TOR CONDON GTX)BE. FRIDAY. SEPT. 16. 1610 Announcements Paid Advertisements To The Democratic Voters OF Gilliam County, Oregon l nereoy maice announcement to the Democratic voters of Gil liam County, Oregon, of my can didacy for the Democratic Nom ination to the ollice of Sherill of Gilliam County at the primary election to be held in said county on the 24th day of Sept, 1910. Respectfully, S. B. Couture To The Republican Voters op Gilliam County, Oregon. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination to the office of County Surveyor of Gilliam County. Oregon, Butyect to the will of the Republican voters of said county at the Y n mary election to be held on Sept ember 24. 1910. Respectfully Jos. W. Kirachner. To the Democratic Voters of Rii ijau County. Oregon 1 hereby announce my candi dacy for the nomination to the office of County Treasurer of Gilliam County subject to the will of the Democratic voters at the nrimarv nominating (-lection to be held in this county on Sep tember 24, 1910. Respectfully. J. A. McMORRIS To the Democratic Voters of Gilliam County, Oregon, I hereby announce to the Dem ocrat voters of Gilliam County, Oreoron. mv candidacy for the Democratic nomination to the of flee of Sherilf of Gilliam County, Oregon, at the primary nominat inir election to be held in said county on the 24th day of Sept ember, 1910. Regnectfullv VOUrs. Charles Wilkina. To The Republican Voters of Gilliam County, Oregon. I horebv announce myself 03 candidate for the Republican nomination to the office of County Judge of Gilliam County. Oregon at the primary nominating elec tion to be held in said county on the 24th dav of Sent mber. 1910, I will if nominated and elected to said office, conduct the affairs at the least possible expense to the taxpayers of the county, and will at all times consider their in terests paramount to my private interests. I will devote a suffi cient amount of my time in con ducting the affairs of Baid office as they may require. Respectfully, H. A. Thiessen. To The Republican Voters of The Eleventh Judicial Dis trict. Judge R.R. Butler having pub licly announced that he will not again be a candidate- to succeed himself as Judge of the Eleventh Judicial District. 1 hereby an nounce to the Republican voters of said district my candidacy for the Republican nomination to Buid office at the primary nomin ating election to be held in said district on the 24th day of Sept ember 1910. I will, if nominated and elect ed to said office, conduct" the af fair of said office at the least possible expense to the taxpayers of said district and will at all times consider the welfare of the people paramount to my private interests. I hereby respectfully solicit the undivided support of the Kepub lican voters of said district for said nomination and election. Respectfully. D. R. Parker To the Republican voters of Gilliam County, Oregon I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomination to the office of Coun ty Commissioner of Gilliam County, Oregon, at the Primary Nominative Election to be held in said County on the 24th day of September. I will, if nominated and elect ed to said office, keep mysel well posted the best I can in the affairs of the county, and treat every business matter coming up before me in a fair and just way and according to law. C. C. CLARK SiC. Rierson, who ha beep working in Randall's barber shop for 'several months left last Sat urday for Portland and will wor there through the winter. W. R. ELLIS For return to Congress REPUBLICAN Candidate before the Direct Primary for re-nominationSaturday, September 24th. 1910. Act? speak louder than words. During the past three winters at Washington Congressman El- is has: Secured appropriations for three fine federal buildings for Oregon cities." Been honored by being placed on the ranking committee in the louse of Representatives-Ways and Means. This is the first time Oregon has been placed on thlrreat committee with the Influence it gives." Been a consistent friend of the "old soldier"; having sup ported every bill introduced in his behalf ; secured the pussage of numerous private bills for very needy old veterans and their widows: and handled many dif ferent claims of pensions which tave been acted on by tre federal bureau." The Second Oregon district stood at or near the head in the sums appropriated in the 1910 House bill for its rivers and har bors, ($1,800,000.) Congressman Ellis has lived in the Second Oregon District over 26 years; he knows the people and what they want and need. He has been in Congress ten years, and gamed an experience on the floor of the House and in the committee room and a favor able acquaintence with the mem bership of Congress which puts him in a better position to satis fy the needs of Oregon than ANY new man would be for many years. WHY MAKE ANY CHANGE? A GREAT r-Clubbing Offei Semi-Weekly Orefoa Journal One Yew $1.50 Condon Globe One Year. $1.50 Total...... $3.00 SPECIAL RATE ON $2 B:h P apes One Yea Tho Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal Publlahaa tb. lateet and moat com plete teltaraphle new a of the world; t im reliable market reporta. It I. pabltahed at Portland .where Ih mar ket new. can b aad corrected to date lor each leeae. It aim dm a pan of apeclal matter lor th. larm ana home.aneiilettalntnt eiory pair and a pan or mora eoinle each weak and II goat to Ilia aubaurlber twin .vary woek-104 timet a year. The Globe OlTMall lha local ntwa and happen Inn and anoald be In .vary botua la thla vicinity. The two paper make a eplendld . ' combination and yon eavo