J. F. Reisacher, C. 0. Portwood Wm. Wehrh, F. M. Fhter. V, VWI " - nn,MHnnnf tiinnjvinnmnnnnnnjvjmrinnnAinrifuuuuuiJwi u u, CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL MYERS WlLLUUUnoi , tiuk- TOBACCOS An appropriate resort in BILLIARDS CIGARS which you are invited to POOL CANDIES spend a pleasant hour CLUB ROOMS - . m. i r v Pv I MAIN afn - 5 rr ;v nrinrrT ANn SAVE MONEY Carloafl of perfect bulldlne material, cut to ft lml "to lit liko the paper on the wall, ahlppef daily our 6-cross panel 1.50 Door Is the Y".- evi o'f.-red anywhere for thin remarkably lo price and it Is only a eainpli of the many gfc'Xt th ncs and prie-Bavers conUlacl In our ' chUIokuo. " Ve own and operate our own mill in Seattle and SA VE YOU MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS Fend In a list of what you nee.1 nnd let vn show von in ACTUAL PIOUKKS v.hat wo save- you. y v'L sell everybody and sP anywhere. Have -..fv.t.n-. r?fita FOH TUB CHILDREN.". . . I send for Catalogue. One price to every aoay ittofai&iiiaMiBaa I HIM" k BuikksrsHeedj TbisOtialo Culwar Lytton snd Hit Chorus. Tt... i,imM von Itarowiixa u' Bulwer I.ylton In the If.vlera lowar the eud of the Bflle U'' ahe aavs In her anlob'.oriii.Ii.v. Sis Brit voulh: his fame was ut It r.etl!tli He seemed lo uie un.iui vli ii with his loiia dyed ur: r. old fashioned drw. He Ur.-ssMl . xm-i ... i.. ..Miiinn i.t ilie lwewi"". IV ill - loug coats reaching to l he iiiikks. breeches and Ions colored t.1i. "tit- Also he apiKiired Itlua.vs wiin a lady who adond hlra w!:" followed bv a iiian-ervanl carry In ham Fhe sat nl his reel miu u. poured, as he did. In the i-osliitm- l&M). with long Howhij! ""'. "I''' Anplnlsin. He rend tumid rro:n i: , own works, and in es'.'ii r'" his 'Alice' H(riniiiiiuea v.n- vftli arpepK on lbe h"rl" A Tmi Climbirg Dig. A government ufKi lrtl in Havar'aeon ,ected wl!h the rore?:ry uepai - wonderful i g wh w ' .. . . . .... ir nit r nt i-umiung irees naslei faslens a liamlkenlileJ up " ije lieeti'ps the imlmul will clambi ',". ufler it In !e ul::ib!esl way nm ..iu m lulu-' I down, in- " ;n,isht l.y his mother, who was famou- is a tree climlier. i no unr, .nt-..rnl medals )S h'.S el traordlnary talent and takes particular delight hi climbing silver birches, not the easiest tree In the world to scale. for the trunk U particularly au.uoi.. and sllppery.-Wlde World Magazine. u:i.jnu to Animal. n-t,., i hniinre in" said Mr. Eras- tus Tlnkly, "Is kindness to dumb ani mals." . "Yes," replied Miss Miami Brown. 'I baa byuhed dat some folks kin llf a chicken off de roos so gentle an' tender dat lie won't have bis sleep disturbed aka'sely none."-Waslirngton Star. ' Cows Thst Nvr Drink. Th "wild cow" of Arabia, tn reality an antelope, the Beatrli oryx, to said i ririhlc. which Is probably cor rect, for unless these animals can de scend the wells they can Oud no drink ..,,. r..r ion months In th year. UK " ...... w. - There Is no surface water, and rain falls but prccnrlously during me win ter. Only once during my Journey did I find a ool of raluwatcr. caught In a hollow rock, and even this I should have pnssed by without knowing ol u. nrui,.nf.. imd not my cnmcls sniff ed It from a dlstunce nnd obstinately refused to be tunii-d from golug lu that direction. These antelope, how- n ;n HP11' Idftll lie nature with a curious focd supply. esiieelnHy design ed as a thirst quencher. This U a nnraalte which crow ou th root of tb desert bushes and forms a long apndlx full of water nnd Julc. The antelope dig deep hole Id the sand In order to get at these.-Wlda World Magazine. Pa.llu Eimlalnad. "They have to admit In th old .i,i ..u n New York theatrical mn iinr we've not them beaten on every count. Talk to them about the n,wi ihpv ran only aulbble. " 'Oh. yes,' mild an English banker to me the other day. "you'v got a great country, the greatest country lu the world, there's no denying that' "Then be gave a nasty lnugh. tint I. -ili nt vour nres,' ne sniu Your terrible firesare a disgrace to ' 'Oh our flres.' said I. 