THE CONDON GLOBE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1910 Made for the People who want the BEST. The Palm COTTMIRK A FEM REN BACH ER I'roprlnlors. FRESH FRUITS. SOFT DRINKS. CICARS AND TOBACCOS, CONFECTION! RY, ITC, ETC. ' Tho most up - to - date Ice Cream Parlor In the city W. A. DARLING Ciirn'r a CompMt Lint of 11 HARNESS me Jieas WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH THAT AUK M.VDK TO WKAtt VKl.l SADDLES MOBflH MHM mmmM n w THAT lilVK SATISFACTION. CONDON HARNESS SHOP J. F. HKISACUKIi, IVor.. CONDON, OREGON Trn n nnn uu i i j SUMMIT Everything Strictly First-class and up-to-date. Best home-cooked meals in the Northwest P. H. STEPHENSON, PraftMw THE- Globe Job Department... Complete Sets of Office Books, Blank Books Made to Order, Duplicating Sales Books, Legal Blanks, En graved or Plain Wedding Stationery, Letter heads, Envelopes, Everything in Printing. Rush Jobs our Special Delight!!! Phone 43, .JOHN JACKSON CONDON'S LEADING Cigars, Candies, tobaccs SAMSON WIND'MULS Art 4mly growfricartty. Tor they em--body aB Jiyrnn(,wtcstad by an ; than ail -Lrt? l'Ud -th doufeat: nMoe First National Bank Condon, Oregon s 1 $ DIRECTORS: S. B. Barker, Jay Bowerman, J. F. Reisacher, C. 0. Portwood Wm. Wehrli, F. M. Pliter. iwinnnjxnnnf uininnWLrinrinjiriJuinLnnnjiruiJinj CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL MYERS & WllXOUGHBY . Props. TOBACCOS An appropriate resort in BILLIARDS CIGARS which you are invited to POOL - CANDIES spend a pleasant hour CLUB BOOMS MAI N STREET. CONDON Bl I l ! E3 BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY Carloads of perfect building material, cut to a hair, to fit like the paper on the wall, ohlpped daily Our 5-cross panel 11.50 Door is the buat value ever offered anywhere for this rfmarkahly low price and It Is only a sample of the many good things and price-savers contained in our cataloKue. We own and operate our own mill in Seattle and SAVE YOU MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS Send In a list of what you need and let us show you In ACTUAL FIGURES what we save you. .We sell everybody and ship anywhere. Save middlemen's profits "FOR THIS CHILDREN." Bend for Catalogue. One price to everybody i 3. HOTEL.. I MRS. W. A. DARUNC, MUmim Condon, Ore. CONFECTIONER - Next to Postoffice JAMESON & I M MARSHALL SANITARY PLUMBERS CONDON, OBEGON. ESTIMATES GIVES ON 1U BINDS O WATER SYSTEMS. Agents Sampion Windmills. Agents Fairbanks-ilorw Guoltne Engines. See m before buying ekewhere. 88 Builders Need This Catalog A Splendid Overall for every use. Cut generous ly full Two hip pockets. Felled seam. Continuous fly. f m Mt it d Ittkm MURPHY, GRANT l CO. Mundctwcn (5 ws YOU Should be a The Pacific Monthly 1. It is the leading maga zine of the West. 2. From cover to cover it is clean, wholesome and re liable. 3. No magazine is publish ing more beautiful illus trations than appear each month in the Pacific Mon thly. 4. No other section of the country is experiencing such rapid growth. It will pay you to keep in touch with the resources and op portunities to be found in the West. 5. It is fearless and inde pendent and discusses the live issues of the day in an entertaining and infor ming manner. 6. It publishes strong articles and bright, read able stories by such auth ors as Jack London, Stew art Edward White, Rabbi Wise, Wm. Winter, C. E. S. Wood, and a score of other well known writers. 7. In its Progress and De velopment Section it giv es full information about the government reclama tion projects, the Carey Act projects, fruit grow ing, and other money making industries of the Northwest. 8. If you are planning to in vest your savings, or if you are planning to locate in the country west of the Rocky Mountains, you will get reliable and auth thentic information from its illustrated descriptive articles. 9. You owe it to yourself and your family to have a magazine of the charac ter of the Pacific Monthly in your home. It will broaden your horizon, make you more loyal to the West and give you a year's splendid reading. 10. It comes to you each month breathing the spir it of the West. It covers its field very completely and deserves your support and patronage. The Pacific Monthly, The Condon Globe, Special Clubbing Rate. Both If you are already receiving the Pacific Monthly, you can have the Globe come to jour address and send the Pacific Mon thly to some friend in the East, and in this way pass the good news along, of what yon are enjoying in the West. Send in your subscription today. Address all communications to Subscription Department, The Condon Globe Reader of The Condon Glohe 1. It is your local paper. 2. It is always boosting your town. 3. A community is judged by the character of its pa pers. It is up to you to give generous support to help your paper more creditably represent your community. 4. It gives you your local and neighborhood news. 5. Its adve.-tisers are pro gressive and deserve your support 6. You cannot afford to be without it 7. When you have read it send it to your relatives and friends. It will be like a letter from home. 8. It is a home product. It is boosting for home en terprises and should be loyally supported by the home people. 9. It is a paper you need not be ashamed to have in your home, It is new sy, clean and reliable. 1 0. No othr medium covers so well the field that it is occupying and it is your duty to yourself to keep informed on the doings of your city, county and state. THE GLOBE spends more money each year toward boosting Gilliam County than all other papers combined. THE ANNUAL Christmas number of the Globe is read by more than 5,000 people outside the County. iT ISNOW Conceeded to be the newsiest and most up-to-date and reliable newspa per that Gilliam County ever had. TAKE ADVANTAGE of this clubbing offer and receive The Globe's 20-Page Christ mas edition, the best ever. Regular Price.....$1.50 " " L50 Total $3.00 W&dQJ?M w. G. UROWN Raul Estitta Farm Loan AllKTKAOTN OF TITLE For Ctiltlsm County CONDON, OREGON rolMOHPlClHC 3 TRAINS EAST" DAILY Thronth Paltman standard aad tamr- lat tlsaplni ear dallr to Omaha. Chi- ago, Ipokana: tourist alMpint oar dally to Kansas city ; through Pullman tourist tlMPlng cars (pertoaallr eonductM) wmii to Chicago, reclining ohalr ears taaatt oaa) to uta feaat daily. LOW RATES I Ticket to and from all part ol th United Htatsa, Canada and Eoropa. tar particular call on or addraa D. TIERNEY, Agent OVER S VEARt' war-" " XPER'ENCE Tradc Marks CofrnioHT Ac. AnTonotAfldlnf fcAUh tutd decrtptlnn ma? qntcklr aarwruin our opinion fro whctliar ait IHVQiiunn i proomiif ppuwiiinriin, unnnunim. tloniatrlotlffloiiUtiantfal. HANDBOOK f i'aittitUi Com muii lr- lent fro. OldMt auaticr fur utHniritnf pat an it. raiania taken (immitn aiunn m u tptelidnotu without otiarao. lutti Scientific A handanmalr IHttfttraf M wnahtv. .arMt rtr. etilntluii of any eiomiBc Journal. Tarntt, fcl a our; fmtr ronntua, $L tkltl byajl nawadoalara. SCO SSIBrssfe.r.NpUfYnrk, Draucb Offlco, C3& V 8U Waahluiuut a as S3? Ham ; jlri V I it! ftJ V-:'.' 1.53aa THAT'S WHLRt PRICES ARE GOING. But Our Rates For JOB PRINTING I REMAIN THE SAME. They Are Still Low Down. FflRR BROS. Meat Mark't Choice Froth and Oured Moot of all Kindt. ttiuhat Oah rrlca raid For Hideo. JOHNSON Bldg. Condon, Oregon i BOOST! : W 0 I For Condon by At-: tendingTheMayville 2. : Fair on Condon Day 3 and Wearing A : "Condon Booster" : : Badge, i TW, Art Frt at TVU o ' Ollks. Iw Oa. I SEEDcafalo NOW HEADY Wa Fk anrr nomr. Oardsasr. YonHrym and Sbmkmsa la ks.s a lains 130 pa(s at amy UttB an w ma, a siiowiiw o wwh IB U wm. la this rMp u.'s iuoa iu is w od nor sailMaUa tlua UntlrabUMitiansot tblsu- m ' m r -v. lurs. II Is U uiatiuMU : mrvz twwilT B. jmi ot huml 4 sallUHi to tba Wast. Chl BW. at Brt f .i uu mr anld b not dsoka fcmd Utivr tor as sstaloc. THE CHAS. 0. UIXT CO. O. I.QfJ. & CONDON BRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condoh 8:30 a. m. Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 Lvs. Arlington 1:45 p. m. Arrives at Condon 6:00 p. m. 1 PLENTY OF I WATER Is absolutely neces 4 eary to carry on ranch work. :: :: H. H.VILBURN Has had 18 years experience in procuring water for the farmers, and has now two machines at work in this county. If you need a good well, call on him at once. 7i a. s aV oj-satr-jr Paid advertisement Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendment . giving to cities and town exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress ! or prohibit the sale of Ind icating liquors , with in he v 'municipality.' ' -2SXYaa; " ' : 1' ENDORSED BY , 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS GREATER OREGON HOME RULE ASSOCIATION 316 Elfdric Baildiog '- ; "rtl4) 0ro"'