II by ending your tubaerlptlou to THI CLOU. iw can alto tve our tubecrlben a Sood olubblnt offer lor lha Dally and unday. or Similar Journal, In Coo. nectlon witb THI CLOU. mc. AXDUriicriPaicinc 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Thronah Pullman ttsadard sad Unr- Itt Haaploo; oara dally to Omaha. Chi. earo, Spokane; toariitilMpiii ear dally to JCanaaa city ( throagh Pullman tourist leaping can (partonaUy oonduetad) weekly lo Jblcafo, raollnlng obsit eari iieaia me; w ua an oauy. LOW RATES I Tickets to sad from all parti of the United fitataa, Canada snd Europe, For particular! call on or sddrsss O. TIERNEY, Agent The Palm I COTTMIRI rKHRENBACHER Proprietor. FRESH FRUITS. SOFT DRINKS, CICARS AND TOBACCOS', CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC. The most up - to - date Ice Cream Parlor In the city "W. C. BROWN Real Eetate Farm Loans ABSTRACTS OF TITLE For Ollllam County CONDON, OREGON t56o 'PACIFIC 'MONTHLY1 PORTLAND i OMOOM ThiLeaimgMagazbit oftheWett nutinn nwratel TWhr ArtidM - Readable aterw. I Jack UW. Vivid" ami Utaraetini Story Now Kuaninf Serially. Article, eaea anenus Uecribtastte resources tpyffrnitfaa f fco M la ika Won. MaWMUMr aii i i. TUX PACIFIC MONTHLY CaaXSfiga W Ma fa. wU jra aaay eaaai an lama mee anaiaaaa at r f ae SAVE SASH i D00SS AnaOLhM . WUwork 'ully euarenteed BIIT by ua. Compare tb. prlraa with DIRECT these tnai othera aak for th. aama FROM quality. -'Save mid. dlem.n'a oroflta for FACTCRT Coed la the children.' Stock Set Catalog Ke. 32 Bend ua deal ar'a aatlmatea or your own Hat. Aak ua about freight rataa. Wa pack carefully. ahlp promptly, anywhere. to anybody. O.B. Williams Co! l9&laT BeatUe, Wash. It you hare not tried SEAL BRAND COFFEE don't tail to call and let a SAMPLE HOME BAKERY & GROCERY lor everything you eat. SCHOOL DAYS . , . Will soon be here. If you are thinking of buying, , building, or firadinor for nroDerty in town, to Be near our schools, call or write to me. I can make it worth your while. . My property is oh the market,- J.. P Rollins. This s 7 Catalog Mead our da- 7M acrlpttona and V, Data the quality. 1 fjs fully auaranteed i Al - i at V a . WW A M MU sfe. Sell ' COFFEES SUMMITHOTEL- Everything Strictly First - Best home-cooked meals ML STEPHENSON, frefrWef CLOSING OUT SALE Of all kinds of Staple Footwear At Ao So Hollen & Sons Every Shoe will positively be sold regardless of cost. Department to be Closed out. Our Hardware Department is com plete anf everything is guaranteed to be as represented :-WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT-: .Made for the People HARNESS THAT ARE MADE SADDLES THAT GIVE SAT1SFA TIQN. CONDON HARNESS SHOP J. F. REISA HER, Por.. ON DON, ORE ON -THB- Olobe Job Complete Sets of Office Books, Blank Books Made to Order, Duplicating Sales Books, Legal Blanks, En- , graved or Plain Wedding Stationery, Letter heads, Envelopes, Everything in Printing. . Rush Jobs our Special Delightlll Phone 43, Baaaaaaw jl i i BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY You can If you order your saab, doors, wlndowa. etc., direct from us. Send for catalogue of building needs and com pare prices, which are actual wholesale. You or any competent builder will find that what we aend you ts FTJJ.L. VALUE AND BEST QUALITY; If not, your money positively refunded. WE SAVE YOU WDDLEMENS' PROFITS Bend us Hat of material you need and we will prove that we save you from 14 to 1J on the bill. One price to everybody. Boll anyone. Snip anywhere. Band for oatalogna vJOHN J ACKSON CONDON'S BEADING CONFECTIONER Cigars, Candies, tobaccs , r -a. -s -ay-. - - - - class and up-to-date. in the wortnwesi. MU. W. A. DARJLDIC, Ma-jar oc 0 who want the BEST. TO WEAR WELL. : Department... Condon, Ore. aawfwi Next To postoffice ASplendSdOveraH for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two : hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. l Ih t atMm Maaahaiarara Uha I ft SATS IKE H g FBOrXTS - - I & roiTRS I S CHIT.TFg. Jj S W. A. DARLING Carriet a Complete Line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH I Eilimaltt furniiktJ m Jeh ml It lbor mud laaltTuU. FflRR BROS. Meat Mark't Choice Fresh and Cured Meats et all Kinds. Hlahete Oash Pries Paid Fsr Hides. t JOHNSON Bldg. mm Condon, Oregon The Red Cross Druglewelry and Optical Company. Inc. For pure Drugs. First-class Registered Druggist I Qual ity in Jewelry and Repair ing. JThe best service in Optometry obtainable in Eastern Oregon. JPhono .graphs and Musical Instru ments. ' "NUF.SED" ''. NOW HEADY Wa erery FaraMT, Qardeaaf; I aoaTStockaiaa to ham a Pmltrv aopyosooraew ateea jHwc u line lot naaea m wtthhm aa ao aaase a aosoeaa os urmina: In the Weaa. la Uiia nepeea UJy'aBaed Hook la Mtta la hiw tinlilift mmim lit this a awe.- It ia th. axnatieaeaof area twenty-STe yeara at haaaeS aauinf u to. neaa. 8eeda are Beat tat M y5 and mr ard br rant dnalaa 8ead today foiaew eaUloc. THE CHAS. 0. UllT'CO. KtKATXUB FOKXiAKI - CONDOKBRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:30 a. m. Arrives at i Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 Lvs: Arlington ira p. in. Arrives at Condon 6 KM) p. m. PLENTY OF WATER 7 Is absolutely neces . sary to carry on ranch work. :: :: H. H.WILBUR. Has had 18 years experience in procuring water for the farmers, and has now two machines at work in this county. If you need a good well, call on him at once. IiADIES! 100 Beautifully Printed CALLING CARDS linen or plate finish, with any name, Jar One Dollar. 50 for 75 cents. . t : Globe Print Shop ALWAYS - APPROPRIATE -Lum AW S.1 is aa IV I Ca I an kt.