'are due to the friction caused by our rapid growth.' " vi4 ovti as n rujaJT VIAM' CNCC .a . . J TRADE AnyaeMn4t"f s tkeh and aMTlptli r nt irtj UiaeiH nc y ' '"a.i W. A. DARLING Carries a Cumplett Lint of WALL PAPER, PAIMT8 OILS AND VARNISH tvr hJ Mattriml. FflRR BROS. Meat Mark't Oholoa rreth and Cured Meau of all Klnda. Hlohett Oah rrloe raid For Hide. JOHNSON Bldg. Condon, Oregon MiUmery... I MM, CALL Styles in TailorcJ aad iw... Hata aa uiinia Roinnina Srnlember 10. k Lu-f Variety ol Excltuive Mylei Keidy tor laipcction. LOW RATES! TlcVU to aad from all part of tha Daltea Bute, vanaua um buiwy. ttt particular call oa or addr D. TIERNEY, Agent Mrs. M.L Summers. m SEEDcataloi: HOW HEADY XI a wans wmrj r innw, uvu'-. fain. pp. iwjwu., aa W nu. pnm " la ui. wi ia una wpm I4JJ alMwa Kama ia mttmw mad -nor. auUMatl tbaa mthmr mhUralnuMOl ttila a mnrm. ft I. thm .in.H.0 f mmi, fw of byaaal rai4 atiUuf U Ua Waal. Samla ar B lor sns bU, Id Bi. aaUloa. THE CHAS. B. UIXY CO. mtAXTLat awavxAajiw 0. l. 9 H- TnBLB CONDON BRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:30 a. m. 1 Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 Lvs. Arlington 1:45 p. m. Arrives at Condon 5:00 p. m. 7 0 i tf: AW ni ITU aajiiv, ------- , FktanU laUtin throuih Munn t Scientific Htncricati . a mA ukla t aMASf mAt "I.!..... anlAlitlrla ttiurnaU. 1 ornn, W A va Read-"The Spirit of Idaho," by Arthur W. North; "Greater Than Gold" (The Harnessing 01 Western Rivers) by Clayton M. Jones, in October Sunset Magaz on sale onfall news stands 15 cents. A Splendid CveraH for every use. Cut generous ly full Two hip pocket. Felled seams. Continuous fly. fatttallnta mot, taw tea. Th Altrnatlv. Flee My wife want a dress. Fogg Are yon going to let her nare It? Flgg-Tee.' If a case of allka or talk. Boston Transcript. new Bilk m.. P.rlw Buildino. The ruins of successive hnnian hnb- nrt i,..,i in Asia show how imituii. uiiv"""- man advanced from primeval savagery to the pomp cf Babyhm and Nineveh First he Improved the caves In which ... .,i, ..- i-voiinir the floors und cut ting windows to give him light. After ward he constructed entirely nrtlllclal habitations for blmsei, at nr rvugu . ... ...... linuirha nnd leaves. then huts of mud and finally dwellings of wood nnd stone. 8pitful. mv. anM the eniruged girl, "Dick modiniiipni. He itlves me one kiss when be comes and two when he goes away." "That's always been nis way, r torned her dearest friend. "I've heard lots of girls comment on It." Thus It happens that they cease to speak to each other. v FOR RENT Seven room house with bath and pantry. For further infor mation call at the Summit Hotel WANTED A lady to help in the kitchen at the Summit Hotel. For Sale A few articles of household furniture. Inauire of Mrs. Larson. PLENTY OF WATER g '2. Is absolutely neces sary to carry on ranch work. :: :: H.H.VILBURN Has had 18 years experience in nrocurine water for the farmers, and has now two machines at work in this county. If you need a good $ well, call on him at once. Unreasonable. Hfra ftharna fseverelrt Norah. I can nd only seven of these plate. Where are the other five! Cook (In surprise) " iiui.nanTMflr" iirni "" "" en I. With tha Arnumant "The leading question," ald the colonel, "Is the financial one" . "Bight," replied the" trrajJr,w"ana ,i ' i.i.f oKnnt tn oak rou to' add to to that $10 I borrowed from you yei- terday." Uncle Remus' Magazine. The easiest thing 1 know of." says tbt philosopher of folly, "Is to begin NOTICE- We have found it necessary in order to continue ritir husiness to eo on cash basis from the first day of November 1910. But in return we will re duce the rjrices of meat and other articles handled by us as. ftnuch as f possible1. Remember cash must be paid from the nrst of November 1910. Farr Bros. Paid advertisement Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendment U.-t. A, a.Ui mA AUmA exclusive power to license Mmtiatai ATrni. BlinniDUa . lcatlng liquors within the municipality. ' '- .. ;; l 528 X Yes ' ENDORSED BY 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS GREATER OREGON HOME RULfc ggnriaTUlN u, , I